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Choosing A Rottweiler Puppy? What You Need To Know
So you're getting a Rottweiler puppy? Here are some general tips to help you choose a healthy, happy Rottweiler puppy. Note: These are only general tips to help you choose - especially for first-time owners. (There are always exceptions to the rule and I believe every Rottweiler should be given a chance to show that he/she can be a well-adjusted, happy dog.) #1) Choose one that approaches you or doesn't shy away when you approach. Don't choose one that seems overly fearful or aggressive. Don't choose one that shrinks back when you come near it or nips your hand. Choose one that seems friendly, lets you hold him/her and handle him/her. When we went to choose our first Rottweiler puppy, I was convinced that I wanted a female Rotti. When we got to the breeder's home there were 3 females and 1 male puppy available. All of the females however, shrank back when I put my hand near them. The male puppy walked right up to my hand and began to happily chew on my diamond engagement ring. I fell in love on the spot and have never since regretted choosing my male Rotti. #2) Insist on meeting the parents if possible. Meet the parents first and observe their behavior before getting attached to a puppy. Do they seem friendly, well behaved, easy to touch and get along with? If the parents are well adjusted chances are high that the puppies will turn out the same way with proper training. #3) Ask the breeder how many times the mother has had puppies. The general rule seems to be that a female rottweiler should have at most only 3 litters in her lifetime for optimal breeding results. And, as our breeder told us, it's also best that she is given adequate time to recover after having a litter, before she is bred again. If she is being overbred, you might run into some problems, health wise and behavior wise with your Rottweiler. #4) Examine the back legs. Rottweilers - and large dogs in general - can have problems with their back hips (hip dysplasia). Hip problems can be extremely costly to fix and heart-breaking, both to the dog and to you. To find a dog that is less likely to have these problems, examine their back legs. The legs should not be grossly turned out (or in) but for the most part, face forward. (Again, this is a general rule) Also, ask the breeder about the parents. Do either of them have a history of hip dysplasia? Since experts say hip dysplasia is hereditary this will give you a good idea of whether the puppy you are looking at will run into these types of problems later on in life. #5 Don't be afraid to ask questions. Most reputable breeders will be helpful, eager to answer your questions and know many of the above facts already (without you telling them). They will allow you to ask questions and (if possible) meet the parents to assess their traits. They will not be pushy (if any breeder is pushing you to buy their dogs, ALWAYS be suspicious) and may even be a bit cautious about allowing YOU to take one of their precious puppies! Ask the breeder about any health problems in general in the parents or in the breeding line, not just in regards to hip dysplasia. Heart problems? Cancer? Temperament problems? Don't be afraid to ask. #6 Keep An Open Mind When we went to purchase our rottweiler puppy, the breeder was - to the human eye - slightly eccentric. He was more of a dog-person than a people person and we were a little thrown off by his appearance and the state of his home in general. But he loved his dogs. And it was plain that he knew more about rottweiler breeding and training than most rotti owners put together. Once we got over our initial reaction and saw the way he treated his Rottweilers and the puppies, we knew that we wouldn't have any problem with our chosen sweetie. Make sure you keep an open mind when choosing a puppy. You might walk into something you don't expect but you also might find the best companion you'll ever have! Those are 6 tips to keep in mind when choosing a Rottweiler puppy. Good luck and remember - although they are cute now, Rottweilers grow up to be VERY large dogs. You absolutely MUST start a good training program with them while they are small (and controllable). It will save you a lot of time, trouble and stress. For more training tips and information, check out our website at: Rottweiler Training Good luck and have fun! Kathryn O'Neill is a Rottweiler lover, owner and chief editor for Rottweiler Training . For more tips and information about training your Rottweiler, check out: http://www.RottweilerTraining.homestead.com
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What you feed your dog is really SO important for your dog's ultimate health, susceptibility to illness, and longevity. Is Your Dog Fat? Obesity is one of the greatest health concerns facing dogs. You can and should do something about it. Overweight dogs may live shorter and less healthy lives and your enjoyment of their unconditional love and companionship may be shortened because of it. Using Electrolytes to Avoid Equine Dehydration For heat dissipation and body cooling, a horse trotting at 11.2 mph loses about 3.3 gallons of sweat per hour under moderate conditions. The salts/electrolytes sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium and calcium are also lost with this loss of fluid. These electrolytes are responsible for the transfer of water through cell membranes, for nerves to fire and muscles to contract. Large losses of electrolytes can result in several neuromuscular and systemic disturbances including muscle cramping, tying up, synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (thumps) and systemic alkalosis. Sugar Gliders: How to Select a Sugar Glider Breeder It is important to choose a sugar glider breeder carefully. A breeder should be able to tell you a lot about the particular glider(s) you're interested in (lineage and genetics, any health issues, etc.). Most breeders will also be able to answer any questions you have after you bring your sugar glider home, which is very important if you are new to sugar gliders! Sugar gliders are wonderful pets, but they have specific needs that are different from other pets. How to Keep Your Cat Free from Diseases with This Quick Guide to Cat Parasites Parasites are organisms that survive by feeding off of other creatures. Among cats, parasites generally feed on the animal's blood. 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Other types include atopic dermatitis, food allergies, and inhalant allergies. Training Your Dog For A Happy Healthy Life Adopting a dog is a lot of fun, but it can also add a lot of responsibilities to your life. When you become a dog owner, you take on the responsibility to make sure your pet has everything he needs, a safe environment to live in, proper care, and everything he needs for a happy and healthy life! It's a big step to care for a dog, but you'll be rewarded with a loving companion. Chinese Shar Pei Character If you have never seen a Shar Pei before, the first impression might just as well be that of a kind, though independent, even arrogant clodhopper. Indeed, these dogs are often arrogant with strangers. And of course, this makes people think that Shar Pei is smarter than it looks. But under the mask of arrogance and indifference hides a mischievous soul of a natural-born clown. It is in domestic surroundings that these dogs reveal their true character, their numerous faces and aspects of mood. Each of them is truly individual and a great wonder to discover. This is what makes Shar Pei so capable of true and loyal friendship unlike many other pets. ![]() |
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