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The Treasure of Catalina Huanca (In English and Spanish)
Note: written after seeing the little adobe 16th century church San Sebastian, in San Jeronimo, by the mountains of Huancayo, Peru, after being taken there by the Wandering Quechua guide, Enrique (4-13-2005). The Treasure of Catalina Huanca Written by Dennis L. Siluk There, by the lofty mountains fair Hidden under the earth by Huancayo In San Jerónimo de Tunan- Is Catalina's treasure of gold! Whereupon, the Spaniards killed Atahualpa, the Inca King--; Hence, Catalina turned around to seek And found-her new, sacred ground!... And, a glutted stream swept- This little adobe church Called San Sebastian-ever since In the lofty mountains by Huancayo!... Spanish Version Por Dennis L. Siluk Translated by: Rosa and Minerva Peñaloza Note: Escrito después de visitar la pequeña iglesia San Sebastián construida de adobe en el siglo 16, en San Jerónimo de Tunan, por las montañas de Huancayo, Perú, después que ser tomado allí por el Peregrino Quechua guía, Enrique (4-13-2005) El Tesoro de Catalina Huanca Allí, por las altas montañas Ocultado bajo la tierra de Huancayo En San Jerónimo de Tunan- ¡Esta el tesoro de oro de Catalina! Por el cual, los españoles mataron Atahualpa, el Inca Rey-; De ahí, Catalina giró para buscar ¡Y encontró - su nueva tierra sagrada!... Y, una corriente saturada barrió- Esta pequeña iglesia de adobe Llamada San Sebastián - desde entonces ¡En las altas montañas de Huancayo!... Mr. Siluk in an International Poet and Author, his web site is http://dennissiluk.tripod.com
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My hero, my best friend, my Grannio (a.k.a my Grandmother) She raised me like I was her own daughter from the day I was born 32 years ago. Four Poems: Two for the Devil, Two for Peru Here is some witty poetry (not sure if that is the proper word: witty, but it will do): one poem on the Aztec year 2012, a year that has been in the public's eye quite a lot; one on cloning, and the biblical end time events--which, if I may add seems ripe for the monster events that are said to take place; and two poems dealing with some tradtions of Peru; one imparticular, on vacationing, where not to go; all the makings for some thought. Stones As I picked up some of the polished gemstones in the rock store I began to think about what the stones looked like before they were polished. The store had several rocks on display showing the before and after and I realized that unless you knew what you were looking for, you could easily pass by a valuable gemstone. I also thought about how many times we pass by someone because they look "ordinary" and what we might be missing because we don't get to know their "inner person". Thus this poem. Looking Out the Rear Window The funeral rite concluded With the pastor shaking hands, Offering words of comfort I didn't quite understand. Tsunami Day A Poem - By Lorraine Kember Burning Autumn Leaves [a poem in Spanish and English] Burning Autumn Leaves [1950s in St. Paul, Minnesota] Live For Today... Isn't that what they say?But what does that mean?There's no definition that mayanswer that question... Ocean Heal Me Ocean Heal Me Ceasar Vallejo: Black Roses [In English and Spanish] Cesar Vallejo: Black Roses THe Monster Mash, A Graveyard SMASH (short story I wrote when I was 11) The Monster Mash The Graveyard Smash Lord Byrons She Walks in Beauty Lord Byron's opening couplet to "She Walks In Beauty" is among the most memorable and most quoted lines in romantic poetry. The opening lines are effortless, graceful, and beautiful, a fitting match for his poem about a woman who possesses effortless grace and beauty. Five Mixed Poems, with Notes [now is Spanish and English] 1. Poetry in a Nutshell Poetry is more than just rhyming and prose that is in meters and verse. It is an art form. It is something that can not be judged by its cover and can not be critisized to the point where it just "sucks." Poetry is about expression. Poetry expresses the way we feel on a certain subject through imagery and other senses. It helps us deal with our daily problems, be it good or bad. Why I enjoy Writing? During interviews and general conversations with the public,one of the most difficult questions for me to answer(timely and thoroughly) is,"Why do you enjoy writing"? Eight Poems Out of the eight poems provided here [all previously unpublished], four are Poetic Prose, a few Visionary [what I call Vsionary anyhow], a few Free Verse, and a few with more form and structure, more closely to the Auden style of: stanza, metrical rhythm, and rhyme. In saying that, I do believe all the poems are conveying a rich network of meaning, some of them painfully close bond between pleasure and destruction. They should appeal to the senses and create images in our minds, for poetry is just that kind of language that most complexly and effectively qualifies. Superman So many looked to you for inspiration, Feelings, O How Glorious! Sometimes we feel hard-pressed, Our backs against the wall; Sometimes we feel lightheaded, As if we are going to fall. Ive Learned You cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. Little Girl from Huancayo [a poem/in English and Spanish] Little girl from Huancayo Whats A Prisoner to Do? What's a prisoner to do when justice fails and the innocent is escorted off to jail? ![]() |
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