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Im Sorry Mom! A Mothers Day Poem
Mother's Day Poetry, I'm Sorry Mom! I'm sorry for the troubles When I was young and growing up, So I thought that I could show you now, But I haven't done to well at that, I'd like to show you now, Copyright Laurie Meade 1989-2005 All Rights Reserved http://lauriemeade.com PLEASE READ: About using this poem. You have permission to use this poem, on a personal card, in a letter, or an email to your mom. Please leave the links to my websites at the bottom, so that the recipient can visit my site. You may also use it in a scrapbook layout for personal use, but not for commercial purposes. If you do use it, I would appreciate an email with feedback! You can use it on a website, but PLEASE email me and let me know where you are publishing it! Would you like to know how to embed a picture in the background of your text using Microsoft Word. Send a blank email to subscribe to my poetry mailing list, by putting this in the address window: poetry@ lauriemeade.com (remove the space) Kindest regards, Visit Laurie's Internet Marketing website at http://lauriemeade.com. Subscribe to her Ezine - "Yes You Can" by sending a blank email to: mailto:subscribe@lauriemeade.com?subject=mompoem
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Death & the Supernatural: Poetry/Five Poems Supernatural Poetry Learn About Love From Poet Rumi In this modern age of technology, busy lifestyles, and obsession with consumerism have taken a lot of the romance and love out of our lives. The Internet has become a medium to connect with people as everyone is finding it a lot harder to meet one another in the 'real' world. It has undeniably also become a place of voyeuristic fantasy in the realms of sexuality on pornographic sites. What ever happened to true love? Are our priorities so messed up that romance has been forgotten, only to be experienced vicariously through television and movies? The answer is no. Romance will never die; we just have to feed it with our energy. Choices You can do and you can be whatever you want. You have the power, and the right, to make the changes. Stone Beds [A Poem and an Advance] Stone Beds [Pompeii's surge] Publishing Your Poetry If you are serious about seeing your work published by reputable publishers, there are a few points you should consider. Firstly and most obviously, you need to determine if you have poetry worth publishing. This assessment can be done by doing something that will not only help you gauge the competitiveness of your poetry, but will give you some viable options for publishing it. Subscribe to literary journals and buy books of poetry. If you do this, what you are doing is searching out the market place. Read the types of poetry that many publishers are publishing and see if the quality of these poems surpasses or is on par with the quality of your own poems. Learn About Love From Poet Rumi Learn about love by reading poetry by a long dead poet named Rumi. No need to look for ancient texts hidden in caves...Search the Net. Thank You To Our Soldiers And A Tribute To Old Glory And A Prayer For Peace Thank you Why I enjoy Writing? During interviews and general conversations with the public,one of the most difficult questions for me to answer(timely and thoroughly) is,"Why do you enjoy writing"? Kens Poem How wonderfully sweet to be a dweller dwelling on the road of goodbye. Bittersweet tears fall as I think of all the places I'll never see, all the faces I'll never know, all the joys I'll never share, as I head for the unknown. I have lived life as best I could, met challenges head on, drawing strength from an unseen source. You cannot come with me on this journey you can only stand and watch, sometimes the more difficult task. I know what I must do and I will give myself a voice drawn from the inward depths of my being. For Ken June 1, 2003 copyright Fran Watson My hero, my best friend, my Grannio (a.k.a my Grandmother) She raised me like I was her own daughter from the day I was born 32 years ago. Grandpas House & From Iraq with Love [Two Poems] Grandpa's House [The ole Real House] Eight Poems Out of the eight poems provided here [all previously unpublished], four are Poetic Prose, a few Visionary [what I call Vsionary anyhow], a few Free Verse, and a few with more form and structure, more closely to the Auden style of: stanza, metrical rhythm, and rhyme. In saying that, I do believe all the poems are conveying a rich network of meaning, some of them painfully close bond between pleasure and destruction. They should appeal to the senses and create images in our minds, for poetry is just that kind of language that most complexly and effectively qualifies. In Poetry: Meaning of Words [And ...Rocket-belt] In Poetry: Meaning of Words THe Monster Mash, A Graveyard SMASH (short story I wrote when I was 11) The Monster Mash The Graveyard Smash Poetry and Popular Culture Is poetry too complicated for the average reader? Is it too cryptic, scholarly? If you ask a large group of average people what they like or don't like about poetry, you'll get a few different answers, but there is an overwhelmingly common category of responses. Life is a Fantasy LIFE IS A FANTASY! Three Poems: Dona Leonors Revenge; The Old Moon; Common Sides [All in Spanish/all in English] 1) Doņa Leonor's Revenge [1627 AD] The Man Who Could Not Say Sorry For His Sins Sorry would be a start. To My Friend, With Love All is still; all quiet; The world seems to be at peace. My soul is singing its rhythmic melody And I'm led like in a trance to write its tunes. The lyrics are for you. The essence of friendship. Storm Rising along the Lima Coast Storm Rising along the Lima Coast [Summer of 2002] ![]() |
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