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ACCREDITATION: - Scholastic regimentation from the post WWII period has accelerated to the point that Canada won't let an Olympic figure skating medalist teach or coach young Canadians the errors and damages of the present system. She could earn more in the U. S. or other places but she is willing to do this for free if they would let her. How would Einstein or Bucky Fuller become professors in today's structured adherence to accepted models of learning? Canada is held up as a fine example by the U.N. committees which evaluate governments throughout this world. Last week the support staff went on strike in our schools of Toronto. Here is part of an article by Jim Coyle in the Toronto Star: Tough times teach those who have eyes to see I spent a few hours in the emergency ward the other night with my 11-year-old, owing to a cut he acquired as a consequence of the prevailing mayhem in a houseful of boys. {Such an easy way of sloughing-off other issues.} As we waited, he seemed intrigued by what went on around him. How could the triage nurse be so cheerful? Why did the man with chest pains get rushed right in.? What made the woman ahead of us in the suture room slit her wrists? {No answers to come, and no coping skills taught in our media or schools. No awareness of the alternatives and soulful causes that would motivate people to help each other.} He said he was amazed, watching the parade of ill and injured, that doctors and nurses could work under the pressure they do and make so few mistakes. {He is not interested in exploring the reality of how many mistakes are made, and probably hasn't read Ivan Illich's book 'Limits to Medicine'. He doesn't want to hear about the lack of family violence questionnaires in schools and hospitals which might prevent a growth in family violence and the cycles of attendant violence associated with incest. I have sent him letters and called, to no avail. Is he making a case for the 'status quo' at the behest of his employer and their political cronies?} A miserable night had turned into something educational. And I was reminded that, given the right attitude, little is wasted in life's economy, that difficult moments usually bring lessons. It was the notion I'd been tossing around about the disruption in Toronto schools last week and what kids could learn from it. For teaching often occurs when we least expect it, not in the lecturing but in the living, not in the theory but in the behavior {So true.}. In fact, the person with the wisest observations in this respect might have been Justin Trudeau, son of the former prime minister, who was in Toronto last week to speak to teachers {He teaches in British Columbia and is an ardent and eloquent example for good behavior, to be sure.}. 'How can you teach character?' he said. 'Well, I don't know that you can teach character. I think you need to teach with character. You have to model character, you have to demonstrate character. That's how we learn.' {This does not obviate the need to build a joy of learning or encourage socialization through tolerant consideration of comparative religion. It does not contradict the 'co-operative education' programs that research shows should focus on group projects, results and less testing for competency in early life, to be followed by more testing for creative and worthwhile learning and productivity as well as emotional coping skills later. It doesn't mean that what is being done is anything much better than 'glorified baby-sitting' to produce 'followers' who fit the needs of industry and society. It doesn't mean that teachers learned how to teach, as Kaoru Yamamoto points our in the 'Social Sciences Encyclopedia' put together by the Kuipers in 1995.} In that sense, there were many lessons to be learned during the strike. The first of these was courage. And the ones who displayed it were the strikers themselves, the support staff whose walkout eventually closed the schools for a week. They're the workers in the system who earn the least, people for whom even a week without pay is painful, who will take years to make up the wages lost. Yet, knowing this, they still struck. {Where is the modeling of behavior for the kids to emulate? Should they emulate the poor downtrodden and uneducated janitors? Should they wonder why the parents didn't get together and do the work to keep the schools clean? Should they have policed their own schools or organized to keep them clean so they could still attend the school and learn the things that excite them? Where are the real ethics to learn character from in these simple strikes for something other than what will make any real changes ? they only ask for money!} ... As angry as parents were at the disruption, it strikes me they should perhaps be grateful to the strikers for modeling the values that, presumably, we most want our children to absorb - self-respect, the willingness to stand up for themselves and the work they do, honouring principles even at a personal cost, courage. Another useful lesson, there for the learning during the work stoppage, was that of civility. As the garbage piled up in their schools, as washrooms were fouled beyond use, it must quickly have become apparent to the students - as it does to their elders in the looting that inevitably follows police strikes - how thin is our veneer of civilization... It may well be worth a class or two, now that they've resumed, discussing why and how this happens and what it means." (1) Yes, we all need to respect the workers and know that our students are being force-fed pablum that will make them drones for a system that accredits only certain paladins who endure the wishes and structures that exhibit so little compassion for cleaning up our messes. Yes, the journalist makes an interesting story out of the plebian strife but does he actually examine the soulful roots of respect for each other and how parents seek easy answers rather than accept responsibility for the education of themselves and their charges? If we paid janitors more than teachers would more respect occur? If teachers were paid on a non-union scale based on results and attendance of free choice by those who wished to learn what they are teaching, would teachers earn more that politicos or paladins of business? When will education and the soul's growth be held in higher esteem? This is 'different-thinking' that Michel Foucault might well encourage. Do doctors who graduated forty years ago keep up their skills, and do herbalists perform a better function in health maintenance? Is there a benefit to making more people able to become doctors in a hierarchy that includes chiropractors and nurse practitioners doing what they can to help us at lower pay? Is the AMA interested in controlling the number of competitors in their 'old boys club'? What amount of education does it take to make a really good lawyer? Is education as important as other skills not being taught? Have you met many ethical lawyers who actually tell you about their failures or foibles? What is the necessary qualification to become a politician and who really knows enough to vote when they won't even address the important issues? There are more efficient and effective ethical systems that have proven themselves over long periods of time. Elder councils who answer to the needs of people who know they too will have the opportunity to perform these roles are worth re-evaluation. Porto Allegro, Brazil involved the people in a true participatory experiment that many thought would fail - it has succeeded. Asoka had real ecumenical and truly spiritual goals we can learn from. Words like 'democracy' or 'representational government' do not ensure ethical bureaucracies with true compassion of an equal nature. A sheepskin or a diploma does not accredit a person or ensure they know what they are doing, and why. 'Experts' are often salesmen from a few miles away who have a slide show that highlights only the things we want to hear. The 'chit system' of education might allow students to find educational environments that work FOR them. If it works for each person - then it will benefit society as a whole. The top-down Platonic model that seeks to homogenize us into classes of some nefarious structure (whether communistic, democratic or fascist) is not creative application or maximization of resources. World-Mysteries.com guest 'expert'
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Federal Trade Commission and Dismal Performance on Mergers Most citizens agree that we need the Federal Trade Commission to protect us from Corporate Greed. However any such citizen who believe a government agency will help you in anyway or improve your quality of life is indeed amongst the bottom tier of intellectual capacity. In fact the Federal Trade Commission in their slow response time to pretend to monitor mergers and aquistions have probably single handedly caused more job losses and stock losses then Osama Bin Laden. In fact recently in a Think Tank Conversation it was discussed that the Federal Trade Commission's Anti-Trust Department may in fact work closely with Osama Bin Laden. Mexican Living: A Disabled Man Speaks for Terri I am an incurably ill American male forced to leave America to afford the medical care I needed. I live in Mexico. I now live in a country where "pulling the plug" for whatever reason is illegal! How to Become a Whistle Blower Since the United States Government is promoting the whistle blower concept it is every citizens duty to report fraud and abuse of power in any branch of government. We must have an equal and level playing field. If the government relies on snitches, tattle tales and disgruntled whistle blowers to make up lies and report them to government regulators and honors such folks, then this is a clear signal to seek out dishonest government. The Project For A New American Century Let the reader be reminded, that this document we are quoting, which can be readily viewed at PNAC's website, (Rebuilding America's Defenses), was drafted in 1998, based on a document that was presented to the White House in 1992! Of course I suppose in the eyes of the undying Christian supporter of the American New World Order and the George Bush White House, the fact that the world is currently fulfilling this document TO A TEE, could be totally coincidence. The fact that the American Government has put on a show of tragedy and disappointment in the public's eyes, pretending that none of this was planned or intended, and has pretended to be surprised and overcome by these things, when they clearly stated them 12 years ago, as necessary goals to "project American power across the globe" is beyond the scope of your average American Christian's comprehension, while he argues that this is a holy nation. While the leaders of this country go to the homes of our dead young men and weep on the shoulders of their grieving parents, and visit the maimed and crippled soldiers at military hospitals to call them heroes, pinning a $75.00 pin on their chests, and shedding a moving tear of sorrow, they write Documents like this one, which clearly lay out the fact that this is what they intended in the first place. Allowing the citizens of America to believe that they had no choice, is without question the most maniacal, heinous, war crime of the past 100 years, for which none of them will stand trial until they stand before God almighty at the judgment of the nations, when it will be too late to convince our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that they are commanded not to support this kind of worldly insanity. But don't take my word for it, let's hear it from the men that run the American Government: Army Recruiting Dilemma Discussed Currently the US Army is having trouble recruiting. These problems stem from the distrust of parents who lived thru the Vietnam War, as they remember the number of soldiers killed and would prefer their offspring are not needlessly sacrificed. Also indeed some of the issues come from the Democratic Side or Ultra Liberal side who say that the current administration is made up of Oil Folks and that this war is fake. Without getting into that heated debate, of which there is more than enough ammo for either side of the issue, there are more reasons. Another reason is the Army's "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy on gays in the military. The Army due to these policies has been banned from many college campuses and are no longer welcomed there to recruit. If the Army were to change its gay policy, chances are it would not get the support of recruits of heterosexual mid-western Christian Religious God fearing recruits. After all if you are right wing conservative Christian the last place you would want to send your heterosexual kids to is an Army filled with gays. Vision India - 2025 (Expectations of an Ordinary Person) Introduction The Politics of American Public Education and Why Dramatic Progress Still Eludes Us The current political efforts aimed at improving the American public educational system appear to reflect Einstein's definition of insanity ? doing the same thing over and over again hoping for different results ? than truly creating sustainable change. Until, we begin at square one, sustainable educational achievement will not happen and the limited resources of time, people and taxpayer's dollars will continue to be depleted. Dealing with Massive Prisoners of War In the last Gulf War we saw thousands of enemy soldiers giving up. Killing them is against Geneva Convention and they know it. So the soldiers simply laid down their weapons and said; "I give up, feed me!" Obviously we were snookered by this tactic, but it really came as no great surprise. Rather than taking these prisoners in and putting up the costs to feed them until after a war has ended, why not hibernate them instead. In other words take their bodies down by 90% and hibernate them like a bear. Is this really possible? Yes, with a little bit of funding it surely is possible, as a matter of fact a gentleman by the name of Mark Roth and his associates have successfully put mice into suspended animation using hydrogen sulfide gas in the proper ratios. Normally hydrogen sulfide gas can be a deadly toxic gas but in the right amounts it merely puts mammals to sleep. Perhaps we could simply fire rockets or cluster bomb smart munitions filled with this gas into the advancing enemy, pile up the bodies and put them into a cage and when they finally do wake up, feed them and then put them to sleep again. Of course taking out a few for interrogations. Alternative to Land Mines in Middle East With the recent threats from Bin Laden and Al Queda to attack Oil Fields, Pipelines, Facilities, Refiners and Assets of Oil Companies which supply the United States with it's need fuel, such operations will have to upgrade and defend themselves. There are many options from robotics to land mines. Yet many options involve killing trespassers indiscriminately with robotic sentinels: Feeling Squeezed by Political Correctness I'm starting to feel squeezed by all the political correctness being imposed on us by both the Left and the Right. Both sides are constantly trying to infringe on our freedoms by telling us what we can and cannot say or do. I'm getting sick and tired of it. Below are just a few examples of what they are trying to impose on us. The Pilgrims and Beacon Hill Mob In 1966, Dr. Carroll Quigley, a professor of history at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University and an employee of the Tri-Lateral Commission who informed or blew the whistle on them; published a 1311 page book called Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time. On page 950 he says: "There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960's, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments... my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known... because the American branch of this organization (sometimes called the "Eastern Establishment") has played a very significant role in the history of the United States in the last generation." De-Population Judgment and detective work requires thinking about possibilities. One of the things I'd been thinking for a long time relates to the use of the Plague and other biologics against the North American people. I knew about Fort Pitt years later; they used the bubonic fever bugs on blankets given to women in a cold winter to infect a whole Indian nation. It was clear to me if they would do that when the Indian threat was minimal they would have used it before that when they first invaded Paradise. De Soto's meanderings had always seemed calculated to infect as many Indians as possible. The mindset of social engineering and 'sins and demons' or the 'Flat Earth' fear-mongering about monsters being somewhere other than the Vatican shows the kind of control and greed. The Treaty of Tordesillas makes it clear they intended (in the dictated words of Rodrigo Borgia as Pope Alexander VI) to spread the Inquisition through the whole world. Did 9-11 Change Everything for the Business Community For the business community 9-11 changed everything. In our company, we are in the cleaning business and after 9-11 we saw 62.6% decrease in weekend call ins for washing services at office buildings and a nearly same number of residential call ins. We believe this is partly due to adverse weather but as last years information shows it cannot be more than 20%. Last year that period was down 11.45% and then in the first 3 quarters of 2001 it picked up. We believe because all the phone companies with cellular started offering free weekend minutes so people decided to call us since we are probably on their speed dials for their cell phones. That increase was 4.1 %. Weather last year during this period was light, the previous year lighter and the year before that hectic. This year's winter is a medium plus year for rain and snow days. Foreign Spies Troll Gay Bars in Washington DC for National Secrets The use of homosexual men in the area of espionage is well documented through the annals of history. Homosexual men are perfect for gathering information due to their inherent nature and ability to build relationships. They are innate masters of the dynamics of human emotion and are able to manipulate their sources almost to a point, which is considered unbelievable. They are much more apt to gather good intelligence, due to these relationships rather than false and bogus data. In the spy business they make great assets and are Used for this game by those who are running spy organizations for states. Prison Abuses on Good Muslims Well we have certainly been reading a lot about prison abuses. Many of us in the Western World are completely outraged at the media leak of the photos at Abu-ghareeb. It is a horrible travesty that those photos were shown on the Internet and TV where prisoners were involved in sexual activities with their Arab Brothers in compromising homosexual and adultery affair activity. What a complete low point in their lives to be publicly humiliated for their activities in the prison. We should not exploit their willful and lustful sexual advances on our female prison guards or their own Arab brother prisoners. How could these prisoners betray their Allah and their family names in such disgrace? We should not tell the world of their misdeeds in those prisons. What happens in prison stays in prison. If those prisoners have gay, homosexual, extra marital affairs we should not be taking pictures for any other reason than to psychoanalyze their current or rapidly deteriorating mental health status. A Component of Liberty is a Strong Social Contract with Governing Body Recently I got to talking with a gentleman at a coffee shop who was concerned with changes due to the Patriots Act I and II and being a studier of historical record he began to explain to me the significance of these events and what it meant for Americans and what it said about our Constitution and Leadership. So, then here is a summary of thoughts preceding this conversation and an open ended debate for those who dare to question authority or those who find themselves thinking conspiracy theory thoughts while watching events unfold in our mass media. We are all on the same team, whether you see your self as a Conspiracy Theorist, Establishment Lover or Questioner of Authority, so open discussion should move forward, let me begin without further ado with an opener of random thoughts surrounding this matter. National Security; College Campuses I have witnessed a new era of security in the US. It is by far more prevalent than ever before. All dutied personnel and former officers of law enforcement are on alert. This is good. However we should not blow our wad too fast here. Remember International Terrorist acts are a waiting game. They learn the defenses and then figure out the system and then attack like an insider. There are holes closing fast on their efforts. But with each new leak fixed in the dam, there are new areas of vulnerability. Even if the areas in question are less of a problem then previously. For instance a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Does America Get It about Terrorism? I have to be honest. It is time to come clean. Though the rising cost of health care was indeed the primary reason my wife and I uprooted our lives and left America, it was not the only one. In very close competition was the issue of terrorism. The Contemporary Global Marketplace - IT, Software, and Services "Had there not been outsourcing and utilization of cheaper resources offshore, average computer users would not have been able to afford the hardware and software that are available to them today." In this manner, author Robin Sood brushes aside superficial criticism of outsourcing and brings home to the reader of IT, Software and Services: Outsourcing and Offshoring two key points: outsourcing is already widely used and its positive effects go well beyond increased company profits. Forget about the naysayers and the trumped-up, political maelstrom of controversy surrounding the issue of outsourcing, Sood urges. Instead, consider that outsourcing is here to stay, as an inevitable part of the global market, and is already providing most of us with practical benefits. Immortality and Mortality in the Economic Sciences Roberto Calvo Macias, a young author and thinker from Spain, once wrote to me that it is impossible to design a coherent philosophy of Economy without accounting for the (sad?) fact that we are mortals. This insight is intriguing. It is not that we refrain from Death in dealing with matters economic. What are estate laws, annuities, life insurance policies - but ways to cope with the Great Harvester? But this, admittedly, only scratch the non-profound surface of the question. ![]() |
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