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An Amazing, Hazy Look Into The Future
Sometimes we all sit and think. Sometimes we doodle with a pen. Do we ever look in depth at what we are thinking? I am amazed at the amount of people who say 'when the phone rang I knew it was you.' 'I was just going to call when you called.' 'I was just thinking of you and you rang me.' All now past and forgotten. It may only happen a few times a year - but it happens. Try recording any event no matter how trivial either on a tape recorder or on a note pad each time it occurs, and date it. You may be one of thousands who can see something happening in the future - do not try and pre-date anything. Any future predicted events I have found can happen tomorrow or in eighteen months. At the beginning of this century we heard from the portrayers of doom and death, religious parties forecasting the end of the world. They have now amended their doctrine because the dates they predicted have passed. I often wonder how many normal, average people in this world have had a thought or a vision in the past that has happened in the future. Perhaps now unrecorded and now long forgotten. It would be great to have a public notice board that registered some of the stronger thoughts and visions many of us experience though out our lives. Yes, it is now possible to do this on the web - a small two sentence prediction date recorded with a pseudonym. The psychic message board has had psychic predictions from you the public since 2003 with several startling predictions. The black mirror was introduced in 2004 ? just a blank rectangular black picture from which your mind can project images. Your physical brain is somehow linked to your ethereal soul. The soul not having the physical restraints of the body and brain can move into the past, future, and other dimensions. Sometimes under calm or stressful situations the link is triggered and information released. An even stronger bonding happens in times of stress and conflict. In a war great friendships emerge stronger than anything before. A man and wife going through life facing all bad and terrible things together as one, survive and become stronger as a couple. Psychic experiences are a part of life and soon forgotten. Try to remember a psychic happening in your own life, something now forgotten but still in memory. You will be surprised. Sit down; think of what is happening in the world and see if you can predict what may or not happen within the next year then write it down or visit the psychic notice board at www.allinterestbooks.co.uk. You may surprise and startle yourself! Keep living, facing all that life throws against you, and you will become a better person. A free ebook 'THE THINKER' is available from the author revealing incidents from his own life and others that have occurred through the years. The majority of people today live a life chasing materialistic goals. The man made church over thousands of centuries has let us down. Outdated history of an age that is hard to visualise today. The only salvation is the teachings of the prophets. Teachings that try to shape our thinking and our ways. Teachings that offer to make everyone a better person. Try the black psychic mirror at www.allinterestbooks.co.uk and see if you can come up with a simple prediction for the future or read the THE THINKER - a FREE ebook psychologically exploring different aspects of life in a thought provoking way. A New look at life - Why am I here? Who am I? What am I? Life after death ? personal psychic premonitions in Life! Asking the questions of life and questions invoking the sixth sense. Current titbits from The Thinker. BUREAUCRATIC EURO-BUMBLEDOM The European common market, a collection of trading nations is a wonderful idea. However, the power-seeking politicians who run this vast empire cannot leave it at that. They want to create laws for every nation, laws that are stupid, unmeaning. They want to create a vast empire, a super state. They are still pushing onward even though they cannot even create a fighter aircraft together- and how do all the pilots talk to one another if they are not linguists. What is being created is a large financial machine that spends money like water flowing over a waterfall. A huge European nation of created bureaucratic bumbledom. It is slowly creeping upon us ? stay in the common market but keep out of the new super state. The Thinker is science fiction author Robin G Howard's pseudonym of comments and philosophy of life by his own and others thoughts. He has three books on release in the Jim Long space agent series. His authorsite is http://www.sfauthorsite-jl.com
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DNA, Fiction and Society; How it Affects Thought A book called the Seven Daughters of Eve by Richard Sykes is worthy of a read and talks about what we have learned about the flow of human beings populations through DNA research. Thus it is safe to say that certain members of our species have developed differently and in different ways, meaning the brain also learns differently. As Scientists look at different human brains while doing various tasks and watch which areas light up with energy as it works through these different thoughts and tasks we are finding just how unique and different each mind really is. Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them. The probability of that obviously is very low but laws of probability have often been known to falter at the crucial test of reality. For example, there is a statistical theory that if you gave a million monkeys typewriters and set them to work, they'd eventually comes up with the complete works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the Internet, we now know this isn't true. Critical Thinking To Go: Dodging The Pepperoni Pizza Fallacy Today we commonly hear in the news journalistic items about religion and politics, or faith and something else, where the suggested "duo du jour" usually sit in opposition to one another. One could do this, of course, just as easily with other areas of human thought, as with sociology vs. history, or economics vs. psychology. But most people do not seem nearly as interested in this exercise as they seem anxious to set "religion" over against whatever other area they might find interesting. Plato to Bushco The Neoplatonic Hierarchy: The Magi I find no real fault in Constantine's inclusion or plagiarization of earlier and other systems of thought or their symbology into Roman Empire social engineering. The problem I see is the nature of the knowledge that they sought to prevent average people from gaining. Knowledge is power and knowledge in the hands of the few is a corrupting power. They have used mind-fogging projections to enslave and make people live in fear of demons and other constructs. Visions Of Heaven And Hell On Earth Let us now pessimistically endeavour to communication the sentient of an old Buddhist proverb which states "To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven; the same key opens the gates of hell." and within computerisation lies such a key, narrated by Tilda Swinton in a narcotic voice that evokes honeyed reassurance of a version of the HAL 9000. The Earth Energy Grid EARTH ENERGY GRID: - Sedona, Arizona is not only my own personal special place in nature - almost all spiritual organizations have conventions, churches or offices near all these vortices of earth energy and nature. There is a secret government base in a valley to the north and under a swamp some engineers found signs similar to the Nazca Lines and other natural spirit forms from ancient peoples. That was after a dry spell and I no longer have the article from a local paper to quote for you. Few people who aren't totally dead from the neck up can say there is no earth energy. It has a wavelength of 7.8 cycles and intersects in ways that make numerous things happen. Personally I think 'crop circles' that aren't made by debunkers like those who've found three different confessors to the Kensington Runestone, have something to do with the Earth Energy Grid. We will go into Ley lines and other related studies as well as 'Feng shui', later. For now, suffice it to say that the earth can conduct energy as Tesla showed in Colorado Springs when he lit the town up in the early 20th century before J. P. Morgan shelved the design (after paying a cool million for it). Father Ernetti and the Philosophers Stone And there will be many 'experts' who say that light speed is still not transcendable or that time is linear and it is not possible to do many things that I posit in these pages, I know. I offer up this site to these people and say that the whole truth of what Black Ops and other agents of real knowledge pursue is not under the control of NASA or The Smithsonian and other public or relatively transparent structure of academia and government. Here is a site worth looking into that discusses some of the things that many have known for a long time. It does not include the Catholic scholar/physicist who reportedly has developed a chronovisor in conjunction with Werner von Braun and Fermi's inputs that would be similar to one thing the Philosopher's Stone could achieve (http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/bpp/TM-107289.htm). Alumpeth Devi Temple of Kerala in India Alumpeth temple is an ancient kalari temple of Sri Bhadrakali (Devi), located at Vathikulam, a remote but beautiful village in Kerala state of South India. Vathikulam village is accessable by road travelling 7 kms towards east from Kayamkulam town. Kayamkulam is a well known town on national highway 47 about 108 kms towards north of Trivandrum and 110 kms towards south from Cochin. Kayamkulam is well connected by railway also. Motive behind the incarnation of Sribhadrakali (Devi) is to save the gods from insult and despair, people worship her in times of dejoice, neglect and impending emotional distress. Devi is also known to be a goddess on call at times when life is in risk and existence is felt to be impossible. Since Alumpeth temple is in the form of ancient Indian Kalari (school of literal and martial arts) people depend her when their progress in educational, cultural, scientific and legal endeavours are thwarted by enemies or negative situational factors. Prayer Nature Worship NATURE WORSHIP: - Wicca and witchcraft or other shamanic attunements akin to the kind of ethic and awe the great and beautiful (FREE) North American Indians had before the arrival of the 'civilized' men from the Old World. Culture and Knowledge In eastern Cultures the passing of thought was considered valuable, so much in fact that even to this day members of those cultures respect their elders and listen to their advice. The passing of such thoughts and concepts and philosophies is of extreme value. The Christianity religion and its followers take those stories in the bible literally, almost to an absolute truth. Much of which is an incredible gift from those who came before us and experienced their lives and had something to say and tales to help the understanding of those who would come later. Jesus in the bible talks about important concepts and thoughts of what should be done and how to live with love towards your fellow man. Einstein and Eirugena ALBERT EINSTEIN: - "I am satisfied with the Mysteries of life." Socrates Warned Us But We Killed Him The ability to do something that requires generations to develop was kept a secret in all areas of human endeavour during what we call pre-history. It did not change when culture advanced to the point where people could read scrolls. In point of fact Plato observed a reduction in disciplined knowledge resulted from the writing alphabet given to the Greeks by their Danaus forbears or colonizers. But you would think writing might allow an improvement in knowledge and society. Indeed this is potentially true with any medium for sharing but would you say that TV has lead to an increase in knowledge or just an increase in wasted time and confusing inputs? The shamans and elites who developed the various disciplines and metal-working secrets gradually became the most powerful people in the world. When they met each other they were excited to share knowledge in most cases. It is hard to share knowledge with people who are not willing to put out the years of effort to learn more than some little thing, they might use or satisfy some immediate need with. Extra Terrestrial Genetic Defect Myth There is a large contingency of people who believe in aliens and extra terrestrials. There are endless stories of abduction by UFO aliens, unbelievably performing spacecraft and ancient myths. One of the most intriguing and plausible explanations of why alien species are here or come to visit with us mostly harmless humans is to inter bread with us and repair their genetic flaws, which over hundreds of thousands of years had caused damage to their DNA. Some scientists have helped propel these myths but providing interesting information we have learned thru the space program about issues with radiation in space. For long-term space travel we must find solutions to protect us from the radiation, which might also damage our DNA. Thus conspiracy theorists and UFO-logists have hung onto this theory of why they believe the aliens are abducting people and as per the stories of the abducted seem to be quite interested in the human reproductive bio-systems. Man Is Not An Island Our thoughts do not take leave of absence. Nostradamus Saw The Luciferians are the inner cabal of the Vatican according to Malachi Martin (And have been for a long time as I have demonstrated in other books.). They created that fiction about 'for the good of mankind' which led to Salvation after Jesus was crucified. They have grown rich beyond their wildest imaginations as the benefits of special dispensations and confessionals have poured in to their coffers. They have been given large amounts of the land as well as special tax status that their Divine Kings share. Understanding Of I-Ching And Tai Chi In Relation To Our Lives Tai Chi, The Great Ultimate, was found earliest in the Book of Change, or otherwise known as I-Ching. Legend said that this scripture has written by the first emperor of the Zhou Dynasty - Zhou Wen Wang. Thus I-Ching is also known as Zhou-Yi. Fire Walkers DERVISH: - Whirling and ecstatically altering their conscious and soul full interconnections with all around them. These people of the Middle East are a lot like Native dancers and dream dancers from the whole of the world and deep into the dark recesses of human existence on earth. Needless to say their behavior has little relevance for the western academics of such soul-denying professions as those who do NOT know how to actually cure people or why the soul is important in that process of wholistic balance in human lives-and JOY! The quotation from the book 'Wonder Child' is the kind of thing we should read over and over again until we know why it makes 'common sense' versus the constant bombardment of manipulative messages and fear-mongering to divide the human family. In Answer To: Words Of Encouragement Throughout my life, I have always known that it is not easy to fight injustices. I grew up in Jersey City and started to work during summers at the age of fourteen. I quit school just prior to sixteen and went to work full time because after 22 years my father had decided to leave my mother and someone had to do it. My mom was trying hard to go back to work after being a housewife for all those years but her health was not so great and she just couldn't do it long. Archetypes DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY (ARCHETYPES): - "All material bodies are condensations of frozen bodies." (2) Jung is becoming 'in vogue' again, I hear. Perhaps this time around it won't just involve so little real appreciation for all that he meant and understood. Dream interpretation and projected Western values can be a Freudian gambit - Jung grew to see things few will ever admit to in the present ideologies of the West. He was able to contact the future before the First World War and it almost convinced him he was mad, until he saw his visions were right - then he knew it wasn't himself who was mad - it was the world he lived in! His archetypes may be a contact with the genetic 'history book' that the Director of the Human Genome Project talked about recently when he announced that only 2.8 centimetres of 1.8 metres of a gene are required to make the human being. It might be a collective 'tap-in' or even the 'medulla oblongata' has the ability to record the knowledge of previous evolutionary experience of man's development. Personally I feel it is a matter of some of each of these things and the factors relating to chaos and the interference of conflicting vibrations or wavelengths in the confusing array of bandwidths and personalities. ![]() |
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