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Horse Training Techniques From The 1800s
Was he the world's greatest horse trainer of all time? Would his picture be in the horse trainer's Hall Of Fame? Perhaps. His name was Jesse Beery. Before he was twenty he became a world class horse trainer. He was so well known, there were more people who heard of him than didn't. Jesse Beery learned how to train horses almost entirely on his own because there were few people who knew how to train a horse. Beery's parents discouraged horse training as a career but later okay'd his passion. From then on there was no stopping Beery from achieving greatness. Beery's first inclination to train horses happened when he drove a horse and buggy to a friend's house. As Beery exited the buggy the horse spooked and ran home. During that long walk home Beery was determined to make his horse stay put. As he worked with his horse he discovered ways to get a horse to do what he wanted. Although nearly killed in training incidents and laughed at from friends and neighbors, Beery soon became THE authority on horse training. Beery's methods solved numerous problems with horses that seemed unsolvable. If a horse was hard to shoe, ran away, pulled while tied, spooky, and more...Beery knew how to fix it. As if his accomplishments weren't enough to keep him busy, Beery wrote a Horse Training manual describing how to do what he did. Unfortunately, few copies exist today and those that do may be hard to read due to the poor condition of these very old books. Beery's book may be available in used book stores if one is motivated to search. Be prepared for a time consuming search - but if a Beery book is found in good condition, be ready to pay a handsome price. There may be an alternative. Beery's book was recently revived by horse trainer Andy Curry. Curry discovered Beery's book in a used book store by accident. Curry says, "This is one of the most amazing books I've EVER read about horse training. Beery explains his methods so clearly it's like he's there with you...holding your hand...showing what to do. Every responsible horse owner should have a copy of this book - period!" About The Author Andy Curry is a nationally known horse trainer and author of several best selling horse training and horse care books. For information visit his website at www.horsetrainingandtips.com. He is also the leading expert on Jesse Beery's horse training methods which can be seen at www.horsetrainingandtips.com/Jesse_Beerya.htm.
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Horse Training Gets A New Face Lift From A 108 Year Old Horse Training Manual! If you have a passion to learn all you can about horse training, then you will want to know about a 108 year old horse training manual recently revived from a dusty old book shelf of a used book store. Guinea Pig History Their scientific name is Cavia Tschuldi and their nickname in South America where they were first discovered, is"Cavy. As you might have guessed Guinea Pigs are rodents. Hamsters and their quest for world domination "Hamsters?!" I hear you say. "Who cares about some fury little rodents." You ignorant little fool, you're pay the price for your stupidity when the Hamsters lead by yours truly will rise up and DESTROY YOUR LAME SPECIES! We are closer to this than you think. While you sleep, we are slowly spreading our influence. At first it was small. After been first discovered in 1930 by zoologist and Professor Aharoni at the University of Jerusalem, in the Syrian Desert, we quickly made our way to all four corners of the globe. With the exception of Hawaii, which does not allow its residents to own a hamster. A law was passed, hoping prevent escaped hamsters from reproducing and messing up the ecosystem. Huh. 6 Common Dog Emergencies Sure, you may be a master of human First Aid. But do you know what to do in a dog health emergency? So You Want To Own A Ferret? You've seen them in movies and on TV shows, and the local pet store usually has some for sale. They seem to be intelligent and cuddly. But what do you really know about owning a ferret? The Birds and the Bees for Adults (Parrots, That Is!) The days are getting longer, and if you have a sexually mature parrot, there may be some major sexual stuff going on - and you might not even know it! Tips For Traveling With Your Dog Wether it be on a vacation to your favorite resort, or just visiting the in-laws for the weekend, many people are choosing to take their dogs with them when traveling. Land or air, there are many things to take into consideration. The best advice is simple; be prepared. Below are some great tips for traveling by air and land. Our Childrens Story One we must regrettably share with our children for they most certainly will find out on their own. You Dont Get a Second Chance! I'm sure you're aware of the bad reputation Pitbulls have. That reputation is mostly based on ignorance and irresponsible owners that don't take the time to learn about the breeds special needs. Dealing With Canine Ringworm Ringworm is an annoying, highly contagious fungal disorder that is curable. The problem with this disorder is that there are 35 different species of ringworm that can affect cats, dogs and be transmitted to humans as well. The most common form is Mircosporum Canis which accounts for the majority of ringworm cases. Hypoallergenic Dogs When we talk about hypoallergenic dogs, we mean that they have a less or reduced tendency to cause allergies or allergic reaction among allergy sufferers. Got Fleas? How to Spot and Care For Fleas on Your Dog Your poor pooch is scratching himself all over. Plus, you know he's uncomfortable because he's whimpering and gnawing too. Chances are, he's got fleas. These little sixlegged parasites will wreak havoc and mayhem for you and your pet if you don't learn how to take care of the problem now. Why Exotic Pets Should Not Be Banned We all know how special interest groups can blow things out of proportion ? like the nonexistent "Exotic Pet Crisis." If you listened to some animal rights groups, you'd think keeping exotic pets is cruel, dangerous, and even bordering on treason! Before you buy that agenda, consider that a junior high student once made a convincing case for banning dihydrogen monoxide: colorless, odorless, and tasteless, it kills thousands of people every year. 7 Simple Ways To Safe Guard Your Dog This Summer! If you have a hard time in summer imagine how it must feel under a fur coat! here are some simple tips to help your dog beat the heat. The Beauty of Boxer Dogs Boxer dogs are an all around great breed, especially skilled in hunting and police work, and are always alert and vigilant, making for a very instinctive guard dog. Boxer dogs can bring you years of joyful companionship with a life expectantcy of about 9 to 11 years, but they could possibly live as long as 15 years! Puppies, Kittens, Rabbits, Hamsters, Fish Tanks, Exotic Pets and Bird Houses! Pet's, any kind of pet can be a welcome addition to your family. Children love to play with puppies and kittens. They learn about life as their pets grow and mature. Dog's and cat's are wonderful companions to both the young and old of any family. Buy Dog Supplements Online Dog Supplements Syrian vs. Dwarf Hamsters, What Should I Get For My Family? As pets go hamsters are fairly easy to take care of. Hamsters require no walking, are not particularly dirty or stinky, they are small and don't take up much space and are generally inexpensive. Hamsters are also fairly hearty animals and can be a very good pet for a child or a family with several children. There are however, two distinct choices when it comes to adopting a hamster for your family, and that is the dwarf hamster and the syrian hamster. I spoke with Ken Brocx, the founder of Hamsterific.com, an authoritative hamster and small pet website about this question and what his recommendations would be to someone considering adopting a hamster but not knowing exactly which route is best for his/her family. Using Electrolytes to Avoid Equine Dehydration For heat dissipation and body cooling, a horse trotting at 11.2 mph loses about 3.3 gallons of sweat per hour under moderate conditions. The salts/electrolytes sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium and calcium are also lost with this loss of fluid. These electrolytes are responsible for the transfer of water through cell membranes, for nerves to fire and muscles to contract. Large losses of electrolytes can result in several neuromuscular and systemic disturbances including muscle cramping, tying up, synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (thumps) and systemic alkalosis. Symptoms of Pain and Illness in Dogs Dog owners, who recognize the early signs and symptoms of illness or pain in their dogs, will not only relieve their loved one's suffering but may also be able to save themselves an expensive trip to the veterinarian. Not only is it important to recognize these signs early to relieve pain and suffering, but it is much more effective to treat an illness when it is detected early. ![]() |
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