Poetry Information Site Map
Welcome to the Town of Feeling
A Case of The Fears
I Hate The Wait (Weight)
Why I enjoy Writing?
Kens Poem
Find the Magic
Ocean Heal Me
My Final Defeat - Fixed Competition
You Lost Your Last Gamble and Me
Its What She Didnt Say
My hero, my best friend, my Grannio (a.k.a my Grandmother)
Ive Learned
My Grannio
Since Youve Been Gone...
For My Mother
A Different Place...
Lifes Too Short
Live For Today...
Top 20 Poetry Quotations
Listen as I Share: WE
Antidotes for an Alibi
Catherine Daly reviews Antidotes for an Alibi
Poetry ?Reborn? Emerges In Thriller Mystery Novel
Tsunami Day
Caught in the Arms of ED
Kafka Re-Trial
Tsunami -a Poem Dedicated To Help Aid and Awareness and Encourage Future Harmony. Make Peace Not War
Passion and Poetry, and Life
The Power of Eating Disorders
Writing Innovative Poetry
Looking Out the Rear Window
The Valley Of Pain
Publishing Your Poetry
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: A Discussion of How Do I Love Thee?
Banana Republic
THe Monster Mash, A Graveyard SMASH (short story I wrote when I was 11)
Walt Whitman, Romance With a Stranger
Satirical Poetry About Tony Blair
Beautiful Dreamer, Stephen Foster, Americas First Folk Song Writer
Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
Anne Bradstreet, To My Dear and Loving Husband, A Discussion
Because of You
Eds Poem
Five Poems
Eight Poems
Robert Burns Love Poem: A Red, Red Rose
Article on Poetry and Two Poems
Opposites Do Attract Quite Well
A Dose of Laughter
A World That Doesnt Care
The Last King of Mars [A Poetic Mytho]
The Time Has Come and Buzzing
Famous Poets Quotations - Top 30 Poetry Quotations by Famous Poets
Three Poems [Lima; Judges and Evils Creation]
Man Unbowed [A poem]
Death & the Supernatural: Poetry/Five Poems
Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Dog
The Gaul of La Laguna de Paca
The Treasure of Catalina Huanca (In English and Spanish)
Our Home
Thank You To Our Soldiers And A Tribute To Old Glory And A Prayer For Peace
Spell of the Andes: (in English and Spanish)
How to Write Bad Poetry
New Poetic Work By Ethiopian Immigrant Promotes Respect, Courage And Cultural Sensitivity
A Happiness Poem
The Art of Receiving Poetic Critique
Write Your Way to Fame
Rules for Writing Poetry
The Butcher of Lima and Footprints to Mantaro Valley (Two Poems)
Learn About Love From Poet Rumi
The Dead God of Copan (in English and Spanish)
The Spirits de Copan
Im Sorry Mom! A Mothers Day Poem
Three Poems (While in Transition/English and Spanish)
Become A Poet In Ten Minutes
Learn About Love From Poet Rumi
Poetry in a Nutshell
Savage Nature: The Life of Ted Hughes
Shakespeares Sonnet XVIII, Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day?
Chan Chan and The Gorriones (Two Poems in English and Spanish)
Footprints to Mantaro Valley (a poem in Spanish and English)
I Saw the Universe
Two Poems: Black Poncho, and Spirits of de Copan [in English and Spanish]
Mother, I Dont Mind The Pain
Black Blood, in Jeremiahs Vines - A Poem and an Article
Sleep, Dreams, and a Poem
Stone Beds [A Poem and an Advance]
A Ship to Remember
Ode To Quetzalcoatal [Now in Spanish and English]
Rhymes of an Ordnance Man [Vietnam War: 1971]
Review Of Stephen B. Wileys First Book Of Poetry: HERO ISLAND
Hindu Poet - Kamalakanta
Three Poems: Phantom of the Rocks; Lady from Lima & Bell Ringer of de Copan
Little Girl from Huancayo [a poem/in English and Spanish]
Lamenting Poetic Moods [six Poems]
The Man Who Could Not Say Sorry For His Sins
Three Poems: The Monkey Man of Lima, Plus Two More
Shaking out the Rugs [Following the Poet]
Lima, City with the Stretched out Wings [In English and Spanish]
Three Sweet Poems, and Two Not So Sweet [now in: SPANISH and English]
Two Poems and a Short Story
The Poets Corner [Three Poems with a review]
Here And There
The Plane from Iquitos [1959-Part One]
Biography of Charlotte Bronte
Expressing an Emotion - The Art of Writing Poetry
Way of Life: Rhymes of the Inca [four poems: see in Spanish and English NOW!]
The Ballad of: Brawling Mad-dog Sergeant Rook [Now in: SPANISH and English]
Ode, to the Mighty Midget Omac [In English and Spanish]
Four Poems: Grendels Nature...the Racetrack...Counting days...[Now in English and Spanish]
Two Poems and an Analysis [?Witness,? & ?An Old Love?]
Lord Byrons She Walks in Beauty
To My Friend, With Love
San Francisco [Almost a Sonnet]
Five Poems from Home [And a view on the planet vs. the poet]
Four Poems: Two for the Devil, Two for Peru
Mechanical Poetry
Poetry in Turbulence
Mechanical Poetry; Part Two
Five Mixed Poems, with Notes [now is Spanish and English]
Two Poems on the Traditions of Peru [in English and Spanish]
Two Poems: San Jeronimo Brook & [in English and Spanish]
Mechanical Poetry - Part Three
Three Love Poems [all wicked]
Ballade of an Inca King
In The Midst Of All
The King and Delka & Moiromma: the Cold Planet [Parts 25 and 26]
Whats A Prisoner to Do?
Two Poems, with Figurative Language
Asha of Darfur [A poem with a commentary by the author]
Exalted Poetry; Two poem [and commentary]
Two Poems with Triggers [and a commentary]
In Poetry: Meaning of Words [And ...Rocket-belt]
Two Poems: Boyhood, and Old Age [with a note on style]
A Death in Cajamarca, Peru (Atahualpa, in Cajamarca ((in English and Spanish))
Never Ever More
Farewell to Lester Graybill
Three Poems and Paradise Lost [One for Hell, One for Heaven one for an Inca King]
The Merchant of Copan [In English and Spanish]
Africa - Wheres The Profit?
Ode to: The Ice Maiden of Ampatos Summit [now in: English and Spanish]
Ambiguity and Abstraction in Bob Dylan?s Lyrics
Song of the Great Zimbabwe, and Silver and Inca Blood [Poems and notes]
Commuting Hell!
The Cat
Testimony to the Night [In English and Spanish]
Key Largo - Frater Albertus
Two Poems Written During Recovery
House of the Goblin [Part Two of Three/with notes]
Tale of the Brick Maker, of San Jeronimo, Peru [In English and Spanish]
Life is a Fantasy
The Game of Life
Feelings, O How Glorious!
Storm Rising along the Lima Coast
A Hundred and Fifty Dead [Korean War--l952]
Three Poems: Dona Leonors Revenge; The Old Moon; Common Sides [All in Spanish/all in English]
The Lull of Twilight [Over Mantaro Valley] In English and Spanish
Shadows of the Andes; Ollantayambo; and Cesar Vallejo [Poems in English and Spanish]
Tale of the: Old Hunter and the Golden Hare [In SPANISH and English now]
Burning Autumn Leaves [a poem in Spanish and English]
Three Poems: Liberty, Death, and a Frog [with Commentary on Liberty]
In the Mountans of Haiti [A Poem: in English and Spanish]
Cruel World
Preserving Dignity
Colorful Talk
The Crusader: A Search for the Virtue Inside (an excerpt of an Epic Poem)
Arizona Blue--Gunfighter: The Wolves Nest [Chapter One of Seven: The North]
The Exit Poems [Iron and Fire & No Heroes]
An Old Wood Pile [a poem with notes]
Breathing-in, Minnesota [a poem: now in Spanish and English]
Grandpas House & From Iraq with Love [Two Poems]
Uamaks Aquatic [suspense: now in Spanish and English]
Memoirs of a Wastelands Rim [a Poem: now in Spanish and English]
Ceasar Vallejo: Black Roses [In English and Spanish]
Wars, Air of Ambiguity [for: Lt. Laura Walker] in SPANISH and English
Infected Ideologies [a Poetic Portrait]
Poetry and Popular Culture
Ole Bulky Jeeps & Paper, Ink and Rain [two Peoms]
Blind Designs [a Poem] and a Note by Rosa on The Other Door
Daybreak at Pikes Creek [a Poem]
The Goat and the Rope [a Poem: in Spanish and English]
Contract of Death [Now: in SPANISH and English]
Give Me a Lily Pad & The Continuum [two Poems]
I Shall Wait...
It Was Not Me
Birthday Messages
Four Poems: Harvest of Apoplectic Horses [Katrinas Pathway]
Colorful Talk
"I heard what you said, Red.
Yet, I have to disagree.
There's nothing wrong with my voice,
You're just filled with jealousy."
Live For Today...
Isn't that what they say?But what does that mean?There's no definition that mayanswer that question...
How I wonder what he's doing
as I sit alone at night.
How I wonder who he's seeing
How I wonder if I'm right.
How I wonder if he's ever
thought of coming home again,
and I wonder if he doesn't
can my heart mend yet again.
The Man Who Could Not Say Sorry For His Sins
Sorry would be a start.
A World That Doesnt Care
War bombs may explode demolishing man and land.
Hurricanes may devastate and leave us entirely bare.
Earthquakes may devour and swallow up old landmarks.
But nothing is as destructive as a world that doesn't care.
Eight Poems
Out of the eight poems provided here [all previously unpublished], four are Poetic Prose, a few Visionary [what I call Vsionary anyhow], a few Free Verse, and a few with more form and structure, more closely to the Auden style of: stanza, metrical rhythm, and rhyme. In saying that, I do believe all the poems are conveying a rich network of meaning, some of them painfully close bond between pleasure and destruction. They should appeal to the senses and create images in our minds, for poetry is just that kind of language that most complexly and effectively qualifies.
Memoirs of a Wastelands Rim [a Poem: now in Spanish and English]
Memoirs of a Wasteland's Rim
The Gaul of La Laguna de Paca
Part One
It Was Not Me
It was not me as I am now.
It was not me as I was then.
It was then when God was truly in me.
When God was in me, I was a young man.
A young man with hope, will and desire.
Desire to give my love and the gift of God to the ones in need.
You see, that was me.
As I picked up some of the polished gemstones in the rock store I began to think about what the stones looked like before they were polished. The store had several rocks on display showing the before and after and I realized that unless you knew what you were looking for, you could easily pass by a valuable gemstone. I also thought about how many times we pass by someone because they look "ordinary" and what we might be missing because we don't get to know their "inner person". Thus this poem.
Writing Innovative Poetry
Writing innovative poetry, the kind of poetry that reputable literary journals publish, entails knowing exactly what each word of a poem does to the reader. A good poem should be evocative, skillful, and cohesive, but before attempting to hone these attributes, a potential poet should be knowledgeable of the various forms and attributes of contemporary poetry. A good way to become familiar with the aspects of contemporary poetry is to take classes, join writing workshops, and subscribe to contemporary literary journals. Reading and understanding good poetry is vital to being able to write good poetry.
Shakespeares Sonnet XVIII, Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day?
Shakespeare's sonnets require time and effort to appreciate. Understanding the numerous meanings of the lines, the crisply made references, the brilliance of the images, and the complexity of the sound, rhythm and structure of the verse demands attention and experience. The rewards are plentiful as few writers have ever approached the richness of Shakespeare's prose and poetry.
My hero, my best friend, my Grannio (a.k.a my Grandmother)
She raised me like I was her own daughter from the day I was born 32 years ago.
Stone Beds [A Poem and an Advance]
Stone Beds
[Pompeii's surge]
Three Poems: Phantom of the Rocks; Lady from Lima & Bell Ringer of de Copan
Phantom of the Rocks
Ballade of an Inca King
Ah! Leave the gold, wealth and land
New Poetic Work By Ethiopian Immigrant Promotes Respect, Courage And Cultural Sensitivity
McLean, VA - "The Healing Conscious" tells the story of an Ethiopian immigrant boy on his fascinating journey to America and adulthood. Author Kifle Bantayehu, a 23 year-old second-generation Ethiopian immigrant, recounts this poignant tale in poetic format. His inspirational collection of poems reflects the final words and thoughts of a dying man who traveled across the world, raised a family and became successful-finally fulfilling the American dream.
Two Poems and a Short Story
Three Poems and Paradise Lost [One for Hell, One for Heaven one for an Inca King]
The Torrents of Hell
I Saw the Universe
I can see the cerulean blue of the skies