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Feeling Squeezed by Political Correctness
I'm starting to feel squeezed by all the political correctness being imposed on us by both the Left and the Right. Both sides are constantly trying to infringe on our freedoms by telling us what we can and cannot say or do. I'm getting sick and tired of it. Below are just a few examples of what they are trying to impose on us. The Left tells us: (1) Being simply tolerant of all kinds if sexual variants like homosexuals, bisexuals, transvestites, and the trans-gendered is not good enough. We must accept their lifestyles as natural and normal. We must never, of course, say anything negative about the practitioners of those lifestyles. Ideally, we should worship the ground they walk on like the Hollywood crowd does. My take: I'm all for tolerance and I'm basically a live-and-let-live kind of guy, but this is over the top. Tolerance, yes; forced acceptance, no. (2) Women are equal to men in every way (except those ways in which women are better or do not choose to be equal). They must be given every opportunity men are given, but must not be held to the same physical or emotional standards. In addition, women are considered minorities (even though there are more of them than there are men), so they must be given special preferences and opportunities that are not afforded to men. Violence to women is always unacceptable but men often deserve it. Any depiction of violence to women is no laughing matter and must be abolished, but depictions of violence to men are usually quite funny. Anything that can be perceived as degrading to women is horrible but most men deserve a little degradation at times. My take: Any woman should be given the opportunity to prove that she can do any given job as well as a man could do. If she can, then she should be given equal access to that job and paid whatever a man would be paid. However, if she can't, then she shouldn't complain about the lack of access to the job or unequal pay. It is every woman's right to determine whether or not she wants to be treated differently because of her gender. However, no woman has a right to have it both ways. Either she wants to be treated differently from a man or she doesn't. Also, violence to either sex, except to defend oneself or someone from imminent physical harm, is totally unacceptable. (3) All races and ethnic groups are equal, but those who are considered to be minorities must be given special preferences in order to succeed. More specifically, African-Americans must be given preferential treatment to offset the way white males treated them during the 18th and 19th centuries. All of the problems that exist in the African-American community can be traced back either to the direct actions or indifference of white males. My take: I totally agree with the premise that all races and ethnic groups are equal. I've always endorsed the "color blind society" school of thought, with no special preferences for anyone. I think we would all do well to quit identifying ourselves and one another by racial and ethnic categories. (4) Trees, land, and animals are all more important than making life better for humans. You cannot develop life-saving or life-enhancing drugs if some small animal will be hurt in the process. You cannot build what you want nor can you do what you want on your own land if it requires cutting down some trees or forcing some animals to go elsewhere. You cannot cut down trees to develop land and/or build new homes. You cannot drill for oil if it will ruin the pristine nature of any piece of land or interfere with any animal's habitat. Besides, you're supposed to drive small, cramped economy cars to conserve the oil supply. You're also supposed to carpool and/or use public transportation, even if it's not convenient. My take: Any person or organization should have a right to do what they want with their own property, as long as no human being is directly harmed. The Right tells us: (1) The actions of a conservative Republican president should never be questioned but it is quite okay and even encouraged to bash a liberal Democrat president for every little peccadillo. My take: This is complete hypocrisy. (2) When the President decides to take the country to war (or is even contemplating it), criticizing or protesting that decision is un-American, unpatriotic, and even borders on treasonous. This kind of stuff gives aid and comfort to the enemy and there should be certain consequences for those who do this. You should follow the President in mindless lock-step when he decides to go to war. Whether or not that decision makes any sense to you is irrelevant. My take: One of our most valued rights as U.S. citizens is to protest anything that the government does that we don't agree with, including making war. (3) The Second Amendment is absolute and cannot be infringed upon but more limits need to be placed on the First Amendment. All the sex, violence, and vulgarity on TV, in the movies, and in video games are not doing anyone any good and must be curbed substantially either through boycotts, intimidation, and/or government intervention. Not only must children be protected from this filth, but adults need to be as well. After all, this kind of stuff causes people to commit crimes such as murder and rape. My take: The people who spend so much time worrying about what someone else is watching, hearing, or reading would be better served to just turn off and/or avoid the stuff the they claim offends them and endangers their children. If they did, a lot of it would disappear for lack of a market/audience. Parents are ultimately responsible for monitoring their children's reading, listening, and viewing habits. It is not my responsibility and it's not the government's responsibility. In fact, when the government gets involved, it is nothing less than censorship. Also, there is not any credible evidence that sex and violence in the media causes people to commit crimes. Even if there was, the principle of personal responsibility dictates that those crimes should not be pinned on anyone or anything other than the criminals themselves. (4) Laws should be written with a bias toward "family values", even if these laws cause single people with no children to feel like second class citizens. For example, tax laws, drug laws, zoning laws, etc. should be geared toward the benefit of traditional family units. Also, there are certain actions that should be illegal, even if they appear on the surface to be victimless crimes. The real victim of these actions is the traditional family unit and it must be protected in order to maintain a free and prosperous society. My take: The "equal protection under law" provision of our Constitution requires that everyone be treated equally. Any bias toward traditional family units is not only a violation of the Constitution but also stems from a misapplication of biblical teachings (which know nothing of the of the kind of "family values" being pushed on everyone by the Right). In addition, no action that is without a clear and direct victim should be illegal. The fact that it might be vile and repulsive is not alone enough to justify making it illegal. Any evidence of the effect of victimless crimes on the traditional family is only anecdotal at best. That's just a small sampling from both sides but you get the picture. We will have true liberty in this country only when no one is allowed to impose his or her will on anyone else and everyone can be free to speak his or her mind without the fear of retaliation or censorship. Political correctness on both ends of the political spectrum is the one thing that's standing in the way of this lofty goal. Terry Mitchell is a software engineer, freelance writer, and trivia buff from Hopewell, VA. He also serves as a political columnist for American Daily and operates his own website - http://www.commenterry.com - on which he posts commentaries on various subjects such as politics, technology, religion, health and well-being, personal finance, and sports. His commentaries offer a unique point of view that is not often found in mainstream media.
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Emminent Domain May Hit Close to Home IN A DAY AND AGE where one voice screaming among thousands can have Christian monuments removed from public buildings and development projects shut down for the benefit of an endangered weed, we have the Supreme Court issuing a ruling in June to set the record straight for the majority. However, this ruling comes at the dismay of individual landowners across America, and threatens to further undermine the American privilege of individual ownership. Netanyahu: Too Late For A Fight-back? The resignation from cabinet yesterday, Sunday, by the Israeli minister of Finance is a good signal by the extreme right-wing, within the ruling Likud Party to the world that a group exists that would not go to sleep, much less on the same bed with terrorism. NASA and the Crisis Aboard MIR Some people say that we cannot put a colony on the Moon. Some say we do not have the technology to do this? Some people say it is too dangerous and it costs too much to sustain life that far away from the Earth. Some people think mankind cannot go beyond, should not push the limit and cannot succeed in such an endeavor. Well I believe some people are absolutely, positively and completely wrong. It is twice as hard to set up an orbiting space station and we have been doing that for decades. I would like to recommend a book to you. Our space program knows the risks, has experience to deal with the challenges and has the human spirit of exploration behind them. We can do it. Why not start reading about a little history of our rocky progress to our modern day marvels, start by reading this book: Preparing to Invade Japan This is the fourth and final article in a series recollecting Britain in the 1940's. My uncle, the late Mr Gordon Bessant is telling his memories to Mr Joe Hieatt-Smith. The tapes were made in 1994, not 1996 as previously stated. New York Lawyers; Vindictive Government Prosecutors We all know Elliot Spitzer is going to run for governor. We can see he is very vindictive in his endeavors. However have you asked yourself; Since when is it okay for someone who is an Attorneys General to act out the way he does? We are seeing more and more abuse of power. I personally know someone who emulates Elliot Spitzer who is a young up and coming rising star in a Federal Agency, who would in fact go out of their way to falsify documents, make threats, hide their identity, and attack reputable folks on behalf of competitors and for reasons of self gratification and future job titles and kudos? Victims of Child Support "Similar to Medieval Inquisitions, judges have been given the authority, in secret proceedings... to investigate, prosecute, and sentence men without any legal counsel" If Terrorists Are To Become Slick Politicians, Yhey Need Time Rather Than God on Their Side The number of countries in the world at the moment that are in some form of transition is higher than some ten years ago, and in some ways more efforts are made to resolve situations that threaten stability. And the moves of all involved parties are not without major-league risks. Politicians Will Save Civilization Most politicians are completely out to lunch and totally Machiavellian by nature, they cannot be trusted. We tend to elect the most manipulative politicians to higher offices and condemn the one's who really care. I saw a great picture on the front cover of the NY Times where the Politicians were busy having a party congratulating themselves for getting a bill passed in the Senate. Franchising Democracy and Creating Cohesive World Government There are so many problems with our perceived perfect checks and balances system of our government, that one cannot use the exact United States version model of government to create a franchise agreement for future governments of the world. A standardized system of government in all countries of the World needs to exist if we are all to live peacefully on the planet, trade and respect each others cultural heritage and tolerate the many different renditions of World Religion. World governments operating equally as a team together, yet separate entities, is possible and such a plan would most resemble a modern day franchise system in the business world. Spies in Seminaries - Stalin the CEO The use of religion is well-documented as a social engineering tool and Francis Fukayama's 'The End of History and The Last Man' admits he and his ilk are adept in this regard. Magicians and propagandists are everywhere in the history of Empire since the days of Tuthmosis if not long before that. But there are less overt operatives than the likes of Augustine and there are double agents like St. Bernard. There also are covert operatives or well-trained people who move into political arenas as is the case with Stalin and his use as the corporate CEO of Russia. Do not assume just because low level people in Masonry say their history is replete with the prejudice and persecution by Catholicism that there was no central organizing plan and alliance (Holy or otherwise) through which the Templars worked with their supposed enemy. The next excerpt brings us a lesser known operative who might be called an outright spy like Count Rumford. Monitoring Macedonia Close to 500,000 people - one in four - live under the poverty line in a country where the average monthly salary is less than 150 US dollars. More than one in three members of the workforce are chronically unemployed. With inflation up 5.5% in the last 12 months and taxes - borne disproportionately by the poor and the working class - at 37% of GDP, life is tough in this small, landlocked country. When faced with the choice between raising VAT from 5% to 19% on bare necessities (such as bread and milk), or extending the "temporary" "war" tax (0.5% on all financial transactions) - the finance minister of Macedonia, after an emotional all-night consultation involving the Prime Minister, chose the latter. The "war" tax brought in the equivalent of 2% of GDP (on an annualized basis) since it was introduced in July this year and helped to contain a dangerously soaring budget deficit, now at 9% (and rising) of a shrinking GDP. Yet, the controversial decision to extend it brought on sharp rebukes by local tax experts. The finance ministry also plans to cut expenditures by a further 50 million US dollars. Immortality and Mortality in the Economic Sciences Roberto Calvo Macias, a young author and thinker from Spain, once wrote to me that it is impossible to design a coherent philosophy of Economy without accounting for the (sad?) fact that we are mortals. This insight is intriguing. It is not that we refrain from Death in dealing with matters economic. What are estate laws, annuities, life insurance policies - but ways to cope with the Great Harvester? But this, admittedly, only scratch the non-profound surface of the question. When Political Correctness in NOT a Virtue The other day I was sucker punched, hoodwinked, bamboozled, had the wool pulled over my eyes, and generally sidelined by an expert in Political Correctness. In fact, so sidelined did I get that I have been depressed for a week-and I mean really depressed. News Media Misguided or Just Plain Liars? Last week, the media coverage called the airplane crash in Canada a miracle because all of the passengers survived. However, what they are calling a miracle is really teamwork. The media believes that they know what constitutes a miracle. According to the dictionary, the meaning of a miracle is: Marvel; Supernatural Event. The supernatural event was the lightening that struck the plane, right? Army Recruiting Dilemma Discussed Currently the US Army is having trouble recruiting. These problems stem from the distrust of parents who lived thru the Vietnam War, as they remember the number of soldiers killed and would prefer their offspring are not needlessly sacrificed. Also indeed some of the issues come from the Democratic Side or Ultra Liberal side who say that the current administration is made up of Oil Folks and that this war is fake. Without getting into that heated debate, of which there is more than enough ammo for either side of the issue, there are more reasons. Another reason is the Army's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy on gays in the military. The Army due to these policies has been banned from many college campuses and are no longer welcomed there to recruit. If the Army were to change its gay policy, chances are it would not get the support of recruits of heterosexual mid-western Christian Religious God fearing recruits. After all if you are right wing conservative Christian the last place you would want to send your heterosexual kids to is an Army filled with gays. Workers We have read about the unemployment rate being high. Really anything around six percent is pretty good and it is less than that now according to the statistics, but some politicians say it is terrible and others say it is reasonable. It depends upon which side of the isle you sit. The Contemporary Global Marketplace - IT, Software, and Services "Had there not been outsourcing and utilization of cheaper resources offshore, average computer users would not have been able to afford the hardware and software that are available to them today." In this manner, author Robin Sood brushes aside superficial criticism of outsourcing and brings home to the reader of IT, Software and Services: Outsourcing and Offshoring two key points: outsourcing is already widely used and its positive effects go well beyond increased company profits. Forget about the naysayers and the trumped-up, political maelstrom of controversy surrounding the issue of outsourcing, Sood urges. Instead, consider that outsourcing is here to stay, as an inevitable part of the global market, and is already providing most of us with practical benefits. No Child Left Behind needs to go Virtual The No Child Left Behind can work if the Federal Government will put up content on the website and allow for those who are; Behind in studies, about to miss a grade level advancement, perform poorly on general tests, at home schooling students (when parents have no knowledge in subject matter), are in Juvenile Hall, live in areas very rural, have disorders, or have injuries which prevent attendance or need Summer School catch up work. Cops Want To Increase Marijuana Punishments? Leave it to the Columbia City Police Officers Association in Missouri to try to turn back and increase punishments for marijuana, against the will of the voters. Six months ago the voters in Columbia City elected to decrease punishments for marijuana. Now, the police officers are trying to repeal it. Tax Dollars and Transparency of Government Agencies As we watch fewer Americans voting it is no wonder why, they have lost faith in their government. Why can't we as citizens who own our government demand equal and/or reasonable compliance with our tax dollars? Why can't we demand the same from government as they enforce on our corporations? Why can't government clean it's act up and stop flushing our monies down the toilets? No wonder so many government workers wanted to install two more Johns in the white house during our last election; they obviously believe no one is watching and need more toilets to flush our money down in DC? Can you imagine for one minute the Government trying to comply with Sarbaines Oxley? They would crumble, stagnate and become even more ineffective than they already are. ![]() |
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