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The Knowledge Filter
"[I often get] the feeling that the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world... I am willing to believe that history is for the most part inaccurate and biased, but what is peculiar to our age is the abandonment of the idea that history could be truthfully written. In the past people deliberately lied, or they unconsciously coloured what they wrote, or they struggled after the truth, well knowing that they must make many mistakes; but in each case they believed that 'the facts' existed and were more or less discoverable." ? George Orwell from Looking Back on the Spanish War I can argue that it isn't just esoteric knowledge or black ops and spy rings that are keeping knowledge away from the citizens of this world. I can even go so far as to say most knowledge is kept away from people on purpose. The Family Compact in Ontario flat out admitted they did not want people to really be educated, because it makes it harder to govern them. That was in the nineteenth century when it was not so easy to fleece people for their taxes and corporations did not have their present immortal status and greater rights than people. We are experiencing something far beyond the Literary Theory that Professor Graham Good talks about or what Marshall McLuhan knew about secret societies running the world. It is more than just the Knowledge Filter than Professor Philip Johnson speaks about. Zinn, Parenti and many more know that academia is like the Emperor that has no clothes. I have experienced the matter first hand in many more ways than the nit-picking racist fundamentalists who are always trying to beat back the truth. A web site called Undernet has this introduction to a few books including my first book Diverse Druids after placing a number of positively portrayed normative Bible Narrative histories in various segments or genres of study. "Pseudo-Archaeology and Pseudo-Science (Buyer Beware: All of the following books have been placed in this pseudo-section because they offering alternative views of science or archaeology which irreconcilably conflict with standard scientific thought. Do not be surprised by bad science, bad sources, poor reasoning or all of the above.)" (1) This is my response to a person asking if I read Cremo's masterwork which is also put under the same heading. He is in a group of open-minded people who are interested in what is called paranormal. I did not read Forbidden Archaeology but I read Hidden History completely - it is the shorter version. His facts are from the actual scientific record and there may be a couple that are wrong but he has a valid point of view; albeit one that is backed by Hindu propaganda. This Undernet place is a Euro-centric and Xian mindset. It has books that promote the Cradle of Civilization or Bible Narrative in all the top sections. Then it has the attack on Michael Moore mixed in - George W. Bush would be proud. I posted this on Machine Gun Politics@msn communities and explained the way psy-ops affects the herd mentality through this kind of Perception Management. The denizens of that site did the lynch mob thing to me. It is little different than what was done to people supporting emancipation ideology for blacks in recent decades. They are afraid to think for themselves or they say they don't have time to inform themselves. Will mankind start questioning their leaders in the near future? Activist for ecumenicism and Brotherhood
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Purpose There is no God. Satus Anxiety 'Every adult life could be said to be defined by two great love stories. The first - the story of our quest for sexual love - is well known and well-charted. The second - the story of our quest for love from the world - is a more secret and shameful tale. And yet this second love story is no less intense than the first.' Thus speaks Alain de Botton author of the thought provoking book Status Anxiety. In this day and age, we are given respect in direct proportion to our (perceived) "success". It is like a calibration, for the world to decide how much respect they owe us. So desperate are we for status, it is the over-riding concern of our lifetimes to achieve status and respect. Increasingly, status in the West has been awarded in relation to financial achievement. The consequences of high status are pleasant. They include resources, freedom, space, comfort, time and, as importantly perhaps, a sense of being cared for and thought valuable ? conveyed through invitations, flattery, laughter, deference and attention. Common Psi-sense Up until the start of the 20th Century there was a strong cadre of scientists like Michael Faraday and Sir William Crookes who knew integrating the humanities with hard sciences provided the greater insight or wisdom. What Is Destiny? Is There Some Thing Called Free Will? One of the greatest and everlasting debates of humanity has been about the role of destiny in the lives of human beings. There was a time when it was almost an accepted fact of life that each and every event was governed by destiny of human beings. Astrology was considered a science. Then with the advent of modern times the importance of role of destiny as a concept started losing weight. Today, belief in destiny is considered a superstition by majority of people. And rightly so, since there seems to be no evidence for the irrevocability of destiny. Illuminati in Kentucky Illuminati in Kentucky: Plato to Bushco The Neoplatonic Hierarchy: Nostradamus Saw The Luciferians are the inner cabal of the Vatican according to Malachi Martin (And have been for a long time as I have demonstrated in other books.). They created that fiction about 'for the good of mankind' which led to Salvation after Jesus was crucified. They have grown rich beyond their wildest imaginations as the benefits of special dispensations and confessionals have poured in to their coffers. They have been given large amounts of the land as well as special tax status that their Divine Kings share. Privilege - Alfred Lee Loomis and Hecateus ALFRED LEE LOOMIS: Reducing Human Population Growth Due to the indoctrination of World Religions and their control over the masses, prior peoples were told to procreate the next generation to serve their god or gods. They were told how to live their lives and taught about sinful thoughts. Most of which are the very reason our species evolved to the top of the food chain. However now we see those who have superior intellect readily debunk the notions and tales of those religious leaders and their stories. What is happening now is that non-believers in Allah, God, Santa Clause or other Creator are not reproducing as much as those who do believe in superstition, voodoo dolls or World Religions. Teilhard de Chardin FATHER PIERRE TEILHARD de CHARDIN: Humans Who Are Disrespected Seek Revenge The easiest way to gain enemies is to disrespect people. Inherently for some reason; humans who are disrespected more often than not seek revenge. This should be a warning of what happens in business deals, corporate brainstorming (with regards to hard earned and developed Organizational Capital) or even an outcast member of society. What is the most unfortunate situation in all of these instances is that the whole of the group loses from the possible ideas and innovations of these individuals. A corporate executive who starts to attack their peers at work starts and unending spiral of negativity, thus killing productivity, innovation and higher thought which is what a company most needs to succeed. In the case of an individual in society we end up with those who withdraw their talents to the whole or plot the demise of the fiber holding the civilization together. We see this with vindictive writers, uni-bomber, small fringe groups promoting their agendas. All That We Are... Are Labels Within the confines of the known universe, a madness is present that taints all of the knowledge which every human being has aquired within their life, and within the lives of others. Its Not Your Fault! Saying goodbye is easy for the traveler. I am a person who traveled so much that I had no roots except 'within' and I learned to be connected to 'What IS'. Fire Walkers DERVISH: - Whirling and ecstatically altering their conscious and soul full interconnections with all around them. These people of the Middle East are a lot like Native dancers and dream dancers from the whole of the world and deep into the dark recesses of human existence on earth. Needless to say their behavior has little relevance for the western academics of such soul-denying professions as those who do NOT know how to actually cure people or why the soul is important in that process of wholistic balance in human lives-and JOY! The quotation from the book 'Wonder Child' is the kind of thing we should read over and over again until we know why it makes 'common sense' versus the constant bombardment of manipulative messages and fear-mongering to divide the human family. Youre Wrong Isn't it amazing how often you're wrong? I mean that you, as a person, have no idea how to live and haven't got the foggiest clue how to make your own decisions. I know, it's kind of hard to swallow when put right in your face like that, but the fact is that you swallow exactly that every single day of your life. Some Ponderable Questions I am nothing if not inquisitive. Ask any person who knows me well. I always ask question. Even when I don't know what I am asking. One question I always feel curious about can be described as follows... Infinity - Feynman RICHARD FEYNMAN: - I had the great pleasure of watching a movie called Infinity by Matthew Broderick and his wife. What a joy! To see a person whose father taught him to observe rather than codify or label in order to get marks or social acceptance. Education that focuses on the soul and ethics is what humanity will need to handle the outcome of the Pandora's Box unleashed by his fellow atom-mysticists. What a treat to see the ethics and honesty that made it difficult for him to lie to his lady even when all around them were pressuring him to do so when they thought she had Hodgkin's Lymphoma. What mastery of mind and reality to simply portray this exceptional couple as she thought first of how difficult it must have been for him to lie rather than what this terminal illness might do to her. But as usual the doctors were wrong and she had TB although it could have been discovered earlier and she might have lived if these doctors had not been trying to avoid saying what they thought. The Keltoi The CIA's motto is "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." That is hard to swallow to say the least. Evolution and Exorcisms EVOLUTION: More surprising to me as I consider where my intellectual head-space has been on this issue, which is central to theological ideal; is the fact that I have become more of a creationist. Skeptics may say that God doesn't exist and I am inclined to agree he/she isn't within our purview to limit and say we know; HIM, or even what it is that really goes on, in the world about us. It would be difficult to say there is any one humanistic discipline or theology that fits with my perception. Teilhard de Chardin's 'templates' and 'quantum many worlds' join Lamarckian science, that requires uncertainty and values mystery and uncertainty principles with purpose. In the final analysis you can put me in whatever 'cubby-hole' you want and there'll be agreement and respect for the truth therein expressed. I see a lot of people sounding like they disagree and yet I see little difference except when they seek personal gain by it. Surely science has given a great deal of support to the concept of consciousness existing in the very smallest parts of energy, and in the ways it performs what was once considered miraculous, or magical. Here are the thoughts of two very scientifically oriented people from MIT in a book called Darwinism Evolving: Quotes to Think About INSPIRATIONAL COMMENTS: ![]() |
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