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Choosing Between Dog Training Schools and Animal Behavior Specialists
If you are having behavioral issues with your dog that you cannot seem to resolve on your own, getting professional help is an excellent idea. However, there are two different kinds of professionals that can help you with your situation: a Dog Training School, and an Animal Behavior Specialist. Which one is right for you and your pet? The answer to this question lies in whether or not the behavior that the dog is exhibiting is normal, or explainable. For instance, if a dog is threatened in a violent manner (horrible to think about, but it does happen), then it would be appropriate for the dog to bite in retaliation. However, if a dog starts biting you after you feed him a treat, this isn't as easily explained. In this second situation, you'd want to access an Animal Behavior Specialist to get some help, instead of one of the many readily available Dog Training Schools. Most behavioral issues with dogs are related to pet owners who aren't aware as to how to manage their dogs. For instance, jumping on people or things, pulling on their leash, not listening or responding to commands or eliminating in the home are all management issues. These can normally be treated with obedience training through a Dog Training School. Dog Training Schools are usually staffed with professionals who have received formalized training in the field of animal behavior modification. The methods used in these programs teach you how to think like your dog, and communicate with each other better. They also help your dog to understand his place, what is expected of him, and how to stop negative behaviors, and replace them with positive ones. If any of these behaviors are apparent in your dog, are causing a problem in your home, you'll need to contact a Dog Training School as soon as you are able, in order to start the training process quickly. These Dog Training Schools can correct behavior in as little as a couple of weeks. Animal Behaviorists are professionally trained as well, but rather academically rather than vocationally. Their training normally includes some sort of graduate work in psychology, biology, chemistry, neurology, zoology and the like. They will also have specialized training in the types of animals they work with. These professionals are equipped to deal with the more serious of the behavioral issues in a pooch, such as aggression, fears, anxiety or compulsions. After reading this article, choosing the proper professional to help you help your pet shouldn't be terribly difficult. Now all you need to do is find an appropriate person; ask friends, people who work at the local pet store and your vet for recommendations. Soon the negative behavior will only be a memory in your loved one. (c) 2005 dog-training-info.com. This article may be republished as long as these bylines are included. Kevin Simmons is the webmaster of http://www.dog-training-info.com. Please visit the site for more free dog training articles. Online URL for this article: http://www.dog-training-info.com/dog-training-school.htm
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