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When Will America Wake Up?
In order to win the presidency in America, candidates must stir up the religious fervor of the voters (gay marriage/civil union) and then vocally (and in some cases visually) wear your (new) Evangelical beliefs on your sleeve. It used to be candidate vs. candidate, then party vs. party, big business vs. the common (wo)man, platform vs. platform, then region vs. region, but now none of that matters as a new America has emerged, an America in which the majority with a religious manifest rules the minority with a secular agenda. Throughout the centuries, most of the wars have been based on religion, something all people realize to be true. Iraq is divided into a power struggle of three religious factions; the same in the former Yugoslavia; the annihilation of the Jewish people in Germany; African genocide, and let's not forget the last 800 years in England and Ireland, to name but a few. The same thing is beginning to happen in America. We are so split between our ideals and beliefs - and religion is winning! Separation of church and state is being debated more and more often. Soon, if you're not like everyone else, religion's minorities will be faced with fear and uncertainty as history has proved throughout time. Proselytization will become rampant, with people converting so as to be in the majority. Missionaries will be like door to door sales(wo)men spreading their word that they are the true defenders of 'the American Way.' The First Amendment of the Constitution is just words. However, the actions to support it without question are what make it alive with meaning. With the division we now have in America, will it still be supported? Or will it be changed little by little by a soon-to-be lopsided, right-wing Supreme Court. No one knows, but many are fearful of what may happen, especially after last night's surprising, or not-so-surprising, main issue. In the presidential election of 2004, 82% of the voters said that their main concern was moral (religious) beliefs. That was more than the economy, education, the environment, terrorism, energy, and the war in Iraq. It was the number one concern in America; the basis of most people's decision on who gets their vote. Does that make any sense when our country is filled with so many more pressing ills right now? However, in reference to it, and give it its due process, one must ask: Whatever happened to 'live and let live?' Whatever happened to tolerance? Whatever happened to 'love thy brother?' What has happened to America, the land of the free to live our lives as free, consenting adults and pursue our forefathers' foresighted decree of 'separation of church and state?' Ask yourself: Why do I have to swear on the Bible in court when the Ten Commandments cannot be displayed in a federal building? What will happen next? Only time, and the actions of our President, will tell. Bruce Schwartz is a lifelong political activist. THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, his novel on politics today, discusses this subject as well as others that affect every American. It is on sale on the Web at http://www.thetwentyfirstcentury.com and at http://www.amazon.com. All of the author's royalties is being donated to the Alzheimer's Association.
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Top 30 Politics Quotations Joseph Campbell - Permanent Human Values At the start of the US involvement in WWII Joseph Campbell was put in the position of having to defend culture and truth rather than go along with the crazed nationalism and outright invasion of so many public institutions through all manner of propaganda. He ended up being accused of being a Nazi by many who should have known better. The Bollingen Foundation was backed by Mellon family money and it sought to establish an integrative disciplinary approach including the mystical precepts of Mircae Eliade and Carl Jung. It was a truly good effort that still brings culture and Brotherhood values through the many books they published. Their efforts at Eranos deserve close attention for any scholar seeking to understand the positive side of the old-money families or elites. I wonder if the Elite sometimes do demonstrate a beneficent paternalism when I see these good efforts. The speech that follows stands as true or truer today, than when he gave it to the ladies at Sarah Lawrence College, where he was a professor. The American Worker: Downward Mobility All the indicators show an improving economy and, finally, the start of job growth. More than eight million unemployed workers see hope around the corner and re-enter the nightmare of job search with increased enthusiasm and the positive outlook they lost six months ago when they virtually gave up on ever finding a good position. Using More Trees to Reduce Atmospheric CO2 As global warming continues to escalate the concerns of today's scientists, the federal government has been spending millions in research in an attempt to reduce greenhouse emissions, the substance that has been credited with the increase in planet temperature since the beginning of the 20th century. Fraud From FTC Insiders, Who Can You Trust? The FTC franchising division purports their law enforcement experience in a recent report on franchising. Yet they are so busy attacking companies without solving the real issues. The entire franchise division seems to be a ploy for consumer confidence using our courts and some media headline grabbers is about all? If so fine, we can use high consumer confidence levels, turn it into a government public relations department, but please spare us the BS in claiming that the FTC has any law enforcement experience? Do you carry guns? Do you carry badges? Do you have ten-year background checks? Doubtful, if you have 26-year old prosecuting attorneys working there, then have you checked their backgrounds thru puberty? Yet these employees of yours have enough power to go and attack the companies, which create, build and employ the rest of America? Ouch. Revitalizing The Power of the Baby Boomers As baby boomers, we have been spoiled all of our lives. When we were teenagers, the world took note because there were so many of us. Our music, our beliefs, our fashions, our styles dominated the culture of the age. When we took to the streets to protest the war in Vietnam and to support the Civil Rights Movement, we found a ready audience. Television came into its own and we splattered ourselves and our causes across the living rooms of America. Boston Bankers Many people make a lot of money in war. In WWII we know that Prescott Bush was involved with Brown Bros. Harriman in a trading with the enemy lawsuit. The Bush family is not even close to the top of this food chain that includes agents like the Rockefellers and the likes of Chase Manhattan Bank which I dealt with in my book on Custer, Keogh and Lincoln's Assassination through Samuel Chase. That was the Civil War and I am now addressing the War of 1812. I find the same families show up over and over again however. The funny thing is we have a group called the Peace Faction that seemed against the war and yet the result from their efforts put more money in the hands of these bankers that are now called the Beacon Hill Mob and include such upstanding people as the group known as The Pilgrims. There is so much intrigue it is hard to wade through it all and I am sure some readers will not choose to check into it all. I certainly cannot lay it all before you in any one book. Bush Panders America?s Kids to Saudi Pederasts President Bush and Secretary Powell should hang their heads in shame. The administration professes to value America's children and touts the phrase "No Child Left Behind." Simultaneously, they have abandoned an estimated 16,000 American children abroad. The Wall of Honor Many Americans have children, fathers, mothers, grandparents, other family members and friends who have served in the armed forces. For these individuals, they understand the importance of protecting this country because of the sacrifices these American servicemen and women have made for us as citizens of this great nation. Simple Middle East Peace Plan I. WARS ARE BASIC CONFLICTS OVER LAND. II. BOUNDARIES. THE STATE OF ISRAEL SHALL BASICALLY BE HER PRE-1967 BORDERS, EXCEPT FOR THEIR MUNICIPAL JURISDICTION IN JERUSALEM. THE BOUNDARIES OF THE STATE OF PALESTINE SHALL BE THE WEST BANK AND GAZA. THE BOUNDARIES OF SYRIA SHALL BE HER PRE-1967 BORDERS. III. CITIZENSHIP. JEWISH PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME JEWISH CITIZENS OF THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE; PALESTINIAN PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN ISRAEL SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME ISRAELI CITIZENS; JEWISH PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVING IN SYRIA SHALL AUTOMATICALLY BECOME JEWISH CITIZEN'S OF SYRIA. IV. IMMIGRATION. THE RIGHTS OF JEWISH PERSONS TO TRAVEL AND LIVE IN THE NEW PALESTINIAN STATE AND THE RIGHTS OF PALESTINIAN PERSONS TO TRAVEL AND LIVE IN ISRAEL SHALL BE EQUAL. THE GOVERNMENT IN THE ACTUAL COUNTRY OF IMMIGRATION SHALL SET THE LAWS, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL DECISIONS AND ACTS GOVERNING TRAVEL AND IMMIGRATION. V. JERUSALEM. THE RIGHTS OF ALL PEOPLE TO TRAVEL AND PRAY IN THE WALLED CITY OF JERUSALEM SHALL NOT BE RESTRICTED. THE WALLED CITY OF JERUSALEM SHALL BE SACRED LAND WITH EQUAL SOVEREIGNTY AND RIGHTS TO ALL RELIGIONS, PEOPLES AND PERSONS WHO HONOR THE FAITH OF ABRAHAM. BOTH ISRAELI AND PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP AND DUAL CITIZENSHIP WILL BE ALLOWED FOR THE RESIDENTS OF JERUSALEM. VI. JURISDICTION. THE GOVERNMENT'S SOVEREIGNTY OVER PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY RIGHTS; AND CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTS SHALL BE THAT GOVERNMENT'S IN THE ACTUAL LAND OF THE COUNTRY OF USAGE AND OCCURRENCE. PALESTINE, ISRAEL AND SYRIA AGREE TO DROP ANY AND ALL PAST PROPERTY, POLITICAL, CIVIL, CRIMINAL, PRIVATE AND PUBLIC CLAIMS AND COMPLAINTS BETWEEN AND AMONG EACH NATIONS, PEOPLES, PERSONS, CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS. ALL NATIONS, PEOPLES, PERSONS, CITIZENS AND RESIDENTS AGREE TO HONOR AND RESPECT THE GOVERNMENT'S SOVEREIGNTY OF NEW LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE AND JUDICIAL DECISIONS AND ACTIONS. ISRAEL, PALESTINE AND SYRIA AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ANY FINAL APPEAL VOTE. VII. FOREMOST RIGHTS WILL BE GIVEN TO THE CURRENT USER AND USE. VIII. CAPITOLS. THE RIGHTS OF ISRAEL TO HAVE THEIR EXISTING CAPITOL BUILDING IN JERUSALEM, AND THE RIGHTS OF PALESTINE TO HAVE THEIR CAPITOL BUILDING IN RAMALLAH SHALL NOT BE RESTRICTED. IX. DEMILITARIZATION. UPON THE PRIME MINISTER'S APPROVAL OF THE PALESTINIAN, ISRAELI AND SYRIAN PEOPLE, THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BECOME OPERATIONAL. ISRAELI DEMILITARIZATION TO HER BASIC BORDERS SHALL BEGIN OCTOBER 31, 2004 AND BE EFFECTIVE BY MAY 1, 2005. THEREAFTER, THE TERRITORIES THAT WERE OCCUPIED SHALL REMAIN DEMILITARIZED BY ISRAEL, PALESTINE AND SYRIA. X. FINAL APPEAL. ANY FINAL APPEAL OR DETERMINATION WILL BE DETERMINED BY A MAJORITY VOTE BY A THREE PERSON COMMITTEE MADE UP OF A PALESTINIAN, ISRAELI AND AMERICAN MINISTER. A MAJORITY VOTE IS A REQUIREMENT TO HEAR A FINAL APPEAL OR DETERMINATION. Competition Laws A. THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMPETITION Voting Pro-Environment is Good For Jobs, Health, and Security There are many issues on the minds of US voters these days, but according to national polls, the environment ranks ...um... somewhere above hemp policy and just below humane treatment for Teletubbies. Does Your Farm Stink? The EPA Wants to Find Out Farmers will eventually be facing federal regulations involving air emissions produced on their farms, that may touch on everything from spreading manure, to the exhaust fan at the barn. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its construction of the Air Quality Compliance Agreement. Water at the Roots of Twenty First Centurys Conflicts According to a postulate made by Ignacio Ramonet ecological resources are deemed to constitute the main cause of this new century. Water as a source of scourge concerns: oceans and seas on the one hand (that's over 71 of the globe surface) and access to potable water (underground reserve and rivers) on the other hand. Over the years, water has gradually become a stake at many levels Pilot-Less and High Speed Train Transportation Systems; Better Strategy Needed We recently saw another ferry accident, this one in NY when the pilot of the vessel fell asleep, which may have been a medical situation or condition, but never the less, accidents like these would be prevented by pilot-less transit systems. This would be no problem with modern technology. We know in the future this will be an accepted method and fully safe. Confession of a King Rufus King: (Said to be the fifth most important person in the founding of America by another researcher.) DC Lawyers; Have I Got a Case for You? This is no time for the Black community to sue the CSX Railroad which is a conglomeration of merged companies and the Southern Pacific Railroad Co, which did receive profits from the use for Black slave labor, but had nothing to do with CSX today which is a well diversified company in color of skin and forms of transportation. Stop hurting America with this kind of headline grabbing. It is wrong and everyone with half a brain knows that. Yes, Yes, Yes, there were terrible travesties by today's standards committed against Black Americans, YES that is true and we should never forget the past, but this is not the way to come together; this kind of charade will tear us apart. Is The Bill Of Rights Necessary? The Bill of Rights to our Constitution caused -- and still causes ? some contradiction, confusion and danger with the Constitution itself. It is unfortunate that a bill of rights was included with the Constitution. Due to a general misunderstanding about the Constitution at the time of its ratification, a bill of rights was added to the Constitution in order to obtain ratification of the Constitution itself: Sarbanes-Oxley Reality Check on Bureaucracy There is no doubt in hindsight that Sarbanes Oxley was a mistake as we watch the blob of bureaucracy move into the private sector. There is no doubt that Sarbanes Oxley's real costs have been passed onto the consumer and citizen like a giant tax increase of Boston Tea proportions. Many people wonder if Senator Sarbanes and Oxley should be brought up on charges of treason. Absolutely they should. Many people wonder if death by hanging is too harsh? Of course it is not. The British Sikh Army Britain has a proud tradition of valiant armed forces and a capable military which has managed to defend these isles effectively for hundreds of years. British Military achievement is well known throughout the world and the bravery and versatility of its soldiers, seamen and airmen is unquestioned and forever stamped in history. ![]() |
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