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The Early Life of Jesus
INTRODUCTION: Yeshua bar Joseph or Yeshua ben Joseph has become known as Jesus Christ. He was neither Jesus nor The Chriost. (1) This book will dare to try to make some sense of all the myths and conflict surrounding him. I won't try to make it a scholarly book and there will not be a lot of references and so-called 'experts'. The many great authors and wise men who have tried to pierce the veil of his myth are my inspirations along with the Dead Sea Scrolls and Dag Hammadi finds. I especially want to thank Hyam Maccoby, Bloom and John Dominic Crossan who has been a professor at De Paul University n Chicago. This book will be a fiction but so are most books telling us something about what he might represent or what he might have been. It will be far less of a fiction than the words put in his mouth by the pulpit-pounders who would not like what I or Yeshua will have to say, about the likes of the 'money-changers' who he threw out of the Temple in his youth according to the Bible. I hope my poor craft or wordsmithery will convey an excitement I feel for having Jesus as my guide or the things he did as he learned to do great things. He was from a rich clan or group of people who have been in control of most of the world for many millennia. In 1 Kings 10:22, 2 Chronicles 9:21, and 2 Chronicles 20:36 we can reasonably conclude that Solomon had a navy whose home port was Ezion-Geber on the north shore of the Gulf of Aqabah that had three year voyages bringing back things not merely African. Solomon was his forbear. He was not a poor shepherd or son of a carpenter. He lived in exciting times and went through many changes from zealot (bandit according to Josephus) to philosopher but settled as a Cynic after learning the things we call Yoga or sorcery in far off lands. I will present some of his escapades alongside Mary who I believe he married after years of being her best friend and fellow student in Alexandria with the likes of Comarius, who also tutored Cleopatra to be a good alchemist. Indeed Mary will be very much his equal and this will not sit well with those who want to present him as 'the only begotten' so that they might interpret for him as the Lord's sole representative. Antisthenes was a pupil of Socrates and he is the acknowledged founder of the school of philosophy known as the Cynics. There is an esoteric through-line that includes Yeats (The HOGD) and Blake or other Stuart Royal Society members including Newton and the heads of the Priory of Sion including Da Vinci. I address these matters more fully in other books I have done. Lesser influences of the Cynics are the Stoics but there are many esoteric schools which are more impacted by alchemy and the ancient sciences of the Druidic peryllats or shamans. There is a place in the Caribbean that I have spent a lot of time in. Today it is called Belize and it was a favorite hangout of the pirates all the way back to pre-Cretan times. One of its special attractions is the chili plant that produces the hottest chili in the world. The same conditions in the soil also bring us root juices that would have been used by Tantra or other sexual ritual practitioners in places like Josephine's Virgin (Yes like the Virgin Mary, who was no virgin.) Islands. I can easily imagine Ambergris Caye had a production center of this juice. I know this is one of the few places (Just two.) where the Merovingians have an ashram. These are the Essenes and the local legends there tell us Jesus (Yeshua) came to the Mayan lands. I think his last words reported in the Bible make more sense translated through Mayan. We are inundated with nonsense about Erectile Dysfunction today. Some authors negate the importance of psychology and few address the creative aspects of Tantra. Of course, you can be sure; I think the Merovingian drug or pharmaceutical complex is involved in keeping secrets. This is a link that mentions Ambergris Caye which is where San Pedro and the Essene location can be found - http://www.ambergriscaye.com/pages/medicine4.html and ambergris brought back by whalers may be connected. They love to make stories up that keep the secret and build more mystery which makes the products sell at higher prices. "REJUVENATION HERBS FOR OLDER PEOPLE SUFFERING FROM HEART PROBLEMS, BLOOD FLOW AND ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. ANCIENT MAYA ROOTS - USED FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. The root juice sold in Belize is concocted from Coclemeca and Gangweo in combination. The supply is limited and seems to be left over plants around Mayan ceremonial centers from long ago. Since the plants require 35 years to grow, the source is estimated sufficient only for about 500 people." Here is a poem from one of the Stuart-backed alchemical types talking about Jesus coming to Britain. And did those feet in ancient time Author of Diverse Druids
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Life in the Universe Part II We are most probably not the only beings in the universe interested in other planets and heavenly bodies.Based on reports and various sources of information our very own planet is visited by different shapes of unknown unidentified flying objects and mysterious entities believed to be visitors from space. Nature of Visual Representation Nature is often called "red in tooth and claw", this means covered in blood, and comes from a fairy tale called Wolfking; it is a story of times past repute with epic adventures, this quote is very much like "survival of the fittest"! The Animal and the Human Recent DNA analyses have revealed that humans share a majority of our genetic makeup with other animals. Physically speaking, our similarities with our fellow beings far outweigh our differences. In the Western mindset, however, a sharp line is drawn between human beings and other animals. Because they do not communicate in our language, it is thought, we do not have much in common beyond physical structure. For Westerners, only humans have a soul, a wide range of emotions, and the unique capacities of reason, imagination, and the changing of our environment on a grand scale to meet our needs. Despite the division in our thinking, we still have intimate relationships with the animals closest to us and cannot seem to resist anthropomorphizing them. There are several societies whose conception of humans' place in the animal world is far different from ours. Joseph Bonaparte and The New Jersey Devil Joseph Bonaparte and The New Jersey Devil: Star-Fire Ceremony The Templar flag Columbus and da Gama traveled under was the dominant economic (and therefore if for no other reason) force in the three centuries before they set sail. Not just in Europe as we have shown, but in the entire world, these progeny of the Phoenician Brotherhood ended feudal socio-political strangleholds and opened the way for new possibilities. For these reasons and the eventual weakening of the church influence and Inquisitions (though that is what the church started against THEM!) we can truly be thankful. Animus Mundi and Intelligent Design Animus Mundi: Plato to Bushco The Neoplatonic Hierarchy: Man Is Not An Island Our thoughts do not take leave of absence. Tempus Fugit and the Dollar Doesnt Money is time, a commodity which can be used to gage worth in respect to the time needed to construct, design, build, assemble, mine or in other ways accomplish a task, the creation of a product, a skill, an idea or any materialistic value. The value of a dollar changes from moment to moment depending on who possesses it at any specific point in time. The Tree of Life and Allies There are names in many languages and cultures or even within each culture, separate cults with different names for 'forces of nature'. Allies, guides, elementals, fairies, elves, gnomes, leprechauns and so the list would grow into the thousands. How many different dimensions or M-branes we might interact with at some level of our 'cosmic soup' is part of the question? There are different ways to access and varied levels or degrees of access. Not all are reliably replicable by the same techniques. Some element of consciousness exists in these ethereal forces which chooses not to communicate according to factors beyond the control of the soul or human who wishes such contact. Future Shock Futurists like Alvin Toffler and his wife are important parts of any informed citizens reading. Naisbitt's forward to Marilyn Ferguson's The Aquarian Conspiracy was part of my introduction to other futurists. I am not sure that the New Age has advanced a great deal since he wrote that forward for her book however. Let me assure you there is nothing 'new' about the New World Order or the New Age philosophies. From the days of the Antonines in the first century BCE the local authority and borders have been established in ever-increasing bureaucracy. The Oxford History of the Roman World goes on to say: "More significant is the interference in the financial affairs of cities which became widespread during the second century AD? we find a momentous departure from the traditional laissez-faire attitude toward government which had hitherto prevailed." Crop Circles and Critical Mass CROP CIRCLES: Satus Anxiety 'Every adult life could be said to be defined by two great love stories. The first - the story of our quest for sexual love - is well known and well-charted. The second - the story of our quest for love from the world - is a more secret and shameful tale. And yet this second love story is no less intense than the first.' Thus speaks Alain de Botton author of the thought provoking book Status Anxiety. In this day and age, we are given respect in direct proportion to our (perceived) "success". It is like a calibration, for the world to decide how much respect they owe us. So desperate are we for status, it is the over-riding concern of our lifetimes to achieve status and respect. Increasingly, status in the West has been awarded in relation to financial achievement. The consequences of high status are pleasant. They include resources, freedom, space, comfort, time and, as importantly perhaps, a sense of being cared for and thought valuable ? conveyed through invitations, flattery, laughter, deference and attention. Guerrilla Mythbusting: 5 Snappy Rules For Spotting and Exposing Popular Nonsense College students tend to wax enthusiastic about the lessons they pick up in class. Curiously, this very admirable trait, a thirst for knowledge, has a downside to it. When one learns at a rate best described as "alarming," which college students often must do, little time exists to sit and sift through all that new material carefully. And this burdensome task would mandate yet more study time, which luxury few students can afford. Three Theories An event occurs, then there must be an antecedent event, prior to it, causing it and this event will serve as an antecedent to another event and will lead it, if this theory is agreed means then there must be a starting or beginning for everything. This theory is called "theory of causal determinism". Now let us consider an event A, is said to occur, then two type or arguments can be posted one is called 'Fatalism' and other is called 'Free will'. Culture and Knowledge In eastern Cultures the passing of thought was considered valuable, so much in fact that even to this day members of those cultures respect their elders and listen to their advice. The passing of such thoughts and concepts and philosophies is of extreme value. The Christianity religion and its followers take those stories in the bible literally, almost to an absolute truth. Much of which is an incredible gift from those who came before us and experienced their lives and had something to say and tales to help the understanding of those who would come later. Jesus in the bible talks about important concepts and thoughts of what should be done and how to live with love towards your fellow man. Joseph Brant and The Hegelian Dialectic I admit I am only able to provide guesses as to the nature of how the elites might convene or make known to each other the nature of shared interests at different times. I have traveled in some circles where some of these people are present and I may have overheard a few things from others who work for them but it is pure guesswork in the final analysis. The Jacobin Scottish era shows us that Hume, Carlyle and Gibbon where checking with each other and following a plan to minimize the lesser nobles or keep them in the dark. Who did these people report to in the Stuart Royal camp? Bonnie Prince Charlie was opposed by his own general when the French did not send troops as promised so we can wonder if the people like William of Hesse and the De Medicis who appear together shortly after this were involved. Clearly Robespierre fomented a Revolution they needed in order to cleanse over-indulgences of the Royals in France. I am pretty sure that the Hegelian Dialectic borne of the top-down Platonic ideology was a factor. They were playing many sides and some very high personages were left out of the loop. Why Im Glad Im Not a Minority Writer I'll admit that I used to be jealous of my compadres who were minorities in my BFA Creative Writing program. The rest of us were just crusty white kids with no rhythm. All That We Are... Are Labels Within the confines of the known universe, a madness is present that taints all of the knowledge which every human being has aquired within their life, and within the lives of others. Nature Worship NATURE WORSHIP: - Wicca and witchcraft or other shamanic attunements akin to the kind of ethic and awe the great and beautiful (FREE) North American Indians had before the arrival of the 'civilized' men from the Old World. ![]() |
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