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Elliot Spitzer Sued By Feds
It appears the Feds are suing Elliot Spitzer over his lawsuits in the Mortgage Industry. The New York State Attorney General, Elliot Spitzer is getting sued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). The NY AG's abuses of power has been noticed by the Federal Government as the lawsuit against the mortgage industry by Spitzer appeared to be a power play to extort more money from the deep pocket companies. Elliot Spitzer still doesn't get it and NASA is shamed to have telescope of the same name. The Spitzer Telescope is bringing back incredible pictures of our galaxy and beyond. Some say Elliot Spitzer's lawsuits are out of this world? Spitzer called the Federal Government's lawsuit 'shameful' since it undermines his investigative tactics and challenges his Method of Operindi. Elliot Spitzer was anticipating a lawsuit over this, but assumed it would come from the Clearing House Association, an industry association. This is a serious issue for our country as the housing bubble is slowly running its natural course; Elliot Spitzer's lawsuit jeapordizes our country's financial stability and housing markets. Likewise his ridiculous attacks on the Mutual Fund Industry have weakened markets and placed doubt and mistrust in investors. Elliot Spitzer has been called a Terrorist by many, this author included (opinion). The OCC and others believe Spitzer's witch-hunting and willy nilly selective prosecution is total abuse of power. Elliot Spitzer has stated he wanted to drive a stake thru the heart of one target in one of his investigation attacks. I guess he never was one hanging. Also in play is the Democratic Party does not want him upstaging Hillary Clinton or bringing up Whitewater, in case he gets too big for his britches and decides to run for President instead NY State governor. Since Elliot Spitzer is attacking America and American Capitalism, he is a favorite to receive campaign contributions from the French, Germans and Chinese. Also he would easily get help from groups such as Move On Dot.orgy, as did JFK'erry or even star in a Michael Moore movie. Elliot Spitzer seems to be able to hide his catastrophic failures in the media. His last big defeat in the Sears case made page 13 of the LA Times. Of course the LA Times knows who their Westside Liberal advertisers and readers are as the newspaper created them in a previous scheme when the Chandlers sold out. Abuse of power in this nation must stop and Elliot Spitzer seems to be the one causing the biggest abuses in my opinion, think on it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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How Many Cases Will Elliot Spitzer Lose Now? The devastating loss in case of Elliot Spitzer for NY Governator VS. Bank of America has set back the mirage behind the man who would be king. His case has clothes and his paper work no validity. This was one of the first of his high profile cases to run its course in the New York Court system. Apparently the house of cards like a bunch of watered down cattle is now public. The ponzi governor is now cut short. If only the election could have been two-weeks ago he might have fooled everyone that his entire career was not built on false premise. End Of History? Not Quite A visitor to Moscow would be immediately struck by the fact that an otherwise dull Kremlin now seduces one to break the sound barrier in a mike, rediscover one self on a Compaq or simply feel Warner in a Pringles. If this is not enough then there is always Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square calling upon workers and peasants to not only carry forward the revolution but also gulp down a Sprite, while they are at it. Numerous more examples abound from the Adriatic, so what does it all signify? Is it truly the end of History? Do we now see a time when a matter of ideology is drinking a Coke or a Pepsi? Closer introspection would reveal that it is not quite so. Why Can?t We Have a More Responsive Government? The great people of the United States of America deserve and should have a more responsive government. What is the problem; we are the government; so why are we holding ourselves back? Let's get busy and get it done. Dog catchers, building plans, code enforcement, even the city councils, county commissioners should be as responsive as the police departments, FedEx or the American Automobile Club. After all if, a customer calls, who pays taxes they should be given the same service that Dominos Pizza would give them if you called for a pizza. Why can it not be this way? Truth is it can. 911 Could Have Been Prevented, Was It Bush?s Fault? September 11, 2001 could have been prevented. We could have stopped that International Terrorist Act had we just employed a few simple tools. If we would have simply kept our eyes and ears open and had a plan in place. Was it Bush's fault? No, it was America's fault. It is our fault for thinking every thing was fine and that the CIA and FBI could protect us from any one of a hundred different types of attacks. International Terrorists have so many ways to attack us. From Democracy to Omniocracy Clint Eastwood recently plunged into the murky political pond with his statement, "Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right, you meet the same idiots coming around from the left." Oil Pipelines and Rates of Flow How much oil can travel through a pipeline? It depends on the upon the pounds per square inch, dimensions of the pipeline, gravity, and dynamic pressure of the fluid behind the fluid you are measuring. In the Netherlands, they are using water pipelines to move data to a central point in then onto the Internet. The water pipelines now have more intrinsic value. They have the value that they have always had, providing the water remains of the same price plus the bandwidth possible by using this existing infrastructure to now move data. War with Red China Eminent Now An irresponsible Chinese General made a very telling comment recently. He stated that when China takes over Taiwan, that the United States better not interfere otherwise China would be forced to retaliate with nuclear weapons against the United States. This sent shock waves throughout the civilized world and reminded us once again that we are dealing with Red China, a communist nation. Carl Rove and the Case of Sour Grapes The Carl Rove issue is definitely interesting and distracting. The Country is not served by this controversy we have important discussions to debate to insure the forward progression of our civilization. In watching the surveys of support for Carl Rove we see all the Republicans. When we look for those who wish to admonish, imprison or call him a traitor we see Democrats. Are we sure this is not merely a case of Sour Grapes? The Wage-Productivity Gap The most damaging factor to our economy today is the Wage-Productivity gap. This refers to the increase in the hourly output of workers vs. the increase in hourly pay. This concept is described quite well in Chapter 6 of economist Ravi Batra's book, "Greenspan's Fraud." Government Credit Card Abuse Veterans Affairs Employees using government credit cards on personal items? Yes it is true and it is happening at the DOD, Air Force, Navy. There have been stories of this happening at local sheriff's offices. At the US Department of Labor as well as local school districts. There was a recent report of widespread abuse at the DOI as too. Where is all this money spent? The Project For A New American Century Let the reader be reminded, that this document we are quoting, which can be readily viewed at PNAC's website, (Rebuilding America's Defenses), was drafted in 1998, based on a document that was presented to the White House in 1992! Of course I suppose in the eyes of the undying Christian supporter of the American New World Order and the George Bush White House, the fact that the world is currently fulfilling this document TO A TEE, could be totally coincidence. The fact that the American Government has put on a show of tragedy and disappointment in the public's eyes, pretending that none of this was planned or intended, and has pretended to be surprised and overcome by these things, when they clearly stated them 12 years ago, as necessary goals to "project American power across the globe" is beyond the scope of your average American Christian's comprehension, while he argues that this is a holy nation. While the leaders of this country go to the homes of our dead young men and weep on the shoulders of their grieving parents, and visit the maimed and crippled soldiers at military hospitals to call them heroes, pinning a $75.00 pin on their chests, and shedding a moving tear of sorrow, they write Documents like this one, which clearly lay out the fact that this is what they intended in the first place. Allowing the citizens of America to believe that they had no choice, is without question the most maniacal, heinous, war crime of the past 100 years, for which none of them will stand trial until they stand before God almighty at the judgment of the nations, when it will be too late to convince our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ that they are commanded not to support this kind of worldly insanity. But don't take my word for it, let's hear it from the men that run the American Government: Droughts, Dirty Water and Disease When we go through periods of droughts we also have other problems, which are increased. Things such as West Nile Virus, Bark Beetles, Disease Epidemics, Med Fly and realize these problems which occur during certain weather periods are compounded when the cycles get out of control. For instance an El Nino heats up the Pacific Ocean and expands the atmosphere and the jet stream is within the temperature and range to carry insects all the way across the ocean. Birds modify their stopping points for water during migration, stay in areas longer during the year or leave earlier thus their chances of infecting more areas are greater. When Deer travel further to go to watering holes during migration the come in contact with different livestock and humans. The Bark Beetle has a field day during droughts and the issues in Alaska, Prescott and Flagstaff, AZ are rather serious. Bark Beetle also reduces trees to fuel, which can start fire during lightening strikes. RFID: Californias Identity Information Protection Act Utah introduced a bill designed to limit the use of RFID by state and county government. It was voted down. Maryland introduced a similar bill. It, too, was voted down. This is California's second RFID bill. The first was... voted down. International Terrorists Have US Partners; The Federal Trade Commission The Federal Trade Commission in their latest move to increase (MUD) Much Unnecessary Disclosure on the Franchisors of this Nation is helping the International Terrorists with in depth information. By requiring extra disclosure the FTC is making what would normally be private business information into public knowledge and part of the franchising rules required disclosure. Including addresses and names of all outlets and owners. The FTC will not even look into this complaint and continues to this day to jeopardize the American People's safety. Poitical Opinion - No Comment Publicity is correlative to your position in the community. Seldom does the quiet worker, without incident become published in local news or publications. Though his achievements are many and great, he accomplishes great things in his lifetime, his quiet fortitude and persistence are rarely recognized as important or document worthy. A Look Ahead to 2008 (Part II) Last week, I began my look ahead to the 2008 presidential campaign with the potential Republican candidates. Today, I will continue by taking a look at the potential Democratic candidates. Among them are New York Senator and former First Lady Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, North Carolina Senator John Edwards, Illinois Senator-elect Barack Obama, Nevada Senator Harry Reid, and Virginia Governor Mark Warner. How to Become a Whistle Blower Since the United States Government is promoting the whistle blower concept it is every citizens duty to report fraud and abuse of power in any branch of government. We must have an equal and level playing field. If the government relies on snitches, tattle tales and disgruntled whistle blowers to make up lies and report them to government regulators and honors such folks, then this is a clear signal to seek out dishonest government. What Is The Filibuster All About? The filibuster has been a tool available to U.S. Senators during Senate floor discussions on legislation and appointments since the U.S. Constitution was ratified. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have valued the filibuster as a means to bring compromise and bipartisanship to bitter and divisive debates. Whose Afraid of the Government; Whose the Government Afraid of? We need a government that can be as responsive to our needs and to use the technology available to serve us better. Yet often our government feels threatened by those companies who move in the market place at lightning speed. It is those companies, which the government has the most to learn from. Let the government learn form the entrepreneurs and allow them to streamline their efforts to serve us better. Rather than regulating to death the life-blood of America for fear that change may eliminate the need for a large government and thus reduce their control. After all it is our government not theirs. Why should we feel threatened; we are the government. Monitoring Macedonia Close to 500,000 people - one in four - live under the poverty line in a country where the average monthly salary is less than 150 US dollars. More than one in three members of the workforce are chronically unemployed. With inflation up 5.5% in the last 12 months and taxes - borne disproportionately by the poor and the working class - at 37% of GDP, life is tough in this small, landlocked country. When faced with the choice between raising VAT from 5% to 19% on bare necessities (such as bread and milk), or extending the "temporary" "war" tax (0.5% on all financial transactions) - the finance minister of Macedonia, after an emotional all-night consultation involving the Prime Minister, chose the latter. The "war" tax brought in the equivalent of 2% of GDP (on an annualized basis) since it was introduced in July this year and helped to contain a dangerously soaring budget deficit, now at 9% (and rising) of a shrinking GDP. Yet, the controversial decision to extend it brought on sharp rebukes by local tax experts. The finance ministry also plans to cut expenditures by a further 50 million US dollars. ![]() |
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