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Is it just hubris, or ...?
In what the Americans love to describe as the war on terror, there have been no clear winners even though it has been physically going on now for over three years. By the looks of it, the tussle between the United States of America and its perceived enemy will outlast the Second World War at least in terms of duration, if nothing else. If so, it certainly represents a horrible scenario for the planet. What lies at the heart of the conflict between the two sides -- if, indeed, there is a second side to it -- is a total misperception of the other. In the words of the book in hand, Muslims worldwide have been "infected by hatred for the US" because of its "support for Israel, Russia, China, India, Algeria, Uzbekistan and others against Islamists; its protection of multiple Muslim tyrannies; its effort to control oil policy and pricing; and its military activities in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Arabian Peninsula and elsewhere." On the other side of the equation are the Americans, who insist on taking a simplistic view of the matter; their leadership doing its best to portray it as a worldwide grudge against the American lifestyle which revolves around democratic freedoms, civil liberties, intermingling of genders, and separation of the church and the state. While the book has done well to point out that the American perception is wrong, and that foreign policy blunders are to be blamed for the situation as it stands today, it has provided a sort of cushion to the American leadership by suggesting that it is taking a fatuous view. However, there are many a Muslim who feel rather strongly that the effort of the American leadership to portray lifestyle grudge as the basis of the whole issue has more to do with political chicanery than with honest innocence. The book fails to take into account this vital factor, but that, for sure, is not the only thing on which it has maintained a discreet silence. Before moving on to such debatable issues, it is in the fitness of things to have a quick look at the book's raison d'etre and its author. The book is based on all the insight that one can have on the matter while dealing with the mass of background information and latest intelligence that is part of life at the CIA headquarters. The author was heading the CIA bin Laden Unit in the 1990s before he was removed in 1999, and has since been kept out of the frame as far as the US war on terrorism is concerned. With almost two decades of exposure to issues related with national security, Afghanistan and South Asia, he is still with the CIA, which vetted the manuscript before allowing its publication with the condition that the author remained anonymous. Before the latest title, he had also authored Through Our Enemies' Eyes: Osama bin Laden, Radical Islam and the Future of America. The two titles together represent a rare case of a serving intelligence officer being allowed to comment on government policy; in fact, to be highly critical of it. Stressing that senior US intelligence officers knew much before the 9/11 catastrophe that "a runaway train was coming at the United States", he has argued that the American leaders "ignored repeated warnings and generally behaved as what they so manifestly are, America's greatest generation -- of moral cowards." Without directly linking it with his own removal from the key CIA post, he writes, "US intelligence community leaders ensured that most officers who recognised the extent of the threat bin Laden posed before 11 September 2001 were banished to language training, jobs entailing no bin Laden-related work, or excluded from meetings that might afford a chance to present intelligence honestly." These are strong words, indeed, coming from a serving officer against his own bosses and the US leadership at large. However, he blames it all on a lack of vision, and a mindset that may "protect careers, but does little for our country." Even though he has repeatedly talked about the necessity of understanding the enemy from "his point of view and not our own", the author somehow found it relevant to ignore the sentiment among certain quarters in the Muslim world that more than hubris or a lack of vision, it was perhaps a case of willfully turning a blind eye. After all, the biggest beneficiary of the 9/11 crime has been the US government which has used it as a license to unleash an armed frenzy on the Islamic world. Besides, the whole world -- including its Islamic component, unfortunately -- blames it all on Osama and Al-Qaeda only, repeat only, because the US says so. The US, on its part, has blatantly refused to share any evidence that it claims to have against the man and the organisation. Why? The book doesn't tell us that. The author's contention that the hatred among the Muslims is "martial not intellectual" is reflective of his own lack of understanding in this regard. For instance, it is not a martial approach to question the past of both Osama and Saddam Hussein which have linkages to the American intelligence machinery. If they were such bad characters, the US has a lot of explaining to do regarding its interactions with them. Besides, if 'jihad' is such an anathema to the US, why was it promoting that very concept all through the 1980s when it needed blindfolded Muslim youth to fight the American war against the Soviets? There are several other 'intellectual, not martial' questions in the minds of the Muslims, but the Americans have never bothered to answer them. That definitely is hubris of the imperialistic order. Interestingly, after a 250-page homily about American foreign policy disasters -- Iraq and Afghanistan inclusive -- and the author's dissatisfaction at it, he has outlined what he thinks should be the future course of action. In a nutshell, he wants the leadership to shun its policy of "cowardice and defeat" and stop worrying about such idiocies as "international comity, civilised norms, and high moral standards." This, again, is a reflection of imperial hubris that the author is clearly suffering from. Even though the book is a purely one-sided version of the whole episode, readers in the Islamic world will do themselves a lot of good to actually go through the whole text -- which, by the way, includes out-of-context quotations from the holy scripts -- in order to have a realistic understanding of the stubborn American mindset; a mindset that refuses to acknowledge the need to change. Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror, by Anonymous. Published by Brassey's Inc. The writer is a senior Pakistani journalist, associated at present with the largest circulate English-language newspaper of the country, the daily Dawn, as its Assistant Editor. He is based in Karachi.
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Globalism and a Conspiracy The globalist's are the new breed, the new generation if that is what I can call it. The new internationalist might be better. They all think they will find salvation in humanism, or in man himself. I say good luck chumps. Globalism has planted these seed a generation ago, or so, maybe longer, but they started sprouting a generation ago. It calls for the control by governments by a government, to control our wealth, resources; as the United Nations would like to have done, had Kerry made it as President; internationalize the US to their liking. The wealth and resources are somewhat control anyhow, the internationalist have been busy. Why Do US Media Ignore Secret UK Government Memo On A Mega Iraq War Conspiracy? The blogosphere has been jumping around the story like crazy but it seems the mainstream media are doing their best to ignore it. Yet it's been branded the most extensive case of governing-level conspiracy plotting in ages. CNN spent very limited time on it and that's also a pretty accurate indicator of the attention most other media outlets have devoted to it so far. Even though some 88 members of Congress openly inquired about it and a few other US opionion leaders spoke out against it. But that was it more or less. What was? A recently leaked internal UK government memo dated July 2002, that was so secret extra copies could not be made, not even for internal use. Belly Full of the Clintons [Political View] As I read the papers and watch the news day after day after day, and listen to the debates on what we Americans should do with Iran and North Korea, as if we were the only ones involved, yet as always the world will put their two cents in, and to be quite honest, that is all financially they will give, but for advise, like my neighbors, they will give a tone of it away free. Anyhow, I should get to my clout in my throat. As I read the papers and watch the news day after day, as I was saying before, I can't be the only one that feels this way, yet sometimes I think I am, because I have not read much about what I'm going to say, in the floating media; be it reluctance on everyone else's behalf, or perhaps I'm just wrong. But when I check the records, it indicates I'm not. Oh well, possibly people are just full of crap and don't like the truth. Here is a bag full. Because of President Clinton, and let me say it again to get it right, Big Bill, Wild Bill, our ex-president Bill Clinton, they are all the same to me, because of this goofball, because of this wise guy, we have two towers down in New York City today (yes I'm talking about 9/11). It was not because of the FBI; nor the CIA; or President George W. Bush. No, no, no, it is because of Buffalo Bill Clinton; and his goofball wife. Corruption and Transparency I. The Facts Federal Trade Commission Falsely Purports Franchise Disclosure is Cost Effective In a recent report on the status of the Franchising Industry, the Federal Trade Commission knowingly and falsely purported that its Franchise Disclosure Rules are cost effective. In fact; there is nothing inexpensive or "cost-effective" about the 190 to 230 pages of disclosures that franchisors must give to prospective franchisees. Anyone purporting such misrepresentations does so either for personal gain (Lawyer) or out of spite against franchisors due to a misunderstanding of what the franchising model is or how it works. John Kerry as a Prosecutor? Prosecutors with political ambitions are known to modify the truth or withhold evidence in order to get a conviction. It is so common in fact that the greater the political ambitions the greater the unethical ness of their tenure as a prosecutor. It is for this reason that we must do a background on every case that John Kerry falsified as a prosecutor in order to maintain such a high conviction rate. After all political ambitions for President of the United States are great indeed an there is a significant motivation to cheat? I believe John Kerry kicked his dog and unless he can prove otherwise we ought to make a note of it. The Politics Of The American Dream The American Dream is the promise to have it all and enjoy it all. It's been glorified and sentimentalized as a utopian goal not just by the media and Hollywood stars, but also by businesses and politicians, including the President of the United States. But in reality, the American Dream is becoming more and more like the 'Impossible Dream.' Today, many Americans believe that their odds of winning the lottery are better than attaining the American Dream. 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I believed it, when I was told of the American Dream and when I found out it was a lie; I wanted to scream. I worked hard, did every thing right tried the best I could and was able to sleep at night. But alas the game is rigged. So you ask is this all there is? A Deal Made With Ireland SYNOD OF DRUM CEATT (494 - 5): Dafur Emergency: A Challenge To Civilisation With pain rocking through my whole body today, I cast a bitter glance back at what I called, the 'tragedy of Dafur' and decided to settle accounts with my fellow Africans on this matter. Failure to Supervise at the Federal Trade Commission Many MLM sales people mean well but they inadvertently commit fraud and violate rules and laws in their presentations. This is unfortunate and is an issue too big for the Federal Trade Commission to handle, like SPAM or Identity Theft; the FTC is impotent. Many of these MLM sales people have adopted the term; "Private Franchising" trying to distance themselves from the negative connotations of the multi-level marketing term. There is only one problem; Franchising, has an absolute definitions, which in no way resembles what these salespeople are out peddling. Technology and International Terrorism Airlines do not allow cell phones on board, but they do allow AirCell a specialized new technology for in flight calls. AirCell's technology has been approved by the FCC because it uses a single regulated frequency. Normal cell phones are not allowed on flights because with the current technology a phone trying to connect with ground cell towers might connect with multiple sites and confusing the system and ties up space and could possibly interfere with avionics, which I disagree because the 900 MHz band is quite unique in its frequency characteristics and not close to the other. AirCell is the only airborne cellular system operating on a traditional cellular frequency band, which has been proven to the FCC not to interfere with nearby communications. Making Peace with Our Ancestors and Neighbors As a result of the conflict analysis exercise and a workshop conducted earlier this year by the Liberia Community Infrastructure Program, (LCIP), participants indicated a strong resentment of ex-combatants by the war affected community leading to traditional cleansing ceremonies. Sentiments from both tribes indicated a mutual approval/acceptance of the Zalakai/Zalayei traditional healing process; only being assisted by LCIP. Villagers spoke of not only their support of peace, but more so, the importance of cleansing the desecrated land where people were killed, but not buried; sisters with brothers, but not married. Although past programs have stemmed from studies of post war conflict in other countries, the inclusion of traditional ceremonies integrated into western theory are influencing the real life healing processes. "We must go back to our ancestors to cleanse the land and women can restore the customs of our secret societies and traditional sites. Canning International Terrorists? Literally Well here is a great new product, we first saw this in our study on the Parking Industry at recent trade show. New Bomb Resistant Trashcans, Trashcan Anti-Bomb Receptacles for public safety now available. ![]() |
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