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Why Can?t We Have a More Responsive Government?
The great people of the United States of America deserve and should have a more responsive government. What is the problem; we are the government; so why are we holding ourselves back? Let's get busy and get it done. Dog catchers, building plans, code enforcement, even the city councils, county commissioners should be as responsive as the police departments, FedEx or the American Automobile Club. After all if, a customer calls, who pays taxes they should be given the same service that Dominos Pizza would give them if you called for a pizza. Why can it not be this way? Truth is it can. Government before it destroys the forests ought to catch a clue and stop producing so much paperwork to make them selves look good. Sometime check out the per employee amount of paper waste from Boeing, GE, Microsoft, Intel, HP, and then compare it to government agencies of similar size. Ouch! Fact is the answer is about 1:50. Why? Because government is inefficient; business has to be efficient to make money to so it can comply with all the over regulations that make it nearly impossible to deliver the product or service to the consumer at a fair price. AT&T fills out 37,000 pages of tax returns; why? This could all be done easily by an interface with their accounting department. Guess what? AT&T would be happy to send the government agencies this information electronically, it is nearly all public information anyway since it is a public company. Why can't we streamline the waste and tame the blob of bureaucracy to work for us. For God's Sake we are the Government; that is what they taught us in school. Let's hold them to those ideals, hold our selves to that truth. Let's make government more responsive to us, the people. For us and by us. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Take Marijuana Off the DEAs Docket Quit paying the DEA to chase marijuana. We could save millions for education (or tax credits, for you republicans). We spend millions locking up Americans for using marijuana. Or as NORML says in a 1999 billboard campaign up in bus shelters around the city, "A Pot Smoker is Busted Every 45 Seconds -- and You Wonder Why We're Paranoid." Does Your Farm Stink? The EPA Wants to Find Out Farmers will eventually be facing federal regulations involving air emissions produced on their farms, that may touch on everything from spreading manure, to the exhaust fan at the barn. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its construction of the Air Quality Compliance Agreement. Government Backed Fraud in Academia Contrary to the Hobbesian prediction of anarchy (freedom) and brutish or unproductive results in the event that elites (often termed 'beneficent paternalism') aren't fostered: we find lots of evidence that team play and open organizational structure actually creates more civilized and productive governance. Lincoln Electric in Cleveland is a well-documented example of how sharing the wealth and responsibility builds communication and profit. A Brazilian city named Porto Allegro that opened itself to citizen involvement and socialist ideals is flourishing as corruption wanes. It was predicted they would fail financially but more than a decade of good results has been the outcome. Singapore reduces government as a percentage of GDP and is fully modernized. Instead of 'expertise' being the solution, it might well be these technocrats in bureaucracies are the problem. The Lemon Dance: Why Government Doesn?t Work Former Senator, Daniel Moynihan, accurately summed up the situation when he posited that,"[t]he single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because! it's so rare." In the case of politicians the public is protected from ineptitude and apathy through term limits. Unfortunately for John Q. Citizen, the vast majority of government bureaucrats exist in an environment devoid of responsibility or accountability. Entrepreneur Lashes Out at Linear Thinking Government Regulators I am personally calling for a total disbanding of the regulatory agencies as we know it immediately. This needs to be done from the inside out. We need an immediate cut of 1/3 of all regulatory personal. They need to be fired without any benefits. Those who have enough brains to understand my comments should immediately quit the agencies because they are destroying America from the inside out, like a plague, a cancer, disease, SARS or AIDS. By quitting their positions they can show America they are with us, and leave the International Terroristic Regulatory Agencies out to destroy us for their own personal fame and gain. It appears to be runaway abuse of power in a Virtual Reality Blue Goo Blob which has a mind of its own and could care less about those it is suppose to serve, us, the ones who created it and for the most part are suppose to own it. The regulatory agencies have obviously run out of targets and are attacking and over regulating good companies. I am also calling for a fight in the courts and that every company fight the agencies on every single issue brought forth and to hang tough spend the money and draw swords to fight these evil monsters back to the gates of Hell. (colorful comment? But has some truth to it, cannot fight with soft spoken words any longer, nor would such soft words do justice). Proven Risk Youth Vs At-Risk & High-Risk Youth In the fields of juvenile justice policy and programming, there are certain terms that are used to describe target populations. In terms of youth who are prone to illegal and illicit acts, the two terms that are most commonly used are at-risk youth and high-risk youth. The former term is generally associated with youth who come from lower-income, urban, single-mother backgrounds. High-risk youth is a label used to categorize and describe youth who share the following characteristics: US Trade Deficit with Bordering Neighbors The trade deficit with Canada is now 50 Billion per year. The amount of money sent back Mexico each week from migrant labor and/or illegal aliens is estimated at 8 billion per week. That is 416 Billion per year, not all that comes back here, over half moves to other lands including Cuba a non-trading partner and China which already have incredibly huge trade deficits with. As we trade with other nations and uplift their economies it provides us too with benefits. Peaceful and successful neighbors and trading partners makes for smooth relationships. We must worry however that if we are paying interest on the money, which is no longer in our economy much of which will not come back, then in fact we are fueling their economies and paying the interest too. Is the US the world's co-signer and if so, shouldn't we have a few guarantees and a level playing field? One could say by increasing their economies, we develop a middle class there and their citizens will then be able to afford what we sell, this is good. However if for instance Mexico trades and buys most of their consumables from China, then the money will flow to their shores instead of ours. However if we (our businesses and citizens) invest in China then we will get back some of this in growth. One could conclude that although there is a trade deficit in consumables those who of us who own mutual funds, which have emerging markets strategies, we will receive benefit and return of those dollars. When simply looking at the trade deficits, one might conclude we are in dire straights, that of course being a factual short-term view, but on further review one might also see the long-term strategy and see that as the world comes closer together everyone wins. MORAL ARMOR Condemns Home and Business Seizure Law Nothing could be more alarming for Americans than what I read this morning: "The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses - even against their will - for private economic development." This is a deplorable moral atrocity to perpetrate against Americans and must be reversed. Those responsible should know that they have destroyed their own credibility in the eyes of a free people, and should now go join the insurgency in Iraq. Great Melting Pot Indeed An interesting conversation that I thought I must share with you. Today in a coffee shop in the United States of America the subject matter turned to South of the Border. We discussed the politically hot topic of Illegal Immigration to the US from Mexico. In our discussion we both agreed that all of our ancestors came here from somewhere else. Of course many of us have at least some native Indian in our bloodlines. Famous Filibusters in Political History The filibuster as a political delaying tactic has been a part of the American political process since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Though it was not used in the early years of the nation, the filibuster has been used hundreds of times since the 1840's. Here are a few of the famous filibusters from our political history. Is Reinstating The Draft Such a Bad Idea? In his bid for the presidency, John Kerry pronounced a "secret plan" to reinstate selective service. The fact that New York Democrat and fellow leftist Charles Rangel had proposed this plan wasn't mentioned, so Kerry's allegation created hysteria within the blue states. But there are several ways in which reinstating the draft could benefit our country. Biz Op Marketing and the Federal Trade Commission Many had made mention of the problems of business opportunities in letters to the Federal Trade Commission in the public hearings in 1995, 1997 and 1999. They cited issues with advertising and earnings claims from Biz Op sales people. The FTC launched a sting operations called; "Operation Bizzillions," which stopped a few hundred such operators out of the 80,000 such business opportunities. Seattle Lawyer and Financial Freedom We are destroying our freedoms and slowing innovation, due to our belief that we can regulate morality by laws, that we can protect the most ignorant or mentally challenged individual in society by making a law; hardly possible. We have systematically allowed over burdensome laws to be made which support no freeman in this period only give work to 'wordsmithers' who claim to be helping us as they help themselves to our hard earned money. Jobs and the Flow of Fuel We see today a fierce unspoken competition between trucks and trains. It is well known in those industries and with those who ship the products, components, parts, natural resources, produce and event he fuel itself. After all the fuel competes for the cheapest mode of delivery as well. Whether it is a pipeline, rail car, tanker truck, ship, barge, etc. In the case of military, you can add in all the squadrons of flying gas stations too. The price of fuel can be the savior to an industry which is hammered by over seas competition or is trying to find a little more room to cut costs to appease a persnickety union with greater health care costs, safer working conditions (at least they often claim that), less working hours, more paid vacation time, bonuses, higher pay, etc. The money has to come from somewhere and the price of fuel and the supply will often determine the viability of a large corporation. Those companies, which use lots of fuel are very much affected by these trends. For instance; Airlines, Trucking Companies, Railroads, Manufacturing Companies, and Service Companies of every shape and size. When these companies pay more for fuel those prices are figured into the price to the customer. When such companies have long term contracts to a customer and the price moves upward to quickly then these companies have to eat that cost. This causes huge operational losses and poor quarterly earnings, which effects their market valuations due to hammering by the gambling casino stock markets when they report these losses. This in turn leads to massive lay offs. Which is not a good thing. The Economic Giant-- A Closer Look at China IT'S NO LONGER NEWS THAT CHINA IS BECOMING A MAJOR player on the world economic scene. Yet, as we've noted in past editions, investing in China is fraught with uncertainty, due to a still un-free political situation, and insecure property rights. Despite our current lack of interest in Chinese stocks, China's renaissance clearly has implications for investor decisions worldwide, simply due to its market's enormous size. World Power Brokers Readying for WWIII Einstein when ask how did he believe WWIII would be fought said that he didn't know, but replied; "WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones!" A scary notion indeed; bet we all hope he is wrong about that. Yet as we look at the World today and the differences, which separate our world and divide us as one unique species on the surface of this pale blue dot, one has to see the logic of Einstein's prediction. Whats Right About Nebraska: How the Democrats Lost the Heart of American Populism (Note: This article was written slightly before the 2004 election; however, its thesis on how the Dems. lost the heartland--and why they continue to fumble the ball--bespeaks of a sea change that continues to sweep the American political landscape. Yet, Dean, et al, run down to the beach and think that last tsunami was it--not knowing they come in successive intervals, are stronger than the last one, and are not designed for your viewing pleasure!) Thoughts Born of Tragedy ... ..."history may judge us to be the real bully if, in the our rush to punish someone, we act in ways contrary to our core beliefs and values as a nation"... A Viewpoint Not Represented in the Mainstream Media The news media will regularly present views from Democratic (liberal), Republican (neoconservative), and independent (moderate) perspectives. However, I rarely, if ever, see my point of view represented in the mainstream media. Let me begin to sum up my politics by saying that I believe our most fundamental right as human beings is the right to not be bothered if we don't want to be. Supreme Justice Louis D. Brandeis got it right when he said, "The makers of the Constitution conferred the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by all civilized men - the right to be left alone." I am somewhere in between a Goldwater Republican and a Libertarian. I do not go along with the agenda of the neo-cons who currently control the Republican Party nor do I completely adhere to the Libertarian party line. Bodyguard Training in Mexico; My Experiences While Providing BG Training in Mexico Mexico the country of Salsa, Tortillas and Corruption; I first arrived in Mexico City in February 2002 as an instructor for the WFB ? the World Federation of Bodyguards. A Mexican security service had contracted Anders Sorenson, the Norwegian WFB instructor and I, to set-up a training program for BG's in Mexico. ![]() |
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