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If Terrorists Are To Become Slick Politicians, Yhey Need Time Rather Than God on Their Side
The number of countries in the world at the moment that are in some form of transition is higher than some ten years ago, and in some ways more efforts are made to resolve situations that threaten stability. And the moves of all involved parties are not without major-league risks. Today, in many countries' political realities, tribalist and nationalist or globalist forces clash fiercely, undermining chances of peace and democracy. This is particularly topical in the Middle East, where efforts by established leaderships to discourage armed conflict have reached a new phase, in which both Hezbollah and Hamas, organizations labeled 'terrorist' by the US, are nudged to start thinking about participation in mainstream politics. By finally addressing security issues by making a clean sweepthrough, the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is slowly shifting into gear, starting the clampdown on Palestinian insurgency that has long been called for. he has even told Hamas fighters publicly to give up their arms, This was a first for the president who until now has been anything but clear on security issues. The Hamas leaders according to a report in the London Asharq Al Awsat paper are reportedly planning to return to Gaza after the Israelis have withdrawn. The newspaper report detailed that the leaders are likely to move their group's political bureau to Gaza as soon as Israel transfers control over the border crossings to the Palestinian Authority. "When a militia turns into a political party, I believe the issue of a need for arms becomes irrelevant," Abbas was quoted as saying. "There will be only one authority, one law and one legal [armed force]," according to the recently elected Palestinian leader, who played down the risks involved in the operation, saying that this has happened many times before in history. Hamas leaders however deemed it necessary to reiterate that they have no intention of disarming at all. "Our fingers will remain on the rifle triggers until the removal of the occupation," Hamas spokesman Mushir al-Masri said, according to the Israeli Al Haaretz paper. Even though Hamas has participated in the elections recently, Masri doubted that this means the members are actually going to function as such. It is remarks like these that worry the international community very much. US President George W. Bush has been said to be waiting with inviting the Palestianian leader Abbas until he has got something of substance to report. Perhaps an invitation will finally be extended soon now. The Palestinian leader has installed a hardliner as new intelligence chief. Tareq Abu Rajab, who used to be deputy intelligence chief, is known to have played an important role in a crackdown on the militant group Hamas. Hamas, which has participated in municipal elections already, might see next July's municipal elections turn out in its favor. "Extrapolating from the present point in time, Hamas I believe would gain between 30 and 50 percent in the elections to the Palestinian Legislative Council in July. Fateh is in total disarray and is searching for its lost identity", said Matti Steinberg, an Israeli former security advisor to two heads of the Israel General Security Service. "Hamas could register considerable gains in elections and possibly demand to play a role in the next Palestinian Authority government", according to Yossi Alpher, a former senior advisor to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak. The gains that the 'party to be' is likely to win are largely due to unhappiness of the Palestine population with the Fateh party, which has lost its identity more or less due to dysfunctioning of the PA. This is echoed by Ghassan Khattib, the Palestinian Authority minister of planning. "It is possible that Hamas, which so far maintains a fundamentalist ideological and extreme political position, will become a pragmatic movement if it has the chance to be part of official politics, locally, regionally and internationally. The rhetoric of Hamas now reminds many of Fateh's rhetoric when it was treated by the "legitimate powers" as an "illegal terrorist group". Fateh successfully worked out a trade-off. It was recognized and included in the system in return for playing politics within the parameters of international legality", he says. Some view the moves of the radicalists to mainstream politics as a positive transformation and it is surely to be hoped that the organizations involved in the decades-long strife in the region that are now close to becoming involved in mainstream politics, will ultimately disarm. Yet their popularity might be evidencing real hardship on the ground. Aside from what's driving the islamist vote, Israel's reaction to a possible Hamas inclusion into the Palestinian Authority (PA) might not be favorable and it might be unwilling to negotiate with Hamas leaders. But then, this might not turn out to be the case. Prime Minister Sharon who is said by some to favor a peace process that is open ended might think he has a better negotiating partner in a Hamas- partipated PA. It is also going to be interesting what is going to be happening with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hezbollah leaders have expressed opposition to disarmament that's as strong as the the Palestinian Hamas leaders. So far, this issue, the groups' status as terrorist and their unwillingness to recognize Israel as a state has always deterred countries like the US to deal with them as mature political entities. This is changing. Word in the diplomatic corridors has it that the State Department might acquiesce in Hezbollah's entry into Lebanese politics if it abandons terrorism and severs its political and operational ties with Syria. This US recognition of Hezbollah could serve as a precedent for US acceptance of a political role for Hamas. So far it looks like every major move that the islamist groups make by definition will continue to go accompanied with pledges to hold onto arms. But one ought to bear in mind that often the public rhetoric is different than any private action. The leader of Hezbollah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrullah, recently reiterated that his group will not give up their weapons. In an interview with Reuters he said that his party will keep its weapons and will not give it up, noting that this decision is because of the continued Israeli occupation and the risks of occupation against his country. He even snubbed the UN, saying that its Security Council resolution demanding Hezbollah to hand over its weapons is 'meaningless' and 'of no value'. Meanwhile, in Iraq Al Qaeda's Jordanian-born leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi also recently publicly rejected a call from the new Iraqi president for militants to lay down their arms. Calling the new Iraqi leader President Jalal Talabani an agent of the US and Jews, the rebels said they would continue their strife until Sharia law was established in the country and never forgive the leader for his "infidelity" and "spilling of the blood of Muslims". It is not clear whether the statement, posted on a website used by Islamist militants is authentic. It is a smack in the face however of Mr Talabani, who has been quite lenient to those Iraqi's who have taken to violence over the past few years, saying a peaceful solution should be found with Iraqis who were 'led astray' by terrorism. He even invited them in to participate in the democratic process and offered some convicted terrorists an amnesty. Angelique van Engelen is a freelance writer for http://www.contentClix.com. She has been a Middle East correspondent based in Cairo Egypt for over three years and currently lives in the Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from where she writes on all major events. She also runs a blog examining the merits of anarchy and alternative rule http://clixyPlays.blogspot.com
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Thinking on Energy Regarding the de-regulation of energy, this is not such a bad idea really; even the commoditizing of energy is not such a bad idea. This can be done correctly and can assist businesses in judging costs and allow entrepreneurs to understand their costs and turn variable costs into fixed costs meaning more investment in R and D, co-generation, and larger capital expenditures for manufacturing, knowing things will be okay. We see a huge problem with factories, which switched to Natural Gas to save the environment and get some tax breaks and this winter may be put out of business due to the rising costs during the coming shortage of Natural Gas. The Fed and Other Garbage "The Jesuit priest John H. Surratt, proven to be the ring leader in the death of President Lincoln was untouchable. In the affidavit of Henri De Sainte Marie, Aims Report, House of Representatives, 39th Session Congress, Page 15, Ex. Document No. 9., he says: 'I believe he is protected by the clergy and that the murder is the result of a deep laid plot, not only against the life of President Lincoln but against the existence of the republic, as we are aware that priesthood and royalty are and always have been opposed to liberty.'(Henri De Sainte Marie, Rufus King, Minister Resident) Without Trucks America Stops Do you ever wonder how everything gets to the super markets? It came by truck. Some items come from half way around the world. First by ship or plane in a container, then loaded on rail or truck and dropped at a depot, then resorted and taken to the store. Everything goes to the store in boxes and leaves in your SUV in small containers via a shopping cart or plastic bag thru the check out and parking lot. How Dogpoo is Changing The World Perhaps a silent revolution is taking place, this time more than ever literally on your doorstep. Irritatingly literally even. Problems in the Media I am noticing an increasing and alarming rate to which the media journalists in all forms use the media for public opinion and not for news. Whereas this is not all bad, it is bad when it is purported as news and not public opinion. The questions of interviewers are public opinion and often very jaded. As I watched the AP news and look where the news is coming from for instance "AP-San Francisco" a story about the past Governors Race in CA, it seems that the article was so jaded it is not even relevant. Anglo-Israelism and the Flesh Recently a friend insisted that I read a book by Steven M.Collins, titled The "Lost" Ten Tribes of Israel...Found! This book tries to convince people that the "Lost" tribes of Israel after being uprooted by the Assyrians, started colonies all over the world and then ultimately migrated to Britain and then to America. The book attempts to prove in 439 pages what has been known as British- or Anglo-Israelism. The book was originally written in 1992 and was revised in 1995 and is gaining influence in some "patriot" circles. Some people who hold this theory are racists, following from their fleshly or carnal understanding of the outworking of God's covenant in history exclusively along racial lines. A major thesis of the book is that the Jews (Judah) and Israelites are two separate and distinct peoples and kingdoms who must never be confused. Mr. Collins says, "...the Jews ceased to be part of the kingdom named Israel" (23). The author goes on to say that "the term 'Israel' does not apply to Jews from the time of the divided kingdom forward" (23). Is this true? This is not a comprehensive review of Collins' book. There are numerous problems in this book, some of which are dealt with below. A Need to Review Abortion Laws In Belgium INTRODUCTION Is Congress Going to Lay the Groundwork to Include Education with the Steroid Legislation? As of late steroid use in sports has been the topic of conversation by the media. From Jose Conseco appearing on Donnie Deustch's "The Big Idea" which airs on CNBC to Congress looking to pass legislation to regulate steroid use in professional sports. The Will To Fight for Islam The more I study the dynamics of WWII the more I am convinced that we won the war because of our entrepreneurs and their output; manufacturing capability. With most other things being equaled; technology, techniques of war strategy, etc.; only two things won us the war. The Will to Win, and the never before achieved industrial output. I can safely say in the car wash industry no one has more will than us and no one has the ramp up capability that could supercede us. Does this mean the US will for ever completely dominate the industry? No, nothing is set in stone and there are many possible futures and outcomes. However, with all things being equal and our teams ability to adapt and roll with the punches I believe we have the best odds of victory. Each time we bring more fervor, more resolve and more will to the table we just that much closer to being the top dog. Size does matter, but size alone does not proclaim advanced victory. I think the movie Rocky said it best. He was in it heart, body and soul to win it. Everyone could identify with that movie and wanted Rocky to win, but no one more than Rocky himself. Vince Lombarde also talks of this human phenomena. As much as I wanted the US to win the Olympic Hockey game, I could not forsake Canada's team. They clearly went for it and played like true champions. They deserved to win and win they did. China: Tibet Standoff The People's Liberation Army of China invaded Tibet in 1949. Since then each Tibetan has a many a tale of oppression, forced occupancy and violation of fundamental rights to narrate. Tibet is now home of several hundred thousands of troops who forcefully manages the daily affairs of a once free nation. MORAL ARMOR Condemns Home and Business Seizure Law Nothing could be more alarming for Americans than what I read this morning: "The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses - even against their will - for private economic development." This is a deplorable moral atrocity to perpetrate against Americans and must be reversed. Those responsible should know that they have destroyed their own credibility in the eyes of a free people, and should now go join the insurgency in Iraq. Let me throw out a random thought on Homeland Security Leadership Structure Streamlining Homeland Security with a Free market flair? An idea of adding four more components to the joint chiefs of staff; hire a Jack Welch type as an ombudsman to the group, who does not play rank games. Two; Have an additional force called Biological Warfare for both defensive military and civilian populations; Homeland security force to unite the police forces, law enforcement agencies and private sector database team. Add a division to the defensive plan for space efforts with an ombudsman to NASA and laboratories. Religion, Wars and Civilization Many are quick to point out the benefits of religion in civilization as the bond that keeps us together; a bond, which keeps society from disrupting into chaos and spontaneously turning to anarchy. Yet, to do so without discussion of the flip side of the coin is misleading at best. Religion may have its place in mankind's groupings, but we must understand what we give up for it in return for its few benefits. Poverty in America: Over 35 Million Living Below the Poverty Line The problem of poverty in America comes as a surprise. How can a wealthy nation experience poverty? Though the rate of poverty is lower in a developed nation like America than in Africa, the problem of poverty is real. Inner-cities and rural communities in America are all affected by poverty. Ohio Department of Transportation; Sector Economic Reality Ohio's transportation sector seems to be strong, even with Ohio's outrageous attack on the trucking industry. That one has to be politics. One State patrol officer told us that they are suppose to pull over 80% commercial and 20% private vehicles. This means on Friday nights when you have drunk drivers if you pull over 2 cars then you have to pull over 8 trucks, well at 2 am, that just might be half of all trucks. Then of course having to justify yourself you look around for a way to write a ticket? Defending Middle Eastern Oil Refineries and Assets An idea to defend oil infrastructure in the Middle East may need to take into consideration some of the available close at hand opportunities. For instance creating a mote like perimeter and filling it with oily, seawater and chemical polymer chains or "Goo" and then covering the mote with a layer of sand. This can be done easily by digging the mote, 100 feet wide and 10 feet deep and lining it with a plastic bottom. Then increase the underground pressure and drilling down and allowing the salt-water, which has been pumped in, to flow out into the newly dug lined mote. Federal Trade Commission Franchising Division; Inept? Why are we over regulating the franchising industry? What are we doing to an industry which has given so much to America? Is the Federal Trade Commission Franchising Division; inept? They keep making rules and the over disclosure has the average UFOC ? Uniform Franchise Offering Circular at over 200 pages? This is insanity; not to mention a waste of paper. Watergate Scandal On June 16, 1972, a security guard at the Watergate Hotel in Washington , D.C. , discovered a piece of tape on the lock of the door that led to the National Democratic Headquarters. Why Dont We Listen To Entrepreneurs? I just got done reading a series of articles dating from December 2000 to September 2001 (pre-9-11) regarding Larry Ellison's bush to get the government to link all it's databases. Now everyone agrees, but now we are post 9-11. I wonder if Larry Ellison as loud as he can be sometimes ever stood up and said I told ya so? He would have every right to. He warned us. Gates did too, maybe not as verbal about it or graphic as Larry Ellison described the government's computer databases like a file cabinet where one drawer was here and another across the ocean in china in a dim lighted room. Media and the Iraq War, Some Random Thoughts Indeed 2001 Here are some miscellaneous thoughts on issues many of which are opinion and should be looked at as such, some are not even my opinion but opinions of people I have talked with and wished to pass on. The first item I wish to discuss is the World News reporting which is anti-American. First I have seen many reports about the Iraq situation. We are seeing that foreign reporters are seeking out Iraq families who are lying on TV about the US activities. These are being reported as Gospel by the media and shown throughout the world. I would have to say we are now fighting the anti-American liberal World Wide media, which is further inciting locals and other Muslims of neighboring countries to do demonstrations and thus rally anti-American support. ![]() |
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