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Animal Communicator
I have a business card burning a hole in my Rolodex. It's from an animal communicator. Someone who allegedly interprets mental pictures from animals. I love my dog dearly. He communicates with very expressive eyes and I don't seem to have much trouble" getting" him. But because I'm so attached to him I've been toying with the idea of going that step further to find out what's really in his mind. So why don't I? Well. Some givens going into the situation. What goes on in dog's heads is important to them. They're not likely to give you a tip on the fifth at Santa Anita. They think about food, toys, other dogs. And although I'm not quite sure how the process works I don't think it's like Karnak the Magician where you can ask questions. But back to why I don't just call the number and set up an appointment. Maybe I'm not sure I want to know what my dog thinks of me or what goes on in his head. After all he is privy to all our secrets. I once read a story, supposedly true, about a cat that peed on his owner's bed every Sunday morning and at no other time. His mommy called in an animal communicator who asked the cat why he peed on the bed every Sunday. The cat replied that when mommy left the house to go to Church some other woman came in with her husband and they both booted him out of the bedroom. So he took a leak just to screw with them. This may be an urban legend like the poodle in the microwave. But it sure makes you think twice about animal ESP. I wonder what my boy would say about us to total strangers. " My mommy drinks wine sometimes and gets sad when daddy goes out? Daddy looks at pictures of naked ladies on the Internet when mommy goes to yoga class. They watch way too much TV. It hurts my ears". And how do they say anything? Do they use words? How can they say they like peanut butter if they don't know that peanut butter is called peanut butter. To them it's a pill delivery product. I know that my dog adores me. I believe it's unconditional. But what if I found out that what he was really thinking as he was jumping up at me as I came through the door was "You jerk, you left me alone for five hours and I've got to pee like a racehorse." Little though he is he has the heart of a lion if he thinks I'm being threatened. But what if what he really felt was "I can't believe I've got to step up AGAIN to get between you and this weird looking bum. Don't you know better than to open the door to just anyone!" I've been racking my brain trying to think of some human benefit from the limited amount of interspecies communication we've had so far. We were able to train dolphins to mine harbors so I guess you could say that that benefits us. But weren't some of them blown up in the process? So, not so good for them. What about poor KoKo. Have we treated gorillas any better since we discovered they could experience bereavement and sadness? Ultimately, what it may come down to is that I love my dog, and all animals, precisely because I can't communicate with him in any kind of human way. I don't need to reason with him; make a case; persuade him; or be critiqued on my wardrobe. I tell him what I want him to do and sometimes he actually does it. He tells me what he needs and he gets it. We have a pretty good system. If it ain't broke why fix it? Mary Rosendale is the proud mama of Wally Barker. See his advice column on her blog http://theconstructedlife.blogs.com/clear_and_present When she's not tending to his every need she is a Holistic Life Coach with a unique Coaching service rooted in Buddhist psychology. Visit her on the web at http://www.TheConstructedlife.com If you can't play - what's the point?
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The Pros and Cons of Vaccinating Your Dog To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? That's become the burning question of many dog owners in this day and age. I'm not a veterinarian, just a regular pet owner like yourself, but would like to impart the information I've found regarding regular vaccinations for animals. You can then make your own decision. Canine Eclampsia, or Milk Fever In Dogs Eclampsia, or milk fever, is an acute, life-threatening condition which attacks a brood bitch about 3 to 4 weeks after whelping puppies. It is more common in the small breeds of dogs that have had large litters. Healthcare for Your Goldfish Goldfish Healthcare Pet Owners Are The Majority Population In The U.S. According to recent statistics, an astounding 65% of all U.S. household have at least one pet, and in many of these homes, their pets are considered part of the family. With so many homes containing pets, it is no wonder that so many laws have been created to protect our pets. Agencies that might not have existed just a decade ago, like the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (S.P.C.A), are now the dominating force in the war against animal cruelty. Have an Itchy Dog? Consider These Grooming Tips Before Turning To Chemical Treatments Many dogs today suffer from itchy skin caused by a variety of factors. Dogs actually have more sensitive skin than humans, and are often exposed to a variety of irritants in their environment. These grooming tips may help alleviate your dog's constant itching. Perfect Dog Gifts For the Dog Lover Have a dog lover on your gift list? Want to give a special gift that any dog owner will enjoy? You're in luck! You can choose the perfect dog lover gift from the huge selection that's available. Just about any type of product is available as a dog lover gift, so you can find a special gift that stands out from the rest. A Cat Tale My son and I have a cat. Her name is Princess, aka Sugar Bear or Bear. She is part Himalayan and part Siamese. I was just thinking, I rarely, if at all have ever mentioned her and I really don't know why. She is a huge part of our family and has been a great emotional support for me and Dakota. Which brings me to my next subject, emotional support animals. I have noticed that a lot of people are now obtaining animals for "emotional support" , but honestly they have always been for that purpose right, only now the law labels them as this and in most cases if you have a doctor that is willing to say you need support, your pet maybe the one to give you just that. I have had anxiety in the past and I know from experience that my pet, Bear, gives me great support and I have to give all my pets that respect . I know all pets past, present and future give me a great deal of love and affection and are devoted in ways no human would ever begin to understand. Training Your Dog?Is It Worth The Effort Or Is It Just A Waste Of Time? Many people feel that taking the time to train their puppy or dog isn't worth the effort. What with everything else we have to do these days in our busy lives, whose got the time? Love of Horses My love of horses began at the age of 11 when I worked every summer at a ranch. My twin brother and I would walk about ten miles a day in circles taking children on pony rides. I had never really thought much about horses before that but I was soon hooked for life. Ten Most Popular Goldfish You can't imagine the kind of varieties of Goldfish there are! People have been breeding Goldfish for over 2000 years now. China is believed to have over 100 varieties and to think that it all began with the Carassius auratus ? the gibel carp! Not all goldfish have been bred in China though. Other countries have specially bred their own goldfish around the world. Comets and Veiltails are very American while the Jikin, Tosakin and the Shubunkin are Japanese. The United Kingdom bred its own Shubunkins and there are two types Clipper Experiments: A Tail in Two Parts Poor Dog. Subjected to my most ambitious experiments, she still falls for the old line, "C'mon, Honey, it'll be FUN!" Grooming the Dog and Fun do not belong in the same sentence together. This is a fact. Charming Trends in Dog Jewelry The wearing of charms dates back to 400 or 500 BC, when they were believed to hold special powers -- particularly the power of protection. By the 1890's charms had evolved into a fashion statement and a popular keepsake. West Highland White Terrier - Westies - Training Success Tips The West Highland Terrier is a friendly dog, and is considered easier to handle and train than other terriers, such as the Scottish Terrier. Still, it possesses the bold, dynamic terrier temperament, and has to be trained in a manner appropriate for the breed. Garbage-Raiding Dogs: One Simple Solution to the Problem Got a mischevious mutt on your hands? Then you may know this scenario. You walk in the door and your pal greets you with elated tail wagging, wiggling and sloppy doggy kisses. Then suddenly, he's overcome with a guilty look and it's off to cower behind the couch. Uh-oh. You know what this means. Sure enough, a telltale trail of eggshells, coffee grinds, grease stains and tattered wrappers leads you to the scene of the crime: the kitchen. Your dog's done it again, raided the garbage. How To Raise A Goldfish Did you know that your goldfish can live for over 10 years? Under the right conditions he can live even longer but most never make it past the first year! If you want your goldfish to live long and healthy lives, you've got to provide the proper environment. Fat Dogs - How To Get Overweight Dogs to Diet and Slim Down Without Whining Obesity in dogs is a growing problem, which can cause many problems including heart disease, joint problems, and diabetes. Almost half of dogs in America are fat, especially beagles, dachshunds, basset hounds, and Labrador retrievers. Before your dog reaches the point where they need insulin shots, you can slim them down. It will take almost a year, but it's worth it. Thinking of Getting a Lhasa Apso Dog? One of the cutest looking dogs around is the Lhasa Apso. The puppies especially are just irresistible but before one decides to purchase a Lhasa just because the kids are begging for one, there are some things that should be known about this particular breed. Historically, Lhasa Apsos were kept by the monasteries and nobility in Tibet as indoor watch dogs. They would sleep by their masters and with their high intelligence plus keen sense of hearing, would warn of any intruders. Lhasa Apsos were never bought or sold in Tibet. Instead, the Dalai Lama sent Lhasa Apsos in pairs to the emperors of China as gifts. High ranking visitors to Tibet also received them as gifts. The 5 Things You Should Know Before Breeding Cats The cat population is astronomical. Most experts agree that average cat owners should spay their cat, not breed. Still there are people who want to have a litter from their pet. But there's a lot to think about before planning a feline family. How To Set Up A Quarantine Tank For Tropical Fish Do I Need A Quarantine Tank? Why The Horses Eyes Are So Important When Training Him! They say the eyes are are the gateway to the soul. When it was said, they were referring to us humans. But the truth is, it also refers to horses. ![]() |
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