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How to Make Your Pets Healthier and Happier
Pets are family members and should be treated as such. The design of your home has a dramatic affect on their health and well-being. When your environment is in harmony with nature, it will have a positive influence. If not, behavior al and health problems will show up in your animals in subtle and not so subtle ways. By applying the environmental science of Vastu Shastra, you can create harmony and balance in your home that will support your pets. Vastu Shastra was written some 7,000-10,000 years ago in India by rishis, or men of great wisdom. Over a period of thousands of years, these wise scholars studied and chronicled the strong influence that the physical environment has on all living things. Through these observations, an exact science was formulated, which established the principles behind some of the world's most enduring structures. My wife and I have experienced firsthand the benefits that some simple corrections using Vastu can have on pets. Our dog had a variety of skin and bladder control problems. Our cat was aggressive and territorial, fighting with the dog and bringing into the house anything she could carry. It always surprised us how she could get adult rabbits and baby crows through the cat door, but she managed! Small but effective changes using Vastu, reduced these problems significantly. According to the science of Vastu Shastra, all five elements (earth, water, fire, air and space) have an impact on your pets. Vastu balances the five elements and promotes harmony within the environment. When there is harmony, stress is reduced and animals can find their equilibrium. Due to their size, pets are far more susceptible to the consequences of poor air quality and indoor pollutants than their caretakers. Flooring, decorating materials, mattresses, molds, toxic gases, pesticides and electronic equipment can all degrade the air you and your pet breath, even if you are seemingly unaffected. These are examples of the dangers lurking in your home, unbeknownst to you. In this situation, what you can't see can harm both you and your pets. Knowledge is power. Becoming aware of what you can do to protect your pets is the best preventative measure there is. We can't emphasize enough the importance of reading all labels carefully to determine the safety of any materials that you use in your home. Another factor that we've seen affect pets as well as humans is Geopathic Stress. This occurs when radiation follows lines of underground utilities and streams. Electrical wiring in the home can also disrupt the balance of the five elements if improperly placed. Such conditions have been scientifically proven to influence the health and disposition of your pets. Indoor environmental testing for geopathic stress can build your peace of mind and protect you and your pets. There are several things you can do yourself to make changes in your environment for positive results. Here are some actions you can take today that will make a world of difference: Fresh air is extremely important for pets. Many houses are so tightly built that household pollutants build up in the interior air if windows are not open. Having a window open, even a quarter of an inch, will help eliminate toxins that can accumulate and circulate in the air. Also, be aware that pets like the room temperature a little cooler than we do. Too much heat (fire) can make them lethargic and shorten their life span. Changing their water twice a day is also essential since water absorbs many of the air born toxins. Make sure to give them purified water rather than tap water. Tap water can contain bacteria and chemicals that aggravate a variety of sensitivities. These are just a few steps that you can take to create proactive support for your pets. According to Vastu Shastra, all five elements need to be considered and balanced properly to experience the full advantages of Vastu. We suggest having your home analyzed by a qualified Vastu professional. Because they are sensitive by nature, you will be delighted by how quickly pets respond to an environment that has been balanced in harmony with Nature using the science of Vastu Shastra. About The Author Michael and Robin Mastro's synergistic approach successfully assists people in living in peace and harmony with themselves and others, and in creating balanced lives filled with unlimited possibilities. Visit us at www.VastuCreations.com
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So if he does happen to contract them, tell your furry fella not to feel ashamed of his worms! They're easily prevented and controlled with medication that your vet routinely prescribes to hundreds of pooches just like him. How To Setup A Freshwater Tropical Fish Tank This is an 11 step guide to setting up a freshwater aquarium in your home. Dog Training Collars: Teaching Your Dog Basic Obedience and Breaking Bad Habits Dog Training Collars Winterizing Your Dog It's beginning to get cooler and as such it is also time to plan for all your outside animals' safety. As with all mammals, the winter months pose a particular disadvantage -most especially to those outside pets many of us have. ![]() |
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