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Religion, Wars and Civilization
Many are quick to point out the benefits of religion in civilization as the bond that keeps us together; a bond, which keeps society from disrupting into chaos and spontaneously turning to anarchy. Yet, to do so without discussion of the flip side of the coin is misleading at best. Religion may have its place in mankind's groupings, but we must understand what we give up for it in return for its few benefits. Some of these draw backs to religion are the loss of innovation from self derived will, having replaced that with the will of God, told to us by those who control that line of thinking in a particular religion. Some say that religion has helped man survive over the last 100,000 years of modern man. Religion has been known to cause incredible wars and helped mislead people into having wars, which are not very bright. Religion as a control mechanism has been able to allow humans to forget their innate needs of self-preservation and give them to a cause, even give up his life for a line of reasoning completely controlled and modified to fit another man's personal gain of power or will. Religion based on good versus evil seems to be one of interesting, and actually hard to condemn on the surface. The problem with this is that it is too easily left for interpretation of what is good and what is evil. It is easy to say something or someone is evil having no real experiences with that set of persons, state or that populations belief systems and form of government. Black, Red, yellow, is evil for instance; Why? Because the other team wears those colored jerseys or the other country has those colors on the flag. Often religion uses this realm of logic to build its power base of little human followers. To build any team you need a cause and one people joining the team can relate with. If you need to build a strong team, a strong adversary; therefore "Evil" is often a good cause to fight. Next step simply find something to name evil and make it believable. In some cases we pick an easily defeat able enemy and blow him out of proportion, this serves the enemy's goals too, for his power base recruitment of followers. Osama Bin Ladin therefore was considered a strong enemy, although in numbers not too strong. Lots of followers, although not too many followers; such a little clan could not put a dent in the human population of 6.6 Billion humans or could they? They certainly were doing their duty on the people of Afghanistan and growing drugs for the whole world and thus polluting the minds of men, women and children the world over. Polluted minds are more easily led astray and controlled by their leadership and religions. Some may have appreciated the dummying down effect these drugs had on their populous allowing them less hardship in the control of their people. On the surface Osama Bin Ladin's trained bad guys appear to be strong warriors for Allaah, but really they are being led astray and brainwashed. They have given their minds to serve Osama, who conveniently modified the religion. So the great warriors are merely weak men with weak minds following like ship to their death to serve the will of the hijacker of Islam. The human innate will and their minds has been modified for the greed of a single man. They these warriors are then able to achieve strength from a band of guys of like mind or lack of mind. They are further brain washed. When we look at World Religions are they really any better than these renegade scourge of the Earth pitiful little humans causing a ruckus or are they just doing it a little less obvious on a lot bigger scale? Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Questioning Both Sides of the GM Crop Debate One question not addressed in GM Crops and Monsanto Terminator Seeds Debate and one which cannot be found in any of the online white papers on the subject is: What is known about Bee Pollination with regards to these things, if the seeding an cross-pollination cannot use the services of the Bees and Butterflies then this too could mean lower yields and thus hurt Monsanto and those which buy certain seeds from certain crops from them as well as feeding the world? And what about Wild crops in some countries that feed people? Would they be slowed due to a larger percentage of Terminating seeds? The Looting of American Taxpayers Social Security Disability by Fraudulent Employers Pt. 1 For more than a decade, you the American taxpayer have been burdened with my disability assistance. Why? Because my high-profile employer, a member of the bar and a politically connected entity in this area along with the assistance of his insurance carrier, insurance investigator and other members of the bar as well as a president-elect of a national civil rights organization at the local level assisted my former employer to get away with denying multiply sustained on-the-job injury and infirmities. Employment Legislation: Proposed Employment Law Changes - To Take Effect 1 October 2005 Proposed changes to the Sex Discrimination Act ("SDA") 1975 and the Equal Pay Act ("EPA") 1970 under the amended Equal Treatment Directive (2002/73/EC) will be implemented on 1 October 2005. To ensure that your company's policies comply with these proposed reforms please contact us at enquiries@rtcoopers.com. Double Standards for Regulators? Elliot Spitzer, recently said he wanted to drive a stake through the heart of a founding member of the NY Stock Exchange. Since when is it okay for someone who is an Attorneys General to act out like this? We are seeing more and more abuse of power. I personally know someone who emulates Elliot Spitzer who is a young up and coming rising star in a Federal Agency, who would in fact go out of their way to falsify documents, make threats, hide their identity, and attack reputable folks on behalf of competitors. He would and did do this for reasons of selfgratification and future job titles and kudos? Banana Republic - United Kingdom The recent scathing remarks by High Court Judge Richard Mawrey over the disgraceful actions of the six Labour councillors from Birmingham is something the city could well do without. The Judge went as far as to say that the recent electoral fraud would disgrace even a banana republic. Responding to Article: Logic Class 101 Applied to the Minuteman Project In response to Douglas Bower's article; Logic Class 101 Applied to the Minuteman Project and on going topic of the BS at our borders, I wish to comment. First I agree with the Professor regarding the rhetoric and questionable comments from the Minute Men, I agree with the problematic liability, I agree with our own national debate that few in our population see the issues on both sides. We have Bill O'Rielly and other commentators on one side and we have those who wish to make a better life supplying the labor we need on the other side. We have 5.2% unemployment and that number is so low we need labor to run our civilization pre-robotic era in our present period. Now then in his article: A Need to Review Abortion Laws In Belgium INTRODUCTION Six Sigma Can Improve Government Practices Government bodies at any level, local, state, and Federal, can implement Six Sigma to improve customer service and increase the effectiveness of government. Although Six Sigma has its roots in private-sector manufacturing, it works just as effectively in governmental organizations and government will reap the same benefits as corporations. US Trade Deficit with Bordering Neighbors The trade deficit with Canada is now 50 Billion per year. The amount of money sent back Mexico each week from migrant labor and/or illegal aliens is estimated at 8 billion per week. That is 416 Billion per year, not all that comes back here, over half moves to other lands including Cuba a non-trading partner and China which already have incredibly huge trade deficits with. As we trade with other nations and uplift their economies it provides us too with benefits. Peaceful and successful neighbors and trading partners makes for smooth relationships. We must worry however that if we are paying interest on the money, which is no longer in our economy much of which will not come back, then in fact we are fueling their economies and paying the interest too. Is the US the world's co-signer and if so, shouldn't we have a few guarantees and a level playing field? One could say by increasing their economies, we develop a middle class there and their citizens will then be able to afford what we sell, this is good. However if for instance Mexico trades and buys most of their consumables from China, then the money will flow to their shores instead of ours. However if we (our businesses and citizens) invest in China then we will get back some of this in growth. One could conclude that although there is a trade deficit in consumables those who of us who own mutual funds, which have emerging markets strategies, we will receive benefit and return of those dollars. When simply looking at the trade deficits, one might conclude we are in dire straights, that of course being a factual short-term view, but on further review one might also see the long-term strategy and see that as the world comes closer together everyone wins. Will Gay Marriage Slow Down AIDS Crisis It is widely known in the Homosexual Male Populations that the promiscuity is astronomically high. The AIDS crisis has lost a little momentum in the United States in heterosexual populations in recent years due to awareness. We are not out of the woods by any means but we have slowed the crisis and exponential growth of the disease in the states. In places like Africa, India and China there is a much different story. Protecting Our Buses from International Terrorists We know that the International Terrorists like the idea of attacking buses as we watch every week another attack in Israel. There have many ideas on how buses like Greyhound might protect the drivers through use of a high-tech ultra-strength plastic shields or enclosed see-through boxes. Lately Canada and the FBI in United States have been looking at tour buses traveling into the country, looking into the riders and drivers. I once had a call from a Tour Bus Operator in Ontario Canada on his way to Florida Coast with Tourists, he was going to stop in Columbus GA or Across the river in Phoenix City, Alabama for the night and was needing a Bus Wash. (My company washes Buses; http://www.BusWashGuys.com ). Dole, Kemp, Trusting People Many in the peanut gallery of society are so quick to attack the republican party, out of duty to their side of the sound and fury of human endeavor, however if you are really going to attack people without debating their concepts then in fact you are no better than those you condemn. I recommend to all that you look at both sides and see how similar we really all are. I recommend you go buy the Audio Tape about the Dole-Kemp Plan and play it in your car. If you still wish to blast them personally or the Republican party then at least you will have a better understanding of what you are talking about without making a fool of yourself. Here the name of the audio tape and yes it is also available in CD, I knew you would ask: The World of Diplomatic Backstage De-classification of official documents have been a routine practice in the United States, while just the opposite is true of Pakistan. Successive governments over the years have believed in hiding away from public eye even the most innocuous of official documents without realizing that the practice only adds to the sense of national confusion. "I will expose everybody when the time is right," is a sentence that finds place in every politician's armory. A case in point is that of Mohammad Khan Junejo who kept repeating the line in the context of the Ojhri disaster, but the "right time" never came in his own lifetime. Fraud From FTC Insiders, Who Can You Trust? The FTC franchising division purports their law enforcement experience in a recent report on franchising. Yet they are so busy attacking companies without solving the real issues. The entire franchise division seems to be a ploy for consumer confidence using our courts and some media headline grabbers is about all? If so fine, we can use high consumer confidence levels, turn it into a government public relations department, but please spare us the BS in claiming that the FTC has any law enforcement experience? Do you carry guns? Do you carry badges? Do you have ten-year background checks? Doubtful, if you have 26-year old prosecuting attorneys working there, then have you checked their backgrounds thru puberty? Yet these employees of yours have enough power to go and attack the companies, which create, build and employ the rest of America? Ouch. The Project For A New American Century Let the reader be reminded, that this document we are quoting, which can be readily viewed at PNAC's website, (Rebuilding America's Defenses), was drafted in 1998, based on a document that was presented to the White House in 1992! Of course I suppose in the eyes of the undying Christian supporter of the American New World Order and the George Bush White House, the fact that the world is currently fulfilling this document TO A TEE, could be totally coincidence. The fact that the American Government has put on a show of tragedy and disappointment in the public's eyes, pretending that none of this was planned or intended, and has pretended to be surprised and overcome by these things, when they clearly stated them 12 years ago, as necessary goals to "project American power across the globe" is beyond the scope of your average American Christian's comprehension, while he argues that this is a holy nation. While the leaders of this country go to the homes of our dead young men and weep on the shoulders of their grieving parents, and visit the maimed and crippled soldiers at military hospitals to call them heroes, pinning a $75.00 pin on their chests, and shedding a moving tear of sorrow, they write Documents like this one, which clearly lay out the fact that this is what they intended in the first place. Allowing the citizens of America to believe that they had no choice, is without question the most maniacal, heinous, war crime of the past 100 years, for which none of them will stand trial until they stand before God almighty at the judgment of the nations, when it will be too late to convince our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that they are commanded not to support this kind of worldly insanity. But don't take my word for it, let's hear it from the men that run the American Government: Cloning; The Possibilities and Advantages of Thought Swapping We can all see the issues involved in the cloning debate, which go much deeper than religion; the real debate has to do with evolutions process of a self-replicating organic machine, human beings, and the future of science and the species. There will be power shifts in economic status amongst ruling elite, political families, etc along with issues of entanglement, connected brains and communication abilities in the future. Discussing issues with individuals or entire groups of clones will be done with telepathic thought transfer, which will definitely be beneficial to the group dynamics and forward progression. Hypocrisy of Over Regulation All to often law makers and regulators create rules and regulations using a linear mindset. They claim they understand the issues, even have public hearings to prove it. Yet the people who are able to attend such things are usually lawyers and losers. Losers because anyone in the market place who was winning does not have time to show up, they are too busy producing and participating in their respective industries. So they hire attorneys to show up and talk with regulators. Those attorneys who have no real clients of any value also show up because they know be getting in bed with the regulators and bending over a little, they can get the occasional reach around in the process and a little juice. This can help them get good corporate clients and make big bucks. All these scoundrel, I mean attorneys have to do is promise the regulators jobs when they get sick of the bureaucracy. Electronic Commerce Taxaton: Emerging Legal Issues - Part II UNAUTHORIZED HACKING Take Marijuana Off the DEAs Docket Quit paying the DEA to chase marijuana. We could save millions for education (or tax credits, for you republicans). We spend millions locking up Americans for using marijuana. Or as NORML says in a 1999 billboard campaign up in bus shelters around the city, "A Pot Smoker is Busted Every 45 Seconds -- and You Wonder Why We're Paranoid." Mexican Trucks in the United States; NAFTA Trade and Problems Expected new applications for Mexican trucks to enter the US to be over 9000 in 2005. Most of these newer applications will be to take freight to Port Los Angeles for shipping to Asian markets, and importing parts to be assembled and shipped to Mexico and later sold in the US. Many see a little bit of a problem with imported freight in LA stopping on its way to Mexico and unloaded somewhere without permits. ![]() |
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