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Three Poems and Paradise Lost [One for Hell, One for Heaven one for an Inca King]
The Torrents of Hell Hell's furnace- Agitated, she projects (the moment) No storm, no struggle #746 7/1/05 Battle of Ollantayambo In Ollantayambo- 6/30/05 #745 Paradise Lost? Just some thoughts on Paradise, which keep spinning in my head; in the old Testament, the garden of Eden was by-to my understanding-four rivers. Some think it was in Iraq, and perhaps it was. Some folks think it was in Africa, but I doubt that. But if it was in old Sumer, or Iraq, where are the four rivers I ask myself (looking for the lost Paradise), the four rivers that are supposed to be in this paradise? The Euphrates and Tigris are two rivers I can account for; and perhaps the mythical, or legendary "Gihon," and "Pison," rivers. But wait, perchance, one of these rivers got mixed up in the old scriptures to mean the Nile? A question I asked myself. Some say the Tree of Life is in Bahrain, by the Persian Gulf, Gilgamesh was said to have went there, as did Noah. So now I get thinking I'm pretty close to finding Paradise, and I must not get Paradise mixed up with Heaven, that's another issue onto its self. So now I get thinking, the garden must have sunk, like Atlantis-maybe, I tell myself. Sunk right into the Persian Gulf; is this possible? Food for thought. So my mind is saying, in the time of Christ, a few thousand years after the flood and a few more before the flood when Adam and Eve were kicking dust. Now I ask myself, what does all this add up to? Eden could very well be where Paradise is, where it was when Christ descended after he died on the cross. Woops, did I say descended. Yes, yes, he told the guy next to him he'd meet him in Paradise, not heaven. I'm sure I got that right I tell myself. And we all know Heaven is up-yonder, thus he would have had to ascend, not descend. So here is Jesus, he's down in Paradise, and I read that Abraham could hear folks yelling and bellowing for a drink of water across the gulf. Now I get thinking again about Eden, which is called Paradise in the bible, and the Gulf where I can't find a river any longer on top of land-the forth river to be exact; and Jesus descending down to Paradise, where Abraham is. I think it is starting to add up for me. Now across the Gulf, is Hades, or perhaps the whole area is referred to as Hades, but one being Paradise, and the other side being Sheol (Sheol is mentioned in the Old Testament Bible 66-times, that my friends is the number of chapter-books in both books of the Bible). When Sheol is mentioned it is referred to as 'down'; for example, Gen. 37:35 "I will go down to?" In Ps 9:17, "The wicked will return to?" and so forth. The Paradise lost let's say is under the Persian Gulf, under the waters of the Gulf, the lost river perhaps that I can't account for. Thus Christ arrives after his butchery by the Romans, for they did put the cross on his shoulders, and pierce him with a spear of course, the Jews provoked it nonetheless, and the Romans were easily lead you can see. Anyhow, he came to Paradise as the sacrificial lamb, the blood sacrifice, for the lamb was often the animal used for such ceremonies prior to Christ's arrival. Now he announces he is the Messiah, and those who wish can go with him to Heaven, thus, leaving Eden or Paradise for those who need more time to think about it. Sounds too easily to be true; but it was just something swimming in my mind. For those none believers, it is a good Science Fiction Horror, for the Christian, it is most welcomed. Dennis Siluk see his web site: http://dennissiluk.tripod.com
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Key Largo - Frater Albertus Key Largo: Tale of the Brick Maker, of San Jeronimo, Peru [In English and Spanish] Tale of the Brick Maker, Of San Jerónimo, Peru [A Cup of Sorrow] Three Poems (While in Transition/English and Spanish) Here are three more poems by the author, Dennis Siluk, while traveling througout Central and South America. Eight Poems Out of the eight poems provided here [all previously unpublished], four are Poetic Prose, a few Visionary [what I call Vsionary anyhow], a few Free Verse, and a few with more form and structure, more closely to the Auden style of: stanza, metrical rhythm, and rhyme. In saying that, I do believe all the poems are conveying a rich network of meaning, some of them painfully close bond between pleasure and destruction. They should appeal to the senses and create images in our minds, for poetry is just that kind of language that most complexly and effectively qualifies. Wars, Air of Ambiguity [for: Lt. Laura Walker] in SPANISH and English Wars, air of Ambiguity Kens Poem How wonderfully sweet to be a dweller dwelling on the road of goodbye. Bittersweet tears fall as I think of all the places I'll never see, all the faces I'll never know, all the joys I'll never share, as I head for the unknown. I have lived life as best I could, met challenges head on, drawing strength from an unseen source. You cannot come with me on this journey you can only stand and watch, sometimes the more difficult task. I know what I must do and I will give myself a voice drawn from the inward depths of my being. For Ken June 1, 2003 copyright Fran Watson Kafka Re-Trial Kafka lands resurrected in Crewe deposited by a silvery alien craft, And whilst he is wondering what to do He is asked to show his pass Or pay an instant one off fine At a cash dispenser of his choice And they are checking all the time On his irises face and voice. Poetry in a Nutshell Poetry is more than just rhyming and prose that is in meters and verse. It is an art form. It is something that can not be judged by its cover and can not be critisized to the point where it just "sucks." Poetry is about expression. Poetry expresses the way we feel on a certain subject through imagery and other senses. It helps us deal with our daily problems, be it good or bad. Contract of Death [Now: in SPANISH and English] Contract of Death Grandpas House & From Iraq with Love [Two Poems] Grandpa's House [The ole Real House] Review Of Stephen B. Wileys First Book Of Poetry: HERO ISLAND Poet Stephen B. Wiley's first book of poetry, Hero Island, reflects tender snapshots and reminiscent overviews of various stages of his life as a youngster working on a farm in New Jersey, summer vacations spent with his family in Northern Vermont, and his positive stance on life. Mechanical Poetry; Part Two What do you do when you want to write poetry? I hope your answer is "I start writing." Even writing a bad poem is better than waiting for the "right words." You can always throw it away, and the process has begun. You'll start to find the words sooner than if you had just waited. Here are some more ways to get started. Find the Magic FIND the MAGIC Eds Poem Ed Gallagher Dec. 11, 1907 - Sept. 5, 2004 Lord Byrons She Walks in Beauty Lord Byron's opening couplet to "She Walks In Beauty" is among the most memorable and most quoted lines in romantic poetry. The opening lines are effortless, graceful, and beautiful, a fitting match for his poem about a woman who possesses effortless grace and beauty. The Treasure of Catalina Huanca (In English and Spanish) Note: written after seeing the little adobe 16th century church San Sebastian, in San Jeronimo, by the mountains of Huancayo, Peru, after being taken there by the Wandering Quechua guide, Enrique (4-13-2005). Im Sorry Mom! A Mothers Day Poem Mother's Day Poetry, Four Poems: Grendels Nature...the Racetrack...Counting days...[Now in English and Spanish] English Version Become A Poet In Ten Minutes Have you ever sat there staring at the paper, ready to write, but unsure where to begin? Want a solution that will overcome even the worst writer's block? Anyone can start writing poetry today using a few simple techniques. Commuting Hell! It's dark, it's cold, its' just six thirty, ![]() |
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