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Testimony to the Night [In English and Spanish]
In the quiet of the arctic night- Evening frost?! Here, here is where you find To clutter the mind (for a moment). Here, the sky has eternal eyes With the Universe- Here my eyes seek and search Numbing, changeless- Here, resides a strange peace The ebbing, eldritch dark; Cold and oddly numb are my feet, If Kings and Queens were Ah! Praise, praise be to thee, to thee Of the foes, divine immortals? The enemies that never rest I hear music, harmony from afar (there) Orion's dust?perpetual dust; Aw! Ye, our sacred books are all on fire; Tiding from heaven-. I see the flames; crimson flames; And the mindless will play some more? Off in the darkness, somewhere?! Sea; with fainting breath, silently-; I do not want to see the annuals-, ?stirs the cosmos: with His spectral. Eh! yes! Oh yes, the midnight sky has eyes Hence, soon to recur the inviolate Notes by the author: "?this is a deep, and restless poem with many images; the secret of the poem (to me) is the sun, as it has always rose, so it shall again, tomorrow, and again another tomorrow, and so shall peace not exist, as long as it is in the hands of mankind." The author has spent time in the Arctic, l996. 7/7/05 #752 This is part one of three parts; part two, to this poem is called: "House of the Goblin"? ∆ Spanish Version Testimonio a la Noche En la quietud de la noche Ártica- ¡Aquí, aquí es donde Ud. encuentra Aquí, el cielo tiene ojos eternos Aquí mis ojos investigan y buscan Aquí, reside una paz extraña Frío y entumecido de una manera extraña están mis pies, ¡AH! Alabanza, alabanza sea para ti, a ti Oigo la música armoniosa, desde lejos (allí) ¡Aw! Nuestros libros sagrados están todos sobre el fuego; Veo, las llamas sobre los caminos de batalla Fuera de la oscuridad, ¡en algún lugar!? Yo, no quiero ver las anuales Pero, aun el cielo nocturno tiene ojos Notas del autor: "este es un profundo, impaciente profundo poema Con mucha imaginación, el secreto del poema (para mi) es el sol, Como este siempre sale, así este saldrá, otra vez, mañana, y otra vez Otro mañana, y así la paz no existirá, mientras esto este en las manos De la humanidad." El autor, ha permanecido un tiempo en el ártico, 1996. 7/7/05 #752 Dennis Siluk new book of poetry, "Spell of the Andes," see http://www.abe.com or http://www.alibris.com
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Poetry in Turbulence To many non-specialists of literature, poetry is deeply unsatisfying. There are several reasons for this, but two in particular come to mind. The first is that most poetry is overly descriptive, leaving little to the imagination; the second is that the rest of it is abstruse. This presents the non-specialist with a dilemma: either to persevere in the thankless task of attempting to unravel an increasingly unrewarding literary crossword; or to make do with the superficialities of descriptive verse and the resultant ennui. Both projects would presumably confirm any prejudices that these readers entertained about the relevancy of poetry to their lives. In circumstances such as these, I think it would be appropriate to introduce a method of poetic appreciation, which, although unorthodox, would encourage the non-specialist to revise any negative opinion of poetry held. In Poetry: Meaning of Words [And ...Rocket-belt] In Poetry: Meaning of Words Colorful Talk "I heard what you said, Red. Yet, I have to disagree. There's nothing wrong with my voice, You're just filled with jealousy." Contract of Death [Now: in SPANISH and English] Contract of Death Three Poems: Liberty, Death, and a Frog [with Commentary on Liberty] Frog Summer Write Your Way to Fame Have you ever thought about how nice it would be to see your poem discussed in the New York Times? Think you have what it takes to become a famous poet? Well the unfortunate truth is that no one has what it takes to be a famous poet. Here's a little exercise: Name the most famous contemporary poet you can think of. Louise Gluck, Frank Bidart, and Maya Angelou, are all well known poets, but did you even know who all of them were? Top 20 Poetry Quotations Explore the meaning of poetry and the motivation of poets with this special collection of evocative quotations... Shadows of the Andes; Ollantayambo; and Cesar Vallejo [Poems in English and Spanish] 1) Shadows of the Andes [or: Song to the Andes] Poetry in a Nutshell Poetry is more than just rhyming and prose that is in meters and verse. It is an art form. It is something that can not be judged by its cover and can not be critisized to the point where it just "sucks." Poetry is about expression. Poetry expresses the way we feel on a certain subject through imagery and other senses. It helps us deal with our daily problems, be it good or bad. Ocean Heal Me Ocean Heal Me Wars, Air of Ambiguity [for: Lt. Laura Walker] in SPANISH and English Wars, air of Ambiguity Infected Ideologies [a Poetic Portrait] the disease of extremism is infectious-; whoever cannot think of their child growing up without it is part of the phenomenon! (the choice of the day). fanaticism,-- with a powerful ideology are seeds for suicide! murder: giving reasons to rage!... ask: leninist che hitler bin laden they will show you to a noble act of death!... (that is what they say). throw out: poverty, the disadvantaged- save the ideology, that is the infected, the choice!? Bleed now is not the time to open open that great door again not the time to be more tolerant not the time to play to win Two Poems Written During Recovery Since my wife and I are moving, or preparing to move, we've been going through our things as most people must, to prepare for the new location, and in doing so, I found two poems, ones I wrote in 1990, now 15-years old, never published, and so I'd like to publish them today. I was a heavy drinker up to 1984 (some twenty years drinking), when I quite, and so these poems must have something to do with it, a slight reflection perhaps. They were never numbered, as I have done in the past to most of my poems, but I assume they would be around #125 and #126, or so, out of #760. I did not have a name for either of them, so I shall name them accordingly?now: Farewell to Lester Graybill I never met a man, who could shake my hand, and make my heart feel like a hearth afire. Its What She Didnt Say When I hear your voice inside my head it makes me think of you every single day as I fight back tears of sadness and wonder if you're okay Three Poems [Lima; Judges and Evils Creation] 1. The Poets Corner [Three Poems with a review] The Poet's Corner [Three poem/ see review of poetry under the poems] The Game of Life When your life becomes unbearable And the light of promise ceases to glow, When all your dreams and aspirations Lie dormant on ambition's death row. The Art of Receiving Poetic Critique You can show your poem to your mom, your spouse, your co-workers, or your friends, but you might not get the responses that you can suck up into your little writing fingers to use in an effort to refine your craft. What does it really mean when someone who cares about you, but not for poetry says, "Wow, this is great. I really like it?" ![]() |
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