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Fraud From FTC Insiders, Who Can You Trust?
The FTC franchising division purports their law enforcement experience in a recent report on franchising. Yet they are so busy attacking companies without solving the real issues. The entire franchise division seems to be a ploy for consumer confidence using our courts and some media headline grabbers is about all? If so fine, we can use high consumer confidence levels, turn it into a government public relations department, but please spare us the BS in claiming that the FTC has any law enforcement experience? Do you carry guns? Do you carry badges? Do you have ten-year background checks? Doubtful, if you have 26-year old prosecuting attorneys working there, then have you checked their backgrounds thru puberty? Yet these employees of yours have enough power to go and attack the companies, which create, build and employ the rest of America? Ouch. Speaking of government employees and their work ethic, I would like to point to an article in October 4, 2004 issue of Federal Computer Week Magazine, were a lady was working for six months, looked busy all the time, but was really just screwing around surfing the net, visiting 7600 websites, sent and/or received 13,000 emails during that time and in one day alone visited 599 sites? Is this the reason why the Federal Trade Commission has not done anything with the franchising rule in 10 years? Is this the type of law enforcement experience you are talking about in your report? Well? Is it? How can we be sure that the FTC is not kicking their dog? They seem to believe that there is a lot of fraud out their in franchising, even though their report to Congress admits franchising has no complaints to speak of? Folks, the Federal Trade Commission does not have in my opinion any real or relevant law enforcement experience at all in the franchising sector. I believe I personally have more law enforcement experience than they do; http://www.lancewinslow.org/nmwp.shtml The Federal Trade Commission is in my personal opinion; especially the franchising section for which I have first hand knowledge is an agency run amuck, much like many other agencies we often read about. It is at best a completely fascinating and interesting waste of taxpayer's money. How can we cut taxes and lower the deficit? Well, perhaps by cutting out the fat at the FTC. The franchising department in particular is a fraud in my opinion, a complete misrepresentation to the public and the consumers they pretend to protect. In our company's case with the Federal Trade Commission, which was cited in this report. They received complaints from 4-5 franchisees, who had been refused private attorney representation because they had no case and no attorney would take it. Two franchisees who complained to the Federal Trade Commission about our company had paid only two franchisee royalty payments, they defrauded our company. Additionally these two franchises coaxed a couple of others who had paid no franchisee royalty payments to make duplicate or very similar complaints so they got together their stories and submitted complaints to the FTC. By then these former franchisees had turned into competitors refusing to honor the franchise agreement, yet still used our methods and proprietary equipment, knowledge and know-how. The Federal Trade Commission case-worker (prosecutor) decided to promise these franchisees monetary compensation and told them to embellish the complaint in formal declarations (lie under oath and penalty of perjury). The Federal Trade Commission then took a complaint from a commission only sales person in GA, which fired for giving unsubstantiated earnings claims and allowed him to file a complaint. In the franchise rule this is against the law yet the Federal Trade Commission saw no problem with this and took his complaint anyway. His wife just happened to work for the State of Georgia Consumer Rights Agency (do not remember the exact name of that agency). We even recovered a copy of an email correspondence between the entire set of complaintants, to show collusion, yet the Federal Trade Commission balked at settling or reversing their mistake. Taking this information along with the embellished complaints former franchisees (competitors) and the FTC went forward? But why? Why move cases which are bogus forward? Is this to add to the "Law Enforcement Experience" add to the list of important law enforcement actions of the commission? Why continue such an obviously fraudulent case? Is it because I have been critical of the FTC, I am a citizen? Does that mean that the FTC has to lie to keep up its facade? Unable to do it's law enforcement actions legitimately, misrepresenting its abilities with unsubstantiated record of law enforcement? Is this all we get as consumers? Is this what is expected of those critical of dishonesty in our government? I have observed bad legislation, abuses of power and ridiculous barriers to entry through over regulation and had stated so in the comments on the FTC's franchise rule in 1997? Equally telling that my concerns in 1997 were not addressed in this report as were all the lawyers and attorneys. Entrepreneurs who produce everything we have come to enjoy in our civilization somehow are less important than those who manipulate the intent and letter of the law, rules and regulations. What a sad commentary of the greatest nation in the world. The FTC targeted me, personally slandering my name and went after my company causing serious issue with our brand name, which had taken decades to build. Then using this they attempted to profile myself as a fraudster, money launderer and bring my wife into the loop who was not even an officer of the company. No kidding and it gets worse. After profiling me and filing some 1300 pages of declarations and so called proof of guilt and profiling, they filed the paper work in a secret Federal Court. The Federal Trade Commission then went all out on this one, even convinced the judge, with their overwhelming evidence (1300 pages of misrepresentation), that they must immediately seize all assets since I might flea the country? That is insane, I run a company I have built up since I was 12 years old, one they were trying to destroy, why would I leave my country; a country I love? www.carwashguys.com . This of course one of those typical slander jobs you hear about, but never really believe. What kind of law enforcement experience is that? Who is watching the Federal Trade Commission. To make things worse we had tracked the last name of one of the case-workers to another huge company with 5000 franchisees in a similar service business which competes in some of our markets. Incidentally the first complaint came from a franchisee use to work for that same fortune 500 company in one of their franchise service divisions. Then we find that a caseworker at the FTC who was involved in our case went to college with other competitors in the car washing industry. We also discovered that a person of the exact same name living in the same area (an uncommon name) and also going to school in the same area who had worked on our case had written gay porn on the Internet (yes we have documentation back-up). And the caseworker is also gay, I assume to this day as he was seen on TV bad mouthing our President in a protest over gay marriage? You know sodomy is still illegal. If you do not like it change the law, isn't that what you tell entrepreneurs? To hell with your agency; hypocrisy has never been greater and my apology from the agency never so over do. How wonderful to know such a person might still be working in the computer consumer fraud division at the Federal Trade Commission. I certainly hope everyone is on top of these things and there is some internal affairs division, because if this is the Federal Trade Commission's idea of law enforcement in the Franchise Field, well then, perhaps we are better off without rules or regulations in the franchising industry at all. After all no fraud exists. The only fraud I have observed first hand is that which resides inside the very agency, which is suppose to be watching all of us. If the FTC is watching franchising, then who is watching the FTC's franchising group? And when are we going to start investigating them? I would not even believe the story myself as it sounds like a conspiracy novel, except that it happened to our company and to me personally. I have proved my innocence and that the company did nothing wrong in 2200 pages of rebuttal and it was settled out of court, yet a black mark remains on our company and my name. And due to the actions or "Law Enforcement Experience" of the FTC and the seizing of assets for over a year we were unable to help our franchisees and 30 of them had failed, not all, but 30 consumers lost everything due to this action. If attempting to destroy businesses on behalf of competitors is what the FTC is up to, then we need to destroy and terminate the Federal Trade Commission's Franchising efforts by cutting off all funding and laying off all employees associated as this would be the best for all concerned. I think we in the franchising arena need a timeline of when this will end and when that division will be completely cut. No apology has been given to our company and the case against us still remains as an example of the Federal Trade Commission's Law Enforcement Actions and now is cited in this 400 plus page report as part of their law enforcement experience. I believe that it is not right for the Federal Trade Commission to purport any law enforcement action until it comes clean itself. Simply filing cases against companies is not "law enforcement experience." I am certain that the FTC has shredded our proof of innocence on our part, but we still have copies of all of it, incase they have. I believe this should be looked into further as it shows why there is a growing distrust of government in our country, which is highly unhealthy. I cannot accept this, not in the greatest country in the world, not in a country my ancestors, twelve of them came here on to start a new, a little boat, you may have heard of it; The Mayflower. You son's of bitches, you have disgraced all we are and all we have built here. What a pathetic example you set; in the name of helping the consumer? Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Voters are to Blame for Bad Politics When I was growing up, I actually considered a career in politics. I quickly changed my mind, though, when I discovered that there was way too much politics involved in it. Obviously, that's a play on words, but I get funny looks from people when I tell them that. However, I am completely serious. The politics of running for and holding elective office is influenced too much by the politics of power, influence, and money. But whose fault is it that such a condition exists? I believe voters have no one to blame but themselves. Paid Assassins The civil war in Iraq seems to be much more mild than some had been predicted. Many pundits painted a doom and gloom scenario out of control. Yet we see in time period in Iraq that the civil war is reduced in duration. Generally civil wars do involve other nation states supporting one or the other. Ours surely did. Both the North and South had outside support. The Iraqi situation is no different. But all in all these things are to be expected by anyone who studies history and our war planners definitely have studied up on these things. The Ugly American Returns! Originally published in 1958, "The Ugly American" (Lederer & Burdick) documented American blunders abroad and our failure to identify that what we termed communism in undeveloped countries was merely the screams of hunger and hopelessness becoming manifest. 15 years later, we extricated ourselves from Vietnam and licked our wounds for 30 years, finally coming to some sort of accommodation with free fire zones, Agent Orange, and My Lai. Never again, we swore. We would protect our nation's security but only move into war zones when gross injustice or humanitarian concerns demanded a response -- Somalia, Bosnia, the first Gulf War. Double Standards for Regulators? Elliot Spitzer, recently said he wanted to drive a stake through the heart of a founding member of the NY Stock Exchange. Since when is it okay for someone who is an Attorneys General to act out like this? We are seeing more and more abuse of power. I personally know someone who emulates Elliot Spitzer who is a young up and coming rising star in a Federal Agency, who would in fact go out of their way to falsify documents, make threats, hide their identity, and attack reputable folks on behalf of competitors. He would and did do this for reasons of selfgratification and future job titles and kudos? Economics and Politics of Regional Droughts It cities across America water is an issue, the flow is sporadic, either too much or too little. We must stabilize the flow, so businesses can plan, people can feel secure and we will not be caught with our pants down during the next drought. In some parts of our country the drought is now approaching 10-years and it is serious and economically destabilizing. As the droughts become more often, more severe and longer in length due to over use of supply, we must be ready. Many cities understand the importance of water and the psyche involved in plentiful water and the innate happiness it brings to the human spirit and they have developed River Walks, boat rides, etc to encompass such water features. Cities like Oklahoma City, Tempe, AZ; San Antonio, Caldwell ID, Wichita KS, Reno, NV; etc. Watergate Scandal On June 16, 1972, a security guard at the Watergate Hotel in Washington , D.C. , discovered a piece of tape on the lock of the door that led to the National Democratic Headquarters. Truckers Take Some Hits and Keep On Trucking After 9-11 insurance rates on Independent Truck Drivers and smaller trucking companies showed an average increase of over 30%. Larger trucking companies are generally self insured, however incessant lawsuits have also hurt them and caused higher self insurance funds causing decreased earnings and thus higher over all shipping rates to the consumer. Colonel Boyd on Limited War and Iraq Victory In discussing the OODA Loop theory on Limited War by Colonel Boyd with in the context and patterns of conflict, it appears that we as a nation have forgotten the other options dictated by previous conflicts in the works of von Clauswitz "On War" in that we are disregarding such options and scenarios entirely. In our attempt to move the human race into a different space we are also changing the theory of war in order to do so. Yet at the same time not admitting that we are not so good at it, as we are led to believe by the academics. Are We Really Getting Along? When you look at the news, immigrants are dying trying to get to America. Some are in America legally and illegally. I really don't have a problem with the immigrants unless they do it the wrong way. My problem comes into play when they come to America and they don't know English. Working with Hispanics I have come to understand them much better. Alot of them have been taught that working is critical. Education isn't important. Well, in American Education and working are 2 very critical components. Emerging Markets, Property Law I read an interesting article in foreign Affairs magazine last year, and recently in the Economist also. The articles stated in some way that a country without a set of laws for property rights would mean slow-growth, lack of foreign investment and economic vitality would be scarce. While I tend to agree with this premise to some degree, I think you might enjoy a second opinion. Let me tell you where I differ, first off, a mobile business franchise is a safe investment even if property rights are not yet established. It can service the connected elite. This is great. By promoting free market system and selling of wares in the street and mobile businesses a countries early beginnings are possible of establishing a small economic base. I know this is feasible from first hand knowledge. US Trade Deficit with Bordering Neighbors The trade deficit with Canada is now 50 Billion per year. The amount of money sent back Mexico each week from migrant labor and/or illegal aliens is estimated at 8 billion per week. That is 416 Billion per year, not all that comes back here, over half moves to other lands including Cuba a non-trading partner and China which already have incredibly huge trade deficits with. As we trade with other nations and uplift their economies it provides us too with benefits. Peaceful and successful neighbors and trading partners makes for smooth relationships. We must worry however that if we are paying interest on the money, which is no longer in our economy much of which will not come back, then in fact we are fueling their economies and paying the interest too. Is the US the world's co-signer and if so, shouldn't we have a few guarantees and a level playing field? One could say by increasing their economies, we develop a middle class there and their citizens will then be able to afford what we sell, this is good. However if for instance Mexico trades and buys most of their consumables from China, then the money will flow to their shores instead of ours. However if we (our businesses and citizens) invest in China then we will get back some of this in growth. One could conclude that although there is a trade deficit in consumables those who of us who own mutual funds, which have emerging markets strategies, we will receive benefit and return of those dollars. When simply looking at the trade deficits, one might conclude we are in dire straights, that of course being a factual short-term view, but on further review one might also see the long-term strategy and see that as the world comes closer together everyone wins. The Mother of All Political Battles Has Begun! News is spreading of the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, setting up a political battle the likes never before seen. This is the first of what could be several openings in the not too distant future. The Civil War - FOGC Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to Lafayette in 1823 that went as follows: "I do not believe with the Rochefoucaults and Montaignes, that fourteen of fifteen men are rogue. I believe a great abatement from that proportion may be made in favor of general honesty. But I have always found that rogues would be uppermost, and I do not know that the proportion is to strong for the higher orders... These set out with stealing the people's good opinion, and then steal from them the right of withdrawing it by contriving laws and associations against the power of the people themselves." The Glorious Acts of Our Legislature I always have to remember to take a deep breath when examining the laws being proposed by our grand Legislature. I detest most of the new legislation on the table, but have to forgive our representatives in the House and Senate for it. After all, writing laws is what a Legislature does, and if they don't write enough laws, it can begin to look like they've been loafing. Military Intelligence, FBI, CIA Intelligence Problems Well many have complained that the FBI and CIA dropped the ball in the 9-11 attacks. But I submit to you that the days of Paul and the "One if by land, two if by sea" and the Trojan Horse Story are not the only possible attacks methods of operindi available these days. Today it could be: "one if by land, two if by sea, three if by underground, four if by under sea, five if by air, six if by space, seven if by computer, eight if by germ, nine if by Trojan horse, ten if by wave length, eleven if by weather, etc, etc. So the game is much more complicated than sitting behind your cotton tails not saying a thing. Or telling the people every ship must sail and somewhere on that ocean, I know she's got to be? Think about the situation where the bad guys are as smart as you and have unlimited time to plan and unlimited ways to do it. How can you protect yourself against that? Only by though and infiltration of networks. All this would amount to the strength and unity of the people. Of all these; ones through elevens; are possible scenarios. California Mutual Assistance Program In years past California Mutual Assistance Program and emergency response for fighting fires learned a valuable lesson. They learned that fires get big quick and it is important to use all available resources to prevent the wide spread damage that can occur. In the early 90's the Santa Monica Mountains were ablaze but the C-130s at Channel Islands Air National Guard Base stood ready and loaded waiting for a call to go fight the blaze. They waited 36 hours before they go the call, by that time the fire had ravaged the landscape. They learned a valuable lesson and many people unnecessarily lost their homes. The scorched hillsides looked like a living hell after it burned out. Is it just hubris, or ...? In what the Americans love to describe as the war on terror, there have been no clear winners even though it has been physically going on now for over three years. By the looks of it, the tussle between the United States of America and its perceived enemy will outlast the Second World War at least in terms of duration, if nothing else. If so, it certainly represents a horrible scenario for the planet. Africa?s Prosperity Goals: A Cultural Perspective Commission for Africa (CFA), one is made to understand is the brainchild of His Excellency, the UK Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair. Another initiative geared towards arriving at a set of policies meant to get Africa out of its economic doldrums. Elliot Spitzer, are the Rats Leaving the Ship Are the junior attorneys in the Attorney General's office leaving the ship yet? Are the New York State Attorney General Office's up and coming prosecutors and lawyers jumping ship as to not be caught in the future demise of Elliot Spitzer fall from reputation? We will see as Elliot Spitzer starts to lose all his cases that the attorneys in his office wish to distance themselves from the New York Attorney General's office. Mexican Tariffs on American Goods? Mexican has tariffs on goods, which come into its country from the United States. The tariffs in many cases are 50%. This is said to help Mexico's economy. But if you look at all the money being shipped to Mexico each week by migrant and illegal alien workers you see a much different issue brewing. You see their economy growing and not very much money coming back for US Goods in trade. Thus we are upside down in the trade deficit. ![]() |
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