Blind Designs [a Poem] and a Note by Rosa on The Other Door

Blind Designs

Born today, gone tomorrow
Like a butterfly with no stomach
Born n the morning, dead by night
Oh-let me whisper
Oh-let me cry
What man has not learned?
What man will not learn!
In his pomposity, his rhetoric
With his abstract concepts
With his intellect
With his creativeness
He has become enslaved
By them all, he will fall.
Ah! Yes-abstract concepts
Bombast and rhetoric
His intellect
His cleverness
This he leaves behind
To his decedents!...

(he has not learned he

has detached himself
dangerously from reality).

#814 8/24/05

A note by Rosa Peņaloza-Siluk, "The very first book Dennis wrote, "The Other Door: Poetic Exhortations", appears now on Ebay and Abe, and Alibis books, and elsewhere as a keepsake. It was 25-years ago he wrote the critical praised book, in classical poetry. Since then it has become a sought-after title for the author, with few circulating copies left. There was only 750-copies made, and 400 of them signed, a short classic in his genre. It is vintage Siluk, poetry-about people who love and get hurt, and travel, just about the whole gamut of life. He has been thinking of republishing the book with a new introduction by his wife [me], because besides his books on drugs and alcohol, "A Path to Sobriety?,"has proven that it will outlast him and myself, with all respect intended for my husband. Rosa

Poet Dennis Siluk, lives in Minnesota and Peru, and has just finished a new book,on Peruvian poems, and is working on "The Curse of the Abyass Worm," which he hopes to get out by March, 2006. You can see his travels and books at his website:

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