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The Magi
I find no real fault in Constantine's inclusion or plagiarization of earlier and other systems of thought or their symbology into Roman Empire social engineering. The problem I see is the nature of the knowledge that they sought to prevent average people from gaining. Knowledge is power and knowledge in the hands of the few is a corrupting power. They have used mind-fogging projections to enslave and make people live in fear of demons and other constructs. "Among the most famous-and fiercest-of the laws that Moses is shown to bring down from Mt. Sinai are the ones that criminalize the practice of magic. 'There shall not be found among you a soothsayer, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer,' decrees Moses. 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.' (From Biblio: Deut 18: 10; Exod. 22: 18.) Magic working is condemned with equal fervor in the Christian Bible, where it is explicitly kinked with all the other outrages of paganism: 'The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, {Yes, and the Catholics had more idols than the pagan pantheon especially when you include the saints along with 'Laddio, Daddio and Spook'.} and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.' (From Biblio: Rev. 21: 8.) Ironically, an intriguing and illuminating clue to the function of sorcery in the pagan world is buried away in one of the most beloved passages of the Christian Bible. 'Three wise men' come in search of the newborn Jesus, or so goes the conventional English translation of Matthew 2: 1-2, 'for we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him.' The 'wise men' are plainly called 'magi' in the Greek text, the plural form of 'magus,' a word that was used among the pagans of Babylonia and Persia to identify seers, soothsayers and sorcerers. 'Magus' is the root of 'magic,' and so we might more accurately call the men who followed a star to Bethlehem the three magicians. 'Magus' came to be used in Jewish and Christian circles as a derogatory term to describe someone who trafficked in black magic; a sorcerer, a deceiver, even a poisoner. But the original meaning of the word in the pagan world was honorable and even exalted?" (1) Then there are the constant proclamations that various 'experts' make about ESP. Stanford Research Institute included the inventor of the laser and many fine scientists that these so-called 'experts' are seldom able to evaluate or as debunkers are paid to marginalize. Russell Targ's book Limitless Mind including a foreword by Jean Houston is a great book for the truly open-minded individual. Targ's book - which is the study of consciousness and the ethereal Matrix at a high scientific level says: "...forced-choice ESP tests are an inefficient way to elicit psi functioning: they always have an additional burden of boredom and mental noise (AOL). In the above studies, the experimenters, on average, had to carry out 3,600 trials to achieve a statistically significant result. With the free-response type of experiment, such as remote viewing, we typically have to do only six to nine trials." (2) Does it not make sense to 'observe' all the avenues for wisdom that we are blessed with? 1) God against the gods: the history of the war between monotheism and polytheism, by Jonathan Kirsch, Penguin, NY, 2004, pg. 46. 2) Limitless Mind, by Russell Targ, New World Library, California, 2004, pg. 95. Author of Diverse Druids, Columnist for The ES Press Magzine, Guest writer at World-Mysteries.com
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Privilege - Alfred Lee Loomis and Hecateus ALFRED LEE LOOMIS: The Keltoi The CIA's motto is "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." That is hard to swallow to say the least. Culture and Knowledge In eastern Cultures the passing of thought was considered valuable, so much in fact that even to this day members of those cultures respect their elders and listen to their advice. The passing of such thoughts and concepts and philosophies is of extreme value. The Christianity religion and its followers take those stories in the bible literally, almost to an absolute truth. Much of which is an incredible gift from those who came before us and experienced their lives and had something to say and tales to help the understanding of those who would come later. Jesus in the bible talks about important concepts and thoughts of what should be done and how to live with love towards your fellow man. Critical Thinking To Go: Dodging The Pepperoni Pizza Fallacy Today we commonly hear in the news journalistic items about religion and politics, or faith and something else, where the suggested "duo du jour" usually sit in opposition to one another. One could do this, of course, just as easily with other areas of human thought, as with sociology vs. history, or economics vs. psychology. But most people do not seem nearly as interested in this exercise as they seem anxious to set "religion" over against whatever other area they might find interesting. Nostradamus Saw The Luciferians are the inner cabal of the Vatican according to Malachi Martin (And have been for a long time as I have demonstrated in other books.). They created that fiction about 'for the good of mankind' which led to Salvation after Jesus was crucified. They have grown rich beyond their wildest imaginations as the benefits of special dispensations and confessionals have poured in to their coffers. They have been given large amounts of the land as well as special tax status that their Divine Kings share. Quotes to Think About INSPIRATIONAL COMMENTS: In Answer To: Words Of Encouragement Throughout my life, I have always known that it is not easy to fight injustices. I grew up in Jersey City and started to work during summers at the age of fourteen. I quit school just prior to sixteen and went to work full time because after 22 years my father had decided to leave my mother and someone had to do it. My mom was trying hard to go back to work after being a housewife for all those years but her health was not so great and she just couldn't do it long. Evolution and Exorcisms EVOLUTION: More surprising to me as I consider where my intellectual head-space has been on this issue, which is central to theological ideal; is the fact that I have become more of a creationist. Skeptics may say that God doesn't exist and I am inclined to agree he/she isn't within our purview to limit and say we know; HIM, or even what it is that really goes on, in the world about us. It would be difficult to say there is any one humanistic discipline or theology that fits with my perception. Teilhard de Chardin's 'templates' and 'quantum many worlds' join Lamarckian science, that requires uncertainty and values mystery and uncertainty principles with purpose. In the final analysis you can put me in whatever 'cubby-hole' you want and there'll be agreement and respect for the truth therein expressed. I see a lot of people sounding like they disagree and yet I see little difference except when they seek personal gain by it. Surely science has given a great deal of support to the concept of consciousness existing in the very smallest parts of energy, and in the ways it performs what was once considered miraculous, or magical. Here are the thoughts of two very scientifically oriented people from MIT in a book called Darwinism Evolving: The Animal and the Human Recent DNA analyses have revealed that humans share a majority of our genetic makeup with other animals. Physically speaking, our similarities with our fellow beings far outweigh our differences. In the Western mindset, however, a sharp line is drawn between human beings and other animals. Because they do not communicate in our language, it is thought, we do not have much in common beyond physical structure. For Westerners, only humans have a soul, a wide range of emotions, and the unique capacities of reason, imagination, and the changing of our environment on a grand scale to meet our needs. Despite the division in our thinking, we still have intimate relationships with the animals closest to us and cannot seem to resist anthropomorphizing them. There are several societies whose conception of humans' place in the animal world is far different from ours. Nature of Visual Representation Nature is often called "red in tooth and claw", this means covered in blood, and comes from a fairy tale called Wolfking; it is a story of times past repute with epic adventures, this quote is very much like "survival of the fittest"! Father Ernetti and the Philosophers Stone And there will be many 'experts' who say that light speed is still not transcendable or that time is linear and it is not possible to do many things that I posit in these pages, I know. I offer up this site to these people and say that the whole truth of what Black Ops and other agents of real knowledge pursue is not under the control of NASA or The Smithsonian and other public or relatively transparent structure of academia and government. Here is a site worth looking into that discusses some of the things that many have known for a long time. It does not include the Catholic scholar/physicist who reportedly has developed a chronovisor in conjunction with Werner von Braun and Fermi's inputs that would be similar to one thing the Philosopher's Stone could achieve (http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/bpp/TM-107289.htm). What Is Destiny? Is There Some Thing Called Free Will? One of the greatest and everlasting debates of humanity has been about the role of destiny in the lives of human beings. There was a time when it was almost an accepted fact of life that each and every event was governed by destiny of human beings. Astrology was considered a science. Then with the advent of modern times the importance of role of destiny as a concept started losing weight. Today, belief in destiny is considered a superstition by majority of people. And rightly so, since there seems to be no evidence for the irrevocability of destiny. Nature Worship NATURE WORSHIP: - Wicca and witchcraft or other shamanic attunements akin to the kind of ethic and awe the great and beautiful (FREE) North American Indians had before the arrival of the 'civilized' men from the Old World. Desire is the First Step When a member of a species determines it wants something a thought is born, which triggers a desire and thus starts the brain into a cycle innovation and strategy. If it is hunger in a Bald Eagle it means flying over the river to catch a Salmon. If it is a tourist who is cold it means going in and buying a sweatshirt. This comes first and is the reason we must first discuss the flow of thought before we attempt to discuss any other issues in our society. All That We Are... Are Labels Within the confines of the known universe, a madness is present that taints all of the knowledge which every human being has aquired within their life, and within the lives of others. Joseph Brant and The Hegelian Dialectic I admit I am only able to provide guesses as to the nature of how the elites might convene or make known to each other the nature of shared interests at different times. I have traveled in some circles where some of these people are present and I may have overheard a few things from others who work for them but it is pure guesswork in the final analysis. The Jacobin Scottish era shows us that Hume, Carlyle and Gibbon where checking with each other and following a plan to minimize the lesser nobles or keep them in the dark. Who did these people report to in the Stuart Royal camp? Bonnie Prince Charlie was opposed by his own general when the French did not send troops as promised so we can wonder if the people like William of Hesse and the De Medicis who appear together shortly after this were involved. Clearly Robespierre fomented a Revolution they needed in order to cleanse over-indulgences of the Royals in France. I am pretty sure that the Hegelian Dialectic borne of the top-down Platonic ideology was a factor. They were playing many sides and some very high personages were left out of the loop. The Magi I find no real fault in Constantine's inclusion or plagiarization of earlier and other systems of thought or their symbology into Roman Empire social engineering. The problem I see is the nature of the knowledge that they sought to prevent average people from gaining. Knowledge is power and knowledge in the hands of the few is a corrupting power. They have used mind-fogging projections to enslave and make people live in fear of demons and other constructs. Understanding Of I-Ching And Tai Chi In Relation To Our Lives Tai Chi, The Great Ultimate, was found earliest in the Book of Change, or otherwise known as I-Ching. Legend said that this scripture has written by the first emperor of the Zhou Dynasty - Zhou Wen Wang. Thus I-Ching is also known as Zhou-Yi. Purpose There is no God. Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them. The probability of that obviously is very low but laws of probability have often been known to falter at the crucial test of reality. For example, there is a statistical theory that if you gave a million monkeys typewriters and set them to work, they'd eventually comes up with the complete works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the Internet, we now know this isn't true. ![]() |
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