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Guinea Pig History
Their scientific name is Cavia Tschuldi and their nickname in South America where they were first discovered, is"Cavy. As you might have guessed Guinea Pigs are rodents. Near the Andes Mountains in Peru over a thousand years ago , some Inca Indians were exploring near the tall grass on the edge of a forest, when they found dozens of little hairy creatures scampering around. The fat little animals when they bent down to pick them up did not bite or even seem to mind . The Incas soon learned that the cavies or cuy, were wild but safe animals, who liked to hide in tall grass away from the hungry owls and other predators that they were easy prey to. They searched out burrows and homes made by rabbits or snakes or other creatures and made these spaces their home. When it was night and dark, they would wander out to find food. Wild guinea pigs live all over South America from Argentina to Columbia. Some scientists say that the Inca Indians were the first to tame the wild guinea pigs, but other scientists think that even prehistoric people as far back as 5000 B.C. were keeping guinea pigs as pets and raising them as a source of food. If you would like to know more about guinea pigs as pets,why not get a copy of my book at http://www.mysecretsrevealed.com or if you are interested in recieving my guinea pig newsletter just send me an email with newsletter in subject at graeme@mysecretsrevealed.com
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Dog Training - How To Win Your Dogs Confidence Settling a puppy into a new home successful is often easier than an older dog because a young dog will adapt more willingly to joining what is, in effect, a new pack. Crate Training Dogs & Puppies- FAQ 1) Why should I crate train my dog? Crate Training is the fastest and most humane method of housebreaking dogs. Have you ever seen a dog under a table, chair or bed? The reason is that dogs naturally want to seek shelter, even in a house. If you don't provide it, they will create it themselves in an effort to feel safe and secure. A crate serves as a den for your dog. Disaster Preparedness for Pets - A Guide for Pet-Care Business Professionals June is Disaster Preparedness for Pets month ? but if you're a pet-care business professional it's always a good time to make sure you've got a plan in place to administer to the needs of all the pets in your care when and if a disaster strikes. 5 Common Grooming Mistakes Made by Professionals 1. Using tranquilizers. Housetraining Tips for Your Dog or Puppy Puppies need to go to the bathroom after they play, chew, drink, eat or sleep. Start by putting them on a leash and tethering them to you. That way you can be aware of them when they start sniffing the ground (usually a cue the puppy needs to go potty). Pick them up and carry them outside. When they go potty, tell them "good potty" and give a cookie as a reward. Do not let your puppy off leash until they have finished going so they get into the habit of going potty, then playing. Many puppies will want to go outside just to play if you let them off leash first. Safety Tips for Moving With Pets Which kind is your pet? The pooch who is the first one in the car when the door opens, or the kitty who runs to hide at the first hint of travel? Both kinds face dangers on the road, but there are steps you can take to protect them. 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When they're alone, they may feel nervous or frightened. Before dogs were made into "man's (or woman's) best friend," they ran the land in wild packs. They hunted, ate and slept together. Your Dog and the Dentist: Learn the Drill While "late is better than never," sooner is better than later, at least when it comes to your dog's dental health. Dental disease gets worse over time, and the longer you wait, the more damage that will have to be taken care of and the more expensive your vet bill will be. Games You Can Play With Your Dog Dogs need mental and physical stimulation. They're also very inquisitive creatures, and they love spending time with their owners, and other people in your family. Crate Training Dogs: The Right Way and the Wrong Way - Part Two Part2: Does your puppy want to be crate trained? Have an Itchy Dog? Consider These Grooming Tips Before Turning To Chemical Treatments Many dogs today suffer from itchy skin caused by a variety of factors. Dogs actually have more sensitive skin than humans, and are often exposed to a variety of irritants in their environment. These grooming tips may help alleviate your dog's constant itching. Price of Unconditional Love Why is it that cats get no respect? Are they really the Rodney Dangerfield of the animal world? Dogs get the esteemed title of "Man's Best Friend," while the domestic felines seem to be bastardized as temperamental annoyances. Sure, they can be finicky creatures, as I've heard numerous complaints over the years from guy friends that they have had to pass the "cat test" before getting any play from the female owners they are pursuing. If you are nice to them and bring a fuzzy toy or yummy treat (the cats, not the women), you will have them wrapped around your finger (and her wrapped around your body) in no time. As a male with cats, I have found that my pets are great chick magnets. 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This is deceiving, for they were initially bred to hunt vermin and are intelligent hunters. Afraid To Buy A Horse At Public Auction? Here are 5 things to do to put the odds of getting a good horse in your favor. 7 Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe On Halloween ![]() |
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