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There is no God. Belief is a stray sentiment; it functions furiously around its determination to survive. If it is healthy, it is impenetrable, if it is not, it is unknowingly so. Sadly, it also doesn't end with man; it ends with conflict and qualms. Men know perfectly to be courageous, they do not know but what to be courageous of, for or against. A belief is a second conscience overruling the normal one, it provides for all expectations of courage. It is difficult to confront a firm belief with the firmest of qualms, it is easier instead to assault it with them. One must never impress a doubt, one must induce it. Frustration is the first offspring of a belief losing its grounds. The firmer the latter, the superior the former. No belief is entire, hence, no belief can be ended entirely; ridden by disparate proportions of an unapparent guilt, man, of what he believes wholly, holds desires against it. Belief is a personal satisfaction that justifies man's actions; it also appropriates it. 'We do what we believe in' - to the extent of ? 'we must do what we believe in'. People aspire towards their beliefs. Like they commit to their satisfactions, they also prefer to commit to the place where they find it. That is in itself the greatest injustice a man can perpetrate ? to rely on something uncertain and forge in oneself the assurance that it is not; and then expect it to yield. Man is never totally satisfied. Going back to the notion that there is a God helps us with another notion, that we aren't it. The first notion is an indefatigably powerful alibi, or rather, an apology for the limitations we abide by. Outside these limitations we gain our satisfactions. Hence, we are never totally satisfied. Only in little whiles, the elusive points of Time when we're Gods. A conclusion such as that there is no god helps us to declare another ? that within his limitations, a man may rise so, that that satisfaction he aims for must be more than final. They must find a medium to breathe and exist in an inert independence where they can choose to surrender without the reluctance and indifference, typical of their import. When we talk of another kind of survival other than the primary one, with a greater nature of independence, a de facto downright unconditional and total submission, and where the transient satisfaction he aims for is more than the final ability in man or is a somewhat credible challenge to it, when we appropriately stop believing in God to succumb to believing in something god-like in us ? we talk of 'Purpose'. Between man and the obtainable, lies a cheap form of development ? motive; between a man and the unobtainable, lies the pursuit that searches beyond the compatible in him ? purpose. Motive constricts man to his self; purpose is all and any involvement beside and outside this. Motive and purpose are close counterparts of the range of man's ability, almost like alibi and reason. Motive is a funnel for it, and purpose, a gauge. Both are concrete definitions: motive, of a virtue in man and purpose, of the peak of all his virtues. Both are also stalwart contradictions to that same range of the ability of man for motive becomes the exhaustion of one or more attributes, and purpose, their last gesture. Purpose is never real. It is so because it is higher than the obsessive human prioritization of reality. A man with purpose is alive only to morality when morality is not a sense of right and wrong but merely a sense of direction. To know how much we can expand is to understand a persisting relation with ourselves, but to know how much we can expand immediately after that obvious relation is to infringe an unfounded realm, much beyond the scope in us, and find, outside one's personal capacity and in an unnatural uniqueness, a paramount artificial strength (for the source is external) and a tantamount egoistical desire. A man who finds purpose discovers a satisfaction more pure than any happiness and superior to all joy; this satisfaction rears further the implementation of the purpose, and the pursuit of its result. A satisfied result engenders a threat to the world, to alter it by the means of a single man, by a change personal in one's individuality to a change impersonal in the collectivism of an entire breed. Queries may be reverted to - mosaics12@rediffmail.com
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The Pertinence of Nudity Every kind of nudity is an abstraction. A man without clothes submits himself to immediate opinion. Nudity emphasizes coarseness devoid of culture, clothes advocate culture without coarseness. Culture and coarseness are subjective omissions. We wear our personalities, we also wear their failings. When romancing opportunity, man despises possibility. Nudity is the greatest opportunity that yields the nearest possibility to human perfection. Human perfection is an abstraction, too. The concept of drenching oneself with something that selfishly annuls this, is known as clothing. Topically, it is redeemed as Fashion. Alumpeth Devi Temple of Kerala in India Alumpeth temple is an ancient kalari temple of Sri Bhadrakali (Devi), located at Vathikulam, a remote but beautiful village in Kerala state of South India. Vathikulam village is accessable by road travelling 7 kms towards east from Kayamkulam town. Kayamkulam is a well known town on national highway 47 about 108 kms towards north of Trivandrum and 110 kms towards south from Cochin. Kayamkulam is well connected by railway also. Motive behind the incarnation of Sribhadrakali (Devi) is to save the gods from insult and despair, people worship her in times of dejoice, neglect and impending emotional distress. Devi is also known to be a goddess on call at times when life is in risk and existence is felt to be impossible. Since Alumpeth temple is in the form of ancient Indian Kalari (school of literal and martial arts) people depend her when their progress in educational, cultural, scientific and legal endeavours are thwarted by enemies or negative situational factors. Prayer The Tree of Life and Allies There are names in many languages and cultures or even within each culture, separate cults with different names for 'forces of nature'. Allies, guides, elementals, fairies, elves, gnomes, leprechauns and so the list would grow into the thousands. How many different dimensions or M-branes we might interact with at some level of our 'cosmic soup' is part of the question? There are different ways to access and varied levels or degrees of access. Not all are reliably replicable by the same techniques. Some element of consciousness exists in these ethereal forces which chooses not to communicate according to factors beyond the control of the soul or human who wishes such contact. Joseph Bonaparte and The New Jersey Devil Joseph Bonaparte and The New Jersey Devil: Privilege - Alfred Lee Loomis and Hecateus ALFRED LEE LOOMIS: The Esoteric Mandate (Rothschilds too) The monopoly called usury given to a specific group of Jews has a long history including Templars with Papal Passports. You might think the Jews have been horrifically pursued with prejudice and there certainly are some Jews (That the Halakah or law of the elite Jews also is willing to abuse.) who have been treated most foully by their 'brothers' or fellow man. I ask you to remember that spies and politics go hand in hand and I hope you know the Rothschilds got given the De Medicis (Templar before that) monopoly and spy network. It lead to them controlling the British Treasury at the occasion of the end of The Battle of Waterloo. They had their British Royal cousin to thank for it. This is a fact admitted in their official biographies. The Earth Energy Grid EARTH ENERGY GRID: - Sedona, Arizona is not only my own personal special place in nature - almost all spiritual organizations have conventions, churches or offices near all these vortices of earth energy and nature. There is a secret government base in a valley to the north and under a swamp some engineers found signs similar to the Nazca Lines and other natural spirit forms from ancient peoples. That was after a dry spell and I no longer have the article from a local paper to quote for you. Few people who aren't totally dead from the neck up can say there is no earth energy. It has a wavelength of 7.8 cycles and intersects in ways that make numerous things happen. Personally I think 'crop circles' that aren't made by debunkers like those who've found three different confessors to the Kensington Runestone, have something to do with the Earth Energy Grid. We will go into Ley lines and other related studies as well as 'Feng shui', later. For now, suffice it to say that the earth can conduct energy as Tesla showed in Colorado Springs when he lit the town up in the early 20th century before J. P. Morgan shelved the design (after paying a cool million for it). Its Not Your Fault! Saying goodbye is easy for the traveler. I am a person who traveled so much that I had no roots except 'within' and I learned to be connected to 'What IS'. Culture and Knowledge In eastern Cultures the passing of thought was considered valuable, so much in fact that even to this day members of those cultures respect their elders and listen to their advice. The passing of such thoughts and concepts and philosophies is of extreme value. The Christianity religion and its followers take those stories in the bible literally, almost to an absolute truth. Much of which is an incredible gift from those who came before us and experienced their lives and had something to say and tales to help the understanding of those who would come later. Jesus in the bible talks about important concepts and thoughts of what should be done and how to live with love towards your fellow man. Belief is Closure The CON in CONstructs: Knowledge and Study of Social Science . Human being Knowledge & social science The Animal and the Human Recent DNA analyses have revealed that humans share a majority of our genetic makeup with other animals. Physically speaking, our similarities with our fellow beings far outweigh our differences. In the Western mindset, however, a sharp line is drawn between human beings and other animals. Because they do not communicate in our language, it is thought, we do not have much in common beyond physical structure. For Westerners, only humans have a soul, a wide range of emotions, and the unique capacities of reason, imagination, and the changing of our environment on a grand scale to meet our needs. Despite the division in our thinking, we still have intimate relationships with the animals closest to us and cannot seem to resist anthropomorphizing them. There are several societies whose conception of humans' place in the animal world is far different from ours. Illuminati in Kentucky Illuminati in Kentucky: Common Psi-sense Up until the start of the 20th Century there was a strong cadre of scientists like Michael Faraday and Sir William Crookes who knew integrating the humanities with hard sciences provided the greater insight or wisdom. Angel Inspired E-mails This morning, I awoke somewhat down. As little seems to be going great in my new-to-a-wheelchair life, I guess I was falling victim to the old depression devil. He slips up on us and we may not even recognize him. Einstein and Eirugena ALBERT EINSTEIN: - "I am satisfied with the Mysteries of life." Stranded Notions: Time And Philosophy Of The Individual As I look back now, a long time seems to span itself behind me, opening up a trench of thoughts that I carry on my back. There is yet another spanning time, a future, actually it is a degree of time where the past is firmer and unmoving, anticipant even. And the present is where the past is producing, recreating, giving itself the chance of a perpetual birth, the perpetual acceleration of a cosmic motion and moreover, perpetually snatching away the suspenseful, concealed children of a continuum. We're constantly living a history, or involved in its process, for if a thing must already exist, it cannot be born; without harnessing it in theoretical ideas and perception, and giving it the impersonal neutrality that every other dominant living creature demands, we can comprehend Time as less an entity, one that is of the Present. This theory concludes that at one point of time and the nearest possibility of the next point of time that the primary influences, the infinitesimal difference that exists between them, though perfectly dissolved in existence, only and only in theory or any apparent flaw of what part we know of it, is actually a jump and not continuity. Conclusively, we can denote that there is no Present; a human body is unremittingly registering itself to a change between what has been and what must be its consequence. This is suggestive of a stellar rationality where the Present and all its virtues are the irrational. Guerrilla Mythbusting: 5 Snappy Rules For Spotting and Exposing Popular Nonsense College students tend to wax enthusiastic about the lessons they pick up in class. Curiously, this very admirable trait, a thirst for knowledge, has a downside to it. When one learns at a rate best described as "alarming," which college students often must do, little time exists to sit and sift through all that new material carefully. And this burdensome task would mandate yet more study time, which luxury few students can afford. Goths To start this chapter we have a response from the journalist Hippie and friend who uses the name Eternum1 on the web. He was a part of the founding of web logs as these journalists went to the hot spots of the world and kept in touch with each other. I think he sees where I am going with this book. Crop Circles and Critical Mass CROP CIRCLES: ![]() |
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