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The Exit Poems [Iron and Fire & No Heroes]
The Exit Poems Iron and Fire Iron can be soften by fire- #789 [7/9/05] No Heroes I'm still living all the places I've been In-between- I have no heroes, just extravagate hope; I begin-. #790 [7/9/05] Socrates, a man of iron and fire I'd say, and a hero too many; even a hero to the great Plato, for it was him, who cleared his good name up. They killed him for his philosophy (as they had killed Galileo for his). But here was a man who was not afraid of battle, or war, and lived his philosophy. He slept in tents, and figured it was time to live, 'I'll write later,' or have someone write for me. Sometimes we cannot do both, and have to weigh the valor out. Thus, he achieved his noble glory; unfortunately I am not sure if I can say that for Plato or Aristotle, both of great minds, but we are, at the end, measured by our souls. Dennis Siluk see his website at: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com
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House of the Goblin [Part Two of Three/with notes] House of the Goblin [Part Two of Three] Africa - Wheres The Profit? A poetic comment that just welled up inside my head ? why cant we just do something ? before many more are dead? The Butcher of Lima and Footprints to Mantaro Valley (Two Poems) Footprints to Mantaro Valley (Peru; in English and Spanish) A Case of The Fears Chicken Soup is good for a cold Cruel World Azra, Azra, Wake up Azra. Wake up Azra, It is time to go. Go where you must But hate to do so. Azra, it hurts me to say, But you are the way. Wake up Azra, You have to go. Rhymes of an Ordnance Man [Vietnam War: 1971] Rhymes of an Ordnance Man [Vietnam War: 1971] Caught in the Arms of ED YOU MIGHT THINK I AM STRONG Poetry and Popular Culture Is poetry too complicated for the average reader? Is it too cryptic, scholarly? If you ask a large group of average people what they like or don't like about poetry, you'll get a few different answers, but there is an overwhelmingly common category of responses. Im Sorry Mom! A Mothers Day Poem Mother's Day Poetry, Tale of the: Old Hunter and the Golden Hare [In SPANISH and English now] There once lived an old man and his goodwife On the edge of the thick of the woods; They lived in an old run-down shack For forty-years and some. The old man hunted for his living, And his wife sewed on her lap. Expressing an Emotion - The Art of Writing Poetry Writing poetry is an art, a way of expression, finding meaning in few words. A melody of passion flowing out onto the pages, words that flow into each other and yet express the inner most thoughts and feelings of those who read the words. Writing poetry is a gift, a wonderful gift, being able to illuminate words so that they form a picture, express a feeling and share a thought in so few words. Unlike telling a story or writing a novel that explains every intricate detail a poem leaves you to draw your own conclusion. Writing poetry can be a healing process, putting down on paper all the emotions locked up inside ones head, a way of remembering and a way of re-living. Poetry has many forms from free verse to sonnet but all poems tell a story, a story of words, words wrapped around each other in such away that they flow together, locked in meaning. The poem below is titled "Playing" and every time I read this poem I cannot help but smile, as too will any mother reading this poem. See if you smile. A Happiness Poem If a happiness poem could bring forth a smile, Then my face would always dress in style. Three Love Poems [all wicked] Advance: Mr. Dennis Siluk's poetry can have its fire-hearted twists: as with 'Lovers'...', and 'Death...' and the 'Loves's Curse';but love can carry with it, luring assets, especially in these three poems, as you will soon see; two of which he calls sonnets. He sings a dim song, but it all seems to fit in the river of bitter waters; or salty waters. Be that as it may, they are worth the adventure in reading them, weary as they may be. For those interested, his new book of poems will be out in weeks, "Spell of the Adnes," it will be a charming book. Rosa Penaloza Publishing Your Poetry If you are serious about seeing your work published by reputable publishers, there are a few points you should consider. Firstly and most obviously, you need to determine if you have poetry worth publishing. This assessment can be done by doing something that will not only help you gauge the competitiveness of your poetry, but will give you some viable options for publishing it. Subscribe to literary journals and buy books of poetry. If you do this, what you are doing is searching out the market place. Read the types of poetry that many publishers are publishing and see if the quality of these poems surpasses or is on par with the quality of your own poems. Top 20 Poetry Quotations Explore the meaning of poetry and the motivation of poets with this special collection of evocative quotations... Three Sweet Poems, and Two Not So Sweet [now in: SPANISH and English] 1) End Poem Kafka Re-Trial Kafka lands resurrected in Crewe deposited by a silvery alien craft, And whilst he is wondering what to do He is asked to show his pass Or pay an instant one off fine At a cash dispenser of his choice And they are checking all the time On his irises face and voice. The Art of Receiving Poetic Critique You can show your poem to your mom, your spouse, your co-workers, or your friends, but you might not get the responses that you can suck up into your little writing fingers to use in an effort to refine your craft. What does it really mean when someone who cares about you, but not for poetry says, "Wow, this is great. I really like it?" THe Monster Mash, A Graveyard SMASH (short story I wrote when I was 11) The Monster Mash The Graveyard Smash Two Poems with Triggers [and a commentary] So Many Einstein's ![]() |
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