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What Should I Make My Snake Cage From?
What kind of materials should you use when constructing a snake cage? Snakes come in many different sizes ? but usually only one shape. Even so, there are many different housing systems and styles for snakes. These depend on the adult size of the snake, how much room you have, the environment it normally inhabits and how much money you are willing to spend. Aquarium tanks can be used for keeping snakes under 6 feet requiring a swimming pool or humidity. A screen top for ventilation for arid or desert snakes and a partially covered screen top raise the humidity for rainforest snakes. Viewing is unrestricted and the tank can be easily cleaned. It will not get scratched and temperatures are easy to maintain. They are cumbersome and can be difficult to move, especially big or fully-loaded ones. They need to be on a solid table or stand. If you do need to move them, put solid castors on the stand. Plastic/Rubbermaid tubs are useful as breeding racks, during the quarantine period before to introducing a new animal to an established collection, as an emergency/isolation enclosure, feeding tub and for juvenile snakes. They are no good for arboreal species, as they cannot climb. Melamine cages are easily cleaned and melamine is perfect for cage bases or indeed a whole cage. It resists moisture, and you can get melamine specially made for bathroom cabinets. Custom-made enclosures are sometimes made of melamine with different laminates, and you can build furniture-quality enclosures yourself. These can be made to fit anything from a Corn snake to a Burmese. With a glass front, these enclosures hold humidity very well. Plywood cages are much cheaper than melamine and easier to work with. Plywood comes in various grades. The better grades give a much nicer finish to your cage and are worth the extra money. Screen cages/Reptariums are good for transporting smaller animals but not much good for keeping snakes. They can be unstable and larger snakes will knock them over. MDF or craftwood is similar to Melamine but much cheaper. It can be used in combination cages ie Melamine base with MDF sides, back etc. MDF has very good thermal properties (retails heat well) and if used in conjunction with an internal coating material such as Contact, will hold humidity well. Excellent to work with and has a smooth finish for painting. Always wear a mask when cutting or routing MDF as it is dusty and the dust can cause damage to nasal passages. Pine or Cedar: Neither of these timbers should be used to construct a cage. Both timbers emit aromatic hydrocarbons. These can cause health problems for your snakes. They can be used for framing cages. Do not use pine or cedar as a substrate. Wood shavings have a very high surface area, releasing hydrocarbons more readily and rapidly. They can be toxic, particularly for animals that like to bury themselves in their substrate material. Snake owners who construct their own cages, do so from plywoods, melamine and MDF types of materials. These materials all have good insulating properties. Glass loses heat rapidly and is usually only on the front of the cage. Glass cages are also more difficult to make yourself, requiring special tools and some specialist knowledge. The front of the cage can be sliding glass, Plexiglas or a constructed wood/glass door. Using a decorative timber at the front gives the cage a professional appearance. Cages constructed from the more expensive laminated melamine materials can look furniture grade but you do need know what you are doing to achieve this level of appearance. Let painted cages dry out for a minimum of 2-3 days, 5-7 days would be even better, to release the paint solvents. Building you own snake cage is a fun and rewarding experience. Mark Chapple is the Author of "How to Build Reptile Enclosures" Find out how you can build your own reptile cages. Full color pictures with detailed diagrams and easy to follow, step-by-step instructions.
Safety Tips for Moving With Pets Which kind is your pet? The pooch who is the first one in the car when the door opens, or the kitty who runs to hide at the first hint of travel? Both kinds face dangers on the road, but there are steps you can take to protect them. Even the happiest traveler can get into trouble, and it can happen even on a short jaunt to the grocery store. Pets Looking for Humans, Humans Looking for Pets Attention breeders, livestock owners and pet lovers! Disaster Preparedness for Pets - A Guide for Pet-Care Business Professionals June is Disaster Preparedness for Pets month ? but if you're a pet-care business professional it's always a good time to make sure you've got a plan in place to administer to the needs of all the pets in your care when and if a disaster strikes. Saving Ginger From Being Put To Sleep ? Part 1 A family, including three dogs and a cat live happily in a good house with extensive gardens; a great area for the animals to roam and play. By this stage, the kids have grown up, moved away and started their own lives. Mom and Dad are still there, looking after the animals and the gardens. However, old age takes its toll on the father and he passes away. Not wanting their mother to live in the large empty house alone, one of the daughters asks Mom to move in. This she does on the condition that the dogs come with her. Protecting Your Child from a Dog Bite Dogs make great loyal pets and are always pleased to see their owner; they are loving and have their own distinct personalities. However, every animal has the potential to become aggressive. Each year 200,000 people are bitten by dogs in the UK, and a number of those are tragically killed as a result. It is an extremely distressing statistic which comes as a surprise to many people who see dogs as friendly animals which often become part of the family unit. One Of The Benefits Of Using RecoveryPets.Com One of the benefits of registering your pet with a pet recovery service is that in the event your pet should ever become lost, the finder can get information to contact the owner. Breed Success in Your Puppy Search The numbers will make any pet lover blanch with disgust, anger, and sadness. The Humane Society of the United States calculates that as many as 500,000 puppies every year are sold in pet shops, and that many of these pet shops buy their pets from the worst breeders-so-called puppy mills. What do these puppy mills (and kitty mills) have to do with you if you're on the market for a new furry companion? You know what you're doing when it comes to buying a purebred, right? RecoveryPets.Com Helps Recover Lost Pets Making our lives better includes protecting our families, and also included in this category is the family pet. This once wild animal has become an integral part of the modern family, and there are many laws devoted to stopping abuses to pets. What is lacking in the modern family is proving a means to recover the family pet, if they should ever become lost. Ensuring that a lost pet will be returned to its owners should be a number one priority, because the loss of a family pet can be a very devastating time. Biting & Nipping Behavior Can Kill Your Dog! Dog bite injuries are alarmingly the most common condition that we human suffer from as a result of contact with dogs. In the United States alone, there are between 1-2 million people bitten by dogs each year. Larger Dog Food Isles Grocery Stores could use some larger Dog Food Isles. Not because there are more brands of Dog Food. Not because there are more Pets. Not because there are more items for sale. The reason is that the level of quality of food Americans are eating these days is less than that of dog food. Have you recently read the ingredients of the food you are eating, with all the chemicals in it? The ingredients and chemicals on some of these labels certainly is not fit for human consumption. Seizures in Pets Witnessing your precious dog or cat having a seizure can be a most frightening experience. During seizures pets often lose control, fall over, chomp their teeth, salivate or drool, whine, paddle with their feet, and begin to urinate or deficate on themselves. Their eyes become large (dilated) and unresponsive. A pet caregiver feels panicked and helpless while watching it all happen. How to Start a Pet-Sitting Business Everyday someone asks me, "How do you start a pet-sitting business?" I try to answer their question succinctly. But the truth is, starting a pet-sitting business, or any business is not always a succinct process. Following are 21 tips that I know can lead to pet-care business success in any economy. Ten Tips for Cats Who are Forced to Relocate with Their Owners For realistic tips for humans who are moving with cats, read Making the Big Move: How to transform relocation into a creative life transition and visit other relocation resources on this site. A Review of Cat Fancy Magazine Occasionally, some of us get to do work that is totally fun and such is the case with my assignment to review Cat Fancy Magazine. My own two Bengal cats volunteered to assist with my research but in the end both of them were found sleeping on the job. Can Cats And Dogs Live Together As Friends? Can cats and dogs live together without constantly being at war? It seems that they very often can. Ticks On Your Dog: What to Do? Once though of as a mere harmless but annoying pest, ticks are of growing concern for their Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease-carrying ability. Learn the facts, and keep your dog tick and disease-free. A Look at Discount Bird Cages Buying a pet bird can be quite an investment. After spending money on your bird and its supplies, you might be looking to save a little on the cage. Luckily, discount bird cages are available. Commercial Pet Food for Your Dog? What you feed your dog is really SO important for your dog's ultimate health, susceptibility to illness, and longevity. Tropical Fish Breeding for Beginners - Guppies and Swordtails Breeding tropical fish can be a lot of fun. Try your luck at breeding livebearers such as guppies or swordtails. DOG ID TAGS-Identify and Protect Your Dog With Any of These Methods The American Humane Society estimated that last year alone; fifteen million dogs entered its shelters. Not even twenty percent of these dogs' owners were ever contacted. They had no identification. It only proves that no matter how much you love your dog, no matter how much you spend on training and no matter many measures you take to ensure your pet's happiness; it could all go down the drain if your pet is ever recovered away from home without proper identification. |
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