Chan Chan and The Gorriones (Two Poems in English and Spanish)

The following two poems, one in English, the other in English and Spanish were done during this ongoing trip in Peru, while in Lima, although the poem concerning: Chan Chan was oriinally started last year,while at the ancient site in Northern Peru, it was just finished recently.

The Gorriones of Lima

It is fall all around me-

The Gorriones are swimming in the air Underneath the Lima sky

As if-, if fish could fly?

Summer has gone its way

It is fall again I say! The birds-, they just walk on by

Looking, as if, if on parade-


The world keeps spinning;

They just do not see it Until the hour comes?

When the sun goes down!?


Things get a little dim;

Yet the Gorriones keep on swimming Gracefully, swimming, in the wind-

Under the Lima sky? .

Note: #634 (4-30-05) Written in Lima, Peru

A Short, Saga of Chan Chan English Version

The Mochicas built the Great Temples

Of the Sun and Moon (For I have seen them)

Long before Tacaynamo Came from the Sea...

Who gave birth to the name Called, "The Moche," of Chan Chan!

Long before the Inca conquest Of the Chimus!...

Long before the conquest of This land, called Peru!...

Note: taken from notes taken at the archeological site last April 2004, and revised, April 2005, into poetic form. --#633.

Un Cuento Corto, de Chan Chan

Spanish Version

Los Mochicas construyeron los Grandes Templos

Del Sol y Luna ( Ya que los he visto)

Mucho antes Tacaynamo Vino del Mar...

Quien dio a luz al nombre ¡Llamado, " el Moche, " de Chan Chan!

Mucho antes de la conquista inca ¡De los Chimus!...

Mucho antes de la conquista de ¡Esta tierra, llamada Peru!...

Note: tomado de apuntes tomados en el sitio arqueológico el abril de 2004 pasado, y revisado, abril de 2005, en forma poética. - *633.

Dennis Siluk is the author of three poetry books, and several chapbooks, of poetic stories. He is presently traveling in Peru and Central America. He was on his way to Colombia, but got sick and so that part of his trip was canceled. His site is Rosa Peñaloza

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