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Adminstration of E-Business Taxation
The entry by telephone and cable companies into the Internet service provider business within the last few years has given new hope to the congestion problem in that they now have a vested interest in investing in infrastructure. The Internet connection and set-up cost are not inexpensive for every business; however, the competitive cost of not having it probably outweighs the financial cost of connectivity. Even if businesses deal with customers that are domestic or local, reaching the customer is only one aspect of the Internet. It can be used to communicate with suppliers to build supply networks, order materials, sales or other information 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Selling on World Wide Web Prior to the contract: The customer enters the merchants web site, views the product and company information and if the vendor and the buyer have established a mechanism that neither of them should be able to repudiate the offer price or the products ordered, and If the customer is convinced that the product will arrive at an approximate specified delivery time, and If the vendor is satisfied that it will be paid Then, the customer will place an order. Settlement of the amount due: the vendor invoices, the customer authorizes/pays. The post sales warranty, support and customer data gathering there is some debate regarding the formation of an electronic contract over the Internet. One of the differences between contracting over the Internet and contracting by any other electronic means is the on-line Internet Service Provider. The issue is whether the parties are communicating and contracting directly or are they communicating and contracting through a third party. Under the acceptance rule a contract will not be formed until acceptance of the offer by the offeree has been communicated to the offeror. The exception to the rule is called the postal rule, where an offeror or has explicitly or implicitly agreed to the offer being accepted by the post office, once the letter or other communication has been posted. The contract is deemed to have been formed even if the offeror does not receive the letter accepting the offer. In building the web site documentation, it should be made clear in the relevant terms and conditions or by a statement that will be seen by the user before sending their request by email to purchase an item, Administration of Sales Tax and Central Excise duties One challenge is presented by continued growth in the volume of Internet sales. To what extent that such growth occurs, it increases remote sales where compliance is already most problematic. Another challenge is that the expanding variety of e-commerce transactions and products may create new types of compliance problems, such as identifying the location and nature of a sale. Although the future growth rate of Internet sales is not known, certain characteristics favor the rapid growth of Internet sales. For example, Commerce has reported that e-commerce not only reduces the cost and time of doing business but also provides alternative shopping sites, expands existing markets, and creates new markets. E-commerce also frees some sellers from the "geographic confines and the costs of running actual stores." These characteristics have the potential to increase the number of remote sellers and purchasers as well as increase the volume of remote sales. To the extent that such sales growth occurs, it will magnify the existing sales and central excise duties compliance problems associated with remote sales, such as the difficulty of enforcing compliance by purchasers in the case of remote sales without nexus. The expanding variety of electronic transactions may also create new compliance challenges. Shifts from traditional forms of sales to Internet sales can make it more difficult to identify the location of the buyer and the seller, the status (business, individual, other) of the buyer or seller, and the nature of the product itself. In terms of the location, both sellers and purchasers may have multiple locations, and the Internet makes it easier for these firms to conduct their transactions from the location that offers the greatest tax advantages. Businesses may also choose to establish a presence in certain jurisdictions in order to maximize these advantages. As a result, determining the location of buyers and the sellers' activities for nexus purposes, which is important for the collection of sales and central excise duties is more difficult in an environment with Internet sales. A related challenge for the collection of sales and central excise is determining the status of the buyer and seller in Internet transactions. The status of the seller, for example, is relevant since certain sales by individuals are not subject to sales and central excise duties. However, the development of new markets, such as Internet auctions, has created a new opportunity for businesses as well as individuals to avoid sales and central excise duties. To the extent that businesses are using these new markets to make sales, it would be necessary for tax authorities to be able to identify those sellers as businesses rather than as individuals in order to assess the appropriate taxes. Need for legislation The Internet, as we know it today, is no longer a medium limited to nerds and geeks in science labs. It has become a whole new way of life. We have started identifying ourselves with this medium to such an extent that nowadays we take a net connection for granted. Electronic mail, surfing the World Wide Web, browsing through search engines for that elusive piece of info have all nowadays been woven into the fabric of daily life. In face of this media juggernaut, little do we realize how close we are to being robbed of our credit card numbers by that smart programmer down the road, or that we might be under surveillance with some body stalking our movements on the net or simply still, some body gaining unauthorized access to all the private information on our computers wrecking havoc in our private lives. The era of the Net Economy has also bought with it new approaches to success in business. The Internet and the Web are creating a new economic order-one where people and businesses can exchange information, goods, and services at the speed of light. Many smart companies are rapidly gaining competitive advantage by leveraging the business benefits of these web-based connections, and succeeding in new economic relationships. Today businesses large and small face an unprecedented set of challenges-and an unparalleled set of opportunities. They are interconnecting their customers and business partners with their core business processes. However they are vulnerable. This vulnerability comes from knowledge that they transact in an insecure environment, an environment bereft of legislation. They too face as much uncertainty about a hacker attack on their corporate databases as the common man does. Depending upon their parent country, companies doing business on the Internet have to face varying degrees of ambiguity regarding the laws that not only constraint but also protect them. Global computer-based communications are cutting across territorial borders, creating a new realm of human activity and undermining the feasibility--and legitimacy-of applying laws based on geographic boundaries. While these electronic communications play havoc with geographic boundaries, a new boundary, made up of the screens and passwords that separate the virtual world from the "real world" of atoms, emerges. This new boundary defines a distinct Cyberspace that needs and can create new law and legal institutions of its own. Territorially based law-making and law-enforcing authorities find this new environment deeply threatening. But established territorial authorities may yet learn to defer to the self-regulatory efforts of Cyberspace participants who care most deeply about this new digital trade in ideas, information, and services. Separated from doctrine and tied to territorial jurisdictions, new rules will emerge, in a variety of online spaces, to govern a wide range of new phenomena that have no clear parallel in the non-virtual world. Clearly, the shift from a physically oriented commercial environment to a knowledge based electronic environment presents some very serious and substantial issues that must be addressed. Existing regulatory frameworks are likely incapable of adequately taxing electronic transactions, and must be adapted. Otherwise, governments may face a significant decrease in their tax revenues, as more and more commerce takes place over the Internet. The task for government then is to attempt to fit Internet transactions into existing rules of taxation. Where this is impossible, it may be necessary to adapt and amend the rules in order to catch Internet transactions. Adil Waseem
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Bill OReilly: You Got This One Wrong! I like Bill O'Reilly. I do. I have read two of the man's books, all his columns, and when I lived in the United States, I listened to the "O'Reilly Factor." I agree with him on many issues. I do so not because of his political worldview but because he makes sense, most of the time, and challenges me with the facts-he makes me think. Reprisal of the Bill of Proposed Electronic Crime Act 2004 The clause (c) of Electronic Crime Act 2004 has been defied Cyber Stalking as defined in XXII of the Pakistan Penal Code 1860 and also clause (g) defines defamation which means Section 499 of the Pakistan Penal code 1860; but no as such provision are included on matter connect with commission of offence of electronically misuse and infringement of Internet Domain Names as Trade Marks which have defined in Chapter XIII Trade Marks Ordinance 2001. Harmonic Beams to Pre-Detonate Shoulder Launched Surface to Air Missiles Using Harmonic Beams to Pre-Detonate Shoulder Launched Surface to Air Missiles near airport departure and arrival flight paths. We could use a Harmonic Beam pulse on a close system harmonic beam to pre-detonate explosives that International Terrorists may want to use on such as Hand Held SAMs. As they approach the airport road, staging area in a Taxi Cab or private automobile the harmonic beam would force the detonation of the devise and blow them up, HA HA. If they tried to cross a certain imaginary line. We Are Turning a Corner in Foreign Relations, Thanks GW Bush! Kudos goes out to the George Walker Bush's Administration and long-term strategy in the world to take the high road in our foreign relations policy. Today we see relief donations coming in from around the world, why? Well because despite what you read in the newspapers about our Middle East efforts, it shows that we, America, is seen as a country with the right attitude and vision. We have helped people and nations around the world and now, in our time of need we see a reciprocal response. Protectionism in Russia The new law "Special Protective, Antidumping and Import Compensatory Measures" differs from the old one by the fact that it fully complies with the WTO (World Trade Organization) standards. It is for the first time in the Russian practice that a law describes in detail what is necessary to do in order to protect the Russian market and how to do it. As its authors promised, the Law has turned out to be extremely concrete: it is conceived so that the officials as well as the participants of trade agreements will be able to find straight answers to their questions, and they should not search for any special "explanations" and "commentaries". An Environmental Voting Guide for US State Elections In these times when states are suffering extreme downward pressure on budgets and spending, how is our environment making out? Did it suffer cuts right along with the Program to Assist Millionaires Become Billionaires? Are important environmental projects being dropped from the budget along with luxury items like the statehouse's new Gold-Plated Enforcement Gavel? William Seward and the Alaska Purchase Aren't you glad you purchased Alaska? You got a bargain, you know. You purchased it for 2 cents per acre for all 586,000 acres of it. Dealing With UK Water Rates Debts: What You Need To Know UK Water Rates Wartime Prisoners and the Will to Fight; War is Hell, Let?s Win Alright? We learned some lessons in these last few wars. For instance: some of Saddam's Iraqi army personal may have given up or volunteered to give up to slow us down. Prisoners take time to handle and resources to collect. Some are now saying we should not have spared them. He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day. The only thing relevant of the Geneva Convention rules for modern warfare in collecting and giving back prisoners, is that you have guaranteed future wars as those prisoners return to their state and tell of the over embellished atrocities of the enemy. Ironic that you can spare someone and return them to their family and they live to make things worse for you later. Why Dont We Listen To Entrepreneurs? I just got done reading a series of articles dating from December 2000 to September 2001 (pre-9-11) regarding Larry Ellison's bush to get the government to link all it's databases. Now everyone agrees, but now we are post 9-11. I wonder if Larry Ellison as loud as he can be sometimes ever stood up and said I told ya so? He would have every right to. He warned us. Gates did too, maybe not as verbal about it or graphic as Larry Ellison described the government's computer databases like a file cabinet where one drawer was here and another across the ocean in china in a dim lighted room. Monsanto Terminator Seeds How do you feel about Terminator Seeds from Monsanto? I have determined that I am in favor of Terminator Seeds, having seen the complaints against it and the evidence for it. Also to curb the problem of GM seeds over taking the Natural Wild Seeds of rice, wheat, etc. which mankind has adapted too. Now then the debate goes like this. Experts? ACCREDITATION: - Scholastic regimentation from the post WWII period has accelerated to the point that Canada won't let an Olympic figure skating medalist teach or coach young Canadians the errors and damages of the present system. She could earn more in the U. S. or other places but she is willing to do this for free if they would let her. How would Einstein or Bucky Fuller become professors in today's structured adherence to accepted models of learning? Canada is held up as a fine example by the U.N. committees which evaluate governments throughout this world. Last week the support staff went on strike in our schools of Toronto. Global/Israeli Corruption! What depth of blind insanity has inflicted itself upon Israel's politicians, and such as George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice?!!?? Chinese Military Build Up - Sun Tzu and Chinese War Machine We are currently seeing a build up in China of their military, with 7 new classes of warships. Buying of 15 Billion worth of jet fighters from Russia, advances in Space which can lead to Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, Electromagnetic Weapons, training and recruiting of personal for army. Taiwan is extremely concerned as is Japan, Russia is thrilled having been able to sell them technologically advanced weaponry. Our defense industry is upset seeing sales go to other countries, also alarming in our trade deficit and money flows out of our country to China, which is being used to buy the weapons in the first place. Airbus is establishing a military division to catch some of that money flow too, having watched Boeing which also sells military and commercial make major end roads to markets thru R and D partially coming from US Government, which as we know has been a debate in the EU and fair trade rules as Airbus is funded in part and subsidized by European governments who are simultaneously deficit spending. The selling of weapons in the world is quite alarming and makes the case for Iranian or North Korea's nuclear weapon ambitions a tough one, in that shouldn't a country have the right to defend itself? A worthy debate although a government, which has proved untrustworthy in the past obviously should never be trusted with such destructive power which once used would surely change the history of mankind. Bilderbergs In the words of a secret agent who has signed the Official Secrets Act in Britain we find the rationale for what government and supranational organizations have been involved in since Cleopatra, Christopher Marlowe and his own immediate predecessors Crowley and Ian Fleming. David Barrett tells us: The Blessings of the Black Economy Some call it the "unofficial" or "informal" economy, others call it the "grey economy" but the old name fits it best: the "black economy". In the USA "black" means "profitable, healthy" and this is what the black economy is. Macedonia should count its blessings for having had a black economy so strong and thriving to see it through the transition. If Macedonia had to rely only on its official economy it would have gone bankrupt long ago. Regional Grid Power Backup; Energy Ideas Our Hydro-electricity accounts for some 20% of our current needs. Hydro Power; think of that? We do use the most electricity per capita than any other country in the World, but we also have the strongest middle class and rank near the top in quality of life and standard of living. For instance try living in Baghdad at 120 degrees with no air conditioning. We have done quite well with our hydro in this country and much of this has to due with the abundant flow of water. Of course recently in many regions of the United States severe droughts have hurt our ability to make electricity from hydro. Army recovers terrorists? bodies from avalanche-hit areas in South Kashmir As the death toll in the avalanche-hit Jammu and Kashmir is increasing day by day, the security forces have recovered the bodies of few terrorists who had taken shelter in the foothills of Pir Panjal mountain ranges to escape the clutches of security forces. Little did these terrorists know that they wouldn't be able to escape Nature's fury even if they hide from the army.These terrorists were also buried alive with hundreds of other civilians in the avalanches that stuck in a big way in three Qazigund villages situated in the foothills of Pir Panjal. Paper Industry The paper industry in the US is hurting. Due to supply and demand prices are way up. If you look at the changes, due to the growth in housing and price of wood and increased government regulations with Sarbaines Oxley Act you can see why we need more and more paper. Government is a Franchise System; just not a very good one Few understand the Franchising Format and even fewer have correlated that to our modern government structure. The United States Government is set up much like a franchising system. You are well aware of modern day franchise systems like McDonalds although you probably had never thought of our government as a franchise. Of course if it is a franchise it is a humongous one indeed. Since government runs inefficiently; why do we need so much? Since it most resembles a franchise system, why is not run efficiently like one? And exactly how could one consider that its structure is similar to that of a modern day franchising company? ![]() |
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