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Positive Dog Training Methods
Dog training can provide a tremendous amount of satisfaction. Every dog should know at least the basics for living with people: come, sit, stay, don't jump up on people, and so on. Beyond the basics, there is an endless variety of things you and your dog can enjoy doing together. Dogs who are a joy to be with have much more flexibility in what they can do with humans, and so they have more fun. Positive dog training methods are often easier to use, as well. So what are positive dog training methods? Different people will define them differently, but as a rule of thumb they are techniques that allow you to train your dog without causing it physical pain. So these methods enhance your dogs' natural trust and willingness. Dr. Ian Dunbar, Karen Pryor, Silvia Kent, Linda Tellington-Jones, and others have greatly expanded the popularity of this field in recent years. Training dogs can be a win-win for both humans and dogs! The principles that are behind these methods are derived from sound scientific research: positive reinforcement is a central part of this approach. Clicker training dogs is perhaps the best known example, but there are other methods too. In clicker training, a small noisemaker is clicked at the very moment that the dog does exactly what you want it to. It's more precise than saying "Good!" or anything else. Then a treat is given, at least part of the time. There are thoughtful people who advocate the careful use of devices that do cause pain in training dogs, especially when the problem seems intractable. I believe that in training dogs, many methods will work. But it is heartening that many dog owners and trainers have crossed over to using only pain-free, positive methods of dog training. Rosana Hart is a dog owner who has trained all her own dogs and has helped her friends as well. She now uses positive dog training methods exclusively, and is very happy with the results. "Dog training sessions are way more fun now!" she comments. Whether you are starting from scratch or already experienced, Rosana Hart's website http://www.training-dogs.com offers you useful tips, tools, and tactics that have been proven by the dog training experiences of many people.
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Universal Principles For Successful Dog Training Dog training is not rocket science and is not as difficult as you think. It is certainly possible for ANY dog owners to train their dogs themselves provided they put in adequate amount of effort. The principles listed here are universal to dog training of any dog breeds, be it sporting, working, toy or terrier, any dogs - big or small, pup or old, any Owners - competitive or leisure. Buyer Beware: Purebred Dog Myths Every month I am approached by dog owners of my breed who complain about how poorly behaved, how sickly, how untrainable, and generally my breed is and how deeply they resented spending money on this breed. I listen patiently, but time taught me not to defend 'good' breeders, or explain to the angry owners how their own ignorance cuased them to become victimized. Herbs For Your Dog Herbology, basically, is the use of herbs in the treatment of many types of illness. Herein the emphasis of treatment is based strongly on the specific use of herbal roots, flowers and leaves to stimulate the healing process. Keep in mind that these herbs are not a form of drug(as in man-made forms, such as aspirin) but are strictly natural in content. Practiced for centuries, herbology is probably one of the most primitive and fundamental uses of specific remedies to treat various illnesses, known today. Breeding Discus ? 3 Ways to Encourage Spawning So you have a mature pair of discus fish that have shown an interest in each other but there not laying any eggs. How to Raise a Healthy Kitten Selecting a Kitten It is best to choose your kitten from the whole litter, choose the frisky playful, friendly kitten that is confident and happy to approach you rather than the one that hangs back and is shy. The best time to take your kitten home is between 7 and 8 weeks old. Some pedigree breeders like to keep the kittens until 12 weeks old so they can have their initial vaccinations. Some things you have to look for when choosing a new kitten or cat are: Tips For Buying a Horse Online More and more folks are looking to the Internet to find their next cat, dog or horse. While this offers a convenient solution and broader selection outside of ones locality, it can be fraught with unseen expenses and potential heartache. It seems inevitable that buying horses online will become more the norm than the exception as the Internet grows. With that in mind, following is a short list of what one should do when looking to purchase their horse through an online source. How to Keep Your Cat Free from Diseases with Your Quick Guide to Cat Grooming Even a cat that compulsively cleans itself can benefit from a little grooming from her owner. Cats rarely need a bath, but frequent brushing removes a lot of loose hair which would otherwise end up either shed around your home or swallowed by the cat, creating constipating hairballs. Grooming your cat on a regular basis also helps you monitor her health and make her easier to handle. Here?s How To Find The Right Pet Meds For Your Favorite Pet Our pets depend on us for their every need, including their pet meds. The more you know about pet meds, the more you'll be able to recognize the signs when something is wrong with your pet, and know the best way to respond. Learning even a little about pet meds can bring peace of mind to you and your four-legged companion. Six Dog Training Tips to Modify Negative Behavior Almost every dog owner will have to use some sort of behavior modification techniques at one time or another when training their prized pet. If you are able to 'get' why your dog does what he does, when he does it, you are one step closer to solving the problem. This article will detail ten ways of doing just that, in a general fashion that can be used for a wide variety of issues. Buy Dog Supplements Online Dog Supplements Cushings Disease As our horses enjoy a longer life and many live well into old age so the number of horses with Cushing increases as its more common in older horses especially ponies. It can however affect all breeds and ages. Cushing is caused by an abnormality of the pituitary gland that is situated at the base of the brain. This causes it to produce excessive amount of a hormone called cortisone, which is the body's natural steroid hormone. Wormy Dogs? - Understand Dog Worms Infestation and Their Symptoms Until a very recent period, dog worms were thought to be of a spontaneous origin, brought about by the influence of heat upon decaying vegetable matter, and it was and still is freely asserted that puppies are born with dog worms inherited from the mother in some mysterious manner while still in uterus. This has been conclusively proven an error and in the minds of all scientists there is no question about dog worms springing from individual eggs and having a complete life history of their own. Breeding Your Goldfish If you are keen on breeding Goldfish, you should know that it's not an easy task. It will take a lot of patience, a lot of space in the tank and quite a bit of money too. Don't get into breeding if you think it's going to be profitable, because it isn't! Breeding goldfish is best left to a professional but if you still want to breed them, here's how to begin: Finding A Reputable Dog Breeder Anyone can put two dogs together and let them breed, and in turn call themselves a "breeder." However being called a "reputable" breeder encompasses far more than that. You wont find a reputable breeder trying to sell their dogs to local pet stores, or advertising in the classified section. A good breeder does not need these "gimmicks." Instead, they rely on the quality of their dogs. Breeding is a practice that should be done with a sense of pride, and a feeling of fulfillment. How To Care For your Pet Dog He will be there by your side, as your loving companion ? he will offer you protection if ever the need arises. Pet dog owners in turn must know how to look after their pet dog, and be responsible for it. The dog's needs are simple and easy to follow. When puppies come home they need lots of love and attention. They may stress a little at first, as this is probably the first time they are away from their mother and their littermates. It is important that you begin the process of socialization, generally integrating your new pet into your family and teaching it to relate to people and other animals through gentle play, interaction and having pleasant encounters with family friends and pets Animal Deathing What happens when we die? In our society, death is often hidden away. Rarely are we present for the passing of a loved one, a major exception being our animal family members. Got Fleas? How to Spot and Care For Fleas on Your Dog Your poor pooch is scratching himself all over. Plus, you know he's uncomfortable because he's whimpering and gnawing too. Chances are, he's got fleas. These little sixlegged parasites will wreak havoc and mayhem for you and your pet if you don't learn how to take care of the problem now. Introducing a New Puppy into a Home with an Existing Pet It was November and I had spent 3 months searching for just the right puppy. Finally we had found what we considered to be the perfect one. Luckily she was already 7 weeks old so she could already be separated from her mother. I was so excited when we brought her home, our new addition to the family. I made sure I had all the required supplies; food and water dishes, food, a bed and a crate. We were ready. The fact that we already had a cat never really caused me much concern. I figured they would give each other a good sniff and surely it would not take long for them to become the best of friends and live happily ever after. I had visions of our little puppy all curled up with our cat in front of the fireplace. Old Fashioned Flea Control Fleas have plagued dogs, cats, and their owners since time began so ways to kill or repel them has been a constant search. Today, with the shake of a can, the spray of a bottle, or a flea dip fleas are more easily controlled. But before these controls were available, pet owners were constantly on the lookout for a better way to free their pets of these disease carrying insects. Why Does My Pet Eat Grass? Are you concerned when your dog or cat eats grass, then throws up afterwards? You'll probably feel relieved to know that pets eat grass because their bodies need it. ![]() |
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