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Newspaper Reporters Tread Lightly on Compulsive Gambling Addiction
Websites designed to help people overcome their gambling addictions have recently been contacted by television associate producers and reporters in an effort to obtain information about individuals who have been affected by compulsive gambling addictions. In most cases, they are looking for people to come forward and share how their lives have been impacted by local gambling establishments. In the majority of these cases, people feel fear of embarrassment from family and friends and therefore, are not willing to discuss how their lives were affected. I was recently contacted by BET nightly news. They asked for help to locate people who lived within a specific geographic area whose lives were affected by gambling. Out of the five individuals I found, all refused to discuss their situations or allow someone to interview them for fear of recognition. Through my website, I Stopped Gambling So Can You http://www.istoppedgambling.com/ I have been fortunate enough to meet people of different backgrounds and learn about their gambling addictions. They have allowed me to share their stories with others as long as I assure them that their names will be kept confidential. I have shared some of these situations with reporters and associate producers with the hope that the message would reach the politicians. One politician I spoke with said he was trying to pass a law that would prevent people from using their credit cards to buy lottery and scratch tickets at local convenience stores. At first I thought this was a joke. People who want lottery tickets will get them with or without a credit card. Lawmakers need to see the larger picture. Most people who live within sixty miles or less from gambling establishments, are negatively impacted. It's been about ten years since the casinos opened in the state of Connecticut. People are spending more of their money there and not at the local businesses and shopping malls. Lawmakers need to realize that casinos grow very quickly in size due to the amount of money people lose. The amount money lost to gambling could be have been used to boost our economy instead. The truth is political leaders love the revenues generated by the casinos. This makes them look good to the voters because they don't have to increase taxes. Do the political leaders care that the economy is being negatively affected? Based on my knowledge and experience in this area, I predict that in less than five years the devastation caused by gambling establishments will be seen. This can be prevented if people are educated and given the truth about this private addiction. In speaking with reporters, I have also asked why they don't disclose the direct relationship between the amount of growth a casino has and the amount of money people lose by gambling. They have no response. The media enjoys reporting to everyone about the one individual who wins a million dollars. The media fails to mention that Casinos take in more than a million dollars a day from slot machines alone at the same time they report the million dollar winner. It's this distorted view that sends people down the road to self destruction by hoping to win big just once. The operators at gambling establishments are very greedy people. In some states, penny slots were recently introduced as a way to attract seniors and lower income families. They believe the slots allow everyone to play such as those on social security and welfare and not just the rich. The truth is they don't care about whom they hurt or how many lives are destroyed. The one thing I have learned is that all gambling establishments do not discriminate. If you have money, they will gladly take it with a smile. Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT ran a promotion in which they mailed out $50 dollar vouchers in an effort to bring people into the casino. In one week I heard from over fifteen people who actually used these vouchers but lost anywhere from one hundred to over a thousand dollars in just one visit. The casinos know how to draw people in. In order to avoid temptation, compulsive gamblers have asked to be removed from the mailing list. Unfortunately, gambling establishments don't care and will still send you information, but just not as often. During the holiday season, casinos mailed out $400 and $100 dollar vouchers for people to use at any of the gift stores located inside their establishment. Since it's the holidays they know gamblers buy gifts too, but once they get the gambler back into the casino, they're hooked once again. Is it unfortunate? Or was this just manipulation to get the gambler back? Based on the statistics, gambling addiction is on the rise and the economy is in trouble. Is there a relationship between the current economy and gambling establishments? When will the politicians step up and help these people? It's up to the people to take a stand and hopefully the political leaders will step up and help these people out. I have an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers, friends and family of gamblers and teenage gamblers. I believe there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction. A large percentage of emails I receive are from compulsive gamblers looking for alternatives to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs. Programs such as these help a number of people each year but there is a larger percentage that needs an alternative. These are people that I am trying to reach. It is my goal to educate compulsive gamblers with options to help them beat their addiction. Mr. Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers, relatives and friends of gamblers and teenage gamblers. Mr. Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program. A large percentage of his emails were from compulsive gamblers looking for an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs. Gamblers Anonymous also helps a significant number of people each year but there is a large percentage that does not stay. These are the people Mr. Keith is hoping to reach. Its Mr. Howard Keith's goal is to educate compulsive gamblers with options to help them beat their addiction.
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Road Map Wont Work Cause PA Are Liars The US-backed Road Map peace plan had no real chance of success because Israel was the only signatory living up to its side of the agreement, former US House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich wrote recently. The Ugly American Returns! Originally published in 1958, "The Ugly American" (Lederer & Burdick) documented American blunders abroad and our failure to identify that what we termed communism in undeveloped countries was merely the screams of hunger and hopelessness becoming manifest. 15 years later, we extricated ourselves from Vietnam and licked our wounds for 30 years, finally coming to some sort of accommodation with free fire zones, Agent Orange, and My Lai. Never again, we swore. We would protect our nation's security but only move into war zones when gross injustice or humanitarian concerns demanded a response -- Somalia, Bosnia, the first Gulf War. Elliot Spitzer for NY Governor I believe it would be good for the economy for Elliot Spitzer to be the governor of New York. It would be the best thing that ever happened to the economic well being of our nation. Not because he would make a great governor; in fact I believe he would suck. But since I do not live in New York I am not concerned. Workers We have read about the unemployment rate being high. Really anything around six percent is pretty good and it is less than that now according to the statistics, but some politicians say it is terrible and others say it is reasonable. It depends upon which side of the isle you sit. Droughts, Dirty Water and Disease When we go through periods of droughts we also have other problems, which are increased. Things such as West Nile Virus, Bark Beetles, Disease Epidemics, Med Fly and realize these problems which occur during certain weather periods are compounded when the cycles get out of control. For instance an El Nino heats up the Pacific Ocean and expands the atmosphere and the jet stream is within the temperature and range to carry insects all the way across the ocean. Birds modify their stopping points for water during migration, stay in areas longer during the year or leave earlier thus their chances of infecting more areas are greater. When Deer travel further to go to watering holes during migration the come in contact with different livestock and humans. The Bark Beetle has a field day during droughts and the issues in Alaska, Prescott and Flagstaff, AZ are rather serious. Bark Beetle also reduces trees to fuel, which can start fire during lightening strikes. OPECs Swan Song? Indonesia's Energy Minister, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, is unhappy with the modest production cut, from June 1, of 2 million barrels per day, adopted by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries last week. He intends to demand further reductions at the June 11 get-together in Qatar. Government Workers and Lawyers Revolving Door Rule Needed We need more oversight and transparency in government. We need to keep our government workers honest and forthright. We need to prevent those who work for the government as lawyers for the government from going into private practice with the same companies they once enforced regulations on. The revolving door fo government lawyers and private practicing lawyers and lobbyists must stop if we are to maintain any real sense of integrity or fairness in our systems. You know, that "Truth, Justice and the American Way" thing that the government lawyers have such a tough time coping with? NASA and the Crisis Aboard MIR Some people say that we cannot put a colony on the Moon. Some say we do not have the technology to do this? Some people say it is too dangerous and it costs too much to sustain life that far away from the Earth. Some people think mankind cannot go beyond, should not push the limit and cannot succeed in such an endeavor. Well I believe some people are absolutely, positively and completely wrong. It is twice as hard to set up an orbiting space station and we have been doing that for decades. I would like to recommend a book to you. Our space program knows the risks, has experience to deal with the challenges and has the human spirit of exploration behind them. We can do it. Why not start reading about a little history of our rocky progress to our modern day marvels, start by reading this book: Water at the Roots of Twenty First Centurys Conflicts According to a postulate made by Ignacio Ramonet ecological resources are deemed to constitute the main cause of this new century. Water as a source of scourge concerns: oceans and seas on the one hand (that's over 71 of the globe surface) and access to potable water (underground reserve and rivers) on the other hand. Over the years, water has gradually become a stake at many levels Mexican Tariffs on American Goods? Mexican has tariffs on goods, which come into its country from the United States. The tariffs in many cases are 50%. This is said to help Mexico's economy. But if you look at all the money being shipped to Mexico each week by migrant and illegal alien workers you see a much different issue brewing. You see their economy growing and not very much money coming back for US Goods in trade. Thus we are upside down in the trade deficit. Anglo-Israelism and the Flesh Recently a friend insisted that I read a book by Steven M.Collins, titled The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel...Found! This book tries to convince people that the "Lost" tribes of Israel after being uprooted by the Assyrians, started colonies all over the world and then ultimately migrated to Britain and then to America. The book attempts to prove in 439 pages what has been known as British- or Anglo-Israelism. The book was originally written in 1992 and was revised in 1995 and is gaining influence in some "patriot" circles. Some people who hold this theory are racists, following from their fleshly or carnal understanding of the outworking of God's covenant in history exclusively along racial lines. A major thesis of the book is that the Jews (Judah) and Israelites are two separate and distinct peoples and kingdoms who must never be confused. Mr. Collins says, "...the Jews ceased to be part of the kingdom named Israel" (23). The author goes on to say that "the term 'Israel' does not apply to Jews from the time of the divided kingdom forward" (23). Is this true? This is not a comprehensive review of Collins' book. There are numerous problems in this book, some of which are dealt with below. The Transformation Of Political Science And The Rise In Crime Rates The current field of political sciences is dominated by a multitude of ideas that have never in its history featured so prominently in this discipline. The general belief that it has lost its focus once and for all is from time to time counteracted by different opinions. One of those is that the world has come full circle, that mankind has experimented out all possibilities in terms of ideological thinking and that the liberal democracy as we know it has come out of the process as the prize winner both politically and economically. Some define this as the end of history. It also goes by the name of ultra modernism. Globalisation fits in perfectly and all reflects the increasing complexity that we are finding our world to involve us in and which, in order to come to terms with the bigger magnitude of the whole, we are describing in essentially vague terms. MORAL ARMORS Economic Warning for Americans For years we've suffered under recession, prompting us to ask, When will it end? My answer is, "It's only the beginning." Liquidity or Liquidation Large parts of the world today suffer from a severe liquidity crisis. The famed globalization of the capital markets seems to confine itself, ever more, to the richer parts, the more liquid exchanges, the more affluent geopolitical neighbourhoods. The fad of "emerging economies" has all but died out. Try telling the Macedonians about global capital markets: last year, the whole world invested 8 million USD in their poor country. Breadwinners earn 300 DM a month on average. Officially, in excess of one third of the workforce is unemployed. Small wonder that people do not pay their bills, employers do not pay salaries, the banking system has a marked tendency to crash every now and then and the average real default rate is 50%. If the Water is Polluted, Ever Wonder What is in it? I would like to discuss a few issues we have been reading in the mass media about the kinds of stuff in our rivers. Forget about the DDT and all the pesticides from Industry, we need to look at our own lives and in our own mirror. Because when it comes to citizenry, most have no right to complain. Insect repellants and chemicals were found in the water. The kind you spray on bushes around the house and in the house foggers that come in aeresol. This was found in 74% of all the major rivers and of tests in more than 40 states. Fragrances like perfume and cologne found in 27% of rivers. Caffeine? Yep, in 70% of the rivers tested and in very high concentrations compared with other chemicals. How does this get in? Bill OReilly: You Got This One Wrong! I like Bill O'Reilly. I do. I have read two of the man's books, all his columns, and when I lived in the United States, I listened to the "O'Reilly Factor." I agree with him on many issues. I do so not because of his political worldview but because he makes sense, most of the time, and challenges me with the facts-he makes me think. The Second Coming in Albania Blessed with Chinese GDP growth rates (7-8% annually in each of the last 3 years) and German inflation (4%, down from 32% in 1997, mostly attributable to increases in energy and housing costs), it is easy to forget Albania's Somali recent past. A Need to Review Abortion Laws In Belgium INTRODUCTION How To Date Ann Coulter (If You Must) I've decided to go public with my intentions: I will not be asking Ann Coulter for a date. There are some good reasons. The European Bank for the Retardation of Development In typical bureaucratese, the pensive EBRD analyst ventures with the appearance of compunction: "A number of projects have fallen short of acceptable standards (notice the passive, exculpating voice - SV) and have put the reputation of the bank at risk". If so, very little was risked. The outlandish lavishness of its City headquarters, the apotheosis of the inevitable narcissism of its first French Chairman (sliding marble slabs, motion sensitive lighting and designer furniture) - is, at this stage, its only tangible achievement. In the territories of its constituencies and shareholders it is known equally for its logy pomposity, the irrelevance of its projects, its lack of perspicacity and its Kafkaesque procedures. And where the IMF sometimes indulges in oblique malice and corrupt opaqueness, the EBRD wallows merely in avuncular inefficacy. Both are havens of insouciant third rate economists and bankers beyond rating. ![]() |
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