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The Ballad of: Brawling Mad-dog Sergeant Rook [Now in: SPANISH and English]
English Version A bunch of us guys in the hut In ?Nam And watching from a distance When out of the night, he wanted To fight I wanted to fight him too. He wobbled like a duck as I Blocked his punch- (for I was drunk too), I guess- There was no man, could beat This bear of a brut, Again- And such was I, as he looked At me Thought With the face of bulldog And a deadly stare Pounds; And when I came down This mad-dog Sergeant Rook! I pierced my fingers into his flesh Ferociousness? A bit I guess; In echoes he cursed insanities- As his sidekick cheered him on Over Note: 699 5/31/05 Spanish Version La Balada de : Un grupo de nosotros los muchachos en la choza En ?Nam Y mirando desde una distancia Cuando hacia fuera de la noche, él quiso Luchar desee lucharlo también también. Él se bamboleó como un pato asì, yo (por que yo también estaba borracho), Prienso- No había ningún hombre, que podría golpear Este oso de un brut, Otra vez- Y tal era yo, como él miró En mí yo Pienso Con la cara de bulldog Y un mirada fija mortal Libras; Y cuando bajé ¡Este Sargento Rook perro rabioso! Perforé mis dedos en su carne Ferocidad ? Adivino; En ecos él maldijo locuras- Como su compañero lo alentó ¡Esto fuè tras de La guerra, en Vietnam!... Note: 699 5/31/05 Poet/Author Dennis Siluk, produces a ballad of Vietnam, an occurance, where more truth resides than fiction. The Author lives in St. Paul, Minnesota and Lima, Peru; and was a soldier in the Vietnam war
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Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Dog Emlyn Williams Theatre, Mold, North Wales: 20th February 2003 Caught in the Arms of ED YOU MIGHT THINK I AM STRONG Two Poems Written During Recovery Since my wife and I are moving, or preparing to move, we've been going through our things as most people must, to prepare for the new location, and in doing so, I found two poems, ones I wrote in 1990, now 15-years old, never published, and so I'd like to publish them today. I was a heavy drinker up to 1984 (some twenty years drinking), when I quite, and so these poems must have something to do with it, a slight reflection perhaps. They were never numbered, as I have done in the past to most of my poems, but I assume they would be around #125 and #126, or so, out of #760. I did not have a name for either of them, so I shall name them accordingly?now: Savage Nature: The Life of Ted Hughes One of the most important poets of the post-war period, Edward James Hughes (1930-1998), was drawn towards the primitive. He was enchanted by the beauty of the natural world, frequently portraying its cruel and savage temperament in his work as a reflection of his own personal suffering and mystical beliefs - convinced that modern man had lost touch with the primordial side of his nature. Joined JOINED Burning Autumn Leaves [a poem in Spanish and English] Burning Autumn Leaves [1950s in St. Paul, Minnesota] Passion and Poetry, and Life Ironically, the passion that can neutralize the repulsion for difficulties depends on the effort to overcome these difficulties. The irony resides in the circularity of this principle ? which applies to all areas of activity, including poetry: One must make the effort to overcome difficulties to achieve success and feel capable, and one needs this achievement and feeling to have a passion for making this effort. Mother, I Dont Mind The Pain I am among those who know that one never recovers from the loss of one deeply loved. We come to accept the death and adjust our lives - rather begrudingly, but we do not recover, we survive. Somewhere in the grief process, we make the decision to survive and then we are emotionally enabled to build a different kind of relationship with our deceased loved one. Eds Poem Ed Gallagher Dec. 11, 1907 - Sept. 5, 2004 Learn About Love From Poet Rumi In this modern age of technology, busy lifestyles, and obsession with consumerism have taken a lot of the romance and love out of our lives. The Internet has become a medium to connect with people as everyone is finding it a lot harder to meet one another in the 'real' world. It has undeniably also become a place of voyeuristic fantasy in the realms of sexuality on pornographic sites. What ever happened to true love? Are our priorities so messed up that romance has been forgotten, only to be experienced vicariously through television and movies? The answer is no. Romance will never die; we just have to feed it with our energy. A Different Place... I wish we had met 20 years ago... A different place, a different time when I actually had a chance for you to be mine... Elizabeth Barrett Browning: A Discussion of How Do I Love Thee? "How Do I Love Thee?" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning was written in 1845 while she was being courted by the English poet, Robert Browning. The poem is also titled Sonnet XLIII from Sonnets From the Portuguese. Three Poems: Liberty, Death, and a Frog [with Commentary on Liberty] Frog Summer Breathing-in, Minnesota [a poem: now in Spanish and English] In early fall, in Minnesota, the rain falls, falls, In buckets, buckets and more buckets-: drops Likened to music from its many streams-land Of ten-thousand lakes; moistened gravel, gravel Everywhere? Satirical Poetry About Tony Blair All Hail. Give Me a Lily Pad & The Continuum [two Poems] What can I do to keep this world in its orbital spin? I gave up trying to win the hearts of the many-. Throw the meat-balls against the wall, stop, stop!! Trying to make them spin, like God did in the heavens! Review Of Stephen B. Wileys First Book Of Poetry: HERO ISLAND Poet Stephen B. Wiley's first book of poetry, Hero Island, reflects tender snapshots and reminiscent overviews of various stages of his life as a youngster working on a farm in New Jersey, summer vacations spent with his family in Northern Vermont, and his positive stance on life. Uamaks Aquatic [suspense: now in Spanish and English] Delicately, my mind was selecting a muffled tune, out of the dead dark empty space surrounding me? Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide The light of all eternity shines with me now / My feelings light up my life / How I find my way is determined by them / They illumine my path and show me who I am The Goat and the Rope [a Poem: in Spanish and English] The Goat and the Rope ![]() |
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