Contract of Death [Now: in SPANISH and English]

Contract of Death

I heard today, the preacher say:
"Daniel has warned us long ago,
Of the trials and tribulations we
Are now facing, with our foes?"

He says the 'Antichrist' was now
In Europe crying: 'peace,' and the
'Axis of Evil,' had already placed
Hidden Atomic Russian weapons

Under our feet, here in the good
Ole heart of the United States;
'Palestine's cry for peace,' he adds,
Is a loaded Gun for Revelation 3:10;

America. A 'Contract for Death,'
Is what he called it. Now what can
I say? If I turn the channel, I get
Mickey Mouse, if I stay here, I get

The shivers. But the truth of the
Matter is: are we not simply just
Waiting for the next trigger?the

Then, suicide atomic blast!...

#817 8/29/05

Note by Rosa: I do not think Dennis wants to get into preaching, rather he was concerned on how the connections were being made with today's events and the prophet Daniel, whom he has studied, and the preacher was quoting. He of course put into his poetic form. He does it all the time, but doesn't often share it. Kind of watches where it is all leading to, if you know what I mean. So for those who are not biblical, it may not be of interest, and for those who are, the preacher quoted a lot of the book concerning Daniel Chapters 9, 7, and 11. Rosa Penaloza

In Spanish Translated by: Nancy Penaloza

Contrato de Muerte

Lo escuché hoy día, el predicador dijo: "Daniel nos ha advertido hace mucho, de las pruebas y tribulaciones que ahora afrontamos, con nuestros enemigos?"

Él dice que "el Anticristo" está ahora en Europa gritando: "paz", y el "Eje de Mal", ya había colocado armas rusas atómicas ocultas

Bajo nuestros pies, aquí en el viejo buen corazón de los Estados Unidos; "El grito de Palestina por la paz,", añade es un arma cargada para Revelación 3:10;

América. Un "Contrato de Muerte"

Es lo que él lo llamó. ¿"Ahora qué puedo

decir"? Si cambio de canal, consigo Mickey Mouse, si me quedo aquí, consigo

los temblores. Pero la verdad del asunto

es: ¡No estamos nosotros simplemente esperando por el siguiente disparo?

entonces, ¡explosión suicidio atómico!...

*817 8/29/05

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