Life in the Universe Part II

We are most probably not the only beings in the universe interested in other planets and heavenly bodies.Based on reports and various sources of information our very own planet is visited by different shapes of unknown unidentified flying objects and mysterious entities believed to be visitors from space.

The UFO Phenomenon

UFO's, do they really exist?

Based on thousands of reports it seems as if there is no question as to the existance of UFO's.

The beginning of the modern UFO era

On 24 July 1947 Kenneth Arnold reported sighting 9 unknown flying objects over Mt. Renier in the USA.Since then thousands of UFO sightings have been reported. In 1947 UFO's were called "flying saucers." It is claimed that sightings of UFO's date back to ancient times.

UFO's - Where these objects come from

The majority of UFO supporters believe UFO's come from alien inhabited planets. Some say they come from another dimension of time and space.Others say that the earth is hollow. Inside the crust of our planet is something very much like a valley containing a mysterious world.Highly advanced civilizations of this world could be behind UFO's. Many christians believe that Satan and his demons are the creators of UFO's. There are rumours that UFO's are highly secret aircraft of the USA and various countries, which means UFO's are designed and developed in secret. From my own point of view:There is no acceptable explanation for these objects and there is no evidence to show where these objects are created or who is behind it.

UFO's - only a small number of UFO sightings puzzling

The Center for UFO Studies ( CUFOS) says that "any given number of UFO reports, about 5% - 10% , are truly puzzling." The majority of reported UFO sightings prove to be misinterpretations of natural phenomena, such as planes, spyplanes, satellites, planets, etc. Some of the reported sightings seem to be products of hallucinations, vivid imaginations, hoaxes,..And then there are the publicity seekers.

UFO's in South Africa

The dates and places where eyewitnesses claimed they have seen UFO's

1954 - Natal;
1969 - East London;
1972 - Fort Beaufort;
1972 - Port Elizabeth;
1974 - Natal;
1975 - Johannesburg;
1975 - Loxton;
1983 - Gauteng area
1992 - Cape Town;
1992 - Johannesburg;
1995 - Coligny;
1996 - Pretoria;
1997 - 27th August,Secunda.

UFO's - Is there any evidence to proof the existance of UFO's ?

It is claimed that crashed UFO's were recovered in the past and taken to highly secret places. "Area 51" in the Nevada desert is one of those places where, it is said, recovered UFO's and aliens are being kept.

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Author Owen Noome
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