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Dealing with Massive Prisoners of War
In the last Gulf War we saw thousands of enemy soldiers giving up. Killing them is against Geneva Convention and they know it. So the soldiers simply laid down their weapons and said; "I give up, feed me!" Obviously we were snookered by this tactic, but it really came as no great surprise. Rather than taking these prisoners in and putting up the costs to feed them until after a war has ended, why not hibernate them instead. In other words take their bodies down by 90% and hibernate them like a bear. Is this really possible? Yes, with a little bit of funding it surely is possible, as a matter of fact a gentleman by the name of Mark Roth and his associates have successfully put mice into suspended animation using hydrogen sulfide gas in the proper ratios. Normally hydrogen sulfide gas can be a deadly toxic gas but in the right amounts it merely puts mammals to sleep. Perhaps we could simply fire rockets or cluster bomb smart munitions filled with this gas into the advancing enemy, pile up the bodies and put them into a cage and when they finally do wake up, feed them and then put them to sleep again. Of course taking out a few for interrogations. Imagine the savings to the taxpayers if we did this? No more prisoner abuse scandals, here are the prisoners and they are sleeping in the room, each on slid into an expandable honeycomb slot until further notice. They do not need free books, like Korans and the possibility of being abused is zero, as they are asleep dreaming of 72- free Virgins or whatever? "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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US Government Sore Losers in Not So Neighborly Dispute I'm getting a little tired of being lectured by that "pin-headed, pencil-necked" whiner David Wilkins, about what Canada should do and not do with respect to the failed softwood lumber talks. The Truth About Power and Absolute Zero Societies have always had a problem of what to do with their young males with high testosterone. In many countries it is important for them to kill off many of them. In times of war it is advantageous to kill off those who may eventually challenge the dictator. Kings of tribes in Africa realized that they too could get rid of their strong males in order to stay in power by selling them as slaves. Yet in doing so the tribes become weak and have issues with the genes of strength and then are easily beaten by other tribes contriving a war against them to help eliminate some of their strongest or reward them with the spoils of war. Such elimination of all the strong can cause a premature collapse of the civilization from a competing nation and too many can cause civil unrest and destroy the empire from within. Military Intelligence, FBI, CIA Intelligence Problems Well many have complained that the FBI and CIA dropped the ball in the 9-11 attacks. But I submit to you that the days of Paul and the "One if by land, two if by sea" and the Trojan Horse Story are not the only possible attacks methods of operindi available these days. Today it could be: "one if by land, two if by sea, three if by underground, four if by under sea, five if by air, six if by space, seven if by computer, eight if by germ, nine if by Trojan horse, ten if by wave length, eleven if by weather, etc, etc. So the game is much more complicated than sitting behind your cotton tails not saying a thing. Or telling the people every ship must sail and somewhere on that ocean, I know she's got to be? Think about the situation where the bad guys are as smart as you and have unlimited time to plan and unlimited ways to do it. How can you protect yourself against that? Only by though and infiltration of networks. All this would amount to the strength and unity of the people. Of all these; ones through elevens; are possible scenarios. Economics and Politics of Regional Droughts It cities across America water is an issue, the flow is sporadic, either too much or too little. We must stabilize the flow, so businesses can plan, people can feel secure and we will not be caught with our pants down during the next drought. In some parts of our country the drought is now approaching 10-years and it is serious and economically destabilizing. As the droughts become more often, more severe and longer in length due to over use of supply, we must be ready. Many cities understand the importance of water and the psyche involved in plentiful water and the innate happiness it brings to the human spirit and they have developed River Walks, boat rides, etc to encompass such water features. Cities like Oklahoma City, Tempe, AZ; San Antonio, Caldwell ID, Wichita KS, Reno, NV; etc. China Finds Humans to Test Bird Flu Vaccine On, in Qinghai China is serious about breaking into the bio-tech field and has a vaccine to stop H5N1 Bird Flu strain. Recently they admitted over 160 people died and today they now admit it was actually 460 people. 13,000 birds have been incinerated and this is only in the Western Province of Qinghai; there is also an outbreak in Southern China too. People Say ? and Do ? the Dumbest Things When Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Spector exercised his right to free speech last week, he prompted a quick response from Robert Bork. Known for being the first Supreme Court Justice nominee to be, well, "borked," the judge was in no mood for Spector's silliness. "I know Specter," he retorted, "and the truth is not in him." A Cheap Holiday in Other Peoples Misery (catching up with Mordechai Vanunu in Israel) One of my favourite pieces of music is the Sex Pistols' classic 'Holidays in the Sun' - a song that begins with the line, 'a cheap holiday in other people's misery'. This would have made a fitting epitaph for my holiday in Israel, except that the $3000 air ticket meant that it wasn't exactly cheap. I went to Israel full of apprehension. Just knowing what we all know of the backdrop of paranoia and pain that hangs over that land is enough to make anybody apprehensive, but I also went carrying a dark secret - that I was a friend of Mordechai Vanunu's, and I was nervous about the reaction I'd get should this truth suddenly become public. My friend Morde was completing an 18-year prison sentence for doing something that most people in this country consider heroic. Morde told the world about a secret stash of WMD's ('weapons of mass destruction') that are being developed in an underground factory in the Negev desert. Most people I know think he did the world an enormous favour, but most people in his own country wish Morde had kept his mouth shut. Indeed, most Israelis regard him as a traitor! In order to try to understand this attitude towards my friend, I tried talking to local people about their attitude to nuclear weapons. The response I received was alarming! "They're only there as our last resort" one articulate young journalist said to me. "Just in case we get completely overrun." "Well ... what happens then?" I asked. "Well", he said, "then we destroy everybody!" Tragically, this was not an isolated example. Almost every time I sought an opinion from taxi-drivers, cafe workers or hostel staff concerning Israel's nuclear capacity, the word 'Armageddon' would come up. And these apologists seemed quite accepting of the fact that in order to strike this decisive blow against their neighbours, they might indeed need to take the rest of the planet with them! Thankfully not every Israeli took this position. Indeed, the 'Free Vanunu' campaign itself had a strong local contingent of active peace campaigners. These local activists were some of the most impressive people I met during my stay in Israel. Even in Australia they would have been impressive - mainly young, idealistic University students, with a commitment to world peace and global disarmament - impressive but not extraordinary in our context. In this context though, growing up in an environment so overshadowed by violence and fear, these brave young souls stood out like shining lights. The violent side of Israeli culture was never more tangible to me than it was on the day of Morde's release. I had traveled many thousands of miles to be reunited with my friend on the day that he walked free. In my dreams I had imagined our reunion countless times. Morde would walk through those gates with his belongings in one hand, and me and a few friends and family would be there to embrace him and lead him away. I didn't really realise until I reached the prison just how far from reality my imaginary depiction of that scene would prove to be. There were hundreds of us at the prison, and the vast majority were not Morde's friends. As the time of his release drew near, I tried to move towards the prison gate where I had always imagined myself standing as Morde walked out. I soon found myself squeezed into the middle of an angry mob. It was certainly one of the nastiest experiences of my life. The whole mass of men seemed to seethe with aggression, and each individual was competing to claw his way to the front, for what exact purpose was not entirely clear. Thankfully I could not understand the chants that were being sung to the tune of 'here we go, here we go, here we go', but I was told later that the words for 'death' and 'traitor' had been central to all the mantras that were chanted that day. On reflection I now think that it was a good thing that by the time Morde came through those prison gates the police had packed us together so tightly that I wasn't able to move a limb. What prevented me from running out to embrace Morde also prevented my neighbours from reaching him with more sinister intent. Thankfully the car with my friend in it got away with no more than a dented panel and a shower of eggs. One antagonist did manage to mount his motorbike in time to catch the car, but after slamming into the side of the vehicle he lost his mount, and the 'free man' was able to proceed in peace. Back at the gaol things then started to unravel. With their anger unresolved, the mob started to vent their aggression on other targets. I found myself swept up in this like a wave breaking over my head. One second I was walking towards my bus. The next moment I was surrounded by a mob led by an angry rabbi, screaming at the top of his voice. 'Go home' was the only phrase I could understand. Equally unambiguous though were the rough hands that were being placed on my body, the kicks that were landing on my legs, and the spittle that was accumulating on my face. I didn't see any path of escape in this situation, so I placed my hands together in a position of prayer and bowed my head, working on the hitherto successful strategy that if you refuse to fight back, guys are generally very reluctant to beat you up. It worked. A man grabbed me from behind with both hands and hauled me out of the centre of the mob. I made it back to my bus without further incident. All of this would have been water off a duck's back had Morde and I then been able to board a plane and fly back to Australia. Unfortunately the authorities had ruled that this 'free' man should not be allowed to leave the country, nor go anywhere near a border or a foreign embassy, nor have any contact with 'foreigners'. The 'foreigner' restriction was aimed at the foreign press. Even so, technically, I wasn't allowed to spend extensive time with my old friend without risking seeing him re-arrested! We were reunited briefly on the evening of that same day of his release. Unfortunately I cried so much that I really didn't get the chance to tell him all of the things that I had prepared for that moment. All I can hope for now is that one-day we will catch up properly - perhaps over a few beers back here in the land of Oz. I know that Morde would like that. Getting Morde out of Israel is indeed the next big challenge for the Vanunu campaign. I don't know how hard this will prove to be. I do know that I had a bloody hard time getting out myself. In my case it wasn't that they didn't want me out (they held off the departure of the plane until I got on board). They just seemed determined to let me know that they didn't want me back. I had been warned by the other peace activists of intimidation tactics employed by airport staff. Ironically, I initially made it through all four security checkpoints without being stopped. It was only as I proceeded to the final gate that a young man in a suit caught up with me and said, "Excuse me sir, but can I see your passport." He then told me that there had been a 'problem' and that he would need to retain my passport until the 'problem' had been resolved. I was then shuffled into a small room to begin a three-hour process of interrogation, body searching and luggage examination. In the end the verdict was that I was free to go and that there was nothing suspect about the contents of my bags, but that the bags themselves were suspect and that none of them could be taken on board as hand luggage. This meant that I could carry with me my camera, but not in my camera case, my laptop, but not my laptop case, my video camera, but not the bag with the shoulder strap that I lugged it around in, my toothbrush and paste, but not my toiletries bag, and even my Palm-pilot portable keyboard, but not the little vinyl dust-jacket that I kept it in. I could take what I liked, so long as I carried it in my arms. It was just a game, though they managed to keep straight faces throughout the whole ordeal. For my part I refused to get on board without the bulk of my carry-on items. In the end they agreed to give me a large cardboard box to put them in. And so my cheap holiday in other people's misery came to an end. But now the real work begins. For I returned home, but I left my friend inside the confines of St George's Cathedral in Jerusalem, where the good bishop has offered him sanctuary. Morde can't leave the Cathedral grounds. He has at least two reporters on every exit, taking shifts to cover his movements 24-hours per day. If Morde tries to walk out into the street, he'll be immediately surrounded and identified, and given the number of locals that would count it as a point of pride to be responsible for his death, Morde's life in the open probably wouldn't last more than a few minutes. I'd like to see my friend back here in Australia. I wonder if the Australian government has the courage to offer him citizenship?DBS. April 2004 Global Initiative of Electronic Commerce Taxation; Guiding Principles for Pakistan 1. United States of America (USA) Simple Middle East Peace Plan I. WARS ARE BASIC CONFLICTS OVER LAND. II. BOUNDARIES. THE STATE OF ISRAEL SHALL BASICALLY BE HER PRE-1967 BORDERS, EXCEPT FOR THEIR MUNICIPAL JURISDICTION IN JERUSALEM. THE BOUNDARIES OF THE STATE OF PALESTINE SHALL BE THE WEST BANK AND GAZA. THE BOUNDARIES OF SYRIA SHALL BE HER PRE-1967 BORDERS. III. CITIZENSHIP. JEWISH PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME JEWISH CITIZENS OF THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE; PALESTINIAN PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN ISRAEL SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME ISRAELI CITIZENS; JEWISH PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN SYRIA SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME JEWISH CITIZEN'S OF SYRIA. IV. IMMIGRATION. THE RIGHTS OF JEWISH PERSONS TO TRAVEL AND LIVE IN THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE AND THE RIGHTS OF PALESTINIAN PERSONS TO TRAVEL AND LIVE IN ISRAEL SHALL BE EQUAL. THE GOVERNMENT IN THE ACTUAL COUNTRY OF IMMIGRATION SHALL SET THE LAWS, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL DECISIONS AND ACTS GOVERNING TRAVEL AND IMMIGRATION. V. JERUSALEM. THE RIGHTS OF ALL PEOPLE TO TRAVEL AND PRAY IN THE WALLED CITY OF JERUSALEM SHALL NOT BE RESTRICTED. THE WALLED CITY OF JERUSALEM SHALL BE SACRED LAND WITH EQUAL SOVEREIGNTY AND RIGHTS TO ALL RELIGIONS, PEOPLES AND PERSONS WHO HONOR THE FAITH OF ABRAHAM. BOTH ISRAELI AND PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP AND DUAL CITIZENSHIP WILL BE ALLOWED FOR THE RESIDENTS OF JERUSALEM. VI. JURISDICTION. THE GOVERNMENT'S SOVEREIGNTY OVER PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY RIGHTS; AND CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTS SHALL BE THAT GOVERNMENT'S IN THE ACTUAL LAND OF THE COUNTRY OF USAGE AND OCCURRENCE. PALESTINE, ISRAEL AND SYRIA AGREE TO DROP ANY AND ALL PAST PROPERTY, POLITICAL, CIVIL, CRIMINAL, PRIVATE AND PUBLIC CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTS BETWEEN AND AMONG EACH NATIONS, PEOPLES, PERSONS, CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS. ALL NATIONS, PEOPLES, PERSONS, CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS AGREE TO HONOR AND RESPECT THE GOVERNMENT'S SOVEREIGNTY OF NEW LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL DECISIONS AND ACTIONS. ISRAEL, PALESTINE AND SYRIA AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ANY FINAL APPEAL VOTE. VII. FOREMOST RIGHTS WILL BE GIVEN TO THE CURRENT USER AND USE. VIII. CAPITOLS. THE RIGHTS OF ISRAEL TO HAVE THEIR EXISTING CAPITOL BUILDING IN JERUSALEM, AND THE RIGHTS OF PALESTINE TO HAVE THEIR CAPITOL BUILDING IN RAMALLAH SHALL NOT BE RESTRICTED. IX. DEMILITARIZATION. UPON THE PRIME MINISTER'S APPROVAL OF THE PALESTINIAN, ISRAELI AND SYRIAN PEOPLE, THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BECOME OPERATIONAL. ISRAELI DEMILITARIZATION TO HER BASIC BORDERS SHALL BEGIN OCTOBER 31, 2004 AND BE EFFECTIVE BY MAY 1, 2005. THEREAFTER, THE TERRITORIES THAT WERE OCCUPIED SHALL REMAIN DEMILITARIZED BY ISRAEL, PALESTINE AND SYRIA. X. FINAL APPEAL. ANY FINAL APPEAL OR DETERMINATION WILL BE DETERMINED BY A MAJORITY VOTE BY A THREE PERSON COMMITTEE MADE UP OF A PALESTINIAN, ISRAELI AND AMERICAN MINISTER. A MAJORITY VOTE IS A REQUIREMENT TO HEAR A FINAL APPEAL OR DETERMINATION. No Child Left Behind needs to go Virtual The No Child Left Behind can work if the Federal Government will put up content on the website and allow for those who are; Behind in studies, about to miss a grade level advancement, perform poorly on general tests, at home schooling students (when parents have no knowledge in subject matter), are in Juvenile Hall, live in areas very rural, have disorders, or have injuries which prevent attendance or need Summer School catch up work. The Gun Control Debate The gun control debate in America is a battle between personal freedom and public safety. For nearly 160 years, there were no limits to the Second Amendment, which guarantees "the right of the people to keep and bear arms." In 1934, however, and especially in the last four decades, Americans have begun to proscribe and debate the extent of that right. The National Firearms Act of 1934 was the first restriction on gun rights in American history. As a result, fully automatic weapons are available only after an extensive background check on the owner. For they know not what they do; Federal Regulators destroying business Federal Regulations on Business Destroy America, these regulations are a tax passed onto the every American. How much does Federal Regulations Cost each year to our society. You are not going to like these figures. It is estimated that Federal Rules and Regulations cost in excess of 788 Billion per year. Our entire federal tax contribution to our government is 829 Billion. Think of it this way every cost to a business is passed on to the consumers and in some respects that is a tax as well. It means you pay extra for nearly everything. Did you know the entire GNP of Canada is only 595 Billion total. Think of this, every time our company sells a franchise or our franchisees wash a car a large part of that price is due to over government regulation. If 788 Billion is the total cost of regulations and many of the things that are required may actually be approved by the public and only half of the regulations are legitimate to "Protect the People" our governments ONLY real job, then 394 Billion dollars is passed onto the consumer as a HIDDEN TAX. Of course there are many names for these taxes we pass on to our consumers and not by desire. The Morality of Using Stem Cells One third of all fertilized eggs spontaneously abort and are expelled from a woman's body. We do not have funerals or mourn these embryos. Could it be that they are not really "babies" yet? Only when it is convenient do people call these clumps of cells, babies or fetuses. They are not fetuses. Stem cells are retrieved when the embryo is about five days old. There is a big difference between an embryo and a fetus. The thought of not using a five day old clump of cells that is going to be thrown away is irrational. It is not a person. Yes, it is life but so is a cow headed for the slaughterhouse or a stalk of corn. The True Power of Terrorism Those of us hundreds of miles from ground zero sat glued to our television sets with horror and disbelief as two of the tallest buildings in the world slowly disintegrated in a violence of dust and death. The Distributive Justice of the Market (1) Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all. World Moving from Socialism to Capitalism The recent Jakarta summit of Asia and Africa brought remembrance of Jawaharlal Nerhru. At Bandung, Nehru had initiated the non ? alignment movement and proclaiming the resistance to the big powers for exploiting the underdeveloped countries for the economic benefits. This was treated as a Socialistic approach of Nehru and well praised by the world. Politicians Are Like Car Sales People Well, another election has come and gone in the US and no matter which way you voted there are some important marketing lessons to learn. Recycling The Mentally Ill 30 years ago, California, later followed by other states, decided to virtually close down the State Mental Hospitals. What are the benefits of Nuclear War again; I must have missed that point? Indian and Pakistan and nuclear war. What does the world lose if India and Pakistan have a nuclear war? Well in Southern India; in the cities of Hyderabad, Banglore, and Coimbatore there are many students who come to America and learn our technologies and bring their hard work ethic and ideas. Once here they often join others and start companies. Dismal Performance of the NSA The NSA failed the American people and allowed the attack to occur on 9-11-2001. They had nearly an unlimited budget to work with, complete interagency trumping power and more data than God. Yet, they squandered away our chances in another huge bureaucracy of epic proportions. It is unacceptable for failure. Government's number one job is to protect the American people, yet with all the funding, black budgets and manpower they failed. Why is this? Has the NSA become weak, drowned in bureaucracy with over zealous ladder climbing incompetence? Yes, in fact this is what happened. Could I do a better job? Yes, any one could. Including my mother. It is pathetic to think with all the data available, all the information, all the little petty weak humans sneaking around and collecting all our private information that they could not even catch the hijackers of 9-11 who had FAA certificates, drivers licenses, VISAs and lived right out in the open? ![]() |
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