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How to Create Your Own Monster
"You've created your own monster, you know", my mother said ominously. My Rex cat, Houdini, had just burrowed his way inside my sweater for the third time that morning, letting out a squeal of indignation when I tried to resist. Houdini has separation anxiety. But in his tiny little mind, separation means I've been out of his site for at least two minutes. Or I've closed the bathroom door and left him on the other side. Or he hasn't had his ears scratched or his belly rubbed in eons (about ten minutes.) Houdini follows me everywhere, like the most faithful of hounds, and craves my undivided attention almost as much as his next meal. If all of this seems annoying, it's not nearly as bad as when the little fellow plunks himself down in front of me and literally tears chunks of his own hair out because I'm not paying attention to him. With Houdini, it's always been easier just to give in. My husband takes all of this in stride. My mother, who (fortunately for Houdini) only visits now and then, thinks it's the height of absurdity. Growing up under Mom's roof, I learned that dogs and children should obey, and cats just mind their own business. I adopted my mother's dog training philosophies successfully. Cleo (a fine-looking mastiff and our now-famous website mascot), is a perfect lady. She's a wonderful dog with the gift of self composure and not one to question authority. Cleo would never stoop to the kind of antics that are Houdini's specialty. Besides, she's too big to crawl inside my sweater. So why does this particular pet behave like a spoiled child? Why do I give in to him? Is it because I forgot to have children? Mom swears that those little squealing sounds he makes don't come from a cat. "He's manipulating you", she tells me. "He's learned how to sound like a baby". Maybe I've got what I like to call "lap dog syndrome". I'm referring how we treat smaller pets who are easily cuddled and coddled, are highly portable, and who look adorable wearing funny little outfits. Some might call it "empty nest syndrome". Consider my Grandmother Rosie and her Toy Poodle, Cocoa. Cocoa arrived long after Rosie's children had grown up and left home. Rosie knitted lots of little sweaters and hats for Cocoa to keep him warm and stylish. She kept a mixture of Coke Syrup and Pepto Bismol on hand to settle Cocoa's nervous stomach. And dog food could never pass his lips, so Grandma cooked fresh chicken for Cocoa every night before sitting down to her own dinner. We had to spell out "c-o-o-k-i-e" and "P-e-p-t-o B-i-s-m-o-l" around the dog so he wouldn't get over-excited. And Grandpa Henry was obsessed with keeping Cocoa clean. This was one poodle who never had tear stains under his eyes, and whose little "tushy" was spotless. Bear in mind that we're talking about the late 60's, when treating pets like children wasn't really "mainstream". Today, it's commonplace. The pet industry is huge, and much of it caters to our desire to spoil our "children". So these days it's easier than ever to create your own monster. Besides bending to your dog's every whim, you can shower her with gourmet treats, dress her to the nines, and offer her a standard of living well above what many of the world's humans aspire to. Today, Grandma wouldn't have to knit any sweaters herself, and there would be plenty of remedies made expressly for Cocoa's nervous tummy. Grandma wouldn't board her baby when traveling. Instead, she'd hire a professional pet sitter, or take Cocoa with her to a pet friendly hotel. The hotel might even have a dog gift shop, with lots of squeaky toys and delicious "c-o-o-k-i-e-s". And Cocoa would go everywhere with Grandma in his own little dog-sized carrying case, probably made from fine imported leather or snakeskin. I wonder how many owners of large breeds behave this way? Are there other syndromes out there, like "macho dog syndrome" (a guy thing, no doubt)? The truth is, all pets start out small and cuddly. No one is completely safe from creating their own monster, large or small. So thank goodness there are enough great resources available for anyone to become a virtual dog training expert. (Or cat, or parrot, or horse...) I've learned my lesson with Houdini: It's much easier to teach your pet the rules from the start. Puppy training is easier than dog training. And un-creating a monster is a heck of a lot tougher than creating one! But I'm weak. For now, it's easier just to give in. And besides, it time to rub Houdini's belly... © 2005, Carolyn Schweitzer. Lifelong dog-lover, power-shopper, and former family dentist Carolyn Schweitzer is owner and editor of http://www.great-dog-gift.com View the html version of this article (with cute photos) at http://www.great-dog-gift.com/dog_training_1.html The site offers a wide range of choices for dog gift shoppers, plus shopping and gift-giving tips. She's always looking for new dog gift ideas and dog stories to share with her readers in her free monthly e-zine, "Cold Noses News". You can reach her by email at netbrainer@verizon.net
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Ten Most Popular Goldfish You can't imagine the kind of varieties of Goldfish there are! People have been breeding Goldfish for over 2000 years now. China is believed to have over 100 varieties and to think that it all began with the Carassius auratus ? the gibel carp! Not all goldfish have been bred in China though. Other countries have specially bred their own goldfish around the world. Comets and Veiltails are very American while the Jikin, Tosakin and the Shubunkin are Japanese. The United Kingdom bred its own Shubunkins and there are two types How To Choose A Dog - There Is A Lot To Consider, But A Lot Of Help Too Choosing a dog is a fun adventure. The search for a new familial addition is exciting, but it can also be a little overwhelming. Don't despair; instead, keep in mind the following hints while searching and you'll know what choice is right for you and your lifestyle. A Short Introduction To Flowerhorn Cichlids Flowerhorn Cichlids Flowerhorn cichlids is a hybrid cichlid that was developed in Malaysia during the second half of the 1990: s. It was created by crossbreeding different South American cichlids. Exactly which cichlids that were used to create the Flowerhorn is a well kept secret only known by the breeders who developed the species but they did most likely crossbreed Trimacs (Amhilophous Trimaculatus) and one or several other South American cichlids like Cichlasoma Festae, Amphilophus citrinellum (midas cichlid), Amphilophus labiatum (red devil) or Vieja synspila (redheaded cichlid). Flowerhorn cichlids are unlike many other hybrids fertile and can easily be breed in aquariums. They are very easy to keep and can be kept in the same way as other cichlids from the same area. The only requirement is a large aquarium to house these big aggressive fishes in. Pet Ear Infections Is your dog or cat tormented by ear infections? Do you spend time and money at the veterinarian's office trying to bring relief to your beloved pet, only to find that another infection appears over time? If so, you may want to try some more natural approaches to preventing and treating your pet's ear infections. Problem Barking-What to Do When Your Dogs Barking is The Neighborhood Nuisance Puppies and dogs, as mentioned, are social creatures. When they don't get the attention they need, then a bark is their method of telling you something. It's your job to figure out the reasons behind the barking and then ease the tension of whatever is causing your puppy or dog to do so. At the same time, you are also teaching him that barking (in certain situations) isn't acceptable behavior. If you do not take such training seriously, you may not get thrown out of the neighborhood, but you may receive a visit from the police regarding animal ordinances! West Highland White Terrier - Westies - Training Success Tips The West Highland Terrier is a friendly dog, and is considered easier to handle and train than other terriers, such as the Scottish Terrier. Still, it possesses the bold, dynamic terrier temperament, and has to be trained in a manner appropriate for the breed. Chinchillas As Pets You may wish to consider a chinchilla as a possible pet. They are of the rodent family, (but it doesn't seem that way). What to Do When Your Puppy Dog Is Chewing Everything In Sight A puppy wanting to chew makes you want to scream! Do remember that, like children who search their new world with their hands, so do puppies search with their mouths. While there is a difference between exploratory chewing and problem chewing, the problem chewing is sometimes related to their need for attention, food or tension release. However, most of the time, puppies tend to chew because they are teething. Expect them to do so until they're about six months old. Care for Your Dogs Ears I have had Goldens and Black Labs for many years, and they are well known for ear conditions. But remember, no matter how efficient you are in caring for your dog's ears, serious conditions may still arise. Also, beware when your dog flaps its ears too much; this can cause a hematoma, which I will discuss a little further on. My Golden had to be operated for this. Your Cat The Hunter Many cat owners believe that their good little kitty would not even dream of going hunting. How to Buy a Purebred Dog If you decide you want a purebred, make sure it's because you love the breed since purebreds are often not as resilient as mixed breeds. Consider carefully why you want a purebred. Many people will want a purebred because it conveys some symbol of status on them. Purebreds are prone to many illnesses due to inbreeding, and having a purebred could become a costly affair. RecoveryPets.Com Helps Recover Lost Pets Making our lives better includes protecting our families, and also included in this category is the family pet. This once wild animal has become an integral part of the modern family, and there are many laws devoted to stopping abuses to pets. What is lacking in the modern family is proving a means to recover the family pet, if they should ever become lost. Ensuring that a lost pet will be returned to its owners should be a number one priority, because the loss of a family pet can be a very devastating time. Dog Worms -- Dont Let Them Get Started There may be no warning before dog worms strike. Introduction To House Training The information in this article is based on the successful crate training method. Crate training is not cruel. I repeat: Crate training is not cruel. If used correctly, it uses the dog's natural den instinct to your own advantage by encouraging the dog not to pee or poop where it sleeps. Dogs are naturally clean animals and will avoid going to the bathroom where they sleep. But you need to keep the following points in mind to be successful. No, No, No! Drop It, Drop It! Give It To Me Now! Puppies can be so exasperating! They know what we want, and what we don't want, yet they continue to push our buttons. Wait a minute! Maybe we can rewire our buttons and bring them out of reach of Puppy! Use the following tips to help prevent Puppy Theft and other hiccups in Puppy's road to adulthood. Preparing for Your New Pet Getting a new pet can be a lot of fun. You can choose from a dog, cat, hamster, gerbil, rabbit, and the list goes on and on. No matter what pet you choose, you will need to outfit them with the latest and greatest in pet gear. If you shop smart, you should be able to find many of your items for cheap. Sugar Gliders: How to Select a Sugar Glider Breeder It is important to choose a sugar glider breeder carefully. A breeder should be able to tell you a lot about the particular glider(s) you're interested in (lineage and genetics, any health issues, etc.). Most breeders will also be able to answer any questions you have after you bring your sugar glider home, which is very important if you are new to sugar gliders! Sugar gliders are wonderful pets, but they have specific needs that are different from other pets. Dog Doors: Giving Your Pet Freedom to Come and Go as They Please Helps Solve Behavior Problems Dog Doors Do You Know What You Are REALLY Feeding Your Pet? When looking for the best dog food - consider Life's Abundance. The "best food for dogs" are not all created equal. Pilling a Cat Pilling a cat can be a "nightmarish" experience. Cats don't want something pushed down their throats, and they'll fight with all their might to prevent it. In fact, it's amazing how powerful their small bodies can be. Here are some ways to make the pilling process easier and less stressful ? for both you and your cat. ![]() |
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