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Debt Relief and Reality Check
The United States and other first world nations have been asked to forgive debts of foreign third world nations. We have obliged in doing so. This is a tremendous gift to the world, yet there are a few problems with this. Number one; that money, we as a nation are paying interest on the debt. It adds to our national debt. Another issue is that when you give away money you make others weak; "give a man a fish" theory. Often when we give other nations monies we do so for a specific ear marked use. Often what we find is that the nation's leadership lacks the integrity to use all the monies for the appropriate endeavor. In Nigeria the leadership absconded with money, which was ear marked for the impoverished and for medical needs. Yet the leadership bought a band new Gulfstream Jet Aircraft. Of about 45 million given in this one instance, 30 million was spent on hangar upgrades, pilot's salaries, security and the aircraft itself. Only 15 million is "Said" to have gone for its intended purpose. This minor example is irrelevant in the over all scheme of things, as this goes on worldwide. As we end up forgiving the debts of nations in the third world, we must realize that there are significant issues. We keep pointing to the poor and impoverished and how it is not fair. Indeed, everyone agrees that is a travesty, as water supplies, raw sewage, diseases, power, communication and education all need funds to get going and a nation in debt behind the eight ball can never get out of dodge. Similarly those who work at low wages in the United States often find the costs of living in excess of the salary they take in causing issues with insurance, driver's licenses, apartment rental, health care, proper food nutrients and then credit card debt and poor credit ratings. This makes it impossible for them to get out of debt. So the issue is fundamental and indeed quite simple to understand. It is hard for some to wish to forgive the debts of such nations, because the money was not well spent or stolen. It seems if we are to forgive such large debts to foreign nations we need to rethink our future strategy at the World Bank. Here is a thought. If a country "wants" funding then we ought to see what it is for. Then hire US or First World Nation Contractors to build whatever it is they need in those third world countries 'wanting' money. I propose that we have first world nations under contract and fair transparency of accounting go in and build those things, which are necessary for level playing fields and civilization. The Flows of civilization are in fact necessary to allow for the forward progression of a culture or human based society. When I say "flows of civilization" I refer to those things that first world nations have secured that have allowed them to remain solid foundations and civilizations; The flow of water, energy, transportation, communication, distribution, education, common currency, common language, trade, etc. are keys to any ongoing civilization. If you invest in those things you will find a greater chance for success on collecting on the loans and even if you have to forgive some in the future, you will still have made out ahead of the game for the people living in such regions. I propose that sewer treatment plants, water filtration, wells and desalination plants be first on the list and build sturdy enough that even direct hit from a 500 Lb. Bomb will not hurt them. Many third world nations are still at war, but the infrastructure must remain in tact. If you do not have clean water everything else is for not because people will be dying and the child mortality rate will remain 5:1. It is possible to do this and needs to be done this way. Also those companies under contract to build highways, communication systems, schools, agricultural infrastructures and water facilities should be required to hire local labor and train them too, whenever feasible. Think on these thoughts please. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Business: ?Where Is America Headed To??, New York Millionaire Wonders Hello! Happy new year. May you live a long healthy life and prosper. Is The Bill Of Rights Necessary? The Bill of Rights to our Constitution caused -- and still causes ? some contradiction, confusion and danger with the Constitution itself. It is unfortunate that a bill of rights was included with the Constitution. Due to a general misunderstanding about the Constitution at the time of its ratification, a bill of rights was added to the Constitution in order to obtain ratification of the Constitution itself: French NON to Europe Might be Engrained in Their History Many of the problems that the members of the European Union are expressing with their constitution are in matter of fact problems with they perceive to be the 'one size fits all' idea of policies. The French are loudest in expressing their objections and looking at the history of the evolution of the nation state, perhaps they have a point. It took millennia for the idea of the Nation State to evolve into any recognizable shape. So to expect a huge bloc of countries to continue to integrate without noticeable hiccups would be naive. Companies, Consumer and Cost of Fuel Which companies are most affected by fuel? Who really bears the increase in fuel costs? How much do they pass on? What companies are most prone to cost increases due to shear volumes of usage? A Modern Lite in the Third World Americans pride themselves on being the best, that's a fact. From McDonalds, to Coke, to Microsoft, to Hollywood, we have the best of everything. Don't we? Especially in computer technology, Dell, HP/Compaq, Macintosh, we stand tall. Is that right? Is that a fact? Famous Filibusters in Political History The filibuster as a political delaying tactic has been a part of the American political process since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Though it was not used in the early years of the nation, the filibuster has been used hundreds of times since the 1840's. Here are a few of the famous filibusters from our political history. Using a Meteor Shower as Decoy for ICBM Attack In the event of that a threatening nation to the security of America requires a pre-emptive attack, we may wish to consider creating a News Event of an expected meteor shower in the media or consider launching the attack during a real meteor shower. There are many events such as Solar Flares, Space Weather which could give us a few minutes of additional surprise as the enemy looks to consider if in fact it is something else, before they launch, thus giving our multiple warheads time to reach separation point, it also allows us to allow for separation of multiple dummy warheads as decoys to overwhelm the enemies defenses to help us fulfill our kill ratios on desired targets. Reelect President Bush for the 2nd term: Evidence & Proofs Why President Bush should have his second term? The arguments can be drawn from Gas price, Job creation and War in Iraq scientifically. If it is scientific, it must observe the same result, test in the same experiment and constitute a mathematical truth. For example, we all know that goose is white because we see the same color in anywhere. We know that water is H2O because the experiment result is the same. Needless to say, 2+2 = 4. We now apply these criteria to my arguments. Free Markets, Farmers, and GM Crops Many are condemning the latest GM Terminator seeds. Yet there is not need to cause a raucous because the free market will decide which seeds farmers buy? When a Corporate farmer plows under the crop for next season sometimes he uses the old seeds for new life next season. In which case he might have a problem with the newest Genetically Modified Terminator Seeds. Well then if this will be the case he should use a different seed, which will spring up next season and grow, non-terminator seeds? It's all about choice? Do not like Monsanto and their new GM Seeds? Then buy the seeds elsewhere. There are benefits to terminator seeds for instance a farmer who farms two or three seasons and is paid as part of his yield for purity, he does not want the old crop of something else mixed in with the new crop he is taking to market. When a small farmer of let's say Mustard Seed holds some of his acres for harvest for the seeds of the next season, he can use those seeds again and maybe some left over for others too. Meaning he can sell those extra seeds and offset some costs for his over head. The Internet Right ? Are They Doing It Right It looks overall like the liberals are advocating for no lines to be drawn on most matters. The right insists there are lines, very clear and important lines. This alone puts the right clearly ahead in the battle. The idea that there is nothing to fight for leaves the left with no real soldiers. There are of late, however, a lot of embarrassed civilians among their ranks. Those in the internet right are providing a good part of the scathe that discomforts them. When Will America Wake Up? In order to win the presidency in America, candidates must stir up the religious fervor of the voters (gay marriage/civil union) and then vocally (and in some cases visually) wear your (new) Evangelical beliefs on your sleeve. It used to be candidate vs. candidate, then party vs. party, big business vs. the common (wo)man, platform vs. platform, then region vs. region, but now none of that matters as a new America has emerged, an America in which the majority with a religious manifest rules the minority with a secular agenda. The Cost of the COLD WAR Many people who are expert in the issue of the Oswald's rifle are able to clearly demonstrate that the best marksman in the world could not have done what that one rifle was supposed to have done. I suppose once the story was manufactured they had to stick with it before they knew about the ricochet and other evidence. On forums and in debates with serious people who have studied all facets of the case I have never had anyone stand behind the fact that this one bullet ended up in such a pristine condition. They say things like ? 'That was obviously a planted piece of evidence.' I then say things such as this. A Journey Through History History repeats itself, goes the cliche. It does so, perhaps, for the human beings to have more than one chance of learning a lesson if they have missed out on the first opportunity. If Pakistani history is anything to go by, it is a clear indication that they, as a nation, happen to be pretty dumb fellows, unable to learn anything at all despite the fact that history has been very kind to them by way of repeating the same chain of events time and time again. They sure have disappointed history on this count. RFID: Californias Identity Information Protection Act Utah introduced a bill designed to limit the use of RFID by state and county government. It was voted down. Maryland introduced a similar bill. It, too, was voted down. This is California's second RFID bill. The first was... voted down. Policy Separated from Politics Alexander Hamilton ? Policy Separated from Politics: Fact to Fiction: The Brutal Truth about the Practice of Stoning "Like humans void of soul or mind, they jeered and yelled as they went about selecting their most jagged stones." ? David Hearne, excerpt from Hulagu's Web. The New Goo Review is Coming Right At You Non-lethal Goo Concepts have been tossed around by many war planners and Advance Weapon Think Tanks as an alternative to lethal force. Impeding the enemy army advancement and rendering them useless in battlespace has several positives. The logistical supply chains of the enemy are completely stopped. The fighting ability of the enemy is severely limited and may leave no option but surrender or annihilation. Electronic Commerce Taxation: Emerging Legal Issues - Part I The CBR taxes the Pakistani source income of nonresident individuals and foreign corporations with respect to income that arises from a trade or business, however, Pakistan generally asserts jurisdiction only with respect to taxable income which is effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within the Pakistan. The Dragons I hope to provide a starting point for the serious scholar interested in the all important Chanes of Central America and convince researchers to look into the Egyptian dragons (crocodiles) and Chinese as well. I suspect the Li or Lee family of Merovingians has some connection to the Nestorian and Basilian types long before the Kuomintang which Andre Malraux knew was a high level Masonic structure. It is most important to look at the work of alien reptoid or Elohim promoters of all stripe and color. Sir Laurence Gardner is right alongside the Mormons and other Masonic Medusas or Gorgon types. Another Whistleblower -- is Anyone Listening? The plight of whistleblowers ? those employees who sound the alarm about anything from dangerous conditions in the workplace to missed or ignored intelligence regarding our nation's security ? is a story that seems to grow stronger and with more frequency every day. My guess is that those stories have always been there; I suspect I am just paying closer attention to them now. ![]() |
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