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Protecting Your Child from a Dog Bite
Dogs make great loyal pets and are always pleased to see their owner; they are loving and have their own distinct personalities. However, every animal has the potential to become aggressive. Each year 200,000 people are bitten by dogs in the UK, and a number of those are tragically killed as a result. It is an extremely distressing statistic which comes as a surprise to many people who see dogs as friendly animals which often become part of the family unit. Being bitten by a dog is unpleasant for anyone. Even when a dog is playing, its strong jaw can inflict wounds to human flesh that cause pain and infection. Even breeds of animal that are known for their gentle temperament are potential biters. Any dog can become annoyed and agitated during hot weather, when they are eating, sleeping or with their puppies. Amongst the number of people bitten by dogs is an alarming amount of children. 70% of all dog attacks are on children with 77% of the animals known to the child. Children are attacked by dogs for several reasons. Firstly, their inexperience and trusting nature can result in an angry dog; they are not aware that dogs can be dangerous, as the family pet is often well loved by children. They may irritate a dog without realising it by playing and stroking a dog that is feeding or sleeping. It is not advisable to leave a child unattended with any animal whether it is the familiar family pet or an unknown dog. The second reason that children are susceptible to dog attacks is their height. A child is often the same height as a dog and young children will come face to face with a dog when standing. Whilst an attack on an adult may result in a bitten arm or leg, an attack on child can lead to serious facial and head wounds. There are several points that can be followed to help prevent a dog attack on an adult or a child. They are as follows: ? A dog should never be disturbed when it is eating, sleeping or caring for its puppies ? A dog that is tied up behind a fence or in a car shouldn't be approached ? Never touch a dog without letting him see and sniff you first ? You must always ask permission to stroke someone else's dog, some animals don't react well to strangers ? Never approach a strange dog or a dog without its owner ? Never tease a dog by poking it ? Never run away from a dog that is chasing you, stop and stand still and calm and back away from the animal without looking into its eyes. Never scream ? If a dog attacks it is a good idea to put something between you and him such as a jacket or bag ? If a dog attacks you should curl up into a ball and cover your head with your hands If you own a dog you are responsible for its behaviour and must make sure that there is never a situation where it may bite someone, especially a child. Dogs should be socialised as puppies so that they are used to humans and not just people that are known to them. They should also be trained in the basic commands such as sit and stay. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely control a dog; a dog that is normally placid and friendly can become aggressive suddenly and without warning. They are hunting animals and their natural instinct is to attack when irritated. When provoked, chased or encouraged to become excitable they are more likely to bite. If you have been bitten by a dog you should obtain the owners details, including insurance information so that you can make a compensation claim from the owner of the dog. You should seek medical advice if you have serious wounds or wounds that could become infected. Sadly, dog bites are extremely common, however, if a dog is properly trained and supervised at all times the chance of an accident happening can be minimised. It is also advisable to have adequate insurance that will cover you should your dog bite someone. If you have been bitten by someone else's dog and it can be shown that the dog has been aggressive before, then you can claim compensation for a personal injury. Claiming compensation can help you to get your life back on track and compensate you for any losses incurred, such as loss of earnings or medical expenses. To make a dog bite compensation claim call YouClaim on 0800 10 757 95 or visit www.youclaim.co.uk to find more information about dog bites and claiming compensation. Editorial notes: YouClaim provides full accident compensation services. Helps people to claim compensation for all types of injury from whiplash to head injuries. By Sophie Evans
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It is not the easiest trick to be taught but can be elaborated on and presented in several different forms to impress most people. Train Your Dog To Be Your Frisbee Playing Buddy On the surface playing Frisbee with your dog may seem like just a bit of fun, but this activity actually holds other benefits as well. Syrian vs. Dwarf Hamsters, What Should I Get For My Family? As pets go hamsters are fairly easy to take care of. Hamsters require no walking, are not particularly dirty or stinky, they are small and don't take up much space and are generally inexpensive. Hamsters are also fairly hearty animals and can be a very good pet for a child or a family with several children. There are however, two distinct choices when it comes to adopting a hamster for your family, and that is the dwarf hamster and the syrian hamster. I spoke with Ken Brocx, the founder of Hamsterific.com, an authoritative hamster and small pet website about this question and what his recommendations would be to someone considering adopting a hamster but not knowing exactly which route is best for his/her family. If You Want a Friend, Get a Dog! Carl Icahn, the hostile takeover master who was THE original corporate raider, is often quoted as saying, "In this business, if you want a friend, get a dog!" The rest of us already knew that dog was man's best friend, and with good reason. Dogs as pets date back at least as far as the days of Pompeii, where the remains of a dog stretched out next to a little boy were recovered from the rubble at Pompeii. Ear Mites in Dogs: Quite Earritating Does your dog have that sheepish look? It could be that he's embarrassed of his ear mite problem! All this time you thought he just had a bad case of ear wax like your Uncle Henry, when really he's been suffering from an annoying condition that's itching like mad... not to mention, making him wildly unpopular with the other dogs in the neighborhood! Pretty earritating. Petting a Dog is Good For Both of You Studies have shown that regularly petting a dog brings a person the following benefits: The Beauty of Boxer Dogs Boxer dogs are an all around great breed, especially skilled in hunting and police work, and are always alert and vigilant, making for a very instinctive guard dog. Boxer dogs can bring you years of joyful companionship with a life expectantcy of about 9 to 11 years, but they could possibly live as long as 15 years! Electric Dog Fences: Keep You Pet in the Yard and Out of Places You Dont Want Them to Be Electric Dog Fences Essential Oils and Our Pets Before we talk about using the essential oils, we first should define what is an essential oil in the first place. Practical Advice for Adopting a Dog If you are thinking of adding a dog to your family, consider adopting your new best friend from an animal shelter or humane society. You'll not only get a good feeling from helping a homeless pet, you'll get an outstanding companion. Many fantastic dogs end up in shelters through life circumstances that have happened with their original owners, and the staff at these organizations carefully check the animals for sound health and good temperament. In addition, some shelter animals have had the benefit of training to develop good manners while they've been waiting for a new home. Is He Chasing His Tail? What You Always Wanted To Know About Fleas My dog has fleas. That one statement is enough to make any visitor to my house run back down the walk to their car. 5 Things to Know about Animal Rescue Groups Over the past decade, breed rescue groups have become a major force in dog adoptions. These rescue groups limit their effort to a particular breed of dog including purebreds. This is a help to people who want a certain breed of dog but can't or won't use breeders. Protecting Your Child from a Dog Bite Dogs make great loyal pets and are always pleased to see their owner; they are loving and have their own distinct personalities. However, every animal has the potential to become aggressive. Each year 200,000 people are bitten by dogs in the UK, and a number of those are tragically killed as a result. It is an extremely distressing statistic which comes as a surprise to many people who see dogs as friendly animals which often become part of the family unit. Chinese Shar Pei Character If you have never seen a Shar Pei before, the first impression might just as well be that of a kind, though independent, even arrogant clodhopper. Indeed, these dogs are often arrogant with strangers. And of course, this makes people think that Shar Pei is smarter than it looks. But under the mask of arrogance and indifference hides a mischievous soul of a natural-born clown. It is in domestic surroundings that these dogs reveal their true character, their numerous faces and aspects of mood. Each of them is truly individual and a great wonder to discover. This is what makes Shar Pei so capable of true and loyal friendship unlike many other pets. How to Protect Your Dog and Family from Roundworms Nearly every puppy in the world is born with roundworms. This is because the roundworm's larvae are transmitted from the mother to the puppy while it is still in the womb. A female dog can harbor roundworms in her tissue, often making them immune to dewormings. The roundworms then have the opportunity to emerge during pregnancy through the mother's bloodstream and infect the unborn puppies. Roundworms can also be transmitted to newborn puppies through the mother's milk during nursing. Roundworms are also easily transmitted to humans. Young children are most susceptible because they are always sticking their fingers in their mouths! Roundworms are transmitted to humans and dogs through eggs that are in a dog or puppy's stool. They can either be ingested through direct eating of the stool or by eating something else that has eaten the stool (the dog eats a bird, mouse, etc. that has eaten the dog's stool). Everyone should wash their hands frequently after handling the puppy or dog and make sure that all feces is removed from the yard and disposed of on a daily basis. Most infections in people are mild and cause no symptoms at all. However there have been cases of worms migrating to the liver, brain, and eyes. Symptoms of roundworms in humans include: ? Anemia ? Appetite Loss ? Difficulty Breathing ? Constipation ? Cough ? Cramping ? Diarrhea ? Fever ? Hives ? Itching ? Nausea ? Chest Pain ? Muscle Pain ? Passing of Worms ? Rash ? Skin Lesions ? Swelling ? Vision Disturbances ? Vomiting ? Weight Loss Infected puppies can become quite ill and heavy infestations may lead to convulsions and even death. Most puppies that die are around the age of two to three weeks old. Puppies should be wormed at ages 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks of age. Adult dogs should receive yearly stool samples from their veterinarian to check for worms. Roundworms will look like spaghetti in the puppy's feces. Symptoms of roundworms in dogs include: ? Potbelly ? Diarrhea ? Gas ? Vomiting ? Lack of Energy ? Slow Growth Rate ? Dull Coat ? Coughing (if immature roundworms have migrated to the puppy's lungs) Some dogs may show some or all of these symptoms while others may show no symptoms at all. When adult roundworms are seen in the dog's stool this is often because of ongoing disease in the bowel or sometimes because the worm burden had become so great that the worms are crowding each other out. Treatment of roundworms is not dangerous and is highly effective. Buy your wormers from the vet and give them regularly as instructed. The tablets are not difficult to give if you train your dog to take them in tiny bits of cheese or put them into sweets. The best way to protect your family and dogs from roundworms is through a regular program of both medication and prevention (keeping the yard clean of feces). Hamsters and their quest for world domination "Hamsters?!" I hear you say. "Who cares about some fury little rodents." You ignorant little fool, you're pay the price for your stupidity when the Hamsters lead by yours truly will rise up and DESTROY YOUR LAME SPECIES! We are closer to this than you think. While you sleep, we are slowly spreading our influence. At first it was small. After been first discovered in 1930 by zoologist and Professor Aharoni at the University of Jerusalem, in the Syrian Desert, we quickly made our way to all four corners of the globe. With the exception of Hawaii, which does not allow its residents to own a hamster. A law was passed, hoping prevent escaped hamsters from reproducing and messing up the ecosystem. Huh. A Cat Tale My son and I have a cat. Her name is Princess, aka Sugar Bear or Bear. She is part Himalayan and part Siamese. I was just thinking, I rarely, if at all have ever mentioned her and I really don't know why. She is a huge part of our family and has been a great emotional support for me and Dakota. Which brings me to my next subject, emotional support animals. I have noticed that a lot of people are now obtaining animals for "emotional support" , but honestly they have always been for that purpose right, only now the law labels them as this and in most cases if you have a doctor that is willing to say you need support, your pet maybe the one to give you just that. I have had anxiety in the past and I know from experience that my pet, Bear, gives me great support and I have to give all my pets that respect . I know all pets past, present and future give me a great deal of love and affection and are devoted in ways no human would ever begin to understand. ![]() |
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