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Black Blood, in Jeremiahs Vines - A Poem and an Article
Black Blood, in Jeremiah's Vines And I heard the crackling of wood, and I noticed the Lord God had made men of wood, and fire came from his mouth. Then the wind poured its grief upon us-over our sins; and I heard the words for the seventh time, "Go to the mountains!" Foolish people of this land pray and understand-for He cometh! Thereof, toss yourself to thy knees, for the roar of rebellious men will bleed: black blood, through the vines of Jeremiah. Note: 5/10/05, 11:28 AM #639 Article Writer Visited US Dennis Siluk, renowned writer from the USA, was recently in the Mantaro Valley area and visited the Peruvian University "Los Andes" Language Center where there was pandemonium during his meeting with students and staff of the Language Center. In a short dialog with the students he highlighted the ancient and beautiful Peruvian culture and congratulated the students for being involved in learning the English language; a language which predominates in the world and does not have frontiers, in communication. He ended up his visit donating books to the Coordinator, Licensed Rigoberto Ricaldi Hurlado. This is Mr. Siluk's most recent article and poem [Poet/Author, Dennis Siluk: http://dennissiluk.trippod.com].He is a world traveler, and likes the mysteries of [in] life.He believes in the ghostly world, as well as the physical one;the Maya calender and its astronomy and mysteries, as well as loving the Inca legends, and the land of Peru. He also believes in the birth of a new world coming. Rosa Penaloza Poet/Author, Dennis Siluk: http://dennissiluk.trippod.com
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Opposites Do Attract Quite Well When I am climbing up, you are stepping down. When I wear a smile, you wear a frown. When I am very happy, you are feeling sad. When I am doing well, you are faring bad. Two Poems and an Analysis [?Witness,? & ?An Old Love?] Two Poems and an Analysis ['Witness,' & 'An Old Love'] A Happiness Poem If a happiness poem could bring forth a smile, Then my face would always dress in style. Tale of the: Old Hunter and the Golden Hare [In SPANISH and English now] There once lived an old man and his goodwife On the edge of the thick of the woods; They lived in an old run-down shack For forty-years and some. The old man hunted for his living, And his wife sewed on her lap. Robert Burns Love Poem: A Red, Red Rose Robert Burns, a poor man, an educated man, and a ladies' man, is representative of Scotland, much like whisky, haggis, bagpipes, and kilts. He lived a life shortened by rheumatic heart disease, 1759-1796, but his life journey through poverty, informal education, disappointed love, nationalism, and literary and financial success can be identified by all Scots and common men the world over. He has become almost a national symbol of all things Scottish. His life is like a love story with a happy ending. Two Poems with Triggers [and a commentary] So Many Einstein's You Lost Your Last Gamble and Me I will never think twice nor will I roll the dice When it comes to my life I will take my Grannio's advice Three Poems: The Monkey Man of Lima, Plus Two More What Hides behind the Minute? Eight Poems Out of the eight poems provided here [all previously unpublished], four are Poetic Prose, a few Visionary [what I call Vsionary anyhow], a few Free Verse, and a few with more form and structure, more closely to the Auden style of: stanza, metrical rhythm, and rhyme. In saying that, I do believe all the poems are conveying a rich network of meaning, some of them painfully close bond between pleasure and destruction. They should appeal to the senses and create images in our minds, for poetry is just that kind of language that most complexly and effectively qualifies. Mechanical Poetry Do you ever stare at the paper, waiting for poetic inspiration? Well, you can stop waiting and start using systematic techniques for creating poetry. If it seems too mechanical or artificial at first, don't worry. The point is just to get you writing, because creativity is stimulated by work. Biography of Charlotte Bronte Charlotte Bronte (1816 ?1855) Novelist and Poet. Bleed now is not the time to open open that great door again not the time to be more tolerant not the time to play to win Death & the Supernatural: Poetry/Five Poems Supernatural Poetry Tale of the Brick Maker, of San Jeronimo, Peru [In English and Spanish] Tale of the Brick Maker, Of San Jerónimo, Peru [A Cup of Sorrow] A Death in Cajamarca, Peru (Atahualpa, in Cajamarca ((in English and Spanish)) The Epic Poem: Lifes Too Short Time goes by to quickly to hold your feelings inside Especially when their so strong even if they don't abide... Find the Magic FIND the MAGIC The Last King of Mars [A Poetic Mytho] [As Told by the Last] King: it was in the year 23,700 BC that one of the two moons of earth was hit by a meteor that of which, a great part of the moon broke off and hit earth's surface with a devastating impact. Thus the solar system absorbed a cataclysm in unimaginable proportions, from Jupiter to Mars; knocking Earth out of its 100,000-year Ice Age. This destroyed three civilizations, two on Earth, and ours on Mars. That is when I left my home, on the giant rim of Olympus Mons, fifteen-miles high, over a thousand miles wide. Atlantis was originally on Mars you know; replanted on earth, from our residue and remnants. It happened like this? Changes I am not the one I was before yesterday. Savage Nature: The Life of Ted Hughes One of the most important poets of the post-war period, Edward James Hughes (1930-1998), was drawn towards the primitive. He was enchanted by the beauty of the natural world, frequently portraying its cruel and savage temperament in his work as a reflection of his own personal suffering and mystical beliefs - convinced that modern man had lost touch with the primordial side of his nature. ![]() |
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