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Entrepreneur Lashes Out at Linear Thinking Government Regulators
I am personally calling for a total disbanding of the regulatory agencies as we know it immediately. This needs to be done from the inside out. We need an immediate cut of 1/3 of all regulatory personal. They need to be fired without any benefits. Those who have enough brains to understand my comments should immediately quit the agencies because they are destroying America from the inside out, like a plague, a cancer, disease, SARS or AIDS. By quitting their positions they can show America they are with us, and leave the International Terroristic Regulatory Agencies out to destroy us for their own personal fame and gain. It appears to be runaway abuse of power in a Virtual Reality Blue Goo Blob which has a mind of its own and could care less about those it is suppose to serve, us, the ones who created it and for the most part are suppose to own it. The regulatory agencies have obviously run out of targets and are attacking and over regulating good companies. I am also calling for a fight in the courts and that every company fight the agencies on every single issue brought forth and to hang tough spend the money and draw swords to fight these evil monsters back to the gates of Hell. (colorful comment? But has some truth to it, cannot fight with soft spoken words any longer, nor would such soft words do justice). There is an article coming out in next months' Economist showing the US in a very bad light with regards to these issues. Usually the bad mouthing is simply a pot shot in the European Magazines, this time it is justified. With a weak dollar our US based companies have a chance to gain market share, yet with all the regulations in place we are being held back to the corporations of Europe. We are using some 8,000 plus lawyers in Washington in conjunction with some 12,000 lawyers working for the various 50 State Attorney Generals to gang up on businesses at a time when we should be working together for a seamless market place and for what is best for this country. Yesterday in the Financial Times we read that there is a backlash coming as the Corporations unjustly persecuted and harassed are rising up. Corporate America has had enough. They are going to play silent and deadly and absolutely push back these; inane, arrogant, leaps of faith, we know you are guilty prove you are not, confrontational, witch hunting, underhanded, vindictive, brain dead, moronic scum (That last one was interesting indeed, opinion only-simply my freedom of speech in ones and zeros). And it is not just Mr. Cutler, it is the entire attitude there at all the regulatory agencies. How dare they call American Businesses Corrupt, look in the mirror. The tide is turning, it is going to be a blood bath and anyone supporting these agencies is going to have mud on their face and a destroyed political career, which is exactly what they will deserve. Justice has been served; Corporate America was put on notice, many things have changed. The job is done, Corporate America is 200% more honest than the rest of the World and we are being forced down in a time of Chaos when opportunity abounds with the weak dollar and the rising stock market. A time when fortunes are made and percentage gains are impressive. A time when jobs will be created in the near future by the private sector and a time of prosperity and an economic growth for all our countrymen. We cannot allow these agencies and government lawyers to attack all we are and all we have built in this country. Why are we doing this to ourselves? If we do not do something the courts will and when that happens we are sure going to look stupid in the eyes of the World as we miss an opportunity due over self confidence and mislead energy of the SEC and other regulatory agencies. If everyone in these agencies wants to be the next Elliot Spitzer, move to NY, NJ or CT and try your luck in; 'the eat you for lunch', game of the Big Apple, cut-throat, dishonest world of politics and government corruption and they call the corporations of America corrupt, says who? It is utterly ridiculous for the people to turn a blind eye on government corruption and allow those who abuse governmental powers to shift the medias focus to the most noble entrepreneurs of this present period. We need a complete over haul of the regulatory bodies yesterday. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Is Reinstating The Draft Such a Bad Idea? In his bid for the presidency, John Kerry pronounced a "secret plan" to reinstate selective service. The fact that New York Democrat and fellow leftist Charles Rangel had proposed this plan wasn't mentioned, so Kerry's allegation created hysteria within the blue states. But there are several ways in which reinstating the draft could benefit our country. Politics The Republican Party became popular due to its view on the way conservative America thinks so the country goes republican. Housing Bubble, Interest Rates, Timber Costs; What Has Changed? What has really changed in the housing market with regards to timber dumping from Canada, lumber costs since the Professional Building Magazine issue in Sept. 2001. How is this affecting the housing market or the predicted housing bubble burst which was suppose to cripple the economy. We have seen the Federal Reserve raise rates, lumber prices go up, still America was buying up new homes and joining the ownership society faster than at any other time in the history of our nation. Mexico; Look What We Did The number-one question people ask us is, "What possessed you to move to Mexico?" The number-one answer we give is that we simply could no longer afford to live in America, so we found a country where we could, and moved there. US Social Security - Is President Bush A Robin Hood After All? The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development issued a report Monday that pointed out that even though the US proposals will yield a system that reaches the poor in a more redistributive way than many other countries, the average pay outs of the government pensions are rather low at around 51% of a retiree's previously earned salary as compared to over 70% in other OECD countries. Discount Cigarettes and Cheap Tobacco from Europe to the UK It never fails to amaze me. HM Customs and Excise are at it again, stopping everyone in this country from getting the bargains that we are entitled to. The cost of running the country might in fact be out with the Governments budget, but do we have to pay the deficit? The Black Flag Of Anarchy Rational, sober, logical citizens wonder what exactly the terrorists want. What purpose does it serve to fly planes into buildings, kill and maim police recruits by the hundreds, or blow up innocent commuters on mass transit? Such a question carries the assumption that there is a goal hidden beneath the madness. Operation Iraqi Freedom, Soldiers and Their Psyche Have you noticed that the when the service men who have been killed in action in this war, that the journalists go harass the families and girlfriends or wives of the fallen soldiers? During these interviews I could not help but notice that the infantry warriors killed had girlfriends or wives who were full figured ethnic woman or young ladies. The inner city kind with the tough attitude; Why is this? I have several ideas why. Here they are: First one is that military bases are in areas that are usually tough neighborhoods, they are near logistical locations with railroad tracks and lots of noise from the base thus richer people do not live near by creating an ethnic type area of population diversity. Notice in any city there is a MLK Blvd. Always near the railroad tracks and is either connected to runs through an industrial area. Near Military bases are always industrial areas for civilian contractors who service the bases needs. Also logistics such as commissary needs, trucking, heavy industrial needs, etc. All this means that the nearest entertainment and release for the soldiers will be right off base nearby and in a rough neighborhood. Thus any person that the warrior meet would be one tough enough to hold her own in the rough neighborhood, such as a sassy full figured women who is local or travels to meet the young studs. Steel Import Tariff Taxes Hurt Industry, Not Help Them US Steel prices have cost franchisees in my company and our team thousands of extra dollars due to the import taxes, which were imposed. Let me tell everyone when they raised the cost of steel we were forced to seek to build the truck beds out of other materials, and once businesses do that many times they never go back and thus the steel industry is forever damaged. Steel is a strong substance and good for building things out of but it is heavy, costs gas mileage, rusts, leaving iron oxide streaks on the exterior paint. The only reason steel is still used for so many things is that the cost is still less than other materials of it's same strength, watch out in the future for nano tubes, five times lighter, three to 100 times stronger by volume. Iranian Elections - Roadmap To Continued Apathy The recent first round of the Iranian elections somewhat resembled the rise to power of the promising Mohammed Khatami first time round in 1999. But despite the break from apathy seen over recent elections, the liveliness does not bode anywhere near the same promise that Khatami managed to swirl up six years ago. There's been discouraging controversy and intrigue surrounding the running of the main reformist candidate Mostafa Moin and the last minute participation of Hashemi Rafsanjani also brought zest to the process. Rafsanjani is tipped to win however simply because most people believe he holds the most sway over the country's real ruler, the supreme Ayatollah Ali Khameini, who shows no signs of letting go of his power. Tax Attorney? You Might Need One; The City of Portland is Going After Small Businesses The City of Portland is going after any small business, which does business in their city even if they are from another town or even in a neighboring state. The politicians said the city is losing 4 million in year in revenues? Maybe, but they do not deserve them anyway with an attitude like that. This is criminal for politicians to call small businesses tax cheats, when they lack the integrity to tell the truth themselves. Experts? ACCREDITATION: - Scholastic regimentation from the post WWII period has accelerated to the point that Canada won't let an Olympic figure skating medalist teach or coach young Canadians the errors and damages of the present system. She could earn more in the U. S. or other places but she is willing to do this for free if they would let her. How would Einstein or Bucky Fuller become professors in today's structured adherence to accepted models of learning? Canada is held up as a fine example by the U.N. committees which evaluate governments throughout this world. Last week the support staff went on strike in our schools of Toronto. We Do Not Have An Upside Down Trade Deficit Because We Cannot Compete Our trade deficit is directly proportional to our attacks on US Businesses and Entrepreneurs. We do not have an upside down trade deficit because we cannot compete. We can compete with any nation. We have bad policies, over regulation, too many lawyers and lawsuits. We have judges and juries ruling for unbelievable sums to send a message to the businesses and industries as if it were the job of the court to dictate policy. Dole, Kemp, Trusting People Many in the peanut gallery of society are so quick to attack the republican party, out of duty to their side of the sound and fury of human endeavor, however if you are really going to attack people without debating their concepts then in fact you are no better than those you condemn. I recommend to all that you look at both sides and see how similar we really all are. I recommend you go buy the Audio Tape about the Dole-Kemp Plan and play it in your car. If you still wish to blast them personally or the Republican party then at least you will have a better understanding of what you are talking about without making a fool of yourself. Here the name of the audio tape and yes it is also available in CD, I knew you would ask: Using a Meteor Shower as Decoy for ICBM Attack In the event of that a threatening nation to the security of America requires a pre-emptive attack, we may wish to consider creating a News Event of an expected meteor shower in the media or consider launching the attack during a real meteor shower. There are many events such as Solar Flares, Space Weather which could give us a few minutes of additional surprise as the enemy looks to consider if in fact it is something else, before they launch, thus giving our multiple warheads time to reach separation point, it also allows us to allow for separation of multiple dummy warheads as decoys to overwhelm the enemies defenses to help us fulfill our kill ratios on desired targets. Suicide Prevention in Prisons Prison guards and corrections professionals are hard at work insuring that suicides do not take place. They have special attire, suits, straps, rubber rooms and event blankets, which cannot be tied in knots. Those who are believed to be a risk of suicide are checked on every 15 minutes. But it is nearly impossible to completely prevent suicide. The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) supports suicide prevention with some science, skills and practice. If you want to learn more about this, here is the link. The Truth About Power and Absolute Zero Societies have always had a problem of what to do with their young males with high testosterone. In many countries it is important for them to kill off many of them. In times of war it is advantageous to kill off those who may eventually challenge the dictator. Kings of tribes in Africa realized that they too could get rid of their strong males in order to stay in power by selling them as slaves. Yet in doing so the tribes become weak and have issues with the genes of strength and then are easily beaten by other tribes contriving a war against them to help eliminate some of their strongest or reward them with the spoils of war. Such elimination of all the strong can cause a premature collapse of the civilization from a competing nation and too many can cause civil unrest and destroy the empire from within. Anarchy: Law, Order, and Authority [Author's Note: Another essay that I wrote on notebook paper during boring school hours. This wonderful little piece was starting in boring English class on Tuesday, November 26, 2002, and continued into Art class. It was finished in school on Tuesday, December 2, 2002, when I finished it in English class. I worked on it in no other class, and finished it within a few classes. Hooray for high school.] Voters are to Blame for Bad Politics When I was growing up, I actually considered a career in politics. I quickly changed my mind, though, when I discovered that there was way too much politics involved in it. Obviously, that's a play on words, but I get funny looks from people when I tell them that. However, I am completely serious. The politics of running for and holding elective office is influenced too much by the politics of power, influence, and money. But whose fault is it that such a condition exists? I believe voters have no one to blame but themselves. 5 Years in Prison for Satirical Flash Films About the President of Belarus They do not allow the criticism of the president in any kind, whether it would be an animated file, a joke, the poster or the broadcast. So they believe in Minsk and don't understand humour. ![]() |
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