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Mechanical Poetry - Part Three
Have you ever read the lyrics of a Simon and Garfunkle song? Pure poetry. Want to write poems like that? Start copying them. Let me explain. The Myth Of Creativity Creativity is somewhat of a myth. It isn't that it doesn't exist, but people's ideas about it are mis-informed. Many believe that to be creative is to come up with something completely new. There isn't an artist or inventor out there who has done this. Somebody had to write the first four-line verse or haiku poem, right? Now is everyone that uses these forms an uncreative copy-cat? No, of course not. We must copy forms, general ideas and techniques, so why not do it more systematically? Poem Writing Tricks Copy a poem you like, and then play with the elements. Part of the beauty of a poem is in the structure and the rhythm. Why not insert your own words into that, to see what happens? Here is the last part of a poem titled "Gratitude." It started by painting a picture of the mountains,and then; Words fail, as they should... So there is nothing to say But gratitude Now, if you take the general "gimmick" of the diminishing lines, you could insert all sorts of thoughts. An example: Pain returns, as it must... And to where can I turn for relief? But to life Shameless? No more so than the second time somebody wrote a four-line verse. New words have created a new poem. In the context of a longer poem, this copying of form in one verse might not even be noticed. What is creativity if you don't create something? Use whatever tricks and techniques you need to start creating poetry. Steve Gillman has been playing with poetry for thirty years. He and his wife Ana created the game "Deal-A-Poem," which can be accessed for free at: http://www.dealapoem.com
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In the Mountans of Haiti [A Poem: in English and Spanish] In the Mountains of Haiti Ole Bulky Jeeps & Paper, Ink and Rain [two Peoms] Ole Bulky Jeeps Wars, Air of Ambiguity [for: Lt. Laura Walker] in SPANISH and English Wars, air of Ambiguity Passion and Poetry, and Life Ironically, the passion that can neutralize the repulsion for difficulties depends on the effort to overcome these difficulties. The irony resides in the circularity of this principle ? which applies to all areas of activity, including poetry: One must make the effort to overcome difficulties to achieve success and feel capable, and one needs this achievement and feeling to have a passion for making this effort. Grandpas House & From Iraq with Love [Two Poems] Grandpa's House [The ole Real House] Ocean Heal Me Ocean Heal Me Its What She Didnt Say When I hear your voice inside my head it makes me think of you every single day as I fight back tears of sadness and wonder if you're okay Africa AFRICA (to africans in diaspora) Contract of Death [Now: in SPANISH and English] Contract of Death Banana Republic Like a cat I slumber, blissfully unencumbered, Through eighty per cent of my allotted span, Occasionally awoken, when dissent is spoken, And I invent another cunning five year plan, Lately it was pensions, that were being mentioned, So I borrowed from the French and Robespierre, Scrap all that went before, saved by tooth and claw, And let my all equal Citizens appear, Currently it is time, for me to be in my prime, For there is another election looming, I have to appear sincere, for part of this coming year, And assure everyone that everything is booming, Never mind strict quotas, Ive imported multitudes of voters, And told them which party let them stay, Though Ive rigged the postal vote, and defamed everyone of note, You never know what might happen on the day. Three Poems: Dona Leonors Revenge; The Old Moon; Common Sides [All in Spanish/all in English] 1) Doņa Leonor's Revenge [1627 AD] Four Poems: Grendels Nature...the Racetrack...Counting days...[Now in English and Spanish] English Version Ive Learned You cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. Recollections I AM SO GRATEFUL for simpler times. Stores were closed on Sundays, TV shows seemed to make more sense, Family members spent ample time with each other, And people were valued more than things. Two Poems: San Jeronimo Brook & [in English and Spanish] Fair Andes! Thy arms reach high Four Poems: Two for the Devil, Two for Peru Here is some witty poetry (not sure if that is the proper word: witty, but it will do): one poem on the Aztec year 2012, a year that has been in the public's eye quite a lot; one on cloning, and the biblical end time events--which, if I may add seems ripe for the monster events that are said to take place; and two poems dealing with some tradtions of Peru; one imparticular, on vacationing, where not to go; all the makings for some thought. Rhymes of an Ordnance Man [Vietnam War: 1971] Rhymes of an Ordnance Man [Vietnam War: 1971] Biography of Charlotte Bronte Charlotte Bronte (1816 ?1855) Novelist and Poet. Lamenting Poetic Moods [six Poems] Advance: in Mr. Siluk's poetry one finds symbolist values, sensuous impressions; verbal magic and even childish jingles; at times the popular 8-syllable verse (ballad metre). Free verse, with lamenting poetic moods, even satire (poems inside-out). Here are a few more of his recently written poems. Rosa Peņaloza. Article on Poetry and Two Poems Writing Poetry for Tomorrow ![]() |
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