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All There is, is dust in the wind; Dust Particulate Traveling The Globe
Dust from Deserts and Particulate Control The greatest contributor to particulate matter, which effects human health comes from the World's Deserts. In the Western US we have huge deserts. Dust storms from China's deserts have traveled around the World. This has affected the world's weather patterns and contributed to even issues of Global Warming. The Sahara desert does the same. The World's largest deserts such as the Gobi, Australian Out Back, Sahara, Arabian, etc along with deserts like our little Death Valley Desert or the California - Arizona desert make up 80% of the Atmosphere's particulate matter which is includes all pollution. http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/lookingat...orida_dust.html What can we do in our deserts to slow down the particulate matter in our country? In many States, Counties and Large Cities in the US, the EPA counts the particulate matter in the air. Since the biggest contributor is from the desert we need ways to keep the dust down. Humans kick up dust from transportation, we create smoke from careless forest fires and we pollute the air with all sorts of things. Even the US Military fighting for freedom in the World causes particulate matter to enter the air. We cannot stop the wind from blowing, but perhaps we can limit our stirring of the dusty sand in these sensitive regions of the world? Eliminating Dust from Military Convoys is not a bad idea and in doing so we get many benefits. One probably not thought of when fighting a war for Democracy and Freedom, Human Rights and Fairness to Women is that not only do people die which is pretty much expected but, we pollute the air too. By controlling the dust we can prevent ambushes of our troops while simultaneously preventing pollution. How do you prevent dust from convoys giving away your position to the enemy and sending particulate matter into the air, which your own team will have to breath? Giant dust clouds can be seen for miles and insurgents sitting behind walls or in ditches have plenty of time to prepare and set up for an ambush thus the element of surprise it totally gone. A friend recently said "There is a company in Mexico that has created a dust mat that he believes collects more dust than any mat in America so he is taking his claim to the Las Vegas trade show next week. The Dust Control Mexico Company sells high technology welcome mats and he's looking for a distributor. I couldn't find anything more about this, but this might work as a material to place under military vehicles so as they drove through the desert, less dust would kick up behind them so it would be more difficult to track how long it had been before a convoy passed. There has to be something to distorting timeframes for the enemy so they would believe troops would be farther away than they were--another surprise element." Interesting indeed. Okay here is what I would do. First, use a special bottom contoured undercarriage which sends the air flow from under the vehicle and from the tires to one point, combine it with the exhaust and then send it into a venturi situation to get it moist due to coolness and then negatively ion charge it and send it back to the ground while also discharging negative ions onto the road. Yes, I am sure if we thought about this we could cover the dust from an entire convoy so the enemy never knows you are coming is this you need? We can use this for a SmarTruck III, easy to do. It would take time to make it work and time to prove concept but we could expedite it. The entire convoy might be able to be hidden by having a vehicle in the rear very negatively ion charged, like an ion breeze, (five easy payments of only $49.95 !?!), shaped like a venturi. Collect pollution, dust and leave it there. Enemy never knows you are coming so once you get there you can leave them there on the ground too. Perhaps a combination of a wet sponge under the vehicle with negatively ion charged water and the contoured undercarriage along with a negatively ion charged ceramic shell with a coating. The charge could be constantly fed into the skin of the vehicles collecting the dust, which would also camouflage the vehicles with the dust, sand or dirt picked up while driving. This means that the vehicles as they transverse new regions of terrain would constantly be changing color from the dirt? Now then can we apply these innovations to normal off road vehicles who enjoy the sport and recreation of our deserts? Can we do this efficiently? Should we be looking for ways to control the weather and create a light rain, which hardens the desert surface slightly? Can we create rain without putting particulate matter in to the air in the first place? After all we are trying to prevent particulate matter, yet many of the cloud seeding techniques require sprinkling of particulate matter such as silver iodide to get it to rain? When high winds sweep thru the desert the particulate matter makes breathing highly unhealthy. This particulate matter can travel around the world and it has been tracked by satellites where when conditions are right traveled around the globe. If we can control the wind currents and understand them, perhaps we can steer some of this wind around those dusty deserts? http://worldthinktank.net/wttbbs/index.php?showtopic=225 By controlling the weather we can make sure we get the required precipitation, keep just the proper amount of surface water on our deserts to keep the ground crusty rather than overly sandy, this way when the wind does blow it will not blow away light sand. If we can remove 80% of the particulate matter blowing from our deserts we are home free in the Global Warming category. Shouldn't we be looking into weather control now? Not only to prevent super flooding, Hurricanes, Typhoons and Droughts, but to control the particulate matter too. If we can do this we will not have to worry about Global Warming at all. If you have thoughts on ways to reduce 80% of the particulate matter in the air caused from blowing dust from the World's Deserts or the 13% said to be from volcanic Activity or reduction of man-made emissions and pollutions, The World Think Tank would love to discuss this with you. We are looking for solutions and ideas on how to better control those things can effect climate change. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Without Trucks America Stops Do you ever wonder how everything gets to the super markets? It came by truck. Some items come from half way around the world. First by ship or plane in a container, then loaded on rail or truck and dropped at a depot, then resorted and taken to the store. Everything goes to the store in boxes and leaves in your SUV in small containers via a shopping cart or plastic bag thru the check out and parking lot. Federal Trade Commission Will Not Monitor MLM Companies Having been to every city in the country over the population of 10,000 in the last four years I have been noticing a trend. I have seen Multi-Level Marketing folks hard selling their business opportunities in public presentations. Listening to these sales pitches in nearly every coffee shop I have step foot and stayed for more than one hour; it is now obvious to me that these MLM people are making at least 25,000 to 40,000 of these presentations per day in public places. This estimate includes presentations being made at college campus dorms and at dinner tables at private homes and residences. During these meetings these MLM sales people say things like they are doing 'Private Franchising', never mentioning the words; Multi-Level Marketing, which many consumers are onto now. Instead they use the more well respected name of "Franchising" but franchising is a legal definition and is nothing close to what they are peddling. Is America Bankrupt? The US Dollar has been falling continuously in last year. The Euro, not so long ago worth 82 cents, is now at $1.27 - this is a gain of more than 40 percent in a very short time. The same goes for the Aussie Dollar: from 50 US cents to 77 US cents (that's almost 50 percent up). Gold, which was trading at less than $300 per ounce for years, is now long past the $400 mark. What is happening to the greenback? The Protocols of Sion #1 There is a lot of debate about who made the Protocols. They lay out a plan for world domination and are attributed to the Sionists and therefore Rothschilds who founded the Illuminati. Perhaps they were made for the Czar to discredit the Rothschilds who had a running feud with the Royal Romanov cousins of their British pals who had allowed Nathan to take control of the British Treasury; on that fateful day that news of the Battle of Waterloo was withheld from the average investor while Nathan took everyone's money. Transporting Troops in the Future Currently when we transport troops we use large cargo planes or put all the troops onto airliners or charter large Boeing Jet Airliners to send them near the battlespace, but in the future we will be able to put them to sleep, pack them into small honeycomb spaces and transport 1000 or more troops in cargo container type modules. Sounds inhumane? It isn't, let me explain why. First every soldier hates the long ass flattening trip to the country or region where they will be fighting, it is nearly impossible to get the rest you need and they pack you in like sardines. Additionally you are stuck with a bunch of sweaty guys and everyone, whether they admit it or not is scared shitless. FTC Fixing SPAM? Is the Federal Trade Commission really stopping SPAM? Is the FTC and all of our tax dollars doing any good reducing SPAM? Why do we even bother to pretend? Did the FTC assume that its publicity alone would scare the spammers into quitting? The FTC is quite arrogant in that case. They spent over a year having meetings trying to define what SPAM actually was; then when we ask for a progress report as the SPAM had increased they say: "We are working on it, we need to redefine SPAM." Why? Well so they can make their cases stick? As if lawsuits will help? You see folks the FTC is as impotent as the Viagra SPAM we get each day. The FTC is still to this day debating with themselves what a commercial e-mail is? CAN-SPAM Act was an utter disappointment. Once again it proves the government does nothing very well. China Finds Humans to Test Bird Flu Vaccine On, in Qinghai China is serious about breaking into the bio-tech field and has a vaccine to stop H5N1 Bird Flu strain. Recently they admitted over 160 people died and today they now admit it was actually 460 people. 13,000 birds have been incinerated and this is only in the Western Province of Qinghai; there is also an outbreak in Southern China too. Population and Transportation in the Modern Era of International Terrorism It is important as populations expand to work on the Flow of Transportation components, which effect our civilization. We must improve the flows without increasing cods in the wheel with over burdensome rules for companies or operators. We have seen in recent years the slow moving steering committees, long-term bureaucrat heads, confines on R and D, duplication of regulations by states, pet projects, linear decision making and pure partisan politics; all of which impede the flows of transportation. None of which streamline it or make our transportation systems more efficient. Monitoring Macedonia Close to 500,000 people - one in four - live under the poverty line in a country where the average monthly salary is less than 150 US dollars. More than one in three members of the workforce are chronically unemployed. With inflation up 5.5% in the last 12 months and taxes - borne disproportionately by the poor and the working class - at 37% of GDP, life is tough in this small, landlocked country. When faced with the choice between raising VAT from 5% to 19% on bare necessities (such as bread and milk), or extending the "temporary" "war" tax (0.5% on all financial transactions) - the finance minister of Macedonia, after an emotional all-night consultation involving the Prime Minister, chose the latter. The "war" tax brought in the equivalent of 2% of GDP (on an annualized basis) since it was introduced in July this year and helped to contain a dangerously soaring budget deficit, now at 9% (and rising) of a shrinking GDP. Yet, the controversial decision to extend it brought on sharp rebukes by local tax experts. The finance ministry also plans to cut expenditures by a further 50 million US dollars. Arbitrageous Outrageous and Immoral Back-Dooring the CSIS: Global Entrepreneurs, Mining and Raw Materials There are many mines around the world, which are owned by the new global citizen who considers no country their home. Literally a world-class jet set of entrepreneurs. They are unconcerned with where on Earth that they do business, they take their business to which ever country they can make a deal with and make the quickest ROI and the greatest profit. This is not good or bad, this is the reality of opportunity, capitalism and risk-reward scenarios. The Dawn On The Nile Valley Has Secrets To Tell! Amnesty International comments on the proposal that has been laid out by President Obasnjo the Chairman of the African Union in regards to the Sudanese Darfurian issue. Bilderbergs In the words of a secret agent who has signed the Official Secrets Act in Britain we find the rationale for what government and supranational organizations have been involved in since Cleopatra, Christopher Marlowe and his own immediate predecessors Crowley and Ian Fleming. David Barrett tells us: Are We Really Getting Along? When you look at the news, immigrants are dying trying to get to America. Some are in America legally and illegally. I really don't have a problem with the immigrants unless they do it the wrong way. My problem comes into play when they come to America and they don't know English. Working with Hispanics I have come to understand them much better. Alot of them have been taught that working is critical. Education isn't important. Well, in American Education and working are 2 very critical components. The European Bank for the Retardation of Development In typical bureaucratese, the pensive EBRD analyst ventures with the appearance of compunction: "A number of projects have fallen short of acceptable standards (notice the passive, exculpating voice - SV) and have put the reputation of the bank at risk". If so, very little was risked. The outlandish lavishness of its City headquarters, the apotheosis of the inevitable narcissism of its first French Chairman (sliding marble slabs, motion sensitive lighting and designer furniture) - is, at this stage, its only tangible achievement. In the territories of its constituencies and shareholders it is known equally for its logy pomposity, the irrelevance of its projects, its lack of perspicacity and its Kafkaesque procedures. And where the IMF sometimes indulges in oblique malice and corrupt opaqueness, the EBRD wallows merely in avuncular inefficacy. Both are havens of insouciant third rate economists and bankers beyond rating. Economic Illiteracy Can Be Very Costly! I'VE ALWAYS ARGUED THAT ECONOMIC ILLITERACY IS VERY COSTLY. Liquidity or Liquidation Large parts of the world today suffer from a severe liquidity crisis. The famed globalization of the capital markets seems to confine itself, ever more, to the richer parts, the more liquid exchanges, the more affluent geopolitical neighbourhoods. The fad of "emerging economies" has all but died out. Try telling the Macedonians about global capital markets: last year, the whole world invested 8 million USD in their poor country. Breadwinners earn 300 DM a month on average. Officially, in excess of one third of the workforce is unemployed. Small wonder that people do not pay their bills, employers do not pay salaries, the banking system has a marked tendency to crash every now and then and the average real default rate is 50%. Democracy, War and the Media - Uneasy Bedfellows All Round Recent international wars and the often spectacular ways in which the established media is covering them, have given media researchers ample opportunity to see whether technological developments are giving us the opportunity to have a closer experience of democracy. Timber Dumping Recently in Professional Builder a cover article discussed how the industry was concerned about the anti-dumping tariffs of Canadian Lumber. I understand how they fill from a cost stand point, however let us discuss the hardships that Canadians have placed on trucking companies going into Canada with US goods. They have been a royal pain in the ass, while their trucks drive like crap, too fast on back roads-two lane highways, causing accidents and acting very inhospitable towards US motorists. How to Tell When Government Regulators are Shopping You In this day and age of tattletale, whistleblower heroes and homosexual bureaucrats with an axe to grind, we often find government regulators calling up business people to try to entrap them. As a matter of fact one worthless agency called the FTC ? Federal Trade Commission will often call up Biz Op companies and attempt to get them to say something they shouldn't. Usually it is obvious as they straight away ask questions that no buyer would ever in a million years ask in the first three sentences. Why do they do this? They do it because they have so many honest business people to call and so few crooks they need to quickly find the bad ones so they can score another point for the agency. What they end up doing is picking a fight with you when you do not say anything, which will get you in trouble then quickly dial the next number. This is utter BS and over regulation. Who do they get to do such petty, vindictive things; after all who would want a job like that? Well easy they find men who think they are women; vindictive and petty homosexual men? Have you ever sat in a coffee shop and listened or rather over heard a homosexual male with a lisp talk about his boyfriend; how about as you waited to get a haircut? Oh my God, they go on and on and loud, they are so loud. As if you want to hear these details. You know how women talk, but these guys, oh wow, they can go on for hours in a screechy voice. ![]() |
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