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Operation Iraqi Freedom, Soldiers and Their Psyche
Have you noticed that the when the service men who have been killed in action in this war, that the journalists go harass the families and girlfriends or wives of the fallen soldiers? During these interviews I could not help but notice that the infantry warriors killed had girlfriends or wives who were full figured ethnic woman or young ladies. The inner city kind with the tough attitude; Why is this? I have several ideas why. Here they are: First one is that military bases are in areas that are usually tough neighborhoods, they are near logistical locations with railroad tracks and lots of noise from the base thus richer people do not live near by creating an ethnic type area of population diversity. Notice in any city there is a MLK Blvd. Always near the railroad tracks and is either connected to runs through an industrial area. Near Military bases are always industrial areas for civilian contractors who service the bases needs. Also logistics such as commissary needs, trucking, heavy industrial needs, etc. All this means that the nearest entertainment and release for the soldiers will be right off base nearby and in a rough neighborhood. Thus any person that the warrior meet would be one tough enough to hold her own in the rough neighborhood, such as a sassy full figured women who is local or travels to meet the young studs. The warrior needs a squeeze nearby and therefore picks up on these nearby women sources. The second reason I have theorized is that these women can handle them selves next to a testosterone driven warrior mindset who has been embedded with feelings of superiority in fighting and team spirit. That would be a lot to handle for a small petit innocent type woman. So it takes a tough woman to love a tough man. Third theory and perhaps a combination of all of the former is that the young studs might break a small inferior sized women, during extracurricular activities. Why is this important? It is not really yet it explains why these ethnic inner city young women are buying muscle cars or today's version of one. They are buying Camero Z-28s, Pontiac Firebirds, Mustang 5.0s. We have also seen that they are putting on fender flair packages and paying for expensive detailing to allow themselves to secure the men in uniform, to impress them. It appears that this is a two-way win-win for both parties. The men need women when they are stressed and need to maintain the macho mystique to prove self worth. They cannot be seen with a woman who is not an envy or trophy to fellow warriors. They are also looking for a woman who can handle their raw emotions during that time period and can respect them and encourage them to be tough and brave. The women need a companion and like strong rough tough men. Thus we are also seeing the men buy cars that are tough. In areas near military bases car dealerships are selling lots of cars to both sides of this equation and therefore with the increased flow into the pockets of our military Keynesian economics are working for us with the money trickling down to the car dealerships outside bases and into their pockets and of course they need us to satisfy these two groups of their customer base. Who else wins in this? Well, other after market auto accessory companies who sell things like stereos, window tinting, etc. As more money gets spent at these bases you will find more opportunity near them. Many military bases are in or around large metropolitan areas for logistics reasons and recruitment. Some are so far out of the way it makes you wonder why anyone would ever join the military and move to a desert. Either way certain companies selling certain products and services will do extremely well near a military base, for the next two to six years, based on the direction and current plan of this administration. Slice of life examples are a key to delivering what your customer desires. If you are in any business and you fail to adapt and modify your current market mix to the prevailing desires of your consumers, then you do not deserve them at all. If you fail to understand the reasons your customers want what they do, then you cannot serve them properly and someone else eventually will. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Government is a Franchise System; just not a very good one Few understand the Franchising Format and even fewer have correlated that to our modern government structure. The United States Government is set up much like a franchising system. You are well aware of modern day franchise systems like McDonalds although you probably had never thought of our government as a franchise. Of course if it is a franchise it is a humongous one indeed. Since government runs inefficiently; why do we need so much? Since it most resembles a franchise system, why is not run efficiently like one? And exactly how could one consider that its structure is similar to that of a modern day franchising company? Philosophical Thoughts from a Road Warrior; Part II Continued thoughts while driving down the road in a huge semi; mobile command center, the miles click by, but the mind flies thru time at the speed of thought. Wealth Distribution and Inheritance, What Will They Buy? Cars Wealth Distribution is often discussed at length in periodicals such as American Demographics Magazine, much of this information does not hit the main stream media. A recent article on the huge transfer of wealth to the Baby Boomers, revealed some very interesting facts about such trends in the United State. The amount of money expected to transfer is an unbelievable. What may surprise you is that many of these wealth older generation folks have skip generation trusts and much of that money will end up in the hands of X'ers, while still a good portion will end up with the baby boomers. Actually both groups we have studied buy cars, SUVs, Boats, Light Aircraft, Houses and Pick-ups. Why does this excite me? Well personally it excites me a businessman because I see opportunity to serve the needs of the active aging. Trade Policy; Hurting Industry and Small Business The steel tariff taxes a few years ago hurt industry and small business and we as a civilization are still paying for that boo boo. This problem was affecting our team in my company and costing our franchisees money and ROI time, due to increased costs in new equipment. The increase in steel costs added $1800 to the trucks and $3000 to the truck beds? All over the import tax and the manipulation, which occurred due to supply and demand issues of the new pricing caused by those import taxes. Even still the steel industry did not have substantially higher profits and hurt were all the manufacturers such as ship builders, truck and car manufacturers. Howard Deans Big Fat Mouth "The only time I open my mouth is when I exchange feet . . . man, we've gone from Deep Throat to Dean's throat in the space of one week!" Count Rumford Why did FDR say Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Count Rumford were the three most important Americans? (1) Why did the Holy Roman Empire and the Hapsburgs make Benjamin Thompson a nobleman? James Bond had nothing on this man of mystery. Battling Societys Cancer: Unemployment The official figures are staggering: 35% of the workforce - about 280,000 people - are unemployed and looking for a job. Each 1.43 employee support 1 unemployed person. In the USA the figure is 3.3 to 4 employees supporting all the unemployed AND all the pensioners! Politicians Will Save Civilization Most politicians are completely out to lunch and totally Machiavellian by nature, they cannot be trusted. We tend to elect the most manipulative politicians to higher offices and condemn the one's who really care. I saw a great picture on the front cover of the NY Times where the Politicians were busy having a party congratulating themselves for getting a bill passed in the Senate. Cuba: Havana the Good When North Americans discuss Cuba, they always focus the intense poverty of Cuba. I hope to provide my readers with insights into the various social programs available for the Cuban population, specifically for people with disabilities. I base this article on my experiences during my attendance at the conference against the Free Trade Agreement of the America's and various social projects I visited around the city. The conference focused on issues regarding anti-poverty in South America, such as combating illiteracy, and implementing programs for economic development. During my two-week visit to Cuba, I observed first-hand the positive advancements made despite the poverty in Cuba. North Korea and Diplomatic Solutions; Random Thoughts Part I You know now that North Korea is backing down on their nuclear ambitions we seem to have a problem with the 8 nuclear weapons already created that no one wishes to address. In studying the reports and having thoughts on this matter; it seems we might still end up in a war over these issues. Should we use warfare to serve our political will and if we try we should do so in a cost conscious manner. Here are some thoughts on winning a military victory against North Korea to serve our political forthwith. First it would appear we have many allies in the region, including some from not so far away. Pakistan a potential partner in the over taking of the government is just iching to flex it's perceived military might and make friends with us after we got upset at the non capture of Osama Bin Laden and kind of asked about why he might have hidden briefly in Pakistan. One CIA man has potentially targeted Pakistan as aiding and giving comfort to our enemy there? But Pakistan also wants some F-16s and of course we want them to buy such aircraft from us. Meanwhile the Israelis see China as a good market to sell the latest warfare technologies? But who might China be looking at as it builds up its forces, it has no enemies that large? Or does it; as in the United States? Carl Rove and the Case of Sour Grapes The Carl Rove issue is definitely interesting and distracting. The Country is not served by this controversy we have important discussions to debate to insure the forward progression of our civilization. In watching the surveys of support for Carl Rove we see all the Republicans. When we look for those who wish to admonish, imprison or call him a traitor we see Democrats. Are we sure this is not merely a case of Sour Grapes? The Blessings of the Black Economy Some call it the "unofficial" or "informal" economy, others call it the "grey economy" but the old name fits it best: the "black economy". In the USA "black" means "profitable, healthy" and this is what the black economy is. Macedonia should count its blessings for having had a black economy so strong and thriving to see it through the transition. If Macedonia had to rely only on its official economy it would have gone bankrupt long ago. Are We Serious About Fuel Alternatives? As you can see from some of our previous articles, government agencies predict about 40 years of petroleum still remains. As usage climbs, the amount of time remaining may shrink even more. New reserves will be found, but developing countries, such as we're seeing in China with their industrial revolution taking place, will demand greater volumes of petroleum to supply energy needs. Reelect President Bush for the 2nd term: Evidence & Proofs Why President Bush should have his second term? The arguments can be drawn from Gas price, Job creation and War in Iraq scientifically. If it is scientific, it must observe the same result, test in the same experiment and constitute a mathematical truth. For example, we all know that goose is white because we see the same color in anywhere. We know that water is H2O because the experiment result is the same. Needless to say, 2+2 = 4. We now apply these criteria to my arguments. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Was created on July 30th 2002, by Senator Paul Sarbanes and Representative Michael Oxley, who drafted the bill. It followed a series of high profile scandals. Its objective is to protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the securities laws. The Elephant Roared and Brought Forth a Turd: A Case Against Democratizing the Middle East The original vulgarity was bylined: ?The Constipation of America's Mid-East Peace Policy! Mexico; Look What We Did The number-one question people ask us is, "What possessed you to move to Mexico?" The number-one answer we give is that we simply could no longer afford to live in America, so we found a country where we could, and moved there. Let us Disband The FTC?s Franchising Division Previously Senator Dick Armey and his staff in 2000 to review seriously the important decision to scrutinize the FTC's franchising division. Mr. Armey has sense retired. Today, I urge the Administration, the GAO, Senate Subcommittee and other governmental oversight bodies to curtail the efforts of the FTC to further over regulate the MUD (much unnecessary disclosure) plaguing our industry. How much should the FTC's franchise group be downsized? We see by the introduction of a proposed change and additions to the franchise rule that they have over stepped their usefulness in franchising, so perhaps that division should receive no funding and be immediately disbanded. I have an interesting case study and 2000 pages of proof of innocence of an action taken against my company by the FTC. Shooting Around Corners with New Concept Currently the United States has weapons, which can shoot around corners, but they are not as accurate as we wish them to be. Often an insurgent will sit a top a building with a superior vantage point and a good location. He will then pick off our guys as they attempt to move and advance forward. Once this is learned a gun, which shoots around corners can be used to try to get the sniper or group of insurgents around the corner. Currently or soldiers have small cameras which display what is around the corner on the barrel of the gun which is bent to shoot around the corner, which displays in the night vision goggle system or head display on the helmet. Advances in Nuclear Energy; Safe, Clean and Reliable The newest pebble reactors are easy to build and manage and have extremely high out put considering their small size, perfect for islands set down wind from populations. Unfortunately the Three-mile Island and Chernople incident make populations feel uncomfortable with Nuclear. Therefore the increased regulations have made the cost of construction almost not worth it. The ROI of a nuclear power plant could take as long 150 years. This is so unfortunate seeing how great Nuclear power is and how clean it can be when handled correctly. For this reason in the past three decades no new permits have been granted and we continue to have a large percentage of our power coming from fossil fuels which is a problem for air quality and long term it has many issues such as acid rain. ![]() |
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