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Stranded Notions: Time And Philosophy Of The Individual
As I look back now, a long time seems to span itself behind me, opening up a trench of thoughts that I carry on my back. There is yet another spanning time, a future, actually it is a degree of time where the past is firmer and unmoving, anticipant even. And the present is where the past is producing, recreating, giving itself the chance of a perpetual birth, the perpetual acceleration of a cosmic motion and moreover, perpetually snatching away the suspenseful, concealed children of a continuum. We're constantly living a history, or involved in its process, for if a thing must already exist, it cannot be born; without harnessing it in theoretical ideas and perception, and giving it the impersonal neutrality that every other dominant living creature demands, we can comprehend Time as less an entity, one that is of the Present. This theory concludes that at one point of time and the nearest possibility of the next point of time that the primary influences, the infinitesimal difference that exists between them, though perfectly dissolved in existence, only and only in theory or any apparent flaw of what part we know of it, is actually a jump and not continuity. Conclusively, we can denote that there is no Present; a human body is unremittingly registering itself to a change between what has been and what must be its consequence. This is suggestive of a stellar rationality where the Present and all its virtues are the irrational. Thus the individual always lives within a tension and not an equilibrium. The individual then becomes a component of a varying world, instead of a moving one. To confer that a thing is pacing is de facto different from the suggestion that a thing is changing. Hence, there exists no actual reality, just one back and one forth, compounded by that change in motion that crops between them at a loss of centre. We're subsisting in that change, in that loss, within a sequence that flanks us. The reality is at the sides; we, the individual, occupy everything else. To breathe, to feel, to inhabit a living body that further inhabits a living world is not being real. To exist in a moment as a moment, to not be a stretch, to not extend from so to so on, and to not extend at all, but instead simply to be seconds and minutes and days, where these are not elaborate components of time but where time is an elaborate component of the self ? is to understand absolutely that any and all reality is unconditionally perfect and being so, it is finite. By the conventions, death is real and so is life. Does reality really encompass every aspect, even their differences or conflicts? Not if it's finite, it doesn't. Then, how does one become real? Theory cannot answer that and neither can I. Both of us are here to criticize and rebuke and point and laugh. However, we can guess and estimate, and pray we assume correctly. The answer lies in minimizing oneself. I do not talk of altruism or renunciation of the self, but the most of what that dangerous term suggests literally. Immortality. To exist is an alternate to not exist at all; the other and only alternate is to exist forever. If there is no such thing as Time, then it shall matter least that a distance be covered either walking or running, if we secure a neutral objective. The goal of all Time is to unalterably extend, and the goal of the individual is to readily exist. If we observe, it is agreeable that neither of them can exchange their natural roles ? Time does not readily exist, and the individual does not unalterably extend (man, and not the individual, as a collective function, does extend, but precariously). This role of man is not a provision, it is a predicament. If we cannot expand beyond our limits, we must expand within them. A limit that cannot to be stretched, must be first adjusted to, and then, overemphasized. We cannot forge the definite; rather it is safer to forge ourselves. One also cannot amend the unalterable, one must amend instead the arrant idea of one's relation to it. A willing servitude is more convenient than a reluctant one. We cannot overcome Time, hence we must submit to it more absolutely than our physical selves. A second is needlessly a second. We need to minimize ourselves to that needlessness; we need to inflexibly subsist in that second. Hence, we're immortal to the subsequence. We exist better than the last and certain than the next. In the framework of all limitations, if we comply properly, we do preserve an unnoticeable freedom. For the framework of Time, this unnoticeable freedom is reality. Only inhuman is more than human. It is a law: we cannot be something we're not partly already. Immortality is not a myth, but like so many things, it is theoretical, not vulnerable to practice. The beauty of existing minimally is that it is not necessary that the individual must only live his age. Sometimes we're so much older than what years could occupy or foretell. But that is a different tale, for a different time? I guess. Please revert queries to - mosaics12@rediffmail.com
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The Knowledge Filter "[I often get] the feeling that the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world... I am willing to believe that history is for the most part inaccurate and biased, but what is peculiar to our age is the abandonment of the idea that history could be truthfully written. In the past people deliberately lied, or they unconsciously coloured what they wrote, or they struggled after the truth, well knowing that they must make many mistakes; but in each case they believed that 'the facts' existed and were more or less discoverable." ? George Orwell from Looking Back on the Spanish War Slavers Claim To be Slaves - Taxation The United States of America was planned by elite members of secret societies. One of those elites was Francis Bacon whose utopian book actually used what was being done in Peru as a model. Indeed you will have to read a lot more books to know that these elites were involved in the Americas since before the time of Moses but suffice it to say we have forensic analysis or Peruvian cocaine in Egyptian mummies and genetics to go along with data galore from all disciplines of science. The US Founding document has a pre-cursor Constitution from over a century earlier in the Iroquois Confederation. There were Masons with traders in America who had been here before Columbus and there was an elite group of Indians who belonged to one of their offshoots called The Mediwiwin Society. Haplogroup X genetics shows us that the Sioux are white and the Sioux are related to the Iroquois and at one time they both were the Megwi and before that they were Hopewell, Adena and Poverty Point Phoenician traders back to the time of Stonehenge if not before. Its Not Your Fault! Saying goodbye is easy for the traveler. I am a person who traveled so much that I had no roots except 'within' and I learned to be connected to 'What IS'. The Esoteric Mandate (Rothschilds too) The monopoly called usury given to a specific group of Jews has a long history including Templars with Papal Passports. You might think the Jews have been horrifically pursued with prejudice and there certainly are some Jews (That the Halakah or law of the elite Jews also is willing to abuse.) who have been treated most foully by their 'brothers' or fellow man. I ask you to remember that spies and politics go hand in hand and I hope you know the Rothschilds got given the De Medicis (Templar before that) monopoly and spy network. It lead to them controlling the British Treasury at the occasion of the end of The Battle of Waterloo. They had their British Royal cousin to thank for it. This is a fact admitted in their official biographies. Joseph Bonaparte and The New Jersey Devil Joseph Bonaparte and The New Jersey Devil: Dorothy Dunn and Primitive Art The artist's of tribes of the Great Plains left their paper trail for centuries on rocks, cave walls, and buffalo robes and other animal skins. After contact with the white man the Native American artists began to use paper from the ledger books that traders used for record keeping, thus the term "ledger art". From Experience: Is It the Circle of Life? All of it in one way or another a part of my lifetime and not an analytical study of the way that business has changed but a comparison that is not at all hard to follow or see. What happened to our country now seems to be subtle changes that occurred as the years passed by. Belief is Closure The CON in CONstructs: The Galileo Conspiracy: 5 Questions Your Science Professors Hope You Never Ask As a young lad, I took on my first scientific experiment simply because I could. Like most curious youngsters who own walky-talkies, I could only resist for so long the urge to bury one of them (well behind enemy lines) in the bread aisle at the local grocery store, to see what startled shoppers might make of extroverted wheat. This, my first foray into the field of agorology -- the very scientific study of shopping, shoppers and shoppingcarts -- told me just what I needed to know. Humans Who Are Disrespected Seek Revenge The easiest way to gain enemies is to disrespect people. Inherently for some reason; humans who are disrespected more often than not seek revenge. This should be a warning of what happens in business deals, corporate brainstorming (with regards to hard earned and developed Organizational Capital) or even an outcast member of society. What is the most unfortunate situation in all of these instances is that the whole of the group loses from the possible ideas and innovations of these individuals. A corporate executive who starts to attack their peers at work starts and unending spiral of negativity, thus killing productivity, innovation and higher thought which is what a company most needs to succeed. In the case of an individual in society we end up with those who withdraw their talents to the whole or plot the demise of the fiber holding the civilization together. We see this with vindictive writers, uni-bomber, small fringe groups promoting their agendas. Desire is the First Step When a member of a species determines it wants something a thought is born, which triggers a desire and thus starts the brain into a cycle innovation and strategy. If it is hunger in a Bald Eagle it means flying over the river to catch a Salmon. If it is a tourist who is cold it means going in and buying a sweatshirt. This comes first and is the reason we must first discuss the flow of thought before we attempt to discuss any other issues in our society. The Magi I find no real fault in Constantine's inclusion or plagiarization of earlier and other systems of thought or their symbology into Roman Empire social engineering. The problem I see is the nature of the knowledge that they sought to prevent average people from gaining. Knowledge is power and knowledge in the hands of the few is a corrupting power. They have used mind-fogging projections to enslave and make people live in fear of demons and other constructs. Life in the Universe; Part 1 Is there life ( extraterrestrial life or any other form of life) elsewhere in the universe.....a universe consisting of millions of galaxies, nebulas, blackholes, millions and millions of stars, unknown planets and other heavenly bodies millions of light years away from our solar system ? This we don't know, but we must bear in mind not to rule out the possibility of the existance of some form of life. Some Ponderable Questions I am nothing if not inquisitive. Ask any person who knows me well. I always ask question. Even when I don't know what I am asking. One question I always feel curious about can be described as follows... Star-Fire Ceremony The Templar flag Columbus and da Gama traveled under was the dominant economic (and therefore if for no other reason) force in the three centuries before they set sail. Not just in Europe as we have shown, but in the entire world, these progeny of the Phoenician Brotherhood ended feudal socio-political strangleholds and opened the way for new possibilities. For these reasons and the eventual weakening of the church influence and Inquisitions (though that is what the church started against THEM!) we can truly be thankful. Emerson and Plato You might be surprised by the breadth and reach of the influence of Plato. Even Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of his progeny. Emerson also had a lot of Swedenborgian Rosicrucian leanings and was heavily influenced by Thomas Carlyle whose biographers have still not figured out what his secret was that made him tell them they would never get him or his life right. That secret ties Carlyle and Goethe to Swift and other literary and scientific members of the Hibernians who oversee the Priory of Sion and Royal Society. Here is what Columbia Encyclopedia on the web has to offer. Common Psi-sense Up until the start of the 20th Century there was a strong cadre of scientists like Michael Faraday and Sir William Crookes who knew integrating the humanities with hard sciences provided the greater insight or wisdom. The Animal and the Human Recent DNA analyses have revealed that humans share a majority of our genetic makeup with other animals. Physically speaking, our similarities with our fellow beings far outweigh our differences. In the Western mindset, however, a sharp line is drawn between human beings and other animals. Because they do not communicate in our language, it is thought, we do not have much in common beyond physical structure. For Westerners, only humans have a soul, a wide range of emotions, and the unique capacities of reason, imagination, and the changing of our environment on a grand scale to meet our needs. Despite the division in our thinking, we still have intimate relationships with the animals closest to us and cannot seem to resist anthropomorphizing them. There are several societies whose conception of humans' place in the animal world is far different from ours. Illuminati in Kentucky Illuminati in Kentucky: Crop Circles and Critical Mass CROP CIRCLES: ![]() |
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