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AFRICA africa here i come, africa its your voice i hear africa i have come to see your music dance africa here i come africa africa, black soul africa show me to your kings africa HEAVENLY GUEST heavenly guest as rivulets you flow beside your gathered pools seasonally guest CONCEPTION My father, dear mother, ...DETENTION distanced we sat, barred from ...unspoken, DRAUGHT tensed we watched we watched as the crops, whither we watched as the skies refuse MAN i appreciate i worship i'm disappointed poems by Chime, Hilary Uchenna Chime, Hilary Uchenna works as a creative artist in Lagos, Nigeria. He graduated as a painter in the Fine Arts Department, of the Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu. A traditional artist to the core, who gradually has transformed into the world of digital arts. He trained as an interactive multimedia developer, his works span from illustrations to image, video and audio editing. He has worked extensively on several multimedia CD titles, he exhibits occasionally, and have his works in private and public collections. To him poetry comes naturally, he believes it is an extension of his canvass and 'paint' he must, either with colours or in words. He draws his topics from his immediate environment and imagery from Igbo folklore. He is currently preparing a collection of his poetry and short stories which he hopes to publish soon.
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Two Poems: San Jeronimo Brook & [in English and Spanish] Fair Andes! Thy arms reach high Wondering How I wonder what he's doing as I sit alone at night. How I wonder who he's seeing How I wonder if I'm right. How I wonder if he's ever thought of coming home again, and I wonder if he doesn't can my heart mend yet again. The Gaul of La Laguna de Paca Part One Beautiful Dreamer, Stephen Foster, Americas First Folk Song Writer "Beautiful Dreamer" was written by Stephen Foster just before his death in 1864 at age 37. The song became one of his most famous and most popular. However, as with the approximately 200 other songs that Foster wrote during his brief lifetime, he did not receive the recognition or financial reward that he deserved. A Hundred and Fifty Dead [Korean War--l952] There I sat, ninety-five degree weather Expressing an Emotion - The Art of Writing Poetry Writing poetry is an art, a way of expression, finding meaning in few words. A melody of passion flowing out onto the pages, words that flow into each other and yet express the inner most thoughts and feelings of those who read the words. Writing poetry is a gift, a wonderful gift, being able to illuminate words so that they form a picture, express a feeling and share a thought in so few words. Unlike telling a story or writing a novel that explains every intricate detail a poem leaves you to draw your own conclusion. Writing poetry can be a healing process, putting down on paper all the emotions locked up inside ones head, a way of remembering and a way of re-living. Poetry has many forms from free verse to sonnet but all poems tell a story, a story of words, words wrapped around each other in such away that they flow together, locked in meaning. The poem below is titled "Playing" and every time I read this poem I cannot help but smile, as too will any mother reading this poem. See if you smile. San Francisco [Almost a Sonnet] (The city by the bay of Northern California, near which the Pacific Ocean resides; the year is 1967) Three Poems [Lima; Judges and Evils Creation] 1. Stone Beds [A Poem and an Advance] Stone Beds [Pompeii's surge] The Ballad of: Brawling Mad-dog Sergeant Rook [Now in: SPANISH and English] English Version For My Mother I cannot bear to think of when you will be gone. Lord Byrons She Walks in Beauty Lord Byron's opening couplet to "She Walks In Beauty" is among the most memorable and most quoted lines in romantic poetry. The opening lines are effortless, graceful, and beautiful, a fitting match for his poem about a woman who possesses effortless grace and beauty. Five Poems Poems have different cores, or so I believe, and can only be structured well for certain figurative language-heart beats; like all counselors are not made for all clients, so all poems are not made for the same person, or purpose; when we read we all have our likes and dislikes; I do not necessarily know what poetry is per se, but I do know what the greatness of poetry has, and great poetry is close to an illusion?it carries an echo I do believe-figurative yes, at best, and questionable yes, by far. Here are five poems I've recently wrote, all with a different core, focus and style. Africa - Wheres The Profit? A poetic comment that just welled up inside my head ? why cant we just do something ? before many more are dead? Rules for Writing Poetry You've been writing poetry since that first assignment in your high school writing class. You know the rules about writing poetry, right? Are there rules? Well, if you frequent the poetry forums across the Internet as much as I do, you'd find that there are a lot of amateur poets who adamantly declare that there are no rules for writing poetry and if someone even suggests reading poetry or books on poetry, many of the amateur poets will throw up a defensive front. My opinion seems to swing fervently toward the opposition. You have to know the rules before you break them; at least that's what I always say. Eds Poem Ed Gallagher Dec. 11, 1907 - Sept. 5, 2004 Poetry in Turbulence To many non-specialists of literature, poetry is deeply unsatisfying. There are several reasons for this, but two in particular come to mind. The first is that most poetry is overly descriptive, leaving little to the imagination; the second is that the rest of it is abstruse. This presents the non-specialist with a dilemma: either to persevere in the thankless task of attempting to unravel an increasingly unrewarding literary crossword; or to make do with the superficialities of descriptive verse and the resultant ennui. Both projects would presumably confirm any prejudices that these readers entertained about the relevancy of poetry to their lives. In circumstances such as these, I think it would be appropriate to introduce a method of poetic appreciation, which, although unorthodox, would encourage the non-specialist to revise any negative opinion of poetry held. Sleep, Dreams, and a Poem The Incubus' Flash-light Three Love Poems [all wicked] Advance: Mr. Dennis Siluk's poetry can have its fire-hearted twists: as with 'Lovers'...', and 'Death...' and the 'Loves's Curse';but love can carry with it, luring assets, especially in these three poems, as you will soon see; two of which he calls sonnets. He sings a dim song, but it all seems to fit in the river of bitter waters; or salty waters. Be that as it may, they are worth the adventure in reading them, weary as they may be. For those interested, his new book of poems will be out in weeks, "Spell of the Adnes," it will be a charming book. Rosa Penaloza The King and Delka & Moiromma: the Cold Planet [Parts 25 and 26] #25 ![]() |
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