Political Information Site Map
Reelect President Bush for the 2nd term: Evidence & Proofs
Pending Oil Crisis
Colts? Stadium Short on Horse Sense
A Cheap Holiday in Other Peoples Misery (catching up with Mordechai Vanunu in Israel)
Simple Middle East Peace Plan
Bush Panders America?s Kids to Saudi Pederasts
Top 30 Politics Quotations
The ?Manchurian Candidate?: Lee Harvey Oswald?
Abu Ghraib: Our Surprise is the only Surprise
A Look Ahead to 2008 (Part I)
A Look Ahead to 2008 (Part II)
A Workable Alternative to Term Limits
A Noble Attempt To Bring Peace in Assam
Bush Victory: A Defeat for the Have-Nots?
The Ugly American Returns!
Revitalizing The Power of the Baby Boomers
Recycling The Mentally Ill
The American Worker: Downward Mobility
The Looting of American Taxpayers Social Security Disability by Fraudulent Employers Pt. 1
Seven Things That Make Me Angry
Fact to Fiction: The Brutal Truth about the Practice of Stoning
Affirmative Inaction
Government Overregulation of Broadcast Content Could Backfire
Business: ?Where Is America Headed To??, New York Millionaire Wonders
What Price Loyalty?
A Viewpoint Not Represented in the Mainstream Media
History of the Media, Radio, and Television
The Glorious Acts of Our Legislature
Asking For Proof in the Economic Pudding
The Lemon Dance: Why Government Doesn?t Work
Dont Trade Rights for Security
The Divided Language
Is America Bankrupt?
Corruption and Transparency
The Morality of Child Labor
OPECs Swan Song?
The Self-Appointed Altruists
Voters are to Blame for Bad Politics
Open Source and Post-Capitalistic Society
An Environmental Voting Guide for US State Elections
Voting Pro-Environment is Good For Jobs, Health, and Security
An Overlooked Plan for Bush, Kerry, Democrats, Republicans, and Healthcare Costs
Gone With the Wind Almost Did Not Make It
Doorstops and Paperweights
When Will America Wake Up?
When Will the World Wake Up?
On The Privatization of Social Security
Protection of the Intellectual Property in Russia
Army recovers terrorists? bodies from avalanche-hit areas in South Kashmir
Restoration in Russia: Much Needed and Inevitable
Protectionism in Russia
UK Elections on the Horizon
How To Date Ann Coulter (If You Must)
Is Reinstating The Draft Such a Bad Idea?
Gun Control? How About Crime Control Instead?
America Needs Election Reform to Ensure Congressional Honesty
America Needs an Education Reinvention Bill NOW!
Bush and Kerry Differ on Immigration Policies
Time for a New Canadian Party
Just War
Counter Intelligence: Accurate Words to Describe Our Dealings with Islamic Terrorists!
Bodyguard Training in Mexico; My Experiences While Providing BG Training in Mexico
Politicians Are Like Car Sales People
Anarchy: Law, Order, and Authority
Plastics In Our Nations Dumps and Landfills
From Democracy to Omniocracy
Patriots and Parrots: Imprisoning Tongues in America
The True Power of Terrorism
The Politics Of The American Dream
Colonel Boyd on Limited War and Iraq Victory
Secret Clandestine Facial Recognition Countermeasures and The Future of the CIA
The Dawn On The Nile Valley Has Secrets To Tell!
Lack of Peace, Reaching Critical Mass
Is it just hubris, or ...?
Eminent Domain Suggested as Cost Saving Measure in DC
Canada Tries to Stop Flow of Drugs into the US
Arson Neighborhood Mobile Watch Program for Summer Fire Season
Continuing Change in the Offshore World
Africa?s Prosperity Goals: A Cultural Perspective
Nurturing Global Disequilibrium
If the Water is Polluted, Ever Wonder What is in it?
The Dawn On The Nile Valley Has Secrets To Tell! (2)
3D Modeling for Healthy Forests
Why Dont We Listen To Entrepreneurs?
Wealth Distribution and Inheritance, What Will They Buy? Cars
Make Plastic Out of Corn
Should Judgeships Be a Political Event?
Super Voting Ink and Vaccines
Alternative to Land Mines in Middle East
The Economics of Cloning Armies or Super Families
A Component of Liberty is a Strong Social Contract with Governing Body
A Few Quick Thoughts on Freedom and Technology
Franchising Democracy and Creating Cohesive World Government
TSA Missteps at Our Airports
Government Credit Card Abuse
Military Intelligence, FBI, CIA Intelligence Problems
National Archives Needs to Embed RFID Tags in Ink
The World of Diplomatic Backstage
A Journey Through History
Banana Republic - United Kingdom
Rugged Individualism vs Human Nature
A Trade War is brewing; Are We Paying Attention
PTO - Patent and Trademark Office needs complete overhaul
All There is, is dust in the wind; Dust Particulate Traveling The Globe
No Child Left Behind needs to go Virtual
Treasury Department Falls Short on Blocked Persons List
US Trade Deficit with Bordering Neighbors
For they know not what they do; Federal Regulators destroying business
Entrepreneur Lashes Out at Linear Thinking Government Regulators
Bosnia - An Economy in Search of a State
Slovenia - The Star Pupil
The Second Coming in Albania
Monitoring Macedonia
Hawala, or The Bank That Never Was
The Macedonian Lottery
The European Bank for the Retardation of Development
Economic Free Zones in Macedonia
Public Sector Economies in Transition
The Criminality of Transition
Market Impeders and Market Inefficiencies
Immortality and Mortality in the Economic Sciences
The Distributive Justice of the Market
The Fabric of Economic Trust
The Revolt of the Poor: The Demise of Intellectual Property?
The Blessings of the Black Economy
To Grow Out Of Unemployment
Liquidity or Liquidation
Workaholism, Leisure and Pleasure
Competition Laws
Another Round of EU-Iran Talks Starts April 10 - Will Iran Be Referred To The UN Security Council?
Israel Termed A ?Nuclear Power? By US Officials
Anglo-Israelism and the Flesh
UAV Targets, Aerial Dog Fights, Interception, Future of War Intelligence
UAV Materials and Thoughts on New Technologies and Keeping Up With Our Opponents
UAV Decoy Stategies, Theories and The Modern Art of War
Self Destruct Strategies in UAV Construction
Canning International Terrorists? Literally
Cloaking Giant Airships is Possible, Why Stop There?
Chinese Military Build Up - Sun Tzu and Chinese War Machine
What are the benefits of Nuclear War again; I must have missed that point?
Tracking Over The Road Trucks from Canada
Let me throw out a random thought on Homeland Security Leadership Structure
Screening Trucks and Containers Coming Into Our Country
Technology and International Terrorism
Defending Middle Eastern Oil Refineries and Assets
Harmonic Beams to Pre-Detonate Shoulder Launched Surface to Air Missiles
Stopping a Nuclear Bomb on a Hydrofoil
Using a Meteor Shower as Decoy for ICBM Attack
So How Far Have We Come? Here are some of the 2001 Anti Terrorist Projects
The New Goo Review is Coming Right At You
Increasing Evaporation in Ocean to Defeat Droughts
Rule of Thumb For Exporting Technology
Bill OReilly: You Got This One Wrong!
Michael Moore: The Dumbest People on the Face of the Earth
End Of History? Not Quite
Internet in Russia and Ukraine - Part 1. General Information and Statistics
Quick Thought on The Flow of Fuel and Costs
Jobs and the Flow of Fuel
Trucking and the Flow of Fuel
Companies, Consumer and Cost of Fuel
Trains and the Flow of Fuel
Wars, Oil and Trade Conflicts of the Human Race
Fuel Prices at the Pump: That is not the problem, Natural Gas Prices are high too
The History of Trade and Using it as a Weapon for Peace
Trade Wars, China and Over Regulation At Home
NAFTA; What did we learn?
Free Markets, Wal-Mart, Over Regulation; What an interesting concept?
Free Trade, Outsourcing, Protectionism and Reality Check
Ethanol, Water, Pollution, North Korea and Free Trade
Monetary Flows, Retained Earnings, Over Regulation and Abundant Resources
Monetary Flows, Consumer Debt, Policy, Trade Deficit and Reality
Water Conservation, Retention and Better Policies
Economics and Politics of Regional Droughts
Droughts, Dirty Water and Disease
Population Control and Water Supply Issues
Snowbirds and American Migration and Mobile Populations
Oil Prices Effect The United States Competitiveness
Fuel Prices and Trucking; A Reality Check On What Drives America
3D Tactical Image Projection Enhanced Decoy System
Did 9-11 Change Everything for the Business Community
Will Cloning of Super Families Lead to Slavery
Cloning; The Possibilities and Advantages of Thought Swapping
Farming Human Clones
Newspaper Reporters Tread Lightly on Compulsive Gambling Addiction
True Democracy and a Way Forward
Foreign Spies Troll Gay Bars in Washington DC for National Secrets
Fight Terror, With Education
The Liberal Solution: Assault a Conservative?
Another Whistleblower -- is Anyone Listening?
Watergate Scandal
Take Marijuana Off the DEAs Docket
Cops Want To Increase Marijuana Punishments?
William Seward and the Alaska Purchase
The Morality of Using Stem Cells
What is the Filibuster-Breaking Nuclear Option?
I am Not an African American
Common Sense vs. Common Senseless - How Thomas Paine Can Be Applied To Modern Day; Part One
If Terrorists Are To Become Slick Politicians, Yhey Need Time Rather Than God on Their Side
How Dogpoo is Changing The World
Space Colonies a Primary Goal
Political Branding and Marketing
Famous Filibusters in Political History
Advances in Nuclear Energy; Safe, Clean and Reliable
Regional Grid Power Backup; Energy Ideas
Thinking on Energy
How Can We Prevent Black Outs and Protect the Grid?
Cracking Down on Cigar Counterfeiters
Common Sense vs. Common Senseless - How Thomas Paine Can Be Applied To Modern Day; Part Two
Without Trucks America Stops
High Speed Trains and The Future of Transportation
Pilot-Less and High Speed Train Transportation Systems; Better Strategy Needed
Mass Transportation Efficiencies and Price Per Rider Theories
Population and Transportation in the Modern Era of International Terrorism
Protecting Our Buses from International Terrorists
Union Members Don t Be Fooled, Conservative Talkers Have it in for You
What Is The Filibuster All About?
Bushs Election Victory: Ethics, Morality and Religion Defeated War, Economy and Foreign Policy
How Futuristic Is Anarchy As A Way To Organize The State (I)
How Futuristic Is Anarchy As A Way To Organize The State (II)
CBM?s Indo-Pak Peace Process
China: Tibet Standoff
The Delicate Art of Balancing The Budget
The Professions of the Future
What could Macedonia Learn from a Tiger? Asian Tigers and Uninterrupted Economic Growth
Public Procurement and Very Private Benefits
Ifs and VATs of Taxation in Macedonia - Should VAT be Applied in Macedonia?
Battling Societys Cancer: Unemployment
Should the Government Compensate the Clients of TAT?
The Typology of Financial Scandals
Is The Bill Of Rights Necessary?
Economic Illiteracy Can Be Very Costly!
The Will To Fight for Islam
Religion, Wars and Civilization
Truckers Take Some Hits and Keep On Trucking
Toll Ways Hurt The Flow of Transportation
Minor Disruptions Cause Chaos in Transportation
Maximizing Efficiency at Our Airports
Bureaucracy Suffocating the Flow of Transportation
California Mutual Assistance Program
Environmentalism and Roads in Our Forests
Fire Fighting and Healthy Forests
May Day, May Day
World Moving from Socialism to Capitalism
Upcoming Palestinian Elections Might Put Extremists In Power
French NON to Europe Might be Engrained in Their History
The Worlds Eldest Democracy Was A Truly Romantic Affair
US Social Security - Is President Bush A Robin Hood After All?
Democracy, War and the Media - Uneasy Bedfellows All Round
Feeling Squeezed by Political Correctness
FTC Franchise Disclosure Law Invites Violations; Do Not Call Lists
California Power and Commodity Markets
Public Utilities, Monopolies and Problematic Structures
Garbage in Garbage out; California Blackouts
Mexican Living: A Disabled Man Speaks for Terri
The Truth About Power and Absolute Zero
National Security; College Campuses
How Can We Elect Good Leaders?
Fear, Controversy and Chaos in the Media
Double Standards for Regulators?
Failure to Supervise at the Federal Trade Commission
Federal Trade Commission Will Not Monitor MLM Companies
Biz Op Marketing and the Federal Trade Commission
FTC Hurts Franchising Consumers
The US Government; Under Sarbaines Oxley
Accounting Nightmare at the FTC
Tax Dollars and Transparency of Government Agencies
Where have all the Heroes gone
Government Franchise Model; taking it virtual
Whose Afraid of the Government; Whose the Government Afraid of?
Why Can?t We Have a More Responsive Government?
Faith in Our Government
Government is a Franchise System; just not a very good one
George Bush and the Iraq War - Down on Downing Street
The British Sikh Army
Fair Trade and Pearls in the U.S.
Belly Full of the Clintons [Political View]
The Irish Issue
Joseph Campbell - Permanent Human Values
How Does the US Congress Really Work?
Monsanto Terminator Seeds
Adminstration of E-Business Taxation
Some Farmers and Organic Growers are Upset at Monsanto
Kudos For Monsanto Company
Free Markets, Farmers, and GM Crops
Should Farmers Plant GM Terminator Seeds?
Environmentalists Often Complain About GM Crops
Questioning Both Sides of the GM Crop Debate
Fury and Sound as GM Seeds Abound
Environmentalists Say GM Seeds are Bad News
How Small Business Benefits From Supporting Labor Unions
Homeless, Trash, Drugs and Transient Issues
Telemarketing and Job Losses
OSHA is just more BS from the Blob of Bureaucracy
Ohio Department of Transportation; Sector Economic Reality
The Contemporary Global Marketplace - IT, Software, and Services
Predator or Prey; Hunter or the Hunted; Teacher or the Pupil; Winning or Losing?
Problems in the Media
Clearing Land Mine Fields from the Air
Medicade Scam; Worse than You Think
Public Notaries
Wartime Prisoners and the Will to Fight; War is Hell, Let?s Win Alright?
Going All Out to Win a War
Bringing Back Mining Jobs to the United States
Global Entrepreneurs, Mining and Raw Materials
Federal Trade Commission Partnerships Questioned
Mexican Trucks in the United States; NAFTA Trade and Problems
US Government Owes Martha Stewart 1 Billion Dollars
Paper Industry
Constitutional Amendment Needed on Sodomy Laws
Emerging Markets, Property Law
National ESRI Policies
Why Do US Media Ignore Secret UK Government Memo On A Mega Iraq War Conspiracy?
International Terrorists Have US Partners; The Federal Trade Commission
An ROI on National Security
Discount Cigarettes and Cheap Tobacco from Europe to the UK
Uncle Sam Cracks Down Online!
Timber Dumping
Housing Bubble, Interest Rates, Timber Costs; What Has Changed?
Steel Import Tariff Taxes Hurt Industry, Not Help Them
Trade Policy; Hurting Industry and Small Business
Oil Pipelines and Rates of Flow
New York Lawyers; Vindictive Government Prosecutors
DC Lawyers; Have I Got a Case for You?
Tax Attorney in Oregon or Washington; Does Your Small Business Have One?
Tax Attorney? You Might Need One; The City of Portland is Going After Small Businesses
California Attorneys and Politicians
Workmens Compensation Lawyers, Lets Raise Minimum Wage; No Lets Not, Say We Did, We Have
Seattle Lawyer and Financial Freedom
Conservation of Water in Big Cities
Silicon Valley Brain Drain; Bad Trade Policies, Why?
We Do Not Have An Upside Down Trade Deficit Because We Cannot Compete
Retirement Age Will Have To Be Raised Since People Are Living Longer
The Politics of American Public Education and Why Dramatic Progress Still Eludes Us
Eurovision Song Contest - Kiss My Butt Neighbours
Maryland Lawyers and Politicians Want More Regulations
Maryland State Legislator wants to kill jobs and small business
Smelter Closures In America Hurt Our Industrial Output
The Senate Filibuster: The Hulk Plan and the Nuclear Option
Boston Bankers
Mommas, Dont Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Lobbyists
Water at the Roots of Twenty First Centurys Conflicts
The Economic Giant-- A Closer Look at China
Spies in Seminaries - Stalin the CEO
The Unborn and Cloning
RFID: Californias Identity Information Protection Act
Mental Masturbation of FTC Franchise Rule Report
Federal Trade Commission Falsely Purports Franchise Disclosure is Cost Effective
Federal Trade Commission Franchising Division; Inept?
George Bush--A New World Order
The FTC Purports and Misrepresents Their Law Enforcement Experience as It Attacks Business
FTC Franchise Rule Making Sound and Fury in the Sand Box of Free Markets
Hypocrisy of Over Regulation
Should the FTC be Allowed to Regulate Franchising?
Fraud From FTC Insiders, Who Can You Trust?
A Need to Review Abortion Laws In Belgium
The Hegemony - Church and State
Are We Really Getting Along?
Dole, Kemp, Trusting People
Carl von Clausewitz On War
Richard Nixon, the truth
Bird Flu may kill you and your family
Computer Cyber virus attack from hackers
Let us Disband The FTC?s Franchising Division
Federal Trade Commission Franchising Website Needs Updating
Enlightenment Experiments
The Wall of Honor
Mexicanizing America
911 Conspiracy Theory Revealed During Coffee Shop Conversation
Council of Six
Anti Government, Pro Democracy
Philosophical Thoughts from a Road Warrior; Part II
NASA and the Crisis Aboard MIR
Government Regulation Helps People
Suicide Prevention in Prisons
The United States Government Owes Arthur Anderson 16 Billion Dollars
Are Social Security Private Accounts a Good Deal or Raw Deal for African Americans?
MORAL ARMORS Economic Warning for Americans
The Civil War - FOGC
Is Inflation Harmful
How Many Cases Will Elliot Spitzer Lose Now?
Sarbanes-Oxley Reality Check on Bureaucracy
Iranian Elections and Boiling Points
Hillary Says Health Care Can Be Fixed with IT
Prison Abuses on Good Muslims
Elliot Spitzer for NY Governor
All Extremists Go To Heaven... Dont They
NASCAR to be Shut Down by FTC?
Starbucks Monopoly
Reprisal of the Bill of Proposed Electronic Crime Act 2004
Global Initiative of Electronic Commerce Taxation; Guiding Principles for Pakistan
Mexican Tariffs on American Goods?
Federal Trade Commission and Dismal Performance on Mergers
Iran is Escalating the Conflict
California Car Wash Fundraisers and Environmental Law
How Bill Cosby got it Wrong
The Fed and Other Garbage
Profiling Eco-terrorists
WiMax Election Strategy
Accessibility Requirements for Fair Housing
How Senator Sarbaines and Oxley Destroyed America
Chinese Ministry of Information Internet Registration Laws
Globalism and a Conspiracy
The U.S. Department of Justice vs. the Realty Industry, and Its Effect on Consumers
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
6 Steps to Destroy the American Infidels
China has the Answer to Environmental Dead Zones
China Finds Humans to Test Bird Flu Vaccine On, in Qinghai
911 Could Have Been Prevented, Was It Bush?s Fault?
Elliot Spitzer Blows Chunks
Elliot Spitzer, are the Rats Leaving the Ship
Environmental Economics, Stream of Thought
Liberal Agenda and Communism; Lance Rants
Political Correctness got you down?
NASA Budget Space Shuttle Thoughts
Shooting Around Corners with New Concept
Ex-CIA Folks are Problematic
US Army in Catch 22 on Gays Issue
Steel Tubing Tariffs Prove that NAFTA Still Needs Work
Howard Deans Big Fat Mouth
Elliot Spitzer Sued By Feds
When Political Correctness in NOT a Virtue
Hitler - Bush
The Public Is Enemy Number One
Do Not Tell The Truth
FTC Fixing SPAM?
Count Rumford
Freedom on the Internet
Media and the Iraq War, Some Random Thoughts Indeed 2001
RSS Meet Targets Advani
The Power of Media: Russian Perspective
The Reconstruction of Europe
Whats Right About Nebraska: How the Democrats Lost the Heart of American Populism
Iranian Elections - Roadmap To Continued Apathy
The Transformation Of Political Science And The Rise In Crime Rates
The Options For Regime Change In Iran
Why the United States just doesnt get the United Nations
Road Map Wont Work Cause PA Are Liars
North Korea and Diplomatic Solutions; Random Thoughts Part I
North Korea and Diplomatic Solutions; Random Thoughts Part II
North Korea and Diplomatic Solutions; Random Thoughts Part III
Was Pakistan a British Creation?
An Introduction to the Connecticut State Budget for 2004-2005
Connecticut Does Not Need Further Income Tax Hikes!
TABOR: The Growing Taxpayer Bill of Rights Movement and Economic Incentives for Industry
Question Authority
Quality of Life and Freedom, Unilateral Discussion
Politicians Will Save Civilization
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Soldiers and Their Psyche
Paid Assassins
US Government Regulators and Aides with AIDS
Great Melting Pot Indeed
The Gay Male Agenda for Political Dominance
Gas Prices and the Impact of Inflation
Illegal Aliens and Homeland Security; Rants from Lance 2003
Peace in the Middle East
MORAL ARMOR Condemns Home and Business Seizure Law
The Bush There Or Here Fallacy and the War in Iraq
The Project For A New American Century
How to Become a Whistle Blower
Osama bin Laden Needs a Pay Raise
Is This All There Is?
Cuba: Havana the Good
MORAL ARMORS Counterfeit 911: Refuting Michael Moore
The Mother of All Political Battles Has Begun!
Hitlers Positive Christianity... Unleashing the Patriotic Church
Will Gay Marriage Slow Down AIDS Crisis
Debt Relief and Reality Check
Dealing With UK Water Rates Debts: What You Need To Know
Responding to Article: Logic Class 101 Applied to the Minuteman Project
More Devastating Than a Nuclear Bomb
The Halakah and Neo Cons
Protecting Children From Porn
Pierre Dupont de Nemours
People Say ? and Do ? the Dumbest Things
The G-8 and Other Figureheads
Government Backed Fraud in Academia
Confession of a King
Dismal Performance of the NSA
How to Tell When Government Regulators are Shopping You
Ronald Reagan is Right
Thoughts Born of Tragedy ...
The Rosicrucian Council of Three
Lyndon Johnson - The Day After Dallas
Thune Republicans: Sudden Friends of the Working Person?
Lets Make Some Things Clear about John Thune/Dan Nelson/MetaBank MetaGate
Global/Israeli Corruption!
Anyone Awake Out There?
Carl Rove and the Case of Sour Grapes
Chinese Rhetoric Over Taiwan, Back At You
The Gun Control Debate
Birth of a Nation
The Protocols of Sion # 2
The Protocols of Sion #1
Interview With A Former ACLU Office
The Elephant Roared and Brought Forth a Turd: A Case Against Democratizing the Middle East
National ID Cards Have More Than Australians Concerned
Image is Everything in Redevelopment Projects
Congress Considers National Data Privacy Law
John Roberts ? Supreme Court Nominee
The Federal Trade Commission, reality check
Governments Worst Agency
Public Schools Are Un-American
Socialist Public Schools In America
The Absurdity of the Public School Monopoly
American Eugenics
Mother Russia and Poland
Is Congress Going to Lay the Groundwork to Include Education with the Steroid Legislation?
Between Hiroshima Japan 6 August and the NY 11 September!
Unemployment Iraqi Style
Lets Call A Spade A Spade
The Black Flag Of Anarchy
Conspiracy Theory; Kill Off the Old Folks
How Can You Have True Freedom if They Control Every Aspect of Your Life?
We Must Register AIDS Carriers and Homosexual Men
Dealing with Massive Prisoners of War
Ground Gas Canisters for Land Mines
Transporting Troops in the Future
The Cost of the COLD WAR
How to Deal with Poverty
The Pilgrims and Beacon Hill Mob
Arbitrageous Outrageous and Immoral
The Route to Democracy
Are American Twins - Majority Rule and Public Opinion, Sometimes Just a Couple of Dumbbells?
Justice Department Losing the War on Street Gangs
Army Recruiting Dilemma Discussed
Bio Attack Nation Unready
World Power Brokers Readying for WWIII
War with Red China Eminent Now
Lawyers and Franchising
Vision India - 2025 (Expectations of an Ordinary Person)
Jihad Will Continue
Al-Qaida has Nukes
Poitical Opinion - No Comment
MAURITANIA: Celebrating Tayas Ouster? Musical Chairs No Longer Fashionable In Africa
Poverty in America: Over 35 Million Living Below the Poverty Line
Jay Hammond - Alaska Governor and Creator of the Permanent Fund
Policy Separated from Politics
Are Illegal Mexicans Really Bad for America?
Does America Get It about Terrorism?
Political Lobbying & Biblical Aspects of the Mid-East Crisis
Intelligent Design - Why are the Intelligent So Afraid of It?
Dafur Emergency: A Challenge To Civilisation
Netanyahu: Too Late For A Fight-back?
Are We Serious About Fuel Alternatives?
Adolph Hitler
Electronic Commerce Taxation: Emerging Legal Issues - Part I
Electronic Commerce Taxaton: Emerging Legal Issues - Part II
Sweet Lies, The Aspartame Issue
Proven Risk Youth Vs At-Risk & High-Risk Youth
Arrogance Of Terror
Fundamentalist: Fascist or Common-Sense?
What Ordinary People Are Saying--Robertson Assassination Comment
Regulatory Hooey Protects Us From Our Own Health
Mr. Bin Laden: Tear this Wall Down
Why One May Not be able to Locate Your Lost Money in the States Unclaimed Property Database
There Ought to Be a Law
Does Your Farm Stink? The EPA Wants to Find Out
Fuel Prices on the Rise
Emminent Domain May Hit Close to Home
A Modern Lite in the Third World
The Dragons
Six Sigma Can Improve Government Practices
Genetically Modified Plants Could Become Sentinels for the Military
Using More Trees to Reduce Atmospheric CO2
Illegal Immigration - No Sign of Slowing Down
PA Congressional Pay Hike Raises Eyebrows
A Deal Made With Ireland
What Did You Do In The War Daddy?
Wartime Britain & Things Look Bleak
Death and Destruction and the Run Up to D Day
Preparing to Invade Japan
Thomas Paine / Jefferson
The FIRST FAMILY of the United States
Gasoline Prices Going Through the Roof
End Time Clock Ticking Away?
Look! America Take a Look!
News Media Misguided or Just Plain Liars?
Cindy Sheehan ? President Bush and the Accountability Moment
Will They Sterilize Vagabonds and Drunkards in Belarus?
John Kerry as a Prosecutor?
Immigration: Ten Points to Ponder
Employment Legislation: Proposed Employment Law Changes - To Take Effect 1 October 2005
Liberalism ? A Mark Too Low A Price Too High
Making Peace with Our Ancestors and Neighbors
Social Security Rant
Government Workers and Lawyers Revolving Door Rule Needed
The Wage-Productivity Gap
The Internet Right ? Are They Doing It Right
Rants by Lance: BRAC Committee Talks Irrelevant Completely
Intellectual Property: The ECJ Extends the Use of Trade Marks to Goods and Services
Media Advertising: New Alcohol Advertising Codes - 1 October 2005
US Government Sore Losers in Not So Neighborly Dispute
Lost and Found in Gaza
Think You Dont Need A License for A Wireless Microphone? Think Again
Russian State Administration Gives New Facelift to Oil and Energy Resources
5 Years in Prison for Satirical Flash Films About the President of Belarus
Positive People Power - Taking Control By Being Proactive NOT Reactive!
Mexico; Look What We Did
In Defense of the Feds Vs Katrina
We Are Turning a Corner in Foreign Relations, Thanks GW Bush!
Is George Bush Two-Faced?
Victims of Child Support
The Lemon Dance: Why Government Doesn?t Work
Former Senator, Daniel Moynihan, accurately summed up the
situation when
he posited that,"[t]he single most exciting thing you encounter in
government is competence, because! it's so rare." In the case of
politicians the public is protected from ineptitude and apathy
through term limits. Unfortunately for John Q. Citizen, the vast
majority of government bureaucrats exist in an environment devoid
of responsibility or accountability.
Thoughts Born of Tragedy ...
..."history may judge us to be the real bully if, in the our rush to punish someone, we act in ways contrary to our core beliefs and values as a nation"...
The Transformation Of Political Science And The Rise In Crime Rates
The current field of political sciences is dominated by a multitude of ideas that have never in its history featured so prominently in this discipline. The general belief that it has lost its focus once and for all is from time to time counteracted by different opinions. One of those is that the world has come full circle, that mankind has experimented out all possibilities in terms of ideological thinking and that the liberal democracy as we know it has come out of the process as the prize winner both politically and economically. Some define this as the end of history. It also goes by the name of ultra modernism. Globalisation fits in perfectly and all reflects the increasing complexity that we are finding our world to involve us in and which, in order to come to terms with the bigger magnitude of the whole, we are describing in essentially vague terms.
We have read about the unemployment rate being high. Really anything around six percent is pretty good and it is less than that now according to the statistics, but some politicians say it is terrible and others say it is reasonable. It depends upon which side of the isle you sit.
Workaholism, Leisure and Pleasure
The official working week is being reduced to 35 hours a week. In most countries in the world, it is limited to 45 hours a week. The trend during the last century seems to be unequivocal: less work, more play.
Ifs and VATs of Taxation in Macedonia - Should VAT be Applied in Macedonia?
To be justified, taxes should satisfy a few conditions:
China Finds Humans to Test Bird Flu Vaccine On, in Qinghai
China is serious about breaking into the bio-tech field and has a vaccine to stop H5N1 Bird Flu strain. Recently they admitted over 160 people died and today they now admit it was actually 460 people. 13,000 birds have been incinerated and this is only in the Western Province of Qinghai; there is also an outbreak in Southern China too.
Tax Attorney? You Might Need One; The City of Portland is Going After Small Businesses
The City of Portland is going after any small business, which does business in their city even if they are from another town or even in a neighboring state. The politicians said the city is losing 4 million in year in revenues? Maybe, but they do not deserve them anyway with an attitude like that. This is criminal for politicians to call small businesses tax cheats, when they lack the integrity to tell the truth themselves.
US Army in Catch 22 on Gays Issue
Many of those who wish to fight for our country come from families with strong ideals of freedom. Most of them are strong Christians in fact. There in lies the real problem with the US Army recruiting. To be allowed to come on campus to recruit at many colleges they are asked to be careful around the issue of Gays in the military. Yet to recruit a Christian Soldier this is a little tough, for if you allow gays in the military this goes against their belief system and if they are heterosexual, they want nothing to do with being in the same shower with someone who might be gay, but will not tell?
Carl von Clausewitz On War
For anyone who wishes to become an armchair General in their living room while watching the nightly news unfold on their TV set, these are some things they need to know. So often the news media will give opinions and ask other reporters what they think about this or that or the other thing. Yet few really understand what war is, why it exists or even its main objectives. Certainly killing one's own species is not a smart thing to do, but political will seems to be a greater driver of the human endeavor, whether this is good or bad should be left for additional debate. War is hell, war makes no sense, but if you find your self in the position of defending a nation or serving up a dish of political will; Carl von Clausewitz has some insight which you owe it to yourself to understand before you join in an critique or comment on any current war we are having. I therefore recommend the following book:
Nurturing Global Disequilibrium
This brings to our consciousness, issues concerning the ever rising level of inequality prevalent in our times with its attendant fallout and imbalance within our global system.
Environmentalists Say GM Seeds are Bad News
Environmentalists say GM Seeds are bad for the environment, dangerous to the security of the world's food supply and will cause millions to starve. Yet when one really looks at the debate none of those statements can be made in absolute truth. Why is it bad for the environment? GM crops were said to be bad by some environmentalists, but Monsanto has figured out a way to terminate the seeds, this terminates them from spreading to other strains of DNA, RNA of natural or wild crops. Thus helps the environment. It is a relatively brilliant "Green Technology" We get to have our cake and grow it too.
Spies in Seminaries - Stalin the CEO
The use of religion is well-documented as a social engineering tool and Francis Fukayama's 'The End of History and The Last Man' admits he and his ilk are adept in this regard. Magicians and propagandists are everywhere in the history of Empire since the days of Tuthmosis if not long before that. But there are less overt operatives than the likes of Augustine and there are double agents like St. Bernard. There also are covert operatives or well-trained people who move into political arenas as is the case with Stalin and his use as the corporate CEO of Russia. Do not assume just because low level people in Masonry say their history is replete with the prejudice and persecution by Catholicism that there was no central organizing plan and alliance (Holy or otherwise) through which the Templars worked with their supposed enemy. The next excerpt brings us a lesser known operative who might be called an outright spy like Count Rumford.
The Pilgrims and Beacon Hill Mob
In 1966, Dr. Carroll Quigley, a professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University and an employee of the Tri-Lateral Commission who informed or blew the whistle on them; published a 1311 page book called Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. On page 950 he says: "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments... my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known... because the American branch of this organization (sometimes called the "Eastern Establishment") has played a very significant role in the history of the United States in the last generation."
Free Trade, Outsourcing, Protectionism and Reality Check
Recently on C-SPAN, there were two gentlemen debating free trade one from the CATO Institute for free trade. Yet he failed to mention the real problem, the lawyers, over regulation and government bureaucracy. They seem to be under the impression that Americans did not want to work in manufacturing jobs? What on Earth was he thinking? If the CATO Institute, a conservative free enterprise think tank, is going to go on National Television and debate free trade, surely they have more depth to understand the plight of the manufacturers in this country.
Government Workers and Lawyers Revolving Door Rule Needed
We need more oversight and transparency in government. We need to keep our government workers honest and forthright. We need to prevent those who work for the government as lawyers for the government from going into private practice with the same companies they once enforced regulations on. The revolving door fo government lawyers and private practicing lawyers and lobbyists must stop if we are to maintain any real sense of integrity or fairness in our systems. You know, that "Truth, Justice and the American Way" thing that the government lawyers have such a tough time coping with?
Electronic Commerce Taxation: Emerging Legal Issues - Part I
The CBR taxes the Pakistani source income of nonresident individuals and foreign corporations with respect to income that arises from a trade or business, however, Pakistan generally asserts jurisdiction only with respect to taxable income which is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the Pakistan.
The Looting of American Taxpayers Social Security Disability by Fraudulent Employers Pt. 1
For more than a decade, you the American taxpayer have been burdened with my disability assistance. Why? Because my high-profile employer, a member of the bar and a politically connected entity in this area along with the assistance of his insurance carrier, insurance investigator and other members of the bar as well as a president-elect of a national civil rights organization at the local level assisted my former employer to get away with denying multiply sustained on-the-job injury and infirmities.
UAV Targets, Aerial Dog Fights, Interception, Future of War Intelligence
The UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is hear to stay and they are rapidly replacing the glory days of the fighter pilot and soon, there will be no humans in military aircraft flying the planes. Here is a quick overview of UAVs and all the new types. Hopefully these few links can catch you up on the subject to understand the future of these units.
A Modern Lite in the Third World
Americans pride themselves on being the best, that's a fact. From McDonalds, to Coke, to Microsoft, to Hollywood, we have the best of everything. Don't we? Especially in computer technology, Dell, HP/Compaq, Macintosh, we stand tall. Is that right? Is that a fact?