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Economics and Politics of Regional Droughts
It cities across America water is an issue, the flow is sporadic, either too much or too little. We must stabilize the flow, so businesses can plan, people can feel secure and we will not be caught with our pants down during the next drought. In some parts of our country the drought is now approaching 10-years and it is serious and economically destabilizing. As the droughts become more often, more severe and longer in length due to over use of supply, we must be ready. Many cities understand the importance of water and the psyche involved in plentiful water and the innate happiness it brings to the human spirit and they have developed River Walks, boat rides, etc to encompass such water features. Cities like Oklahoma City, Tempe, AZ; San Antonio, Caldwell ID, Wichita KS, Reno, NV; etc. Many cities rely on tourism to their lakes some man-made and others natural. With these lakes down and the evaporation taking it's toll, it is difficult to create a man-made lake and justify keeping it filled. Lakes like Lake Las Vegas a high-end million dollar plus home area has suffered as have areas were the lakes are down over 20 feet making boat launching nearly Impossible and hurting tourism dollar. Normally when air travel is down lakes do well since many people can drive to these lakes. But along with fuel prices being high and water levels being low due to the disruption of flow the problem is compounded. Companies, which work in Chemicals, refining, food processing, paper product manufacturing, growing agricultural products stand to be pitted against populations for the control of water. Depending on the voting block and the social contract of the populations to conserve in times of droughts will be in direct proportion to the survivability of those businesses and industries in those regions. This of course in terms of short-term drought hysteria is a problem. We have recently seen the possibilities of growth, building and new housing industries pitted against the thirsty populations for water in legislatures across the country, this last drought which has still not filled up the reservoirs to the appropriate levels was merely a trial run. The droughts also happened in 1977 and in 1985 and next time they could be even more severe due to the replenished water supplies are probably not going to be returned to normal levels while usage continues to climb. We must fix the infrastructure to handle to flow needed for the future. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Public Schools Are Un-American Compulsory-attendance laws force parents to send their children to public schools. These laws presume that the politicians we vote into office, our agents, have the right to take away parents' liberty and inalienable rights. Mental Masturbation of FTC Franchise Rule Report Please read through this quick thought and discussion as if a conversation where one party has been taken out and we are left with a monologue as the other debater is missing. Assume that debater is the compilation of arguments presented and only existing in the 432 page, 10-year late report of the Federal Trade Commission' Franchise Rule, for it does not exist in reality or in any way lend itself to any sort of modern day economic theory of free markets, free men, the rights of men and created corporate entities to free contract. Debt Relief and Reality Check The United States and other first world nations have been asked to forgive debts of foreign third world nations. We have obliged in doing so. This is a tremendous gift to the world, yet there are a few problems with this. Number one; that money, we as a nation are paying interest on the debt. It adds to our national debt. Another issue is that when you give away money you make others weak; "give a man a fish" theory. Often when we give other nations monies we do so for a specific ear marked use. Government Overregulation of Broadcast Content Could Backfire Rush is right! The government's stepped up bid to regulate broadcast television content is indeed frightening. Limbaugh made his comments during one of his regular radio broadcasts last year. Those remarks were in response to the FCC's crackdown on broadcast indecency and Congress' threats to hand out much larger fines to broadcasters for such violations, in the wake of Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" at the Super Bowl halftime show last February. I am Not an African American I am not an African-American. Don't call me an African ?American. I'm an American plain and simple. I was born here as were my parents and grandparents and you would have to search many a generation back before you found anyone in my family who originated from the continent of Africa. It's time black people in this country stop trying to identify with a land whose culture is not their own. It's time we stand up and say "This land is our land" and let everyone know we have a right to this country as much as anyone. Fury and Sound as GM Seeds Abound We have all heard of the huge debates surrounding genetically modified crops. Yet we also have all seen the advertising to sponsor a child in the third world. Now the GM crop debate has erupted on other continents and smaller groups are raising cane. In Brazil in particular has some harsh words on the issue from at least one critic. The US Government; Under Sarbaines Oxley Sarbaines Oxley was probably the easiest way to destroy free enterprise and it could be the quickest way to losing our government. If Agencies were forced into the same standards as the business community then they would be forced to close their doors. Yet, they attack American business over such things but cannot balance their own books. They attack and file lawsuits against our Nation's greatest assets, our entrepreneurs and business folks. With whose money? With your money, that's whose. This is the worst hypocrisy in the history of our Industrialized Nation. For instance the GAO cannot seem to figure out the chicken scratch that the FTC calls financial documents and budget justification. Internet in Russia and Ukraine - Part 1. General Information and Statistics User Base A Noble Attempt To Bring Peace in Assam United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), one of the most powerful militant organizations operating in the northeast region is in the limelight again but this time for a better reason. Attempts to initiate talks with the center and the group are in progress. The group was established in 1979 by Paresh Baruah along with his associates. The group aims to establish a Sovereign Socialist Assam. 5 Years in Prison for Satirical Flash Films About the President of Belarus They do not allow the criticism of the president in any kind, whether it would be an animated file, a joke, the poster or the broadcast. So they believe in Minsk and don't understand humour. Political Branding and Marketing Political strategists, branding gurus and image consultants could learn a lot from the modern corporate successes in branding. In each political season we see positioning by the front-runners to get your vote. Capitalizing on the most popular brands to find synergy is a good strategy. Another is to find novel ways to propel omni-presence of your candidate. Are Social Security Private Accounts a Good Deal or Raw Deal for African Americans? How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Calling the tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. -- Abraham Lincoln Snowbirds and American Migration and Mobile Populations We have seen an increase in Snowbirds from Northern States into Southern States. It is truly phenomenal the difference between now and a few years ago. I attribute this to the mobile nature of our society, me included and the use of modern technology, such as cell phones, GPS devices, and Internet availability in many places to hook up to and now for the first time we are seeing a proliferation of services in major markets such as LA, Seattle, San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Phoenix of Ricochet, Inc. the first main system which came on the scene. Soon as in a few months we will be seeing Internet Direct the GM Hughes system similar to the Direct TV idea for motor homes that you can point at the satellite anytime, anywhere providing clear skies and no obstructions, such as buildings, mountains, bridges or trees. These systems will be rolled out for use in the Trucking Industry and over the road independent drivers and also to RV whizzes. TSA Missteps at Our Airports The TSA seems to have completely missed the ball at our airports. This is not to say that the Federal Government is completely and utterly incompetent, for that is a whole other debate possibly spanning a thousand agencies? It is also not an immediate call for privatization, as we have already seen the abuses in private police forces and prisons. Local Police Forces have consistently violated our right to free travel under the auspice of homeland security. Some conspiracy theorists claim the clauses in the Patriot Act II are merely a foreshadowing of events to come. These conspiracy theorists go as far as to say that current or near future leadership will use the next large terrorist act to declare Marshall Law and remove the remainder of our rights after they themselves cause the act. Of course such scenarios are more science fiction fantasy than any actual current trend, which are above and beyond the stories of Orson Wells. Yet as we stroll thru our nations airports waiting to board our aircraft one could wonder by the treatment a world where such activities were the norm everywhere you went. Mexican Trucks in the United States; NAFTA Trade and Problems Expected new applications for Mexican trucks to enter the US to be over 9000 in 2005. Most of these newer applications will be to take freight to Port Los Angeles for shipping to Asian markets, and importing parts to be assembled and shipped to Mexico and later sold in the US. Many see a little bit of a problem with imported freight in LA stopping on its way to Mexico and unloaded somewhere without permits. Bilderbergs In the words of a secret agent who has signed the Official Secrets Act in Britain we find the rationale for what government and supranational organizations have been involved in since Cleopatra, Christopher Marlowe and his own immediate predecessors Crowley and Ian Fleming. David Barrett tells us: Connecticut Does Not Need Further Income Tax Hikes! Industrial Recruiting. The absence of a state income tax in Tennessee was cited by Nissan Corporation as one of the quality of life factors it considered for its workers when it decided to build a large plant in Smyrna, Tennessee, to produce the Nissan Altima and other vehicles. Similarly, the absence of a state income tax and the quality of life for workers was cited by General Motors in its decision to locate the Saturn production plant outside Nashville, Tennessee. Just last month, Toyota announced that it would build a $100 million dollar parts factory in Tennessee. When was the last time any major automotive manufacturer announced plans to build a plant in Connecticut? If the citizens of Connecticut believe the comments of state Senator William Nickerson that the introduction of Connecticut's state income tax encouraged business and economic activity, then they can marvel at Connecticut's current economic plight and the disarray in the state budgeting process. The Morality of Using Stem Cells One third of all fertilized eggs spontaneously abort and are expelled from a woman's body. We do not have funerals or mourn these embryos. Could it be that they are not really "babies" yet? Only when it is convenient do people call these clumps of cells, babies or fetuses. They are not fetuses. Stem cells are retrieved when the embryo is about five days old. There is a big difference between an embryo and a fetus. The thought of not using a five day old clump of cells that is going to be thrown away is irrational. It is not a person. Yes, it is life but so is a cow headed for the slaughterhouse or a stalk of corn. National Security; College Campuses I have witnessed a new era of security in the US. It is by far more prevalent than ever before. All dutied personnel and former officers of law enforcement are on alert. This is good. However we should not blow our wad too fast here. Remember International Terrorist acts are a waiting game. They learn the defenses and then figure out the system and then attack like an insider. There are holes closing fast on their efforts. But with each new leak fixed in the dam, there are new areas of vulnerability. Even if the areas in question are less of a problem then previously. For instance a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. Peace in the Middle East Peace in the Middle East - whoa that is a toughie. ![]() |
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