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The US Government; Under Sarbaines Oxley
Sarbaines Oxley was probably the easiest way to destroy free enterprise and it could be the quickest way to losing our government. If Agencies were forced into the same standards as the business community then they would be forced to close their doors. Yet, they attack American business over such things but cannot balance their own books. They attack and file lawsuits against our Nation's greatest assets, our entrepreneurs and business folks. With whose money? With your money, that's whose. This is the worst hypocrisy in the history of our Industrialized Nation. For instance the GAO cannot seem to figure out the chicken scratch that the FTC calls financial documents and budget justification. The entire Justice Department may in fact be in the same boat as the FTC, demanding that business have perfect financial statements and pass audits otherwise stop business, yet the FTC who swears to up hold the constitution and to uphold the rights and safety from financial ruin of consumers, cannot even prove to consumers that they have done anything except build a web site touting their achievements. The SEC, FCC, FAA, DOT, FDA, USDA, FTC, FBI all have serious issues in their accounting. Fraud is often uncovered and then blamed on an accounting irregularity and fixed, few are ever prosecuted within these ranks; why? If you put corporate execs in prison, employees of corporations in jail, then surely these agencies ought to hoe the same row with regards to their fraudulent activities where they exist. That is only fair for the taxpayer and citizen. The thought of the hypocrisy of such agencies, which levy fines, fees, and prosecute offenders of their rules and regulations is a little unnerving indeed. On one hand they levy fines and fees to justify self worth, attack free enterprise to prove to all of us that they are needed, run around and PR their justification and then abuse government credit cards, engage in fraud, lie to the public and media, misrepresent the actual budgets and usage of tax payers dollars? Hmmm? Does this seem right to you? Is this the government you signed up for? Is this the government you put your trust in? Do you think for one minute that the government could function under the over regulation of Sarbaines Oxley? Not a chance in hell. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Another Whistleblower -- is Anyone Listening? The plight of whistleblowers ? those employees who sound the alarm about anything from dangerous conditions in the workplace to missed or ignored intelligence regarding our nation's security ? is a story that seems to grow stronger and with more frequency every day. My guess is that those stories have always been there; I suspect I am just paying closer attention to them now. Take Marijuana Off the DEAs Docket Quit paying the DEA to chase marijuana. We could save millions for education (or tax credits, for you republicans). We spend millions locking up Americans for using marijuana. Or as NORML says in a 1999 billboard campaign up in bus shelters around the city, "A Pot Smoker is Busted Every 45 Seconds -- and You Wonder Why We're Paranoid." Free Markets, Wal-Mart, Over Regulation; What an interesting concept? Unions are angry at the high salary of the executives which have gotten a little out of line especially as the companies are laying off workers and the company is not making a profit. However, a man should put in an honest day for that which he was hired and that does not mean just showing up and punching the clock but actually providing some real work and productivity. Between Hiroshima Japan 6 August and the NY 11 September! Japan lit its candles of pure, "noble sadness" on the 60th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The mayor of the late city, Iccho Itoh, criticized the USA for dropping the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and following that after 3 days by the second atomic bomb which attacked Nagasaki. The Transformation Of Political Science And The Rise In Crime Rates The current field of political sciences is dominated by a multitude of ideas that have never in its history featured so prominently in this discipline. The general belief that it has lost its focus once and for all is from time to time counteracted by different opinions. One of those is that the world has come full circle, that mankind has experimented out all possibilities in terms of ideological thinking and that the liberal democracy as we know it has come out of the process as the prize winner both politically and economically. Some define this as the end of history. It also goes by the name of ultra modernism. Globalisation fits in perfectly and all reflects the increasing complexity that we are finding our world to involve us in and which, in order to come to terms with the bigger magnitude of the whole, we are describing in essentially vague terms. Bush and Kerry Differ on Immigration Policies Up until the final debate at Arizona State University, the issue of immigration had not been much discussed. Both presidential candidates know very well that illegal immigration is a hot button topic in our country, and each man is now trying to use it to his political advantage. Since the eighties the Democratic Party has, in general, supported immigrants and has been for fair and just immigration laws. Oil Prices Effect The United States Competitiveness Just because we have been leading the World in innovation and computer intellectual property, expertise and design does not mean we can afford to let our manufacturing dominance continue to depart the US soil. We once made everything here. We mined, manufactured, shipped, consumed and reinvested in our manufacturing ability. Consumers saved, businesses borrowed and we worked together to build. What happened? If and when we become a one World economy, eliminate protectionism and the poor impoverished nations come up to our standard of living then we must come down to match them. I do not believe that the American People want to lose even one ounce of quality of life. Globalism and a Conspiracy The globalist's are the new breed, the new generation if that is what I can call it. The new internationalist might be better. They all think they will find salvation in humanism, or in man himself. I say good luck chumps. Globalism has planted these seed a generation ago, or so, maybe longer, but they started sprouting a generation ago. It calls for the control by governments by a government, to control our wealth, resources; as the United Nations would like to have done, had Kerry made it as President; internationalize the US to their liking. The wealth and resources are somewhat control anyhow, the internationalist have been busy. Interview With A Former ACLU Office I had the benefit of getting an interview with Mr. Reese Lloyd, a former ACLU lawyer affiliated with the largest Veterans Organization in America, the American Legions. When I called the media relations department there and inquired about their support for Public Expression of Religion Act of 2005 , this is the man they referred me to. I soon found out why. This was a very passionate, wise, and well spoken man. Arrogance Of Terror The man on the tape raised his hand, pointing a finger into the camera, his AK-47 raised at his side, punctuating every threat and accusation. He seemed consumed with the intense desire not only to declare his intentions, but earnest in his attempts to persuade his threatened audiences of their culpability in his group's future aggression upon them. Like a serial killer, shouting obscenities into the ear of his victim, blaming her for what womankind's rejections had made of him, forced him to become, as he puts the rope around her neck. Yet this country and others are not only dealing with one serial killer, but thousands. Thousands, whose representatives shout proud pronouncements of fatwas and death to world audiences, becoming caricatures of themselves by the proliferation of their messages and their insatiable need for the eye of the camera. Why Do US Media Ignore Secret UK Government Memo On A Mega Iraq War Conspiracy? The blogosphere has been jumping around the story like crazy but it seems the mainstream media are doing their best to ignore it. Yet it's been branded the most extensive case of governing-level conspiracy plotting in ages. CNN spent very limited time on it and that's also a pretty accurate indicator of the attention most other media outlets have devoted to it so far. Even though some 88 members of Congress openly inquired about it and a few other US opionion leaders spoke out against it. But that was it more or less. What was? A recently leaked internal UK government memo dated July 2002, that was so secret extra copies could not be made, not even for internal use. The Lemon Dance: Why Government Doesn?t Work Former Senator, Daniel Moynihan, accurately summed up the situation when he posited that,"[t]he single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because! it's so rare." In the case of politicians the public is protected from ineptitude and apathy through term limits. Unfortunately for John Q. Citizen, the vast majority of government bureaucrats exist in an environment devoid of responsibility or accountability. Wars, Oil and Trade Conflicts of the Human Race Many in the World Media are quick to judge the Bush Administration on the War in Iraq; saying it's all about oil? Much of this is a slander campaign brought on by other world leaders who had interests in Iraq, deals with Saddam and we have all heard of the oil for food scandals. Let's face it if someone owes you money and you are doing business with them, you want to make sure the money keeps coming, the oil keeps flowing and no one messes up your lucrative deal. Elliot Spitzer for NY Governor I believe it would be good for the economy for Elliot Spitzer to be the governor of New York. It would be the best thing that ever happened to the economic well being of our nation. Not because he would make a great governor; in fact I believe he would suck. But since I do not live in New York I am not concerned. Elliot Spitzer Sued By Feds It appears the Feds are suing Elliot Spitzer over his lawsuits in the Mortgage Industry. The New York State Attorney General, Elliot Spitzer is getting sued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The NY AG's abuses of power has been noticed by the Federal Government as the lawsuit against the mortgage industry by Spitzer appeared to be a power play to extort more money from the deep pocket companies. Elliot Spitzer still doesn't get it and NASA is shamed to have telescope of the same name. The Spitzer Telescope is bringing back incredible pictures of our galaxy and beyond. Some say Elliot Spitzer's lawsuits are out of this world? Why Can?t We Have a More Responsive Government? The great people of the United States of America deserve and should have a more responsive government. What is the problem; we are the government; so why are we holding ourselves back? Let's get busy and get it done. Dog catchers, building plans, code enforcement, even the city councils, county commissioners should be as responsive as the police departments, FedEx or the American Automobile Club. After all if, a customer calls, who pays taxes they should be given the same service that Dominos Pizza would give them if you called for a pizza. Why can it not be this way? Truth is it can. Poitical Opinion - No Comment Publicity is correlative to your position in the community. Seldom does the quiet worker, without incident become published in local news or publications. Though his achievements are many and great, he accomplishes great things in his lifetime, his quiet fortitude and persistence are rarely recognized as important or document worthy. OPECs Swan Song? Indonesia's Energy Minister, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, is unhappy with the modest production cut, from June 1, of 2 million barrels per day, adopted by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries last week. He intends to demand further reductions at the June 11 get-together in Qatar. Protectionism in Russia The new law "Special Protective, Antidumping and Import Compensatory Measures" differs from the old one by the fact that it fully complies with the WTO (World Trade Organization) standards. It is for the first time in the Russian practice that a law describes in detail what is necessary to do in order to protect the Russian market and how to do it. As its authors promised, the Law has turned out to be extremely concrete: it is conceived so that the officials as well as the participants of trade agreements will be able to find straight answers to their questions, and they should not search for any special "explanations" and "commentaries". Bird Flu may kill you and your family We have heard a lot about the coming bird flu pandemic which will be here soon. The Chinese are frantically looking for a cure. It has jumped from birds to pigs and can be transferred to the human respiratory system and kill humans as it jumps species and changes itself as viruses often do. Bird Flu is real, no one made it up to scare you. It has and will continue to kill humans, maybe even you and your entire family. I just read a horrible book, not horrible in the sense of poorly written, but horrible in the information that I would rather not find out. I recommend this book to you if you care about your family; ![]() |
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