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Live For Today...
Isn't that what they say? For everyone everywhere I honestly believe it means Or ask yourself questions like So unfulfilling Me out to the point On my existence And lead you to a tragic Satisfying and true Each and every morning Wonder what could have been Of your life that's not eternal To soar above Remember you only You'll probably regret what you On the unknown When you look back Have to ask yourself Without enjoying my days Resource Box - © Danielle Hollister (2004) is the Publisher of BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for quote lovers featuring more than 10,000 quotations in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read it online at - http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art8364.asp
Kafka Re-Trial Kafka lands resurrected in Crewe deposited by a silvery alien craft, And whilst he is wondering what to do He is asked to show his pass Or pay an instant one off fine At a cash dispenser of his choice And they are checking all the time On his irises face and voice. Life is a Fantasy LIFE IS A FANTASY! Arizona Blue--Gunfighter: The Wolves Nest [Chapter One of Seven: The North] [Episode Five] Ocean Heal Me Ocean Heal Me Rocks Take some time to stop and look at nature. Pick up a rock or two and think about where it might have started out and what it might have gone through to end up where you found it. Tsunami -a Poem Dedicated To Help Aid and Awareness and Encourage Future Harmony. Make Peace Not War Real Power. Shaking out the Rugs [Following the Poet] Let's follow the poet to his Hell and heaven! Count his Ghosts and dilemma's? Choices You can do and you can be whatever you want. You have the power, and the right, to make the changes. Memoirs of a Wastelands Rim [a Poem: now in Spanish and English] Memoirs of a Wasteland's Rim Three Poems: Phantom of the Rocks; Lady from Lima & Bell Ringer of de Copan Phantom of the Rocks The Merchant of Copan [In English and Spanish] English Version Tale of the: Old Hunter and the Golden Hare [In SPANISH and English now] There once lived an old man and his goodwife On the edge of the thick of the woods; They lived in an old run-down shack For forty-years and some. The old man hunted for his living, And his wife sewed on her lap. Lifes Too Short Time goes by to quickly to hold your feelings inside Especially when their so strong even if they don't abide... Ceasar Vallejo: Black Roses [In English and Spanish] Cesar Vallejo: Black Roses Contract of Death [Now: in SPANISH and English] Contract of Death Ode To Quetzalcoatal [Now in Spanish and English] Ode to Quetzalcóatl Find the Magic FIND the MAGIC Caught in the Arms of ED YOU MIGHT THINK I AM STRONG A Death in Cajamarca, Peru (Atahualpa, in Cajamarca ((in English and Spanish)) The Epic Poem: Poetry and Popular Culture Is poetry too complicated for the average reader? Is it too cryptic, scholarly? If you ask a large group of average people what they like or don't like about poetry, you'll get a few different answers, but there is an overwhelmingly common category of responses. |
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